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rr m rwtn ea+ree ono m resr~ro rr mr arnornre asr w
a. t 4.7~ 4rr es. A Herter. m fnrs.?n~or OR lr! rernA110r
rr nr rereern a ar rerrn r na u.~anwuer Nreor n rrr?
ltts Fsr IIsst 8].eo`.rio Industries Olate Faotoiy began operations iri
Ta-liea (Dairen). on 1 November 1947. ~1he number of workmen has lnoreased
to acre than 800. Zrius .ar, 47S oases of sheet glade hays been pmoduced.;.
2. UNTi'I50 51~71'SITI;.AlI~ COtA'AP7Y - SFi, No 309, 2 Dec 47
the DRtited Shipbuilding Company held formal cer-oionies 1 Decamber 19t~
aurking the begiauing of plant .reratioae. Aii o! she plant~a 200 workers
gartioipatsd. _ 1 -
CIhSSIFIt;ATidN u.::~ms.~ -- --
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200090-1
3? UNITED Sxlp9i;ILDIP:C v^0 BLGIY~S UP~TIOti9 -- DD, No 624, '2 Dec 47
'.wrlcars of the United Shipbuilding Compaxgr attended ceremonies on 1
December 1947 maw the beginning oY ahlpbuilding operations. .pith the
help of a 5p-mi]11on-yuan government loan and the cooperation of the kiuasian
Fish Industry Cnc~pa,y, the former Liao-lung Bocl~yard had previocsly been
satisfactorily leased. Plana ca11 for the completion of two metal ships
4, Tb CONSTRUCT 39 SHIl's ~- KD, No L47,19 Dec 47,
Durttig 1y48` the United Sh`.ptiuildi7>p Cowpony, Ltd,pland to cDnstruct:
a. Two reasela, with 140-hp engdnew and steel nu]1e, totai117sg ~
_ .-...- . ___~ ~- -...V.wl..6 ~d by '~~i. A/Y7
b. Four ~tael Cargo ships, havinP 150-hp engines and a combined
dieplac~ment of 300 tons
c. give rapier ferries, tata3ing 1.1 tc,na
d. Faun 7rooden cargo ships, 120-hp a7lpinas, 1$5 tons
'lti7enty-four wooden fishing craft,. 120-hp engines, 60 tons.
1719 TiOLB.L .Fif J7,..a, ..
addition, the production r1S'1 guer~lnteea the renal; of a maximrm of
old ehiPP~B-
The manager of the compa7lY is Tiao Nsi-ku.
g. TA-LIST TLKTiL ItiDUS'1RIFS r'~'AND -- DD, No 626, 4 Deo 47
197CL316 1{IUVA Yi-loo w, v.... ~~~~ --
97,000 bolts of cloth, auffieient to olothe the people of Kean-tong. At
The number of maohinee has.
t~!e present time there aro 66 factor
iaoreased StA peresut. 7319 number of workers hoe itlc~etlaed sixteenfold
to 1,376. The present rate of producaion is 700 bolts of cloth of all
6. CHUNG-BRAN NfsT F;;C'f0~! ,ADDS 3 BBANCfrs3 -- KD, No 138, 10 Dao 47
Fish Nst Factory No 4 of Chung-ahan Ch~il 1a Ta-].ion hea recarct:,Y
dditional branch plants, located Qn Chia-ho struts
ree a
established t
tAle~-shoo Street, and Talai-st,lh Stree:~. Eaoh br+u7oh has iuoraased the
_ _ _-- .__ . ~._~.. w..- Amn oat nn in
esoh P-;an'1. to Dare for the Chlltiref: OI 3ea~aL@ Nvravia.
7? pgODUCTI01: 1bCiQA>3~ in RAIL+AY F +CTO}Ct? -- KD, No 134, 6 Dec 47
the l;ateriel Plant of rho;Chung-ch'ac4;, ~ah~~ and two
A xorlcer in
hsa demonstrated si~.s initiative by t*eaovat..rg t+a damaged pe
d iraai the Llahehurian
damaged lathes. The repaired equipment 7vas obta
1lnhicle Faatory (now renamed Freight Car Plant Na 2).:7a glathent, he boa.
helped allavia*.e a shcr',.age of nachis~ry, eapea
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200090-1
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200090-1
Production has increased from ten per da~~ par machine t~ l5 or , a e
threading to grea,tlq,improved_,
g, JDR-HLTA 4IL RBFIl~tY IACRIIASFS PRODITCT30k1 -- BD, Ha 14'x, 16 Deo 47
The Jna-hue Oil Retfeery, which produces light 'oil., le located in fdan-
ohia villsge, HeL?ehan Ch+u, Te-Lien Helen. At the time of the Je~aneas eur-
reader, balldiage a9d mrohinerq were completely destroyed. In 1Qavamber 1946
the C,71en-tang Iron Works in Ta-lien peroeived the need. for roaonatruotion,
Hy Jnly 1947 all aeatioae hero is readineer and thA plant formally reeamed
operations Dn i3 Angast. At that Limo there Vero only font skilled barkers
and praduatiop vas oarrisd out by hand. Output vas 450 aetttee per day. Hy
Novesbsr prodaotian had boon reseed to 900 cnttiee.
Hoaeuse of the nil's nigh degree of aoabuetibility, it oan be rased in
autoaobilea, eteaaehtpe, sad rapeseed oil engines. Its pYico !e laver thxa
that obtained from onteido,eonroes.
PriSr to the apeniag of this plant, imports veto rolled on to fuel the
eutomobilee, eteamebipe, sad internal coabnetion engines o; the Iano-tong
Brea. APterrarde, hovever~ a condidexable portipn oT the problue sae solved.
Three vats of. ail ale retiaed every two days. 2roduction has reached
1,200 tattles per day. The plant le soaetructiag $ large brasier vhiah v?xl.
eitead the output to 3,000 tattles.
9. TA-ll'1C6 >rACTC1?,IEB Bnvs ovsR Lo udla.IO~ xilAa -- ~, ll0 151, 2~ Den 47
An soonosly aovesent smoag the ~a;1~ae .?actorLee in Ta-Lton hae,had very
oateroztby results. By attlisiog waste materinle, repuiriog rld machinery,
eto., rush taotoriee ae the ban-sno Chesiaal Works, the Li-hoe-shsn,Iroo
Yarw (in 8ha-na-k'oa Ch'a), the To-t~mg themioal Aaotory, tk~. :Girn-abaog
Paper )[ill, the iortheast Rag Faotory, and flu Asia India-Robber Coapaoy
here aavad over 10 silicon yuao is the poet yaer.
L0. TO DOCH1i 6ALT PAODCCTI011 Ill Ltl-Sffi1l< -- ~, !yo 1%~, 28 Deo. 47
.The Ta-lien aattaa-weaving industry 4se grestly a=padded in the past year.
tsotories bare tnoreessd free two ar three to 3k, base trom a little over tca.
to 329, sad horkssn to 1,378, inoladiag 299 women. Aooarding to the etatietloa
of Lhs Cation Yeavera AesoeUtiar, produotioa for 191-7 by all faataries asanat~d
to 26,31'r bolts (eaoh halt La 104 feet fang nod 28 Laohe~ vide) oS rbite nn.
tioieh?i oaliao sod 32,400 baste of dyed gao~ts, n total of F9,717 bolts. Pradaa-
tiara plans ta= 1949 oa11 for an ontpat of 47,320 belie of aalioo and 32,400
balls of d;~ed goads, a total of 79,920 toltc.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200090-1 ~!!
Li Ch h~-miaa~, head of the Cotton 9lesv~ero 'union, citod the Ta-c9~ua~,
Ta-haing I-fang and Fa-ho Cotton 61111e for advaaoea made in produotian end
wox3s~oaaehip. The 1Nia-aheag Cotton ~di11 has increased the mater a1' its looms
from tour to eiac and output i5com ame bolt per day per machine to one and n
halt or two. Because the workers are sore skilled, one labos+er caa nos take
Dare of two poaee~ machines. The Fta-lho Catton 9~ea~3~ PASil, sterFsd l2 6ugast
46, has iaoreased its head looms from three to five sad the mbar of weevexs
Pram eight to ll.
mission. It oocvpied a prime position in the heavy industry of North Chita
sad the Northeast, sad held the ataber two position among the factorise
attaohsd to the South G4enchurisn Railroad (first place was held bJ' the Shows
Iron Fotmdz?y at 31A-ehen) . At that tl~o theme wee already paoduaed sav~a
2~00f~ to 8,000-tan shims sad fire 'railway aoaahaa. Th+~re was a yearly prn-
dnatioa of 1,200 freight cars of all types.,
12. CH ~U1~N-CH ~$ F&CTatX SEICWS PROCESS - ~, Ro 130, 2 DeC 47
Prior to liberation, the Ch hatin-ou ~a Faofiaay is Ta-11en was controlled
by the Class 6 Shipiruilding Ogfioe of the Jape~se Shipbtailding Coatrol Com-
lk~der the preeoa-. gnidasrce of Retssiaia teahni: iana, Ch3nea? ~arYsrs hsew '
itt the history o! Lbor.
!Pork ~tr~-a prate eeoeeded in April x.947 by 17'3.5 percent and is tt~y
more tba~n 19 tmillian y$sn, and ~asiaorea' ~ Tito 31~miilian.s Theme
Fol].osing libemstiaae, the factAry employed a total of more than 2,7W
torke~^s sad hss rapairad 32 treaeels within tho short apace of half s year:
firms, sehoole, hospitals, ~oopea+atSres, Koreas demoeratio eooieties~ and in-
dividuals for authttrlsed p~swey st'oh as oonstruatioa or repair of 2eo-
tories~ pxnrohase of raw materials, payment of taxes or the repayasnt of bank
loess, etc. Indiddaale may draw net deposits at the rate of 5,000 y~an per
noath for each milt mud 2,,009 per south !or those uo8er 26 grt~ss of age.
Subfeot to appcovai by the E+tie:aa Ltatg Prblio Office, doposite lroaen in
l~sa Ttwtg banks 27 t,'ity 19147 may be drawn upoa 'b ind~trJnl dad oosmerclmma.
13. IC?fiBLATIDaS 0~( FAOZSA 11:P03IT8 - ]CD, so 139, 11 Den 47
Tho i'a-lien Ship Bepalr CampanT, !a addition to hui].diag and rspairiag
ships,.lms sieo sa~peaded eeooadery produoticn. Shoes 9eptesber 1947, tea
ships btdlt by the aasps~r have a~en ~iliYed for fiahiag Fish Pros 57
oatchse hams bttnvght in a set profit of o~ 10 million ~ny ous-fii'Eh a~f
wh3AL bats beam distribtitod asotog the 18 wa:lcar-Drew mambas. Ths oo~pagP
will t~sir moaw mhlps in the l1~Emw.
14. 819C00Ftll~ S!!CdlDARY PRODDCTICR -- ?, ll0 137, 29 Dec 47
15. I~1P3 .'Rffit 80 lQ7.iSDaP I~S IS 1Q47 -- DD, !Po 6256 3 Den 47
Loans ta>Jde by the Ta-lien Heim ov~e~t oar "~: ~!~ S^sar to patiduc-
tivs enterprises atnotmtsd to 88,734~778g yl3an iaotnding 67,260,000 Yor
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.grloua.4~ao, 5,5oo,000 foe handicraft 3ndnetries (three mi111on to the ttln-ii
'Fish Nee a+`aoLaPg, tea? million Sor a~rioultural implemmte, 500,000 to "the sae-
~~ ~)s Z,~ '~ tte self iedvatry~ 10,534,778 to fife
tiehlug iaduatry, and three mlllioa to ooopm~ative eocietios.
in tin trd]1 drat ~ their ~dnotio~n pLaas. Competition e331 them tak0
F]aaa bsttsssn iad9,v3dva].s,. groups/ at,d the various shops and plants. Dttring .
ooo~petiti~ a erittea raoox+d Rill be kept shish x111 be used, Ltex~ as the
16. Raii~ ai0A111ZES TiQAl1a00 -- ?~ Ho.156' 28 Dec bi'
3u order to loetez~ as esprit de corps and leaderdhip b9 , that
Ta-11ea ilsohias T~orTsu as 21 DGOembar 194? established a tra3aing eaimdy ooa-
e6 of 35 eotiw Rorlorre:apaoiallf eeleated from the machine chop' iron
s?orita plants mold-oastiag gyp, transport shop ea8 carpoatay shop. J- tratan
~ periodl os 10 to 15 dsya Rae decided upon. 1litsr tra3nia6, ~~ ~'
is $o draw up his otn tdan plea std stimulate the other sorio~sy mho
i7. Rta?~OTIaf II7'~?-LIE01 -- DOa Ho b?.4, 2 Dec a6`~
Shorts ca the part of the Ta-l.ian aa;l y9eopiLa t~ Feat
year Lama resulted is a great incase it agriatlttun i~ad tiahi~-
`fbs agriaultt~xal output !'or the s'hOie hsien asDOUSted to mre
then !3 8fi? 006 cattiae aaaxeding the paodtsat9l+s 8ri,mo. The 65,622 nou sd official lands tabeea tma tits
ya~aoase sraro diatribtttsd in lebtcary 194? ataoatg 7,862 tenant ta>Dllios baviag
014 26 AoTembor 1967 the E>osoutivs Committee of the 3hsasi-aLaLar-itopei
Aorder Region ordered tho aooeptarae as the "Priaoipses o! the Ch1ae Land
lea" as tie Lffi Lc of tLe Harder Region, to Ro into etfeet itmtedlw',.a'y.
18. CRI~Y Lit? LW TO 00 1Br0 ER~190T ? ~, lio >.~~, 2 Dee 4?
beam oil, ta~ile~ and tirstnod istdustrirs shall be tamporsrilp halted.
opsrnti the Indnrtrial 0[lloe has specially daateed that iset>saoe oP 3Sosnass
for ansh iaduetries as tbs ahioric acid iaduatsq and the potash, !'lours ~'9''
of a permit ~ tho Snboadiaate organ, the deaf nab lltnotio?.
In ofilae to protest eadatiait taotariee affi bring about: a planned $svbl.-
gtm>.tiag apps+osal of smh action and thq ot3er !ffi1oatSag tho plat- of opeaa-
tioms. Matlcipal aoll hsden gate sltal]. then pseoeat the toms direotlT
to tM atlioe tar rerisir affi approw~l. 1-itear lotmi regiatratian sad issuance
In order ~ oratsol iadostriai dwelaFme~-t at all the lttsaa-tue8 ?e8~,
bring abort a octrpletel~ pLased p~roduotion, sad maintain a parity in tlr otYb-
pnt of apeoiil. 3a~.atitrSsa fate Eadttatrial a!fiee Lee issued a special rsgc~ha-
Lion that heaoeturtit ten ~ must be eobmitted to a snoordittato organ of
19. gPPR0~1L NEAP Fat IEdI Td0'lQtlEB -- 10)~ 1[0 129, 1 Dso 4?
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/ .
Tho Kuang-tong Public Office on 18 November 1847 issued the tezt of
regulations app]ying to all ships belonging to the.Kuan.,tung area or bearing
registry of a foreign port, with the exception of those used by .the Russian
AY'mg!. Sections of the ragul.ationa deal with shipping registratica, entering
and clearing port, changes in the sts?iun of ships (such as ownership), aalva3e,
actions xithin harbors of Suaa-tung,'inapectiona, and penalties.
_-,Last year there ~ierA ~,Y 11a light sae heavy industry i'rscioriea e~nployPisuy
a millions ~~.nd a half cr:ttie:, of grain xere distributed,
middle farmers, and 105 to rich farmers.
wring the yeas afish-set factory was begun by the govarnn;ent aad
popular organimationa whiuJi expanded from a sin~,e plant employing 9O.
xarkera to a main factory and seven branch plants emq~loying 11,540.
lyagoe over LP,e year amounted to more than U,'j m; i 1 ion ytian, tdoao than.
21. PROWOTION LtOV'4:iGNT RLSULTS IN 19f.7 -- KD No 135, 7 Dec 47
Although a bad gain crop was experienced, in which over ono-half of
the kaoliang a~ one-third of the opiked-millet wero lost, produCtiWn in
Ta-lies xas no laver than in previous years. Orain produced ovor the whole
wear aa;autted to 1C5,000 picvle. In autumn 1947 65,622 moo of public lands
xere distributed, rapresen'aing 2~ percent of the arable land of the e~rtira
halm. ,`tistribution ~s made to 7,862 families, sons,'.sting of 36,.981 pa;+-
cone, eetimmted to be over hall' the population aP the haien. After distribution
6,Oby destitute families xe~ raised to the status of poor fanners, 1,908 to
22. LAND LA';J SUt'PLL`s~R+1TAFd[ R@~ULATIONS -.- Kll, PJo 135, 7 Dee 47'
The supplementary regulations amplifying and explaining individual
articles of the "Prineiplus of the Ghl:.s *.:.~^d *.:,^::? ~erc ga:,~ 8y the
:eetral Pxeoutive Co~?omlttoe on 10 October 1947. Tho aupplementars
,.e?. P~atelaad is noL to be included in distribution unless oxaed by
farmers prior to November 1947,
Iahab3tante oP such areas are to be gives other lands and oa~peaeation.
e. Load 30 to 50 meters on either aide of railroads is reserved for
use by the railroads.
f. ~~fl and te~un ahaYl organise peoples courts.
g. All minorities xithin the borders of the Northeast Liberete~ Area
.are to be accorded e~?il distribution v~th Ghineae.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600200090-1
23. TR.9DE R~ULATIOIIS rFOi, KIiAI~~I-1JNG -- KD, No 135,10 Dec~`/
increase imports of needed materials, develop industry, and maintain, a
sufficiency aP products in short supply. Materials for use by the .
Russian Arm or going to Russian territoxg are exempt from restrictions iat-
posed by the regulations.. The regulations are concerned with'the encouragement
of Lnpprtation oP desigioated products (b3 loner tariff rates, permission to
oxport certain produate of equal value), products which may and nu~y not be
exported, export procedures, etc.
24. sF3+ HSIi:N FU-.C[dI8 :SS11'r;S R~ULATIONS -:- KD, No 131y, 6 Dec 47
Generaal tisien ieeuad ar,.ordo to nis men .on 30 Novanber 1947 designed
to rally the msaeas. Trocpa under his command were forbidden tea interfere
i11 peasant ooruflicta, plu.~di~r or purchase the spoils of Y.attle, demand food
or services of peasant organisations, accept fend or money frrm landlords,
annoy women,, disclose secrets of the massos, or waste water.
25. HAI-~NAN L7Ep,iATION ARC 7VTALS 3Q,OOO -~ DD, No 62b~ 4 Dsc 47
The Hai-non Liberation Arm, under the cou~mand of General Fong Pal-chU
now aosgrriaes 30,000 troops, with membership increasing dai],y. Although.KLiT
forces hold the cities, the rural erase are entirely in the hands of the
Liberation Arsty. Trro and a half million. people era now under demr~cratic
26: N.a,',Y B?.A2:CH OF 5L10-RUSSIAN FRIENDSHIE S0CII;TY -- KD, No 157, 29 Dec 47 .
A branch of the Sino-Russian Friendship Society was fonna].]y organized:
on 21, December 1947 by- the workers is the Te-tong Chemicsl ,:orka, loeatad~
in Sna-ito-kiou C~-~u, Ta-lien. :iorkere expressed a deairo to learn Soviet
principles and study the achievements of Soviet rrorkera.
27. TA--LI3d * . L:,'VY - RD, No 1,34, 6 Dac 47
The Ta-lien Relict Levy Gomaittae in the past two months hoe collected
aM distributed to unemployed wo:kera and needy city reeideyte 4,570,333 yin
sad a variety of goods, such sa c?.othing and food.
Ths Te-lien Bureau of Education has enacted a plan far thin winter~a
activities in social education, in which peoples education oftieoe,
schools, and newspaper officer are to be utilioed. One thousand etudanta rrlll
be mobilised for partioip3tion in the pla--during the winter vacation.
Bui~au Chief Lu pointed out the relationship of social education to productiaa,
Sian-Russian friendship, and government policy. Three hundred students fries
middle oohools and 700 from primpry schools are to be organised into graUps to
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help is educatit~ various eegmeate o! the populatioa is ourrea~ affairs,
reading and vritit~g goverment pol3oiea~'and the produsetlon nant.
(lio additto~I infoz~atioa gl~x)
~Ci'Es A11 nsa~epaper so~aoea ara D~
Ta-13+en Iran Rellaeacy 4 Deo 1947
Ta-ISma Leather Factory 6 Deo 1947
Ta-13Am Taottile llBi11 6 Deo 1947 ,.