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V. 27 Jaa6
Messaadia Receives PDRY Politburo Member
LD261055 Algiers APS in English 1008 GMT
26 Jan 86
[Text] Algiers, 26/01/86 (APS) - The head of the C.C. Perma-
nent Secretariat Mohamed Cherif Messaadia audienced here
Saturday a delegation of the Socialist Party of the Democratic
and People's Republic of Yemen led by Anis Hasan Yahya,
member of the Yemeni Socialist Party Politburo.
The talks, which were attended by Foreign Minister Ahmed'
Taleb Ibrahimi, were centered on tragic events taking place in
the Democratic and People's Republic of Yemen and the devel-
opments of the situation which Algeria is following with great
concern and called for an end of fratridical fightings.
Libya's AI-Turayki Arrives, Discusses U.S. Crisis .
Arrival Reported
LD241744 Algiers Domestic Service. in Arabic
1700 GMT 24 Jan 86
[Text]'Abd al-Salam al-Turayki, secretary of the People's Com-
mittee of the People's Bureau for Foreign Liaison, has arrived in
Meets Bend[edid
LD251722 Algiers APS in Arabic 1630 GMT 25 Jan 86
[Text] Algiers, 25 Jan [Aps) - President Chadli Bendjedid,
received 'Abd as-Salam al-Turayki, secretary of the Foreign
Liaison Bureau in the Libyan Jamahiriyah this morning. The
Libyan official brought a message to the President from Colonel
Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi.
negotiated solution, and that the Yemeni brothers will overcome
this difficult test.
Departure Statement on U.S. `Threats'
LD261013 Algiers Domestic Service in Arabic
0600 GMT 26 Jan 86
[Text] 'Abd al-Salam Turayki, secretary of the Foreign Liaison
Bureau in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah emphasized yesterday
in a press statement as he was leaving Algeria, that he has
informed President Chadli Bendjedid, president of the republic
and secretary general of the party, about the situation resulting
from U.S. threats against the Jamahiriyah. He said that his
discussions with President Chadli Bendjedid mainly covered the
U.S. threats against the Jamahiriyah and he acknowledged the
Algerian firm standpoint regarding the Jamahiriyah and its
fraternal people. It is known that'Abd al-Salam Turayki, foreign
liaison secretary in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah, arrived earlier
this week in Algiers with a letter from Colonel Mu'ammar
al-Qadhdhafi to President Chadli Bendjedid who received him
yesterday in the presence of Dr Taleb Ibrahimi, member of the
Politburo and minister of foreign affairs.
AFP: President `May' Meet With Al-Qadhdhafi
NC271430 Paris AFP in English 1421 GMT 27 Jan 86
[Excerpt] Algiers, Jan 27 (AFP) -. President Chadli Bendjedid
left Algiers today for the gas-producing city of Hassi er Rmel in
the south of the country, where he may have a meeting with
Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi, diplomatic sources
said. The official ALGERIE PRESS SERVICE news agency
said Mr. Chadli went to Hassi er Rmel on a "working and
inspection visit."
Persistent reports in the Algerian capital over the past few days,
however, indicate the president could hold talks with Colonel
al-Qadhdhafi in a city in the south of the country.
Officials refused all comment on a possible meeting between the
Departs 25 Jan two leaders, which Libyan and Algerian sources have said was to
LD252121 Algiers Domestic Service in French take place "by the end of January."
1830 GMT 25 Jan 86
[Text] A message from Colonel Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi was IBYA
handed to President Chadli Bendjedid this morning by 'Ali'abd CQA2 HA F I )IYl U tAM rn 4
Al-Salam AI-Turayki, secretary of the Foreign Liaison Bureau Al-Qadhdhaf
Interviewed on Patrol Boat in Gulf
of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah.
Al-Turayki departed from Algiers following the audience
granted him by the head of state, after having been greeted by
Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmed Taleb Ibrahimi and Minister
of Energy, Chemical and Petrochemical Industries Belkacem
Al-Turayki stated just prior to his departure that his conversa-
tions with the head of state especially dealt with the current
OPEC crisis; the U.S. threats against Libya; and the dramatic
situation being experienced by the Yemeni people. He expressed
his hope on the subject of Yemen that the crisis will find a
Fi3 -'i &,q - fl -of 7
[News conference given by Libyan leader Colonel Mu'ammar
al-Qadhdhafi on board a patrol boat in the Gulf of Sidra on 25
January with the participation of unidentified journalists; Al-
Qadhdhafi answers in Arabic followed by translation into Eng-
lish; journalists questions in English - recorded]
[Text] [Unidentified correspondent] Brother leader, what is your
feeling about the presence of American fleets near the Libyan
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V. ,7 Jan g$
"The mere fact that you come from Greece and represent the
friendly Greek people," he told me before we began our conver-
sation, "was enough for me to treat you differently and to sit
down for a chat with you.
"You must know that we in Libya greatly appreciate the Greek
people and the position your government has taken on whatever
issues pertain to us. As I have stated before, this should be an
example for all the Mediterranean countries which have U.S.
bases located on their territory.
"Naturally, this is the least that can be done. What we are asking
is that the U.S. bases be removed and the U.S. military presence
be wiped from our region.
"We officially call on all the people of Europe to intensify their
struggle to secure the removal of all U.S. military bases, for they
constitute a tremendous danger and a vast threat to Europeans.
"It is for this reason that Europeans must organize peace move-
ments everywhere, in addition to what is happening in Greece.
The Greek Government has already announced its decision to
remove the U.S. bases from its territory within the next few
Stefos: You recently stated that any U.S. attack against Libya
would have aftereffects on all the people of the Mediterranean.
Would you care to be more specific; in other words, would you
explain what you meant by this statement?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "What I mean is that in such an eventuality we
would attack the U.S. bases in Europe, particularly those in the
Mediterranean region since any attack against us would rely on
support from these military bases.
"Therefore, we will rely on international law and on the laws of
war to attack all U.S. targets, whether they be military or
Stefos: Some people in the United States and Europe believe
that you were behind the terrorist operations at the Rome and
Vienna airports. Can you give your reaction to this viewpoint?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "At the outset, I would like to say that we are
emphatically against terrorism. For us, terrorism is what the
United States is implementing against us and against all peace-
loving people. Terrorism is what Israel is implementing against
the Arabs.
"The economic sanctions against Libya are terrorism and so are
attempts to intimidate us with naval fleets.
"Without hesitation and with all our strength, we support the just
Palestinian struggle. There is still no proof that Palestinians were
behind the events at the Rome and Vienna airports.
"Nobody yet knows for sure who was behind these events. I
repeat that there is no proof.
"In any event, revenge by Palestinians whose parents and chil-
dren were killed by Israelis cannot be ruled out as a motive for
what happened at the two airports. In other words, it could have
been a personal affair ..."
Stefos: This is a supposition. However, do you believe that such
terrorist actions can help the Palestinian cause?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "It depends on how the Palestinians evaluate
them. Perhaps they believe that these actions will make the world
see more clearly their just cause and the extermination methods
used against them by Israel.
Stefos: Yes, but these actions achieve nothing more than the
killing of innocent people. This is exactly why President Ronald
Reagan is accusing you. In other words, he argues that you are
trying to make excuses for the terrorists who attacked the two
Al-Qadhdhafi: "I must also ask why President Reagan did not
feel sorry for and why he said nothing about the people massacred
at the Palestinian camps of Sabra and Shatila.
"These massacres were carried out by Sharon. Sharon is now a
minister. He can visit the United States and Europe. His hands,
however, are stained with the blood of the Palestinians. I fail to
understand how it is possible for Palestinian blood to be composed
of water, while that of Americans and Israelis is true blood ..."
Al-Qadhdhafi: "In accordance with our potential and arma-
ments, yes, we are prepared ..."
Stefos: When President Reagan announced the freezing of
Libyan assets in U.S. banks, you hastened to respond with the
announcement that U.S. capital and property in Libya would be
frozen. Do you believe that your action will achieve any results?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "No, none of these things happened. However,
we believe that the U.S. actions constitute a flagrant violation
affecting the entire Arab nation. Therefore, we are now waiting
for a collective answer from all Arabs. This is why the Arab
League has called for a special session at the end of this month."
Stefos: Can you tell us if you are in any way relying on Soviet
help in the event of a U.S. attack?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "All our friends are supporting us. Apart from
this, any attack against Libya would be an attack against all the
people who love peace and against the entire Arab nation.".
Stefos: You have spoken about a joint Arab struggle against
the Americans. However, the Arabs are still divided. Conse-
quently, do you see the termination of this multifaceted division
to be one result of the crisis in your country?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "My country does believe that this confronta-
tion dictates the unity of the Arab world ..."
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[Al-Qadhdhafi] This is a practical proof provided by the United
States before the world that it practices state terrorism against
the people of the Jamahiriyah. The world currently is witnessing
the state terrorism practiced by America. Libya will not be
patient forever to live under international terrorism.
[Correspondent] What are going to do [words indistinct]
[Al-Qadhdhafi] I am now going on board this patrol boat to'the
32.5 degree line to stress that this is the gate to the Gulf of Sidra,
and that this is the death line, the line where we will fight because
when fighting on this line we will be doing so with our backs to
the wall. This is the red line that lies in front of us, the 32.5 degree
line. Territorial waters southward from this line are considered
an indivisible part of Libyan territory. But the confrontation,,the
fight, is not on this line [the 32.5 degree line] or south of this line
because it is taken as a given that this zone is part of the Libyan
continental shelf which extends to the beginning of the Italian
and Maltese continental shelves. Libyan gas and oil' fields,
drilling equipment, and special installations for the production of
oil and gas are in this zone, and no military maneuvers are
allowed inside this zone because they would destroy those civilian
I will call on the entire world to confront America and to stop it
from carrying out maneuvers in the economic zones belonging to
Mediterranean countries.
[Correspondent] Colonel, is it true that two of your planes backed
away from a confrontation with four American planes from the
6th Fleet yesterday?
[Al-Qadhdhafi] First, no fighting took place yesterday, but we
are expecting it to happen at any moment during these maneu-
vers. However, the Libyan Armed Forces carried out 18 inter-
ceptions of U.S. planes as they were attempting to approach
Libyan territorial waters. War will occur if the 32.5 degree line
is violated, because this is the beginning of the Libyan boundary.
I have one remark with regard to the first question: there is no
doubt that the waters and the airspace of the continental shelf
and the economic zone are international waters and international
airspace. However, this is a new confrontation which I am
declaring: The countries of the Mediterranean zone should,
henceforith, prevent the staging of military maneuvers in their
economic zones.
[Correspondent] (?Are you taking this ship into the sea) to
confront the 6th Fleet?
[Al-Qadhdahfi] I will cross, I will pass, the 32.5 degree line with
this boat in order to confirm that the 32.5 degree line is a Libyan
border. This is the line that connects Misratah, this place, to'
Therefore, from here, Misratah, I am going along this parallel to
Benghazi, to prove to the Americans that we are here.
[Correspondent] Do you think the Americans with their fleet
outside Libya are there only to play games, in order to instill fear
in you, or are they sincere?
(Al-Qadhdhafi] We do not get scared as a rule, and if they are
playing games they will be confirming what we have said;
namely, that Reagan is playing with fire. And if they are serious,
then we are serious as well.
[Correspondent] Colonel, aren't these games dangerous?
Couldn't there be an accident or confrontation because of this?
[Al-Qadhdhafi] This is possible, and the responsibility will lie
with Reagan.
[Correspondent] Do you believe the Arab nation will follow you
if the Americans attack. Libya? .
[Al-Qadhdhafi in English] Sure._
[Unidentified person in Arabic] The movement of the Free
Unionist Officers informs newsmen so that the world will know
that we will sacrifice ourselves for the revolution. We will turn
into human fish [as heard] to destroy America when it reaches
our territorial waters and airspace. This is a commitment from
the revolutionary officers. We [addressing Al-Qadhdhafi] sacri-
fice ourselves for you and under your orders.
Tripoli TV Coverage
WA271445 [Editorial Report] Tripoli Television in Arabic at
2020 GMT on 25 January broadcasts a report on the 25 January
news conference by Libyan leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhdhafi on
board a naval gunboat. The video shows Al-Qadhdhafi, wearing
sunglasses and without a hat, carrying a cane, walking along a
quayside, past a television camera and toward the gangway of a
naval vessel drawn up alongside the quay.,The camera then cuts
to the top of the gangway where a group of six naval officers
salute Al-Qadhdhafi. As he reaches the top of the gangway, he
puts on a naval cap and returns the salute.
A clip then shows photographers taking pictures of Al-Qadhdhafi
as he addresses those on board the boat. The next clip shows
Al-Qadhdhafi with a group of 10-15 people on the bridge of the
vessel. Another clip shows Al-Qadhdhafi on board the vessel,
whch is apparently still alongside the quay, chanting with a large
group of seamen surrounding him.
AI-Qadhdhafi on Attacking U.S. Civilian, Other Targets
NC261650 Athens TO ETHNOS TIS KIRIAKIS in Greek 26
Jan 86 pp 2, 3, 14
["World exclusive" interview with Libyan leader colonel Mu'am-
mar al-Qadhdhafi by Nikos Stefos, TO ETHNOS TIS
KIRIAKIS correspondent, at Al-Qadhdhafi's Tripoli headquar-
ters; date not given]
[Text] The success achieved by ETHNOS in obtaining this
interview becomes even more notable if one takes into consider-
ation the number of international journalists who have rushed to
Tripoli to cover the U.S.-Libyan crisis and to arrange some sort
of meeting with Mu'ammar Al-Qadhdhafi.
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V. 27 JaV6
AI-Qadhdhafi, Morocco King Confer 25 Jan
LD250035 Tripoli Voice of Greater Arab Homeland in Arabic
0015 GMT 25 Jan 86
[Text] A telephone conversation took place tonight between the
brother leader of the revolution and King Hassan 11 of Morocco.
During the conversation, the Moroccan King, Hassan II,
enquired about the latest developments and voiced his dis-
pleasure with the developments off the Libyan coast:
Al-Qadhdhafi Receives King Hassan Envoy 26 Jan
LD261941 Tripoli JANA in English 1742 GMT
[Text] Tripoli, Jumada Awal 14, Jan 26, JAMAHIRIYAH
NEWS AGENCY - The leader of the revolution this afternoon
received the envoy of King Hassan 11, `Abd al-Arwi, who deli-
vered to him a letter from the monarch of brotherly Morocco.
Officers Ready To Be `Human Bombs' Against 6th Fleet
LD261512 Tripoli JANA in English 1430 GMT
26 Jan 86
[Text] Tripoli. Jumada Awal 14, Jan. 26, JAMAHIRIYAH
NEWS AGENCY - A revolutionary officers told journalists,
on the naval patrol boat at the parallel 32.5 that the revolutionary
officers, who are an extention to the Movement of Free Unionist
Officers, were ready to turn into human bombs against the
American 6th Fleet if it tried to enter the Libyan Arab territorial
The revolutionary officer pointed out "we declare to the whole
world that we are at the disposal of the Great Al-Fatih Rev-
olution ready to die at anytime in defence of the dignity of the
Arab nation."
Commander in Chief Returns From USSR Visit
LD252059 Tripoli Television Service in Arabic
2020 GMT 25 Jan 86 .3 r
[Text] Brigadier Abu Bak Yunis Jabir, Libyan Arab Armed
Forces commander iin ch-ief?has concluded a 5-day working visit
to the Soviet Union. He arrived at Tripoli International Airport
last night.
Brigadier Abu Bakr Yunis Jabir conducted talks in Moscow on
the two friendly countries' bilateral relations aimed at developing
cooperation in light of the long-term program signed in Moscow
during the visit of the brother leader of the revolution last
The Libyan Arab Armed Forces commander in chief hald talks
during his visit to Moscow in which Nikolay Talyzin, CPSU
Central Committee Politburo candidate member, deputy pre-
mier, and USSR State Planning Committee chairman partici-
pated. He also conferred with the Soviet defense minister and
with a number of Soviet ministers and responsible officials
including the trade and foreign ministers, the minister of state
J213 mEi3-- `6/7
for foreign economic relations, the first deputy minister of state,
the chief of staff, the deputy minister of foreign trade, and a
number of officials in the foreign and defense ministries.
JANA: Algeria, Libya Coordinate Stand Against U.S.
LD260951 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 0758 GMT
26 Jan 86
[Text] Algiers, 26 Jan (JANA) - The secretary of the People's
Committee of the People's Bureau for Foreign Liaison empha-
sized that an agreement has been concluded between the Jama-
hiriyah and Algeria for coordinating their stands with regard to
the crisis which is being experienced by OPEC and said that the
stands of the two countries in this respect are identical.
In a statement he made before he left the Algerian capital, the
secretary of the People's Bureau for Foreign Liaison praised the
Algerian people's firm stand and its support of the fraternal
Libyan Arab people in its resistance against U.S. imperialist
'Transport Workers Urge Boycott of U.S. Carriers, Goods
LD241733 Tripoli JANA in Arabic 1505 GMT
24 Jan 86
[Text] Tripoli. 24 Jan (JANA) - The Executive Council of the
Arab Federation of Transport Workers has ended its emergency
session in Tripoli which lasted from 22 to 23 January to discuss
the current Arab conditions and the American-Zionist threats to
the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah people and
issued a statement which says:
In this current stage when the American imperialism has inten-
sified its campaign against the Arab nation and particularly
against the Libyan Arab people and the Syrian and Lebanese
people, we consider it our duty to face up by all methods and
means to the plotting designs of American imperialism and
Zionism against the Arab nation.
The statement affirmed that within the framework of its plots,
American imperialism is today trying to pressure the Libyan
Arab people because of their stands of struggle and their constant
support for the Palestinian cause. It has thus rushed to amass
fleets and aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean to try to impose
an economic blockade.
The Executive Council of the Arab Federation of Transport
Workers has adopted a number of resolutions during its emer-
gency meeting which includ the following:
1) To provide all possible help and support to the Libyan Arab
people in their stand against the American and Zionist threats
and the oppressive economic measures announced by the Presi-
dent of the American Government.
2) To boycott the loading and unloading of the American means
of transport at all Arab airports and ports.
3) To carry out wide-scale campaigns to boycott American goods
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Stefos: Yasir `Arafat recently stated that if the Americans
attack Libya, he will rush to your assistance. Does this mean that
we will see a restoration of your relations with `Arafat?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "There is no problem between us and `Arafat.
There is a problem between the various Palestinian groups."
Stefos: Yes, (I insist) but you have openly expressed yourself
against `Arafat, and you support certain Palestinian organiza-
Al-Qadhdhafi: "We are on the side of the Palestinian military
organization." (He answers curtly.)
Stefos: Let us return for a while to the U.S.-Libyan crisis. Do
you believe that Western Europe will continue to support you
with regard to the U.S. embargo, or will it give in to pressure in
the end?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "If they give in to Reagan, it will mean the
destruction of their own interests. No logical person can follow
the thinking of Reagan, a man who is crazy and an idiot!"
Stefos: You have supported various revolutionary movements
in the past. Do you continue to support such revolutionary
movements? If so, which ones?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "We will always support just causes. We stand
side by side with those who fight for the cause of liberty."
Stefos: Let us now turn to a matter of particular interest to the
Greek public: How would you describe current relations
between Greece and Libya?
Stefos: Do you have anything you would like to say to the Greek
people through our newspaper?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "I have been greatly influenced by Greek
civilization. I also believe that Greek and Arab civilizations have
offered a great deal to humanity and have contributed to the
progress of the human race throughout history.
"Greece has influenced the Third World theory of the Green
Book. If we read and study Greek history at the time of ancient
Athens and Pericles, we will see that there are many common
points between that political regime and the political system of
the Jamahiriyah.
"I call on the Greek people to support the government of our
friend, Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou, and to ensure that
the U.S. bases, which pose a threat to Greece, are removed from
its territory.
"In this way he will emerge the victor from the fanatical confron-
tation imposed by imperialism between Greece and Turkey."
Stefos: You are the leader of a country. Why did you choose a
simple tent to be your permanent residence instead of some large
and imposing building? Also, what is your daily life like?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "I live a natural life, as you have already seen.
I would also like to say that I am not a leader. It is the people
who exercise authority. The fact that I live in a tent corresponds
to our historical traditions. It is also a symbol of the history of
the human race. Man started from a tent and in the end has
reached the moon. This is why we must never forget our begin-
nings. The tent also means originality. It does not pollute nature
as imposing buildings and apartment blocks do.
Stefos: In your opinion, what has the Green Revolution
achieved since you took over the governing of Libya in 1969?
Al-Qadhdhafi: "I believe that the most important achievement
has been the establishment of the state of the masses, something
which in Arabic we call the Jamahiriyah. The people are free.
There is no government. There is the democracy of the masses."
Stefos: What do you think the political future of the Libyan
Jamahiriyah will be? Think a while before you reply...
Al-Qadhdhafi: "We have many challenges and face many
uphill courses. We are trying to strengthen the masses so that by
themselves they will be able to overcome any obstacle which
appears before them, and confront every pressure. In any event,
I believe that we will succeed."
Al-Qadhdhafi, VAR President Telephone Contact
LD252107 Tripoli Television Service in Arabic
2020 GMT 25 Jan 86
[Text] A telephone contact took place [date, time not specified]
between the brother leader of the revolution and Yemen Arab
Republic President Brother `Ali `Abdallah Salih dealing with the
latest developments of the situaiton in the People's Democratic
Republic of Yemen.
Al-Qadhdhafi Hears From PDRY's `Ali Nasir Muhammad
LD252125 Tripoli Television Service in Arabic
2020 GMT 25 Jan 86
[Text] PDRY President `Ali Nasir Muhammad has just had a
contact with the brother leader of the revolution and stressed to
him that the PDRY people are standing by the side of the
Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah against the U.S.
provocations and said, albeit the tribulations being experienced
by the PDRY, that I am standing by your side in this confronta-
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