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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Director of Central Intelligence National Intelligence Daily Cable) CPAS N/JC 82- 8C 15 April 82 402 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 UK-Argentina: Continued Maneuvering . . . . . . . . . . . 1 El Salvador: Political Discussions Continue . . . . . . . 5 USSR: KiriZenko's Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 UK-Canada: Transferring the Constitution . . . . . . . . 9 India-France: Purchase of Mirage 2000s . . . . . . . . . 11 USSR: KGB Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Eastern Europe: Crop Prospects for 1982 . . . . . . . . . 12 China: Foreign Policy Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Lebanon: New Clashes in West Beirut . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 continued ferrying troops and supplies to the Falklands. UK-ARGENTINA: Continued. Maneuvering //Prime Minister Thatcher told Parliament yesterday that she still saw a glimmer of hope for a peaceful solution in the UK's dis- pute with Argentina, but vowed to use force if negotiations fail. She also announced additional military preparations. The Argentines //Prime Minister Thatcher told Parliament yesterday that some diplomatic progress has been made, but said that negotiations are complex and did not disclose any details. She indicated that Secretary of State Haig's impending trip to Buenos Aires will be crucial.// //Thatcher reiterated London's determination not to enter negotiations until Argentina withdraws its forces from the Falklands and British administration is re- established. She also reaffirmed the decision to use force if necessary and announced that additional men and equipment are being added to the task force. Thatcher noted that if Argentina challenges the maritime exclusion zone, London will assume that Buenos Aires has ruled out a peaceful settlement.// //Social Democratic spokesman Owen and Labor Party leaders Foot and Healey pledged support for the govern- ment's handling of the crisis. Healey criticized the US, however, for not showing more support for the UK and said that enough US pressure would force Argentina to back off.// Comment: //Thatcher's statements are designed to underscore her willingness to follow through militarily and to negotiate without surrendering basic positions. She may rely on the complexity of the negotiating process to buy time to reinforce British military strength. Thus far, Thatcher and those close to her have not publicly criticized US support, but comments like Healey's are becoming increasingly common, especially in the back benches.// Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 25X1 ZOA] 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 British Military Moves //The British are expanding the number of vessels earmarked to support the task force. A Defense Ministry spokesman said yesterday that the 12,000-ton assault ship Intrepid would be recommissioned and join its sister ship Fearless, which sailed last week with 1,000 marines aboard. He stated that the additional forces are in- tended to signal to Argentina that the UK is prepared for //Press reports also indicate that yesterday the Navy chartered an additional cargo vessel and four trawlers. One large container vessel reportedly was chartered to ferry additional xarrier aircraft to the South Atlantic.// Comment: //The trawlers could be converted in a short time for minesweeping duties. The use of a container ship as a launch and recovery platform for Harrier aircraft will allow the British to almost double the size of their Harrier force.// //A week or more may be required to deploy these ad- ditional support vessels and allow them to join up with the task force. This suggests that the major portion of the force will spend some time regrouping at Ascension Island before departing for the Falklands.// Argentine Military Activity Unconfirmed press reports indicate that the Argentine The Argentine Coast uar announced yesterday that two of its boats broke the blockade and arrived in P nley on Tuesday to patrol the islands. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Buenos Aires is also continuing its buildup of ground forces on the Falklands. Press sources quoting government officials say that up to 100 flights daily-- involving both military and civilian aircraft- ferrying troops and equipment to the islands. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 The impasse over the formation of a provisional government apparently has Zed the two major rightist parties to consider a new //Leaders from the National Republican Alliance and the National Conciliation Party, during recent separate meetings with US officials, reiterated their opposition to allowing the Christian Democrats to have a leading role in the interim executive. They did not rule out, however, a hierarchy composed of an independent president and three vice presidents--one of whom presumably could be a Christian Democrat.// //In an earlier discussion with US officials, Defense Minister Garcia reportedly indicated there is growing concern in the armed forces over the deadlock and expressed some support for an independent president. Although continuing to prohibit the participation of the armed forces in a provisional government, Garcia claims that a strong military candidate would win a national election. Like the Christian Democrats, Garcia advocates an election next year, while the rightist parties remain opposed to any national vote before 1984.// Comment: //The smaller National Conciliation Party, which increasingly appears to be the more intransigent of the two rightist groups, hopes to protect its position as power broker in the formation of a provisional govern- ment. The tough rightist stand against a major Christian Democratic role in the interim executive underscores the traditional "no compromise" attitude within the political system.// Garcia is concerned that the impasse will erode the morale and unity of the armed forces and reduce the ability of the military to fight the insurgents. He realizes, however, that the successful election has in- creased his domestic stature, and he may believe that he could win a national election if it were held next year. His continuing prohibition of military participation in an interim government is therefore designed to protect his preeminence in the armed forces and to nurture his own political ambitions. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Reports continue to be received that yartu Central Committee Secretary Kirilenko is seriously M. A Soviet Embassy officer in Belgrade told US Embassy officers on Tuesday that Kirilenko has been bedridden for at least six weeks. He implied that Kirilenko would not resume his former duties even if he should survive. Comment: Illness does not entirely account for Kirilenko's political problems, which were already appar- ent at the time of party Secretary Suslov's death in late January. Kirilenko was active during this period and gave two speeches in February. Illness could explain his subsequent absence from public view, however, and could have made it easier for President Brezhnev's favorite protege, Konstantin Chernenko, to secure his new position as Second Secretary. If Kirilenko has become incapacitated, he probably will be removed from office at a Central Committee plenary meeting, which may take place next month. His departure would leave only three senior secretaries in place and would necessitate personnel changes. Two well- qualified candidates for Kirilenko's economic portfolio are Ukranian First Secretary and Politburo member Shcherbitskiy and party Secretary Dolgikh. The departure of another senior leader probably would have major consequences for Soviet decisionmaking. Suslov's death has already produced policy adjustments, and the departure of Kirilenko would create uncertainty in the debate over a wide array of foreign and domestic policies. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 river from Ottawa.// UK-CANADA: Transferring the Constitution //The celebration of the transferral of the Constitution from the UK will be marred by demonstrations by Quebec separatists against visiting Queen Elizabeth and by public concern about the economy.// //The Queen is to arrive in Ottawa today to grant Canada legal control over its Constitution, which London had retained since Canada was founded in 1867. The sepa- ratist Quebec government was the lone holdout on the con- stitutional compromise that Prime Minister Trudeau reached with the other provinces last November, and Premier Levesque will not attend the celebrations. Levesque has organized peaceful demonstrations in Montreal, and others may be held in the Quebec city of Hull just across the Comment: //The termination of Canada's legal subor- dination to the UK was achieved with great difficulty because of the provinces' concern about loss of their prerogatives, but the change will make little immediate difference in Canadian life. The new charter of indi- vidual rights included in the Constitution will still have to be tested in the courts.// //The publicity that the government has organized to promote the new Constitution is unlikely to distract attention from high unemployment, inflation, and interest rates. Trudeau has repeatedly said that he will step down before the next election, which would normally be held by early 1984.// //The festivities will embarrass and provoke the Quebec government. Levesque has few opportunities left to oppose the Constitution, which he views as a betrayal of Quebec by Trudeau and the other provinces.// //A Quebec court last week ruled against the prov- inces' challenge to the Constitution, and the Supreme Court is likely to do the same. The resulting frustra- tion could spur Quebec's firebrands to violence during the planned demonstrations.// Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 INDIA-FRANCE: Purchase of Mirage 2000s better credit terms.// //India has signed a $3 billion contract for the pur- chase of 40 Mirage 2000 fighters. The aircraft, the first of which is scheduled for delivery by the end of 1984, will be equipped with advanced electronics systems and the latest French air-to-air missile. India report- edly also has the option to manufacture under license up to 110 additional Mirage 2000s. The USSR had sought to block the French deal by offering India advanced interceptors and fighter-bombers at lower prices and on Comment: //India's decision probably was influenced in part by the fact that the Mirage 2000 has more advanced technology than the aircraft offered by the Soviets and thus would be more effective against the F-16s that Pakistan is obtaining from the US. Prime Minister Gandhi also may want to demonstrate that India is not solely dependent on the USSR for arms.// USSR: KGB Appointment The Soviet military newspaper has listed Viktor Chebrikov as a new First Deputy Chairman of the KGB. Chebrikov was one of several deputy chairmen and his promotion gives the KGB two first deputy chairmen. Georgiy Tsinev was raised to this position in February to fill the vacancy created by the death of Semyon Tsvigun. Both of the new appointees have close career ties to President Brezhnev. Comment: The KGB has not had two first deputies for over a decade, and it is not clear why a second KGB first deputy was named. Brezhnev may want to strengthen his control over the security forces at the top level because he thinks a challenge is developing there, or simply as a precaution as the turnover in the senior leadership appears to be accelerating. Alternatively, KGB chief Andropov evidently is a candidate for promotes to the Secretariat and may need to be replaced soon. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 EASTERN EUROPE: Crop Prospects for 1982 of total grain production in Eastern Europe.// cover through late February probably prevented any major winter damage. Winter grains generally account for half //With normal weather, the winter grain harvest in Eastern Europe could approach the record for 1978 of nearly 52 million tons. The area sown with winter grains last fall was larger than in recent years, and good snow- this year. Comment: It is still too early to make a reliable estimate of regional grain output for 1982, because spring grains are only now being planted and yields will depend on weather conditions. Food supply problems in Poland and Romania make this crop season unusually important. Either country would have difficulty buying enough from traditional Western suppliers to compensate for a poor harvest, and, after three consecutive bad harvests, Moscow would be hard pressed to assist them Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 CHINA: Foreign Policy Appointment The appointment of Qiao Shi as the director of the Chinese Communist Party's International Liaison Depart- ment suggests that Beijing's recent activism in promoting ties with other Communist parties and leftist political movements will continue. A specialist in Third World affairs, Qiao has been deputy director of the department, where he has promoted China's relations with selected East European and Asian Communist parties. Under Qiao's predecessor, the party has moved toward more vocal public support for Third World interests as well as guided re- newed party-to-party contacts with the French Communists and other close Soviet allies. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 the city and threatening the airport. were ambushed, was spreading through several sectors of Heavy fighting erupted in West Beirut yesterday between the Lebanese Shia Amal militia and rival Commu- nist organizations backed by Palestinian guerrillas. Initial reports indicated that the exchanges, which began in southern Lebanon on Monday when two Amal officials old cease-fire there. Comment: The new outbreak of fighting is the latest in a series of gunbattles between Amal and pro-Iraqi and Communist groups who compete for recruits and support among Lebanon's Shia population. The new round in Beirut may reflect the determination of Amal, which supports the central government's authority, to block leftist plans to hold local elections in the Muslim sector next week. The PLO, wary of Shia resentment of guerrilla activity in southern Lebanon, usually tries to avoid being drawn into Amal-leftist clashes, but frequently cannot prevent radical Palestinian groups from joining their Lebanese leftist allies against Amal. PLO leader Yasir Arafat can be expected, however, to keep the situ- ation in the south from threatening the fragile nine-month- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6 Top Secret Top Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000200010162-6