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1A9 Ar SIN 1 April SI 1566 Paragaay-Brasil Dispute I Of Many In Latin A:nerica me, theme it th e marmptia of In, c e loot to nChi` Bolivia`and CIdlo n are re atn' ns afew cars ago a eta have atnbluhe Boom Chile L a[nln'1`any Change in the "John I d ( As A dew of he Woo treaty inch-Ion hnece guard Al Or . ,to Wmquoy haftmonoted i s ombos with Pen, 11 bounds h bMn'een dipole B nn@r art tnl on b Bader he,,, ps hove been ty the ffiitktn and theta is ill feel inl ved to the lmn p sharp mass or conflicting claims or ihu bare her exmmaen one als. Pa. NPSISINO2ON SPAR At inns me el` aennet me Cpe Iliivrir, I'll and wine, in meae not Mrn ray became.. dram as bass In IS as a source of rya. ;herded larpre tile or 10,00 Am kilnwalln The up,[. or a symbol of can. iSwung mllonamm pin lent m Latin laic men h sew Arnmnu, one l 1.111m nations blacked a Unit tail Stntis l empt to broaden the pmmo.F ryna gweo of the on t FwiinGmi of me poly hr..n.e Iba~ mot "let erj at a trade e hearer 1 try bet w oo i "m p r can It eI'ul uses e IhwpbtrW 'to' use been "Ell by an 1ms Per Y net PC wa June b or no can L ndLeiswniol Doug, in and In- for alteen red bcomply mm~re An dmalopmenl. Poi Teti-0cnl Joan Gmdart sus- her, In On I'Llman Allmdol 9mronmi. of pomeuan claimed his alllmseiI, a,I, Beier s Brazl, has rejm1M the eo ot, y parthem. shill asst nios o nmVO hem a routine nice. Called it Imgely untnbabl l ed. At a Al oemma In Iura nma tell sett, Lama Stales dmlArre pmeented n e genie IM1e o,\S ?tl ,,Cr in nature Perot k Ibe keeping m , nWw allt eai, ms to Lot vmA If appeamaa to be bwtd ff e or *I, e or *I, fe or *I, fe or *I, fe or *I, re or *I., a Festoon IM1e OAS as an Ban e Ml,l in D a ml`tg seat y P'il B i 1 L Vill 11 u more "]'all 1 lorce them to chair arelicali l LAimong Ikngharder dspina tool, CARL T. ROWAN The Fateful Dominican, Campaign U yea really care about the almost certainly will be to make a deal wih Bolaguer, Political future of Latin Joageia Balaguer, farmer- Bnelywmddd probably take America, keep a close eye on president and longtime ovytes away As 4from aenserva the Daminiean Tepublie for as ociate of exdiclalor Tlujll If Bout x'tns the United DO next two months. to,a for the Reformist party; sates presumably will by to human... scheduled for and Rafael Banelly, a rate get along with Ism. U.S. years 1 are the real In eq (or the Aerosol of fRCials have name with atloo of list little Comtq. winger, I pleasure that toplatform of which recently was dmcrlbetl ntegration, These Bosch's party s far by one of its former Pros two Pares wiU natn vat fewer tbUS referent deep , term entod by hale, mM1il Aprill7th however, The than we re expect d They occupied by foreign troops 14th of June pbty Corn mu- note also beat , while It CAIN almost dying on the Goss of is,) is expected to endorse for withdrawal of foreign certainty and poverty antl to Bosch, adding his trouble, troops, no dead line is ML iinvace; its darkest mameats in BE the Unite Slmcs, for t the location is not )earl" Me demand, has no candidate. whether the United States no map who made that US. officials hope Balaguer would d olmans' the election statement, ,uan Bosch, he a will wm, They Bgure he will of Bosch, It is whether w major force and a aior be aer to live with than would Men give him enough question mark in both boo Bosch, who has xpressed support M prevent his being elections and the charting of contempt for "Goliath ,' as be "It'd agam by the raglb the Dominican Republic calls the Unite States wingers. future. Officials here also ass Ramon Castillo, president of Beach as woe P'Goolltttaed' Beleaguer will be Allial rmon the insignificant al Sunday Sundianle of the o ini Use Communira and less D e in o eratic Progressive th, mreeml about demanding party. said last Crack that Revolutionary party. But long withdrawal of the e.WJ U.S. Beach Continues N agitate the before the nominaBnc cloven. Dan, raw M the Dominican rPle and we can see that Uen, this a bittered, profes R pblic he is preparing another wetl liberal had been waging Some U.S. diplomats doubt revolution. But this time, if daily Campaign of India the longiange 'Al of one amp of blood is shed broadcasts against those who backing Bologuer, who cashed here, his will be mass ter . ,. have labeled him proCammu back to the Dominican Repub- We and all be together do the Ernst ttly Inc from his New York exile a leaky but and his fret will \ViLh sdlola explanatlom few months ago under IT got wet lit" V laiteg sdirecid'so etoe mother. fMslPng his ailing cans manic Powerful nthan United Status, he has defend- Balaguerb closeness to the Canal, are dgoally use, an ad himself against what he late, unlamented dictator apln his blood but tea shrewd calls 'slanderous dargei' amjdlo is certain M be a M ter so puberlr that he has entered a ref a paign issue, The question force fateful decisions will pact twat the Communists, is haw much of the populace be made by the Unite States ''The Communists; and we will believe that 'his heart during and after this DominL have agree n only one seem to cain tng 'It the can McMinn Campaign. It ii a point"Butch told the Dom I. asea ssinat0O5 one rcyessive smash tragedy that IM1a Naori- .no tin eat tut that a lets no arujalo. an people cannot fellow the U.S. recently our T e of our lisp experts have ampaign]n6 firsthand so as ntryin:e mmredible hold Be secretary of zl a and make up their over mmas abuse, na unpardonable act. the President that Midnight r as to who Is o Ibmmunist, one of Me greatest ha- has sit ar But two who ' a dicta Or or who no history of \m , We other high ding tl' C es whatever uppott grcM N' pa Separate. vigt t BoscA BI Mill unt y has a nMit to one Is- In they in theca homes and by A Nm margin, The Eager g' an lemon by anothe"all s ad ors will that Breach is untry. Beach 'a all oppositim M 9 Bonelly rofuses OEMEBTITI'deolm 4. Arg'sil Also data,, Falkland be ... 1, , EPA und as her territory, aid tile race Adi them cull no British May ,Joe( Etc 5 (running, Pan bis tells ran MLIIIA ,or Beach formula. or allied Doesn't 'ke San, A I'm to no Is" I PI 0 55 or col the, ran Guagow idaM 1'enittela ol'unns; Craig two to become the I'd,jecol mumn It (al On STAY 26. Several IIU'fE'R-A1r~flICAN LABOR Brfrv=n*R All 1966 3 Union Rural Centers Near Completion in Brazil ee no yearr1966 has opened in Brazil with three union rural a site now bought completio a 41-union fleamboco area, and with log pro]OCt in urban Sao Paolo. Tabulations meanwhile shosem how that by the end of 1965 more than 3,000 Brazilian trade union- ,a hadheen reached hr the t - s aneran =onaa=ta brp"na Ametlecn Inetituto for Free has Development. IItni two and half rare onew the Illinois's to orbital s hued to detl geographically `ly in Y t n l coun ry u an" ,,loan ro thee An] azon mNheilIre lee : do uu= d?rfo"r" a"fee, ranks forceanit drural ef ?tn a?days in on months 11 the resident Institute in Sao ce mPIOI nt 14 erIn one hunke onl Braziltin c cities eighth of the B2milion bplypop lotion, and neatly a fourth of the ind uatnol workers of all Latin Ammpm bonding planning Is Flooding at fin do J i ane m White 0m ,0 Oan lousing ?Na of sit Paulo has been the ?o.called AB `? the a?burhan mun diandtb of 3ua gem tdo do ampo, the city'. eastern autkir4. rna 23,000 Qaerz.metr naming IOA, ml a a rouOf hat gh the trg u in-or hadan mgen Consent legion atThethorth.. nn, where the I terms 11 a ?mli+phos p", d all Via 6 W 1'0 ns of the cen4te a te at Corpin t t ton o era Glmnhunel ' the abated.?of 11 HASRIIL:OIi DAILY LE:rS 18 April 1966 Fidel Celebrates ftAVANA. April I - Cuba IGCI a WUnF Ad I, a M' na 11' IInrM ,Nay in a a'al I y A link , ry ofd Buy of Pigs will, . I Waleh,ns Pe dnmorafwlon Fidel cvm All hunk Plnolue. Ind. nmM I meld ex ?, of BONN l Ilt tenuane elanml and ants snit ,BY dip. The IngnaM also feaW,oi. 011111 cnhnua by a Cuban All e tee hands '?Pww~ same, Ponnc dodo, where un m wo ker. is really s among The eee hove been a. "'-,it And,, AIFLO by the V.S. Agency for Intorna_ D..elnpass% and when occupied wla be headquarters for omen eogr,t mdeals for wide into any emphicalatt extending geo m addition to leael and medical 0th and education e tiiiPfill Ind nan economic serelce: ?or I o 'It . n reet - I e MI l I ,a el, , an rural ee: era `will Prwfvde nlaw 'Pat' for ass e e embly npa uelgi ey ~mp,mlrehi Legal Service win?be provihll ded at the centers lthe fi net 1111111 cot-patient card, III dealt clinic white the la. rig families in?the looccW to al ra- tafeederations on Fide most Or site rbleeme vowed As kind debtt and lye It him albeenn e mm n t a = e d not rp%lel semen?, be , a I e for the general mene- berehu ith some of mete to deal org?h iced ruanl workebe, under ex- mnng labor law.. IIediced Program By... nod been Planned in each 'enter for . doctors MSm, a derv e office and an attendant nurse. copetent Joel and dentists are b m be provided two days a week a scared nurse will be ",,,able full-time bate. it it anticipated that the ever. 19, add attendanmay reach A -911, If 20,000 network oii in called. ae a rm; vi mount weal. 11 AIM1l.t1lIM I'm m dmeeinel I'd tmnor Or i ial cx. Kill Illinois and using, [land ear atdmedleei fattiiite m offering o-me-Itic ad lb referred s a, ,wall with the A, A ]We N If tn1 h conditions in 11 yh . medical m far mninebritten, dehydrate on, nal parasites anemia, Who. .. tuberculosis ?o Mde , peamtan des rTheled d dented oomin h n g^ne AI FLD teed ho, e needy teald a mnd pd denim of mend denial ntal e4 mmin and the evil If t R d odrig rr up BY Dr. xpe Paulo foody lese F Peerlin, an an ctedrlenarel Wee Rgcif. hospita4 connected Mth ER-A ERICAIS LABOR &f1T,ggps. Velazquez Declares Mexican Unionism Safe from Communism Fidel Fellow... Secretary Sen- ..I It the exicon C ifederate oI or rahor Icrry m), celebrated n' Both anniversa n a union leader fay4can unieniein maintain; that late he nhands of intermetin..I vei%gveg who helped found th pull 36 n e the for , fs y been. head of LTm e Efex.en worker, `have many feunaeeurwa d,since the dray of mine 41? wage mor and other svia, Moslem, ,n Vemnqu11 11e revealed for the first time WhAd e of Vicen be, Lombardo Toledo no, the ad Nq 'Ind Pow". J, a iL put the `n' nenn- h te nal etteggle with the 11 In other cr:+i shiera to a barrio toledann, tea the bend stn MexPland ico most lilt Fit al he let I 11 or so years. Teleme '. rty nmek bnek, end CTM i eld?quei for putting theionul the II I matter, IONT 1 fi m t I to ante Orpuni der under hs o;trl o r under v : kon`af tie lord room non. tm0 oepvniw. MIAMI, Fla. AFI-Khan underground sources r port a powerful radistation has bag b d astln6 from lad dry band easan Cuoanl m rY and post p Is ode public by th C ll Cn mmtee for F C b d loo nntallatwa wastroaed by Me lspvet Union and has reinforced concrete and xl frame as a attack tec protion. The committee an Ameiieanl said all li-Castro group,ction in means prm ipal fun tan 'b Maintain Clandest ay LatinnNnyWth iryguertula groups In WASB11itl1'On STAR 16 April 1966 Cuban Military Using New Radial