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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302450057-9 ARTICLEAPAZ EARED THE WASHINGTON POST ON PAGE 8 August 1980 lb ? - STK 'car Fieriece .Interna By John M. Goshko ? ' ? Washington PoseStaff Writer :Conservative groups within the ex- ecutive branch are trying to sidetrack President Carter's intended $75 mil- lion in aid to Nicaragua in hopes that Ronald Reagan, if elected in Novem- ber, will quash the controversial plan to help that country's revolutionary government. Administration sources who favor the-president's policy of working with leftist forces in Central America, say the Nicaraguan aid idea has produced misgivings and in some cases outright opposition among many officials of "the. V.S?intelligence-community and, a lesser extent, the Defense De- partment. ?' . These loyalist sources say further that;while those intelligence and mili- tary officials are not monolithic in 'their views, some are so hostile to the Carter approach that they, have been trying through press leaks and other means to portray Nicaragua's Sandi- nista government is a Soviet: J*0 Cu,' bin puppet supplying arms to Commii-'. nrst insurgents In nelglboviimg, Sal- vador:..............'. "";`"i4'44* _?-The apparentaim, according -to the" sources is to ',block Carter froth.. bursing the aid to Nicaragua until af- ter the T.T.S. presidential election. Op- ponents of Carter's policy reportedly , are hopefulithat,Ileagan will win the election -.?;and ::,,reverse the United States' direction in Central America. . The administration's !..,,internal bat tling over Central American -policy, which basically has "pitted the State Department against intelligence and Pentagon officials, has been especially intense since the Marxist-Oriented Sandinistas won a bloody civil war a year ago for control of Nicaragua:. The conflict involves a debate about how the United States should deal with:the' 'violence?aliCferthents. in the Should it cultivate the Sandinii- tai?_ and, other. 'exponents of 47adical change, or should it Write them :off as communist puppets and try to isolate them by supporting the rightiA-mili, tary.forces inneighboring countries?!' ? 'Carter came 'down ? oil the side of the 'State Department, which has ad- t,macatediyatience luicl,:colpperatIon with 4.1iejeTt,Jilut supporters , of that".-polieg 1:coictencr gial the 0P134.11.ta have been- qargiuull. action :_that now !:apbeara- to eenter?on.:what: State. 174; -gards ai the linchpin- Of ithat ocus ispute olicy Of particular concern to State was a recent leak to syndicated newspaper columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, who generally reflect a strong anti-communist line. In a column pub- lished by The Washington Post Aug. 1, they, asserted that two convoys of ships carrying Soviet arms from Cuba recently were4 unloaded secretly in Nicaragua for eventual transfer of the arms to leftist guerrillas in El Salva- dor. Although the Evans and Novak col- umn did not identify a source for the information, it left the clear impres- sion that it came from U.S intern- ee Ufficials: -However; three-high- e governmen .0.1rces, with access to major intelligence on Central America, consulted separately by The Washington Post; said 'categorically that the column's assertions went far 'beyond any- information in the hands of U.S. intelligence agencies. . According to these sources, when 'Cuban President _Fidel Castro was in Managua in mid-July for the first an , niversary Celebration- of c.the Sandi- - nista victory, U.S. intelligence de- te'cted' two Cuban vessels in 'the vicin- ity of Nicaragua: " s But the sources std;" the intellit gence report did not go' beyond' that fact: No one' in' the- U.S. ?government, they insiited, has -'any evidence that the ships were carrying arms or other cargo that was' unloaded in Nicaragua. Any assertion to thateffect,they'said, is Sheer speculatiOn., t- State Department ?Meth s,-rwht e tefusing to discuss the intelligence-re- -port; said all their evi'denee indicatei that the Sandinista government :has 'been scrupulously 'ohserving,its-often. xestatedpledge not to interfere th any - ? . ,way In the affairs of neighboring ,countries. Department sources also said they have reason to believe that the Sandi- nistas, who make no secret of their friendship for Castro, have received some largely outmoded '? military equipment and arms from Cuba to aid ,their efforts to build a Nicaraguan "people's army." ' But whatever weapons the Nicara- 'guans have appear to be largely de- fensive in nature: the sources said. .,They also noted that Nicaragua's mill- tary strength appears to be well below the level of all other Central Amer- ""Cankoinitries7exeeK ?Coste Rica, which has no army . vt.c.,4L The advocates of 4 liberal' policy in Central America believe-the leak in the Evans and Novak column was part of e deliberate campaign snip Car- ter from disbursing further aid to Nic- aragua. During the long effort to get the aid approyed in Congress, foes 'succeeded in attacking a stipulation that carter 'cannot re1ease the funds without first certifying that Nicaragua is not aiding violent revolutiyary. movements in other ,Countries.-..,,,,:- An intelligence assessment to sup- port that certification is being made and is expected to be ready for Car- ter's review shortly after the Demo- cratic convention. But, administration sources say, if opponents of the aid can plant, in Congress and elsewhere, new doubts about Sandinista inten- tions, it might become_ enough, bf an, election issue to force Carter to delay acting until November. s t ' Similarly, these sources say, the at-1 tempt to force Carter into a holding pattern on Nicaraguan aid may be re- flected In-the spate Of reports abbut a meeting during the Managua celebra- tions last month between Castro and United Nations Ambassador Donald McHenry, who headed the U.S. dele- gation. Some versions of the meeting imply that Castro spoke harshly of Reagan and voiced the strong hope that Car- ter would be reelected. However, per- sons who were present said the theet- ing, which took place at a public re- ception and was overheard by dozens, said the two talked only in general terms and that Castro's remarks about the U.S. election appeared :to be largely jocular in nature. ????? - ' 'There is no' question that the U.S. election is being watched very closely in Central Arneriel. Reports from the 'region have noted that rightists in Guatemala, El Salvador and Hondu- ras, resisting U.S. pressures fo'politii cal--:and social- liberalization,I, are openly hopeful of a. -Reagan tyittory that might change U.S. policy.s "Althoughilleagan has given no eieA about,liqw he would dear with' the region, he has strongly attakked Cuba on many occasions, and the Re- sps*lican?Parsty.illatform says:, coNsIVOD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302450057-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302450057-9 !!We deplore the Marxist Sandinist 2 takeover, of Nicaragua and the Marx? ist attempts to destabilize El Salva- dor; Guatemala and Honduras. We do' " not 'support United States assistance to 'any Marxist government in this hemisphere, and we oppose the Carter administration aid program for the government of Nicaragua. However, we will support the efforts of the Ni- caraguan people to establish a free and independent government." That is in accord with the thinking of. many officials in the Central Intel- ligence Agency and the Defense Intel- ligence Agency, who make no secret of their belief that Cuba and. the So- viet Union. are using Nicaragua as .a wedge to extend their influence throughout the Caribbean basin. ? 3ut it -is directly! contrary' to the State Department view that Nicara- gui5s ideological direetion is stilt a question and that Moscow ; seeking to diiiert attention from its invaasion of Afghanistan, would like nothing bet- ter' than to see'the"United 'States Moye into an openly hostile stance th- ward Nicaragua or other radical gov- ernments or groups in that area.. neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302450057-9