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Q~~ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420012-6 /~~~ V. 23 Mar 87 NORTH AFRICA Q 1 Ibrahimi, Soviet Counterpart Exchange Greetings LD22/3S8 Algiers Domestic Service in Arabic 1200 GMT 22 Mar 87 [Text] Twenty-five years have passed since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Algeria and the Soviet Union. On this occasion, Dr. Taleb Ibrahimi, member of the Political Bureau and minister of foreign affairs, exchanged con- gratulationswith his Soviet counterpart, Eduard Shevardnadze, member of the CPSU Central Committee Politburo. Netherlands Foreign Minister Holds Talks LD2211 / 1 Algiers APS to English 1000 GMT 22 Mar 87 [Text] Algiers, 22/3/87 (APS) - In the frame of the official visit to Algeria of the Dutch foreign minister, Algerian-Dutch politi- cal talks started here Sunday. These talks started by a limited meeting between Foreign Minister Ahmed Taleb Ibrahimi and his Dutch counterpart, Hans van den Brcek. During his working session, the two sides exchanged views on a large number of international topical questions. The Middle East conflict and the Palestinian question were the subject of a thorough examination particularly in light of the declaration of the EEC in favour of an international conference on peace in the Middle East and prospects of the reunification of the Palestinian resistance and the holding of an Arab summit. The relaunch of the Euro Arab dialogue was also dealt with by the two sides which expressed their views on objectives and modalities of the dialogue. The Lebanese crisis was also dealt with in light of efforts aimed at favouring national reconciliation and the restoration of peace in Lebanon. The two sides also examined the evolution of the conflict between Iraq and Iran and initiatives likely to find a political solution for this conflict. Concerning regional issues, the two aides examined the Western Sahara conflict in its political and military dimension and its consequences on security, stability and construction of the Great Maghreb. It is worth recalling that Hans van den Brcek arrived Sunday here for a three day official visit at the invitation of Foreign Minister Ahmed Taleb Ibrahimi. Air Transport Agreement Signed LD2222S4 Algiers Domestic Service in French 2200 GMT 22 Mar 87 [Text] The international energy situation bas been examined in Algiers by the energy minister and the Netherlands foreign minister. The two officials spoke about bilateral relations in the field of energy and the chemical industry and the prospects for their development. The Netherlands minister also met the minister of transport today. An agreement was signed in the field of air transport. Messaadia Makes `Technical' Stopover in Spain For coverage of the technical stopover made by Mohamed Cherif Messaadia, Politburo member and head of the FLN Central Committee, in Spain on his way to Cuba, including his meeting with Spanish Socialist Workers Party officials, see the Spain section of the 23 March Western Europe Daily Report. AI-Qadhdhafi Addresses Terrorism Conference LD202248 Tripoli Television Service In Arabic 2056 GMT 20 Mar 87 [Libyan leader Mu`ammar al-Qadhdhafl's address to interna- tional conference on terrorism in Geneva on 20 March 1987 via Tripoli-Geneva satellite linkup; in Arabic with sentence by sen- tencetranslation into English byoff-screen translator; translated from original Arabic -recorded] [Text] First, I greet Mr (Hans) and the international progressive organization for the efforts it exerted in organizing this interna- tionalconference concerning this dangerous phenomenon [words indistinct] which is terrorism. I greet you and support you and thank you for this great (?noble) effort, in view of the fact that my country is a victim of terrorism, and my people have lost their dear children and some of their women and old people as a result of the international terrorism practiced by the United States and Britain, setting out from military bases in America, Britain, Italy, and Spain. As for Italy and Britain, they are bases for the American 6t6 Fleet. [passage indistinct] We are very interested in the success of this conference, because we are victims of terrorism. I would like to make some contributions today. First, I would like to enumerate the victims of terrorism. The first victims of terrorism in our region are the Palestinian people. They are international victims of terrorism. As a result of the terrorism practiced against the Palestinian people by world Zionism, with the support of imperialism, they have lost more than half of their sons, and terrorist operations continue to pursue them every- where. The Palestinian people live in very tragic conditions because they are pursued by the organized international terror- ism at the hands of the so-called Jewish state in Palestine which is backed by the United States. The Kurdish people are also victims of international terrorism. The Libyan people are still bleeding because of the (?racist) military operations conducted by the strongest state in the world. The Red Indian nation was dispersed and dismembered because of American terrorism, the terrorism practiced by Americans. Blacks everywhere suffer from terrorism because of their color. The people of Northern Ireland suffer from organized terrorism Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420012-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420012-6 ~ ~ In a debate in another security forum, several IDF generals voiced their vehement opposition to the project, arguing that the Lavi would come at the expense of more urgent and important procurement needs. These arguments were pushed aside. In the political background, Prof Moshe Arens, a former IAI official, exerted constant pressure to go ahead with and expand the project. "There was nothing we could do, the game was rigged in the political arena," a senior IDF officer with whom I dis- cussed the findings of the report says today. The Lavi's finest hour came in 1983. Prof Moshe Arens became defense minister and, based on data provided by IAI, decided to speed-up the timetable for the supply of the first Lavi's to the Air Force by 1 year. However, at the end of 1984 everybody realized this was an unrealistic goal and the timetable was changed back. Nevertheless, the development of the Lavi continued without interruption and according to the original cost estimate. The big crisis took place in February-March 1985. Under pressure from the Americans, Defense Minister Yitzhaq Rabin decided to conduct another thorough analysis of the project's costs and, to everybody's astonishment, it was revealed for the first time that the development cost of the Lavi would be double what had been estimated until then; in other words, $2 billion or even more for its development, and the price of a single aircraft would be $15 to $16 million (instead of $7 million). It also emerged that the Air Force would not be able to purchase the intended number of aircraft, which would further raise the cost of the entire project. It took heavy U.S. pressure and worrisome findings about the cost of the project in 1986 and 1987 to convince the government that the project must be reassessed and a new decision made. Even the most prominent and devoted advocates of the Lavi within the defense establishment are very ill at east when they speak about the State Comptroller's report. Almost all of them admit that the decisionmaking process was at fault, but many argue that the criticism over the way the Lavi s cost was esti- mated is unjust. They claim that at every step of the way the pertinent ministers were presented with updated data conform- ing to the economic situation at the time. "In Israel, it is hard to predict economic developments even from one day to the next," one of the targets of this criticism regret- fully says. The report was supposed to be submitted to the Knesset in February. A copy of it was sent to the Defense Ministry as early as January. However, the previous state comptroller, Yitzhaq Tuniq, decided at the last minute for reasons better known to him to delay its official publication until the beginning of April. The timing is purely incidental but quite ominous from the point of view of the advocates of the Lavi both inside and outside the government. Botha Claims U.S. Behind Decision on S. Africa TA201428 Jerusalem Domestic Service to Hebrew 1400 GMT 20 Mar 87 [Text] South Africa's Embassy in Israel bas conveyed the South African Foreign Ministry's reaction to the government's decision not to sign new security contracts with Pretoria. The embassy also conveyed President Pieter Botha's message claiming that Israel's decision stems from American pressure. South Africa's president noted, however, that the Israeli decision does not go beyond what European governments have decided on this issue. Air Force Hits `Terrorist' Command Post Near Sidoa TA230630 Tel Aviv IDF Radio in Hebrew 0600 GMT 23 Mar 87 [Text] Israeli Air Force planes attacked terrorist targets south of Sidon this morning and returned safely to base. The pilots reported accurate hits. Our military corcespondent Gay Zohar has additional details: At around 0625 [0425 GMT] this morning, Air Force planes attacked a terrorist command post near Sidon in southern Leba- non. The two-story building housed the command of one of the Palestinian terrorist organizations. The attack was short, lasting several minutes. The pilots reported accurate hits. It seems that arms were also stored in the command post. Antiaircraft fire was directed at the planes, but did not pose a danger to the pilots, who returned safely to base. Lebanon has yet to report casualties. This is the second Air Force attack within 4 days. A target south of Sidon was attacked last Friday [20 March]. 2 IDF Soldiers Wounded by Bomb in South Lebanon TA202007 Jerusalem Domestic Service in Hebrew 2000 GMT 20 Mar 87 [Text] Two IDF soldiers sustained slight igjuries when a roadside bomb exploded in the security zone of southern Lebanon this afternoon. The bomb was planted on the side of the road east of Bint Jubayl; it exploded when an IDF unit passed by. Our correspondent Gabi Zohar notes that this is the second incident this week in which IDF soldiers have been wounded in the central sector of the security zone. 2 `Terrorists' Killed by IDF in Security Zone TA221047 Tel Aviv IDF Radio in Hebrew 1044 GMT 22 Mar 87 [Text] During the night two terrorists were killed in a clash with an IDF force in the eastern sector of the security strip. Our forces sustained no casualties. The clash occurced northwest of Has- bayya and their personal arms and weapons were found beside the bodies of the terrorists. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420012-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420012-6 ~ ~ practiced by the United Kingdom. Those are historic victims, against whom official terrorism is practiced. As for the tools of terrorism, the first is the nuclear bomb. Nuclear and chemical weapons have also caused great fear in the world. The ones responsible for these terrorist weapons are the states manufacturing and possessing nuclear bombs. There is another tool which causes great fear to mankind, which comes after the nuclear bomb: the AIDS virus. I mention this virus because someone is responsible for it. This virus did not come from the jungle or from monkeys as the United States claims. I want to inform you that the United States made this virus. U.S. intelligence conducted tests on germs with a view to using them in germ warfare and this virus emerged as a result. U.S. intel- ligencewas unable to control this virus after playing with genetics in this regard. The United States is responsible for the spread of this terror in the world. Other tools of terror include military bases and fleets, military fleets all over the world terrorizing the peaceful peoples of the world. Another tool of state terrorism is the starvation process carried out by the United States by withholding wheat or buying the freedom of nations with wheat. The psychological war currently waged by imperialist and Zion- ist circles is another instrument of terror and terrorism in the world. Libya has suffered and paid a price because of official state terrorism. Many such methods of terrorism have been used against Libya. American fleets have been used against it as one of the instruments of international terrorism. Military bases in Britain, Spain, and Italy have been used against it for this purpose. Libya is now being terrorized from the south after the use of terror against it from the north failed --undertaken by two states which are members of the Security Council and supposed to be responsible for world peace, by America and France. This happened after America and Britain, with the help of Spain and Italy, had conducted terrorism against Libya from the north. The most notorious terrorists in the world now are the Yankees and the Israelis. But what is the solution? This is what matters. Before arriving at a conclusion, in which I will speak about the attempt to find a solution, there is something I want to say. There are several forms of terrorism: There is state terrorism against one's own citizens. Most citizens of the states of the world suffer from the terrorism of their own governments. For instance, the British people suffer from the tyranny of the government police, conducted in a grave terrorist manner. When the British people stage a demonstration, they are trampled under the feet of the horses of the police; boiling water is poured over them. This exists in several Western states. Regrettably, this is beginning to spread from Western Europe to other countries in the world. This is state terrorism against states where there is no Jamahiriyah regime, where there is a govern- ment and a people, a police in the hands of the government and an army in the hands of the government, where there are horses in the hands of the police, boiling water in the hands of the police. When citizens want to express their feelings in West European states they are terrified because they know these tools of terror- ism will be used against them. Western governments are extremely reactionary and dictatorial. History is repeating itself in Europe which is witnessing the same thing as in the days of Austrian Chancellor Metternich. The democracy they talk about in Western Europe is false and ridiculous. Western Europe ie very reactionary and very dictatorial, including the United States and Britain. There is no freedom for the peoples of Western Europe. These people are living under government terrorism. There is state terrorism against the weak. Libya, as a state, was weak against, and a victim of, the United States and Britain. The Palestinian people and the Lebanese people are weak against the United States and Israel. The Kurds are weak against the official states in the Kurdistan area. The Catholics in Northern Ireland are a weak against the United Kingdom. Then there is the terrorism of the colonialists against liberation movements. This is being practiced by the United States, South Africa, and the Israelis, and by France against its colonies. France, America, the Israelis and South Africa aro responsible for the practicing of colonialist terrorism against liberation movements. The Western states are now defending terrorism against the liberated countries of the Middle East. Consequently, this terror- ism will be transferred to these states. France, Britain, or Italy complain about terrorist operations carried out by people from the Middle East. The reason is that these states defend terrorism against the liberated states in the Middle East. Liberation move merits, the weak, and citizens are forced to carry out action which is called confronting terrorism with terrorism. Liberation move- ments, the weak side, and citizens are compelled to take terrorist actions against governments, against colonialists and against state terrorism. Regrettably, the actions of governments, of colonialists, and the official actions of the state are considered legal while the actions carried out by the citizens against the government, the action of the weak against the strong, the actions of liberation movements against the colonialists are considered illegal. There is illegal terrorism and legal terrorism. This classification is wrong, but it stems from reality. Legal terrorism is the one carried out by governments, the strong states, the colonialists. They engage in acts of terrorism, extremely grave acts of terror- ism which go to the point of exterminating whole peoples. But they say it is legal because it is undertaken by the strong. However, when an oppressed citizen rises against a reactionary dictatorial government, such as a West European citizen, or when weak states oppose strong states, or when liberation movements act against their respective colonialists, when they take action against terrorism, then such action is considered illegal. The right definition of terrorism is terrorism practised by gov- ernments and by the superpowers against the weak states, and terrorism conducted by colonial states against national liberation movements. At the same time, citizens, liberation movements, and weak states retaliate against such terrorism directed against them. Now, when we undertake such retaliation, the latter is condemned as terrorism, and the cause is ignored; namely, that terrorism was conducted in the first place by these parties against weak parties. It is as if West Europe pretends to ignore that it is defending terrorism against the liberation-sceking Middle East states and at the same time complains that terrorism is being Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420012-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420012-6 ~ ~ exported from the Middle East to West Europe. So terrorism will continue in Western Europe as long as Western Europe defends terrorism against the Middle East. Counter- terrorism will continue as long as the so-called Israeli state continues to exist forcibly in Palestine and to carry out official terrorism against the Palestinians. All the small peoples will continue to take counteraction against the United States as long as it practices state terrorism against them. France will be subjected to terrorism also as long as it exercises organized terrorism against its colonies. It has occupied Chad by military force and imposed by military force a government against the will of the Chadian people. It is occupying Caledonia and slaying its people and it is occupying Martinque and slaying its people. It is also occupying Mayotte Island by force and La Reunion Island. Therefore, it will be the target of terrorism by the liberation movements in these colonies. France will then complain about and condemn terrorism forgetting that it is the cause. If there is to be any possibility of a solution, then all peoples of the world must struggle against the imperialists. The United States, as a major terrorist state, should be besieged by all peoples of the world. It should be boycotted throughout the world and blacklisted until it stops terrorizing people. All the peace-loving forces must undertake this mission day and night. Furthermore, all forces of peace and liberation should unite in support of the Palestinian people to enable them to defeat Zionism. As long as Zionism and American imperialism have not disap- peared, terrorism will prevail over mankind. Therefore, the Zion- iststate must be ostracized and put on the blacklist by all peoples on earth. There must be opposition to any link between the racist Zionist state and any other state in the world. Furthermore, people must incriminate the states that have the nuclear bomb and continue to manufacture it. There must be a struggle against the states that have the nuclear bomb so that they may realize their terrible crime against humanity. As for the Western states, they will be subjected to more terror- ismuntil they stop helping the terrorist groups which oppose the liberation-seeking regimes in the Middle East. Terrorism in Europe will end only bu using snore terrorism against it so that it will realize that Europe itself is the cause. When Western Europe stops defending the terrorism directed against the liberation-seeking states in the Middle East, then terrorism in Western Europe will end. Imperialist, racist, and colonialist governments and states must realize that practising terrorism will give rise to more terrorism with more severity and on a wider scale. The road we are now following will witness more terrorism, and the liberation movements, citizens, and the weak states believe that intensifying terrorism against terrorism will per- suade the world to stop terrorism. These solutions and these proposals are not impossible. The vital forces in the world, the forces of the peoples, the humanitarian organizations, those in existence and the ones which should be created, can carry out a collective struggle in accordance-with this guidance which I have presented to you. One day we shall achieve the indictment of the states which possess the nuclear bomb, the chemical bomb, and the germ bomb. The colonialist states and the states which practice state terrorism will find themsleves in the dock, condemned internationally, and held criminally responsible by all the vital forces of the world. Only then will sense return to those tyrants, and the one who does not recover his senses will pay a high price. The day will come when these terrorist methods will be banned and held to be barbaric, like 1Nazism and fascism. Imperialism will be like ]Nazism, Zionism will be like 1Nazism and fascism, and colonialism will be regarded as criminal. Only then will we create a new world. And I am confident that mankind is capable of this. This spirit exists now and you represent part of the conscience of the world. As long as there are people like you, the seeds for a solution exist. We should spread across the continents of the world and create people like you. We must create an international opposition in all the continents of the world against the causes of terrorism which I have mentioned and against the tools of terrorism being used by the terrorists. I am confident of victory in the end. The struggle continues. God's peace and prayers be upon you. >~epovted-y `Curt Od6? In Lluul!c Up NC210809 Parts AFP in English 075 GAIT 21 Agar 87 (Text] Geneva, March 21 (AFP) -Libyan leader Colonel Mu`ammar al-Qadhdhafi was cut off mid-sentence Friday in a television link-up between Tripoli and a conference on terrorism here organised by the International Organisation for Progress. He had just started to answer the first question from delegates after his speech when the sound was cut. He sat waiting for it to be restored and then got up and left the Tripoli studio. The questioner, an American teacher, bad asked why Libya had not taken its case to the International Court of Justice after the U.S. air raids on Tripoli and Banghazi on April 151ast year. During his speech the colonel called on smaller countries to boycoit the United States and Israel, the seats of world terrorism, and accused the U.$. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of creating the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) virus as a biolog}gal weapon. He warned Europe could expect attacks "as long as it was an accomplice to terrorist acts In the Middle East, notably against the Palestinians, the number one victims of terrorism." fIe also attacked France for its policies in Chad, INew Caledonia, Martinique, Mayotte and Reunion, warning it "would have to reckon with the terrorist acts perpetrated by these oppressed peoples: ' The throe-day conference of some 50 U.S. and European del- egates was to adopt a final resolution on Saturday. .UA1~A C?ndeuuttt$ U.~. ?ff~eu~I9a '~eQV?vn~nm 9I~Ieoua?uuQ LD2211 S~ Tripoli JAVA in English 1109 GAIT 22 Agar 87 [Text] INew York, Al Marikh 22, Jamahiriyah News Agency - Paul Brummer, the director of the so-called Anti-Terrorist Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/03/12 :CIA-RDP05-015598000400420012-6