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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1116RO01302450003-4 T(>p~CRET~ -- There is much support and little opposition to Bob Gates' confirmation. However, there is no chance that he will be confirmed before the Easter recess; OCA estimates mid-to-late April. -- OCA has been heavily involved in facilitating briefings on Nicaragua--over 15 individual and 5 committee sessions. The Administration is 10 to 15 votes short in the House at this writing. The Senate is less clear. in the Senate which would cover the DDCI and other Agency vehicles. -- OCA has attached amendments to the portal-to-portal transportation bill now Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1116RO01302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Iq Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 LJ/~I 9. A special meeting was arranged this past week to discuss minority recruitment with Councilman Richard Alatorre, who represents the 14th District of Los Angeles. The Office of Personnel (OP) emphasized the importance of the Agency's minority recruitment effort in general and the His anic program in particular. After much dialogue and a visit to and Headquarters facilities, OP was able to remove his initial suspicions, and he offered his assistance in our ongoing minority recruitment effort. The Councilman's initial suspicions, however, do highlight and bring vividly into focus the task we face in reaching and educating the minority population in the U.S. 10. As part of the preparation for internally administering a retirement system for all Agency employees, an OP/Retirement Division representative visited the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis, Missouri. The NPRC is primarily responsible for the maintenance and retention of current and former military and Federal civilian employee records. Our representative Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 was well received at the Center and was provided a tour as well as a briefing of the policy and procedures used by the center. In addition, important contacts within NPRC have been developed to assist us in administering our own retirement program. 11. The Stackig, Sanderson & White Advertising Agency has provided three proposed advertisements directed specifically at the legal, teaching and military professions. The ads are designed primarily to reach potential candidates for the DO direct hire program; but, hopefully, there will be considerable fall-out for the Career Training Program as well. The ads are well-written, and the first newspaper ad will appear in The Washington Post on 16 March. Ads also will be placed in professional journals as soon as publishing deadlines permit. 12. The recent addition of an extended dependent health insurance plan for children of Agency employees enrolled in the Association Benefit Plan (ABP) has been well received. Currently 54 children have been enrolled, and 32 additional applications have been mailed to interested parties. We anticipate this enrollment will be increased further during a special enrollment period between 1 April.and 15 May, during which time children who became age 22 between 1 January 1984 and 30 September 1985 may also apply. 14. The first offering of the Executive Development Program elective seminar "Technical Security: Countering The Hostile Challenge" which was conducted by OS on 5 - 6 March and was attended by 0 senior Agency officers. The purpose of the new technical security program is to apply advanced technologies more commonly used in offensive efforts to defend against hostile technical penetration in the US and overseas. The first session covered "The second session was an open discussion o the technical challenge with emphasis on the threat to automated systems overseas. -3- 25X1 S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Iq Next 9 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 CIA-RDP88G01116RO01302450003-4 S ET DDI 0 1357 -86 14 March 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Robert M. Gates Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT: DDI Activity Report 10-14 March 1986 DCI/DDCI Assigned Tasks SOVA and EURA prepared talking points and graphics for the OSWR and NESA prepared a typescript regarding possible Indian nuclear weapons intentions in response to a query from the Secretary of State to the DCI. ALA prepared talking points on Angola for the DDCI's HPSCI briefing. Policy Support ALA completed an unclassified blind memorandum on "Nicaragua: Myths and Realities," for release by the White House. OIA provided Ollie North, NSC, with an unclassified version of their study on Nicaraguan prisons along with 10 briefing boards showing the prisons for the President to use in his speech on Sunday. OCR provided DIA with videotape of Sandinista military equipment, the terrorist attack on the Colombian Palace of Justice', and the killing of the United States Marines in an El Salvador cafe for the President's possible use during his speech. In addition, OCR prepared summaries for the Vice President of significant statements by the Ortega brothers. OSWR briefed Dr. John MeTague, the.Acting President's Science Advisor and Director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, on Soviet ASAT issues. They also briefed Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 CIA-RDP88G01116R001302450003-4 v SECRET Robert Barker, designated Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Atomic Energy, on a sensitive nuclear technology transfer issue. ALA and OEA briefed Commerce Department and EXIM Bank officials on economic and political developments in Chile, Argentina, and the Philippines. EURA prepared talking points for the US Representative at 25X1 the North Atlantic Council meeting on the current financial outlook for the Eastern Bloc. EURA also prepared a paper for Secretary Shultz for his trip to France, Italy, Greece, and Turkey, and a typescript on the foreign policy positions of former Swedish Prime Minister Palme. EURA drafted a typescript for State and the NSC on the role and impact of the media in French politics and also prepared for the NSC a typescript on Yugoslavia's plans for organizational change within its Communist Party. EURA sent Ambassador Oakley the first of a series of monthly updates on Libyan sanctions. EURA also met with Stephen Danzansky of the NSC to discuss the latest Sherpa meeting for the Tokyo Summit in May. A NESA manager attended a planning meeting at EOB for Vice President Bush's trip to the Persian Gulf area in April. A NESA analyst briefed three special assistants to Attorney General Meese on Indian and Pakistani narcotics, terrorism, and general foreign policy matters. NESA analysts prepared a typescript on "Sri Lanka: Arming 25X1 and Training the Insurgency" for State's Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. OGI briefed Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Marion Creekmore on the oil market outlook, and Senior Staff Economists Lincoln Anderson and Robert Chambers at the Council of Economic Advisors on commodity issues. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88G01116R001302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 25X1 OGI briefed DoD DAS for Intelligence Hawkins on the arms transfer research program and gray arms market. OGI has, so far, distributed nearly 2,400 copies of the Guide to the Analysis of Insurgency. 3 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release-26f 1767/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 SECRETI 25X1 SOVA met with Jim Giffen, Chairman, US-USSR Trade and Economic Council, to discuss issues likely to arise in his meetings with Soviet officials. SOVA briefed LAMM developments to the WSSIC Conference at the US Army Foreign Service and Technology Center (USAFSTC) in Charlottesville, Viriginia. The CRES Imagery Group chief, as CIA Member/COMIREX, visited PACOM with other committee members, where they heard complaints about the imagery decompartmentation restriction, Briefings on the Hill There were 17 briefings on the Hill this past week. C/ACIS and briefed the SSCI Staff on compliance issues. OSWR and the NI0/S&T met with Congressman Kenneth MacKay to discuss science policy issues. OSWR also briefed Dwayne Andrews of the HPSCI Staff on the DI Scientific Computing Initiative for FY87. ALA briefed Congressman Burton and staffers on Mozambique, and Congressmen Daniel and Gunderson on the impact on Mexico of Sandinista consolidation and Nicaraguan subversion of its neighbors. NESA and OGI briefed the Senate Energy Committee on the Iran-Iraq War and impact on Gulf. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 S ET~ The Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D.C. 20505 National Intelligence Council MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence NIC #01348-86 14 March 1986 FROM: Harold P. Ford Vice Chairman, National Intelligence Council SUBJECT: NIC Activity Report, 7 - 13 March 1986 I. DCI/DDCI Assigned Tasks NIO/Narcotics (William Kotapish) prepared background material for the ADCI's use at meetings of the National Drug Enforcement Policy Board and the Domestic Policy Council, and accompanied the ADCI to the Policy Board meeting. NIO/SP (Lawrence Gershwin) accompanied the ADCI to a meeting of the SSCI for testimony on intelligence support to US nuclear forces. NIO/Warning staff officer prepared a talking paper for the ADCI on expansion of the Persian Gu war at sea. II. Interagency Papers NIO/East Asia (Carl Ford) began coordination of NIE 13/7-86: China's Second Revolution; and commenced coordination of the draft of Fast-Track SNIE 56-2-86: Challenges Facing the Aquino Government. NIO/Latin America (Robert Vickers) completed coordination of the second draft of Fast-Track Memorandum to Holders of SNIE 83.3-4-85: Nicaragua: Prospects for the Insurgency. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 S Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 The National Foreign Intelligence Board this week approved the following estimates: Malta: New Openings for Our Adversaries; chaired by NIO/Europe Col. George Kolt ; The Phili ines: Challenges Facin -the Aquino Government; chaired by NIO/EA (Carl or ; and Nicaragua: Prospects for the Insurgency; Memorandum to Holders of SNIE 83.3-4-85; chaired by NIO/LA (Robert Vickers). III. Of Interest This Week VC/NIC (Hal Ford) discussed NIC/State questions with Dick Solomon, Director of the State Department Policy Planning Staff. NIO at Large (MGen David Einsel) met with the Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs to discuss sensitive nuclear proliferation issues; attended a sensitive nuclear briefing presented b Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory at DOE; with A/NIO/CBW provided testimony to Appropriations Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee on Soviet chemical warfare program; met with the Agency FOIA officer on an action dealing with yellow rain and Washington Post litigation; Assistant NIO for CBWI Ico-chaired a meeting of the IICT Nuclear Biological Chemical Terrorism Threat Subcommittee; and met with an OTS officer to discuss a CW collection initiative. Assistant NIO for Nuclear Proliferation attended a Community seminar on nuclear proliferation at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. NIO/Counterterrorism (Charles Allen) discussed a sensitive collection effort with Thomas Kell of the FBI's Washin ton Field Office; 25X1 discussed terrorism issues and the structure of the new CT Center with DIO/CT 25X1 met with Ralph Zurita and Howard Safir of the US Marshals Service to discuss issues related to the apprehension of foreign terrorists; chaired a meeting of the IITC; with COPS/CT, attended a meeting of the TIWG/OSG; with SA/NI0/CT met SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 with OGC and OCA officers to discuss the proposed Omnibus Anti-Terrorism Bill; met with of DO/CPNand DA/OIT officer blishing an automated systems information handlers users oup under the auspices of the IITC; and discussed CT R/D issues with of OTS and of ORD. SALf1I O/CT of DO/CPN met with) lof OTS and to discuss an upcoming exercise on nuclear CS/NIO/CTI Imet with NRC officer John Davidson regarding the foreign threat to US nuclear sites. NIO/East Asia (Carl Ford) attended swearing-in ceremonies for Dr. Gaston Sigur, the new Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, and for Paul Wolfowitz, Ambassador to Indonesia; and met with Frank Tapparo of OSD/Europe and Pacific Forces to discuss recent developments in the Philippines. Acting NIO/Economics Imet with CRES officer) to discuss economic requirements for Latin America. Assistant NIO/Economics met with Jonathan Farrar and Charles Evans of INR to discuss economic and political developments in Peru. NIO/Euro a Col. Geor e Kolt discussed collection issues with the C/DO/EUR; Assistant NIO/Europe discussed Yugoslavian support to terrorists with State Department Yugoslavian Desk Officers; and briefed DO/PPS on his TDY. NIO/FDIA (H. F. Hutchinson, Jr.) met with a consultant on deception; 25X1 met with the Comptroller and others to discuss CI budget issues with the SSCI staff; and 25X1 with A NIO FDIA and FDIA staff members and together with I Staff and DO/SE officers, met with DNI 25X1 representatives to discuss Walker-Whitworth espionage activities. 3 SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 A/NI0/FDIA met with the CIA member of SIGINT Committee to discuss D&D requirements in the year 2000; met with DC/OSD/OSWR, chairman-designate of DDAC's newly established M Subcommittee; and met with LTC R. K. Tiernan, USAF, and others to discuss an AFIS/INOA proposal to apply artificial intelligence to D&D analysis. FIDA staff member assembled the CIA's contributions to the 1986 Assessment: Hostile Intelligence Services Threat and US Countermeasures and delivered it to t e C C IS. NI0/GPF (MGen Stephen Nichols) attended a briefing and demonstration on the Rand Corporation's Strategy Assessment Center's automated war gaming and analysis effort; with his assistants, hosted a working lunch for Jerome Kahan, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Functional Analaysis (INR) and members of his staff; and with A/NI0/GPF discussed Community support to tactical forces and exchanges of of the IC Staff Information Handling Committee. Assistant NIO/GPFI lattended a DIA-hosted conference with NURAD J2/J3 staff members on NORAD and Community views of the likely employment roles of Soviet long-range, land-attack cruise missiles. 25X1 25X1 NI0/Latin America (Robert Vickers) with officers of DI/ALA; discussed US policy options toward Peru with the US Ambassador to Peru; reviewed a public opinion poll in Panama with State Department officers; and at the request of and with OCA, briefed several members of Congress on Nicaragua. NIO/Narcotics (William Kotapish) discussed the Mexican drug problem with the Commissioner of Customs; met with officers of the Customs Department senior intelli ence staff to discuss intelligence coordination and support; land discussed Nicaraguan government involvement in drug trafficking with the Special Assistant to the President for Drug Abuse Policy. Assistant NIOs/NESAI I met Community officers to discuss nuclear proliferation issues in South Asia. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 NIO/SP (Lawrence Gershwin) attended a Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute Seminar on SDI, chaired by former Secretary of Defense Harold Brown; with A/NI0/SP briefed ACDA Director Kenneth Adelman on recent developments in Soviet Strategic Forces; NI0/S&T (Julian Nall) attended the innaugural meeting of the Committee on International Science, Engineering, and Technology chaired 25X1 by the Acting Science Advisor to the President; met with to discuss an agenda for the 18 March New York meeting of the ec no o Surprise Working Group; and with OSWR officer 25X1 and of OCA, met with Congressman Kenneth McCay to discuss Science Uounselors and Attaches. 25X1 Associate NI0/S&T collection meeting. NI0/USSR (Fritz Ermarth) Congress; attended an off-site NASSW 25X1 briefed D/ACDA and members of his staff on the CPSU and met with) to discuss current Soviet affairs and State Department Policy Planning needs. Assistant NI0/USSR (briefed NSC staff member Bill Bach on developments at the CPSU Congress; discussed Soviet/European economic relations with Elliott Hurwitz, Special Assistant to Under Secretary of State Wallis; discussed Soviet economic performance with Ed Hewitt of the Brookings Institution; attended a Wilson Center seminar on SDI and Soviet/US relations; briefed an interagency group on Soviet policy toward Afghanistan; and briefed NSC staff member John Lenczowski on Soviet Third World policy. NIO/Warning (John Bird) discussed warning matters with Col. Simms of the JCS Joint Analysis Directorate; and met with of the National Defense University to discuss intelligence and warning issues. Assistant NIO/Warning) I briefed a group of officers from Washington Area Watch Centers on a tour sponsored by NIO/Warning and conducted by of the National Warning Staff. SECRETE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 SECRET IV. Future Activities NI0/Counterterrorism (Charles Allen) wi speak on counterterrorism at the National Defense University on 31 March. NIO/SP (Lawrence Gershwin) and NI0/USSR (Fritz Ermarth) will meet with Secretary Kissinger of the PFIAB, RADM Poindexter, and others on 15 March to discuss methods of analyzing Soviet views; and will brief the Senate Armed Services Committee on Soviet strategic force developments and related issues on 18 March. r 4.. Harold P. Ford SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1116RO01302450003-4 SECRET SUBJECT: NIC Activity Report, 7 - 13 March 1986 VC/NIC:HF:bha (14 Mar 86) 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - EXDIR 1 - SA/IA 1 - ER 1 - C/NIC 1 - VC/NIC (HF) 1 - VC/NIC (GF) 1 - Each NIO 1 - NIC/AG 1 - A0/NIC 1 - PO/NIC 1 - SRP 7 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1116RO01302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Iq Next 3 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1 1 16RO01 302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 CIA-RDP88G01116R001302450003-4 SEGK'E T OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER WEEKLY REPORT FOR THE DCI 14 March 1986 -- The SSCI has forwarded a total of 77 questions for the record on the 1987 CIA program. Briefings were conducted this week in answer to a portion of this request. The remaining questions will be answered in writing. -- The ExDir and Deputies will meet next week with the 0/Comptroller to review 1988 ongoing initiatives in preparation for the directorates' program plan submissions on 4 April. Background information will be provided to all participants early next week. S E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88G01116R001302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22: CIA-RDP88G01116R001302450003-4 ET MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM: David Grie SUBJECT: Update on Congress --There is much support and little opposition to Gates' confirmation. However, there is no chance that he will be confirmed before the Easter recess; we estimate mid to late April. --We have been heavily involved in facilitating briefings on Nicaragua--over 15 individual and 5 committee sessions. The Administration is 10 to 15 votes short in the House at this writing. The Senate is less clear. --You are hosting several lunches to present Agency Seal Medallions to former oversight Members. Three small breakfasts are also scheduled after the Easter recess for Senators Stevens, Boren and Cohen (one at a time). --We have attached amendments to the portal to portal transportation bill now in the Senate which would cover the DDCI and other Agency vehicles. --We have drafted letters from you to Shultz, Weinberger, Poindexter and Jim Miller that support the submission of new leaks legislation, inasmuch as OMB forced the provision out of our FY 1987 Authorization bill, but with the understanding that they would support separate legislation. --We have problems with the version of the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Anti-Terrorism bill before the House. If we can't correct it before it passes the House, we will ask you to sign a letter to Durenberger to seek support for sponsoring our amendments on the Senate side. RET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88G01116R001302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1116RO01302450003-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 : CIA-RDP88GO1116RO01302450003-4