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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 1L1, 1111111__ II II _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 THE MOSCO,q CITY pYIDE~rIIO;OGI A -:44:_-Z ST BeLC hokhail S.Sokolovaky alorary Doctor of HSFSR lid r4as: - 164, Prospeot M ira G af3Uy pereulok, 4/9, U-7-31-41,. Specialists with unive rsity ea 1ne rs, biologists etc. and oration phY3ioians %'- ddl- ohemists '` at the hrioscow'City Sa.ni_ury sanitary staff are s ?.._ . demiologioal station., per s ons wits the ~=agree of Master of Sdience and 4 :ac .orax?~r Physicians of the 3 ep bl: c. The Moscow City` Sanitr.r;~_EPic.nio Of the following 9 lo~iC l Stationoonsi;4s ,dep~~rtments: an; I) Department of Genera: ;, ..i nd ?vtunicipL,l Hygiene and Sanita-' 2) Dopartm.ent, :of Industry wl HY :~en% and Sunit.tion. 3 ncpartmont of Hysiont of -"t ition nd Food Sall- ration; 4) Department of .look 'HY81cn'- of C ;.-2dren Lund Adoloooonts "'cnitation , ax; 5) Department off'' LpiclCr~j-A..>_a r n by and kl crobiology; 6) Department of,I'nrasitology? 7)Goi ,1 Daborntoires; 8) Or~~.nisn,ti , anal--A,10tnod..: Department and 9) Ad m inistrwtivc Dc The Saniar p~atment. BPidcmi010"1 o^1 Swrh ; a Council, th.. Council of : .y Doc forts Assiut n r.r.i of Spc cia lists th,, S'n1taY~,_Technioa1 C work handi c,uncil r_ ..r.d with the Ch:Sanitary FOR 0FiIL Up1 V Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 11 Page 2 ? Doctor. Up to 60--65% of the m ambers of the, Sanitary- Epidemiological Council c.rc doctors and m ct.ars of modioa l sciences. The Mosoovr City Sanitary-Epidemiological Station is included in the System of the Moscow City Public Health Do- partment and its Chicf Sc.nit,%ry Inspector is an assistant director o;E this' Department. The work is being carried out under the methodical management of the' Chief Sanitary-Epide miold ioal Control Bcc d of,the RSFSR Ministy of Public Health. The Moscow City Sanitary-Epidemiologioal Station di- rects the methodical work at' the sanitary-epidemiological stations of the city districts, at the Subway and at the USSR Agricultural Exhibition, at the Moscow City Disinfection Sta- tion and its inter-district disinfection branches, at the Moscow City Epidemiological Evacuation Centre for oonveying ed, infectIo s-patients (the Centre is attached to the Ambulance Service Station) and at the Moscow City House and the dis- triet House of'Sanit:ry Education. The methodical managomont of the sanitary-epidemiological work is also being carried out at the this: poutic-prophyluctio institutions in Moscow. Through the district sanitary-epidemiological stations and the Soviet''Red Cross and Red Crescent Sooicty a mass rani-? tart'-eduoation~hl' work is being conducted and the measures are FOR OFFt Ir T,.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 L_ 11-bJ~ lilIFII llll.l II 111, 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 Paso 3. taken for the msinten :ncc or cleanliness end healthy working and living conditions. The Moccorr c . ly S ;nira ty-Epldemiologio,:~1 St-ti charge of all on is in tf:e Ubrib~~nyng the preyelztivn ?. ..a t` orn4 niZ as.nd controls the ~~nti-- infestaionU Ind ,~c-11P t rI 1 diseases, t.:kr-s pert in periodic exa~nir..t:.ol of chz?onic ~ ticiits ' nd of the healthy popula tion of Info; cow. The _.:umiOwog_.ca I Station togother With t I .c :~.. r.LL w ~~ N ~/ 4l ~ v Gpi -I= ar f 4e ion Ju t the at :bons c.rrics 2^t in of tho ^ soiw, fcou aa ?~, -? t .~:Lr, V10-tort "j. 04-1 : ;ia:>shold utensils etc 'atori"'is Of the; s^ i,.^~?;t ~} . thci tu$].cd and gone=r :li.Z0S On r br.si? t h'; f:a.~:c~r?~rg ictcr n:1zss . -rc worked cut for the city: '; . a ~? and n , tiep_.dc.mioal ,., lnc r.su..rc;,, the pYCi:tts (,f r Y d L, 11 srmitrry regulations, t Cj..~1J'1S of t o b~'p C") ~.r' )11 -, ' the r .,. bA.r Working Pe o le the orders of ?t .LZ~ 111J~',QJ'7 p 5 Dep~ttce3t ublic Ho'vlth Dcprrtmenf-_ th e v r.? V L/ l~.i. ti i 4J (.4 :1..cnry Inspector and other d ocuments. (tt ti cc a wi?c?c and diverse scientific.. ra il l~~rA~ :L8 U :+. y ,: i P Q aid, rr~. ,c ~)u, with the consulting rid and 001 Lnb o'mi;1;;II of r hc. .M C 0 I?13titute,u. and chairs of h ~w&~ fgicnc :nd ep:L dc; ology. 12 SC~,enl- ,tic ccnferei:cec vrero held in I957 E z9?8 ~r 71yaJ.c' gti .: ' ' - r~ZF rs we c Prescntod. Scientific- work with ti1L p~ rtiG+ practical of 400 spoci lists is being con- Gnn fjrrInjAI c4Ir Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO19400090001-7 ~' I 11 ~ll_._.1i1V9!111. UI'J __ SII II I I ! J, li III Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 Pagel. 4 ducted on 84 sub. jc o t s The 14:seow -C t &V S~~~itary_~pidcmialogical Station is a traii1ing_prr~ctic2 and instructive methodical contra of .the anit^ry servicc, where theor tical etical studies instruction of medical school and Prac.. , ,tar pupils, medical studcnts Y inspQC1,0) rs ; and public health ofioers who i g their g.ua,lifi eats on at t ho ~ are adva~} Centrr I l Post_araduato Medic al ntitute) is being carried out. 20 Interns are taking their the 1loscow Cit Y ?r oourso of training at Y Sanitary-Epidemlologioal I' medie~ 1 speyi :linty :nd ,. Station, hundreds e,f a~~i~taat-sanitary inspectors of Mos., cow and other towns of the S evict Un1pn arc Studying at the courses, Ucmincr& working places anq loeture buroa*uxo 2000 spcoialists wire trr.ined in I ~_ About tical laboratories: ~nd 8 . ~ 95r I958~ Le'training-prc,o- InStruc tivQ..domonstratioual rccros xc used for- this Purpo` c? Thorn a mudjo l library, roadib r~~n lecture halls-,andclass g rooms, All the work is- 'carried -out in olose e r'tosoor City with the y Societies of Hygienists and e ~r 6C of the members o Pide alogists. About these sooiotjos are the Workors of t'h 1.1 cycow sanitary epid.eni,ol o gica.l stations. The 1tii;,scotir ~it.y"Shnitary-Epider.~ ., . U`2CS a Bulletin of information iologio~.l `'tatIon pub. ~o .onaerning its work every 3-4 nt hs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO19400090001-7 H1111 11 H u i i i i i 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 ~x 'C' T-) Pages n artmon f Gonerrl -and, 1r4 of a sego and Sanity ti on This department consists of 5 sectioonss I) HYgicn;t: 0f Plrnning 4.nd Construction; 2) Sanitary Pro- . t. ction of Atrtibspheric Air; .3) Munioip; l Sanitation; 4) Housing Scnit; tioz; ,Hospital Sa,nitaticn. and one Laboratory. The department carries out. work on the preventive sani- trry supnrvisi: n in the field -,f plc.nning and building of the city, sanitations the otandard, dcsigno, th. designing of the prophylactio-therapeutic institutions ^nd of the public buildings, designing, building and puting into operation of oonstruoti ps for the purification of the atmospheric air and sowrago. Moasuros are being carried out on prevention of conta- mination of the ..open water reservoirs. The current and the preventive sanitary supervision is conducted in the zones of sanitary protection of the public victor supply and at the waterworks. The section, of sc. itc,ry protection of the w sphorio air studies by'means of laboratory analyses the gcncr al ,pollution' of the atmospheric air: The samples of air are taken t the st atiowry'pla ee;. The polluti4n of the atmospheric air around the iidustrial est:.blichneilto id :l . otudicd for the datorminati.:n of the necessary protective zees and the measures to-b.e'carricd out in those establishments, The dep'--rtnent. pays much attention to the problems of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 P supplying with,gas of industrial ostablishnents and h.uces, The seeti:,n oo Iductos a current .sanitary suporvisian of the obscrv: tieue of the sanitary 1' girn wt the, univ,:rcities hotelc, entertainment plr.ees, bath houses, l^undr;cs, barber shops and at other municipal. ob jcotives, In currying out the current control )n the observance of the sanitary regime at the therapeutic_prophylaotic institu- tions thQ suction. .)f hospital sanitati. r pays 'special attention to the presence of infactione occuring in hospitals and their cat{.se3: and contrals the working conditions at the tiorapeut. c ::nstituti.:ns Mhich employ rc dio^ctive i3otores The seotion'of housing sanitation studies the living conditions of the popul :tiun in the new and old houses. Special attention's g paid to thc,presencc of domestic noises, the measures for crwdication of whI:ch are ipmedi .tely taken. The laboratory of the departmcht porforz s ,^ll types of analyses %f. the air (of the atm spheric air and of the air f or treatment. in the houses and municipal buildings), of the drinking water 1 , and average and :,f th,. vzatcr in reserv*,irc. All these analyses .;re ,)erf:)rr.7ed in'_t:ZC nuribur required f,r the y.york of the sanitary inscct r , De ,.7..tmcnt 70f Inductri; 1 HX gicnc and ;tinit:cti ;n This dcp^,rtrant has a i -borat ory, which. includes the fo11ovitnr; ,r. 3t: I) of _-.x'1-.:.?lnation of the air in industrial e sta,3al ism: c~~ s; o f.;.ciu^f al '!e nt:il.ation; 3) of hygiene cf ind.ist-.L: of industric l physiology; 5) of UTAll Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO19400090001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A019400090001-7 rose 7 sanitary dosimetryf 6) Of industrial toxicolo ?' 97 and 7) of ? occupational p4thology with faoili.tios for the X,ra bio--media examinations. Y and The department is engaged in the followin g work: It carries out the preventive sanitary supervision the builds in and reconstruction of industrial establishr~onte and of its elements, as well as during the in .the now tEChni !ios introduction of 6 and technology into industry and in employ.. ment of the new -subbtanoes (cheni,owl and , radioacti ve), It oonduc}s 11tgzen3.e investigations .in industrial condi- tions of air pol.luti on With vapor, gaacs and dust, of the meterr.:o3QCical conditions, the loudness ' as 11 as of noise and its speotrus, or the dogree of ionizing radl.ation and of rorfle netio fiedle, it studies the illumination-of elect-- of the working places, the efficacy of the ventilating installations et It studies thoi inoidonoQ and pre c? ph,Ylrxis of occupational diseases among workers and is engaged in statistical analysis of the inoidenoe of diseases (which cause a to of the working ~pUrrcy loss capacity) and of the industrial traumatism. It organizes health noasures ::or their prophylaxis* It controls the observe' nee of the sanitary laws on indu. strial hygiene and labour protection In'indu especially in adoles'conts and w $trir?l workers, omen, FOR DHNL It carries out "invcsti ~b`~.` g"tions of physiological reactions occuring in workers in industrial oonditions. This is done for the hienio assos knent Of thc' forms of labour organization and for the intr;,ducti,_)n of mechwn~ ~?+.~ , , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A019400090001-7 I II'AII Illill'IIII l._ 111II1II ll__~111_I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 Works. It cenduots invcstigatians of torso substono0s (which are, being intr;.duoed into inductxy) for dovel opment of measures providing the hygienic conditions in working with the substr.nces. nevr In Periodical medical exa.minwtions of people working with harmful substa'oes it provides the consult .tiv the l~~borat,r e. and tho ' Y diwEnOctie aid to the terapoutie-prophylaetio institutions whie1I6Orve the workers of cstablishzments~ industrial The quant- ty of toxic SUb3ta Ices in the bi .. examination of tht~' r~ and the white blood ? ned~.c! function of t he lu' the rospitatory nc,"8, electroeardiographyl roentgcnograph$.. of the ohest and other exam natians arc also conducted. Cf rood Sanitatian, The department Inoludes a 1c.bu ratory for fOOd stuffs. examination of . In the field of Preventive sa nitcr y oontrol thin depr;rt- r1ent parries out: a). sanitary examination b erts ;f designs i or now constraoti iris y c.xj) as well as of the plr.ns for the recon.. struction of the existing large food Industrial csta blishments nc b) the spot c11.0ck during the. ' proee.,., ;f building and when ,)uttin the f:;od 14dustria1 estc:blishmants c) into sperati on; examination of the flew typed of food stuffs produced in ;~acow. . . ,,,,_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA RDP80T00246A019400090001-7_; Il if1_!~ II P1i III:I __ I I lll . _! 11 if Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A019400090001-7 .rtr,]ent of ;H C1G1UC ,;f Childr;:n and Adolescents . : en. Thi ,, d;`~ rtracnt = incl u~La w: ; chool hygi(,nio;l :bort ar =Lo -main, ain3 of:;.t e dep4 rtnr,:nt are:.tllc i:n~~ro e y? development and or 0 onc~lt5 n. l v tapnt.. of 11ysi0a1 c . pf health in ohildre,n and adoles- ._ fin. nul. !A! tier rul V % Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06 : CIA-RDP80T00246A019400090001-7 with the'tlzematio` n oy the worl: of this` clc,;rtraerit JA~e 9 The following, is done by tho department In the field of current sanitary,control; a spot chock of the objectives as a sLeoial task or during the planned vrork;, it also directs the current sanitary control canduotcd by the district sanitary.. epidemiological stations. ''One of the leading forns of the current sanitary control is the working out of plans-tasks on the sanitation measures presented to eoon ,rascal organizations at the end of the year . to be fulfilled the''next year, The sanitary-:ohomioal examinations of food stuffs are tied out directly`b cart y the lab.)ratory of the department. Other laboratories of the sanitary-epIdeniologica,l st Lions, such as the swnitary-baetcTiologicalp the laboratory of sanitary helnintholo g,Y, attached t j tho` rjinieipwl dapc.rtnent, oto. arc also participating in the work.of the dopa,rtmont. I-aborat ory examinations of food stuffs are carried out.. a 'for xo r p p 14-1 U.nitCX r oautrol n i~ ntroducin : new products, b ) for`?ahnitary e~a~~inatiori;''p) 'iri arbitr oni ~:d) in :invcstigwtcn,of ~'clomon- tsry disensas ?an(l".oi~ intcrstino,l: infections; o)`:in -' ccor, dahao h~~tl Sani t Li Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A019400090001-7 Declassified u 1~Y/ `l 41; .w9 lj Y ~Y Page IO cents, as well as the reduction of the total ineidance of diseases and o infectious diseases amonU"them, Under the control of tho.,'department are: a) the institutions for children of nursery, pro-soheol and sch:.jl ao; b) the institutions for adolescents; c) ,all the c:;nstructi.,ns in k4osc:ri intended for physical culture. The department carries out the following work: It studies the date on the incidence of c?iccascs in -children and adolescents according to age and in various types of institutions and Cevc;lops measures of proventi.~n and eradication of causes of those diseases, It cent+ol$ the anti epidemlcel and sanitation measures in child and adolescent institutions. It studies the date oharactexiziug the condition of health and physical development in children and adolescents; it takes ioacuros for :i:rproverlent of their health and physical development. by b,ettcrin the by ionic conditions in their bringing up torching. It arganizah the prophylactic.-scr:iti ry oontr::l of dhsigning,. 'location and erection of institutions f:)r children and adolescents, as well as of premises intended for physical culture, It controls the observance of the sanitary-hyCienic stan- dards and ruZulati :?ns in the manufacturing of soheol desks, furniture for children, study aids, toys', books, cLpthing and shoes for children. Nei' SE ONLY. in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A019400090001-7 { ;x? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A019400090001-7 tva~ ~P r'~ zy par,. y par~tioipatinC in the warp of the dop The school-.hygienic laboratory Conducts investigations Connected With'tho cxa1 inwtion of toys, furniture, clothing, Other laboratories of the s ;.nitary..el~ideniologica3, stab on are also widel Department of Ep idemiolo and biicr obiolo There arc 4sections in this department: I of intestinal infocti3ns, 2) of roplet in 'ecticns, 3) of viral infections and 4) of rare infections; The. following work is performed,by this de art B m?nt s. The statistical study of the incidence of. various diseases with a daily epidemiolor,,icc.1 analysis; vrorkin~ out of plans of 1 roy hylactic measures; practical aid to the districts in the study and eradi- cation of infeeti-?us diseases (especially in difficult oases development of the new methods of labor ,; atory.and epidemic- 11-08ica1 investigations and their introduction into practie ; e, continuous control c,f the quality of the prophyl?otic ncasures. The main aim in the work of this department is the further decrease "Of, the incidence ? of infectious diseases, The laboratory of intestinal Infections, the city centre of examination for dotection of carriers'of the pathoGenic microbes of intestinal group and the city Centre for the treatment of into tin al infections are included in the section of, intestinal infeeti:~ns. FOR tPRICIAL I ,,,r. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A019400090001-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 FUR j" diphtheria; A rrroups of epide~liologi$ts are included inta the section of of the section are,: the dior asst Page 12 A group consisting of Vsieoians-epidomiologists and their asista1 is c.nd,a laboratory of droplet `infoctions is included into the e'aeti on of droplet infeotions. The Hain airy of the section is the work of the sytomati and stable decrease of droplet 'infections in children and eradication of and ,a virological laboratory viral.-diseases, The main aim of the, incidence of.viral in- fections9 the study ,of the etiology of the focal diseases- the solution.of various probl.eris in the opideraialogy of spe-. eific pzophylactic measures against viral diseases with oon- siderationc to their effic. cy. A grzup of c;ideraiolo;its and a laboratory is included into the section of rare infections. The main aim of the see tin is the study of rare diseases and the organization of measures to prevent' 'heir spread, Porosit:~lon~ cu.l Department There are 3 soctions in this department: opldemiologioal, helraintholoj;ioal and e'nthociolocioale The laboratory of the parasitologioa1 section carries gut -the clinical, apnita,z-y-heirainthologiorl and enthoraologica,l examinations. The department, conducts the orSanizational-methodios,l 3ork on the prophylcris of malaris,. helininthiases , intestinal protozoa, tick-borne enoe;halitis, oxteraination.of blood ! Y I,A v' ii r~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 _HlILJJIIJII' II_:_111Ill IL~ LLL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80TOO246AO19400090001-7 Pavia I~ suckunS Arthropods and flies; the therapoutic- work on oonsulting parasitic diseses; the prepcration of personnel the work in the field of medical for parasitalo~y, it also participates. in the wort on the prophylaxis c of dysentery. Laborat on R.8 _0f the Mosoocv City Srnitar 1!1 io on Dal Station, The sanitary-laboratory control is carried out b ratory sections which arc included in the corresp y lbo-. departments. Apart from these onding there is a department of Sencrc,l laborator1es included in the s City 8anitar En~ictoiolocieal Station which serves all departments of tho Moscow city SanitarY~ _E- Station. This dep. ideralolaSioal artnent of Sencral laboratories includes the followin laboratories: I) Sanitary Bacterislo oo-Chemical ~ Gicalj 2) Phisi.: Acoustic and 4) Radiological? The sanitary, aoter oloLici labors f or o~.~ sanitary-baatericloaica.l examinations Y x'r.~es out the of water, airs soil and food stuffs, of surCic al naterial and washings obtained fr.;m different ob3ects7e4uinrent furniture and the hands of 'personnel. The p1 sico-o1 iicl 1 abor.:.tor Ter Y 1 f Drys analysds of water arc? it as vloll as the a7%ctrwl rnalyscs of the oaroinoCen~e. substances found in external environment, ~qrr~ gam 1. L JO~..y.... '. qq r rT`t. tr ~y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 L l [1.1ll '__LlllJit LI 1111111 11 _ - JL I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 Pc o U. The ao ousts o laboratory inv.ast i;;a t c s the sound waves the noise anO. vibr%ati ens on industrial ninuciaal anc; nutri. tional :ostabliohaMnts; conducts plwnned invcstiCations of the street noisns_ and the noisas in thi. blocks with varoius builc'.in4s; attempts to detect the sourer of naisas in the living and municipal buildings. At present the radiological laboratory sores as an instructive-pra.otioal centre for the specialists training It. at the district laboratories. The n in aims in the. przotical work of the radi~)loCic :1 laboratory consist of: a) central of the `c?egxee of radi ooapacity of extarnwl anvironK: ment (air, water, soil, food stuffs, etc.); b) rcCistrati'on of 11 establishments wnd institutions onp1oying ionizing radiation; o). control of the pr.~ er collection and ctvra o of radioactive vrzstd and :,f tonOerin;; it h .rnlcss; oontrol of the offio .cy of tho- purifying constructions. Or;fan?.z~ a1??tir;,tb.Gdrr7. Deportment Thorn are 4 secty.ons in this department:' I) for the um-Olp ---- 1?......vu....i, C- j u1 1jiu11L :ry statlstlo9, 3) of 3ci4 ~ ntific , rc:otio~. l nc.Y instructive-raethuc?io^.1 work, 4) a~"? ~ or~rhizcti:, al-n :ss work. 7 ,,hysicicns . nd 4 assistant s .nitcry .physi'cians are working in this c;e 1-.rtnent. The f::11ovrina is the work perforncd by this dep :rtnont: dcvcl"opncnt of ziothodical problens for the work of the do- trip ~~ lr i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7 I1 lli LI 1 III IIII %__ ; ~iL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246A019400090001-7 n r Paso I~ S' of the I.oso o.vr City aria tzo a,s Lrict Sanitary- ~ -alcZical st :tijn3;' control of plannl.ng n of acoounti of the departraosrts the t :sc3W City and' dtatriot r~k.t4'rY0opie-OnioloSioal csto.- oQnoluoions of the ,xe1~oLts and plr.ns, anc: dontrol of J it f;r7.fi11r cnt; Oai:i lt; out of su rizod con.pilo' plans ana ro orta on 't . s..nit...ry ,,1zanizatiof :.na of roport3 for the hi;;her org: ni K The study of the ctebogra)*aic indio s rue: those of the incidence of infaotions~ ct occulpatioIW.l ctiocasaa= 0 I'miysis of the activity of tho losootir Sanitary organi- by the 3anitar7-hypir.nia tndicr..C; publishing of the 1~:f.)rratl3n bulletin; pr;; ;nizcti?~n ~f traning, ac?c?itnrl twining 'and of ice- ~~r venei~t of qutilifioc tions'- of the s . nitary-opie'o ological per--' cour3e0, wrarl.inL~ ;)l:`.ce3, coninars, lcoturas cycles eto.)$ The fenural nanagenent -6f the sciontifie?-?rr.0tiaal worlt and. the erg .nization of soientific-practical conferences; ~- ? f t ..~ ,axa.tion of instructive--nothsc'ic l materials and'.-Of. Pray, Y ? t t11c suan: rie3 of practical, wor::o for i I2anc.c:nont of the work with the nest aotive sanit^ry W.,orl:er3 anC. ~r~;^nizctisn of their oDnforonoe8. A(?r.iiniatrative--Bcononi cal Do a rtnent The stoff of the ' c?niinictrc:tive-economical departraont mainr- tuins the Drenises of the Sanitary-B idcnio1ogicAl 8tarionn inr tic ?.iccescrr" condition and rovidcs raagouta- and oquipraont :nor ,::il dep^.rtDento. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/06: CIA-RDP80T00246AO19400090001-7