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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 STAT STAT SUBJECT: (Optional) Guest Speaker Program - Mr. George F. Will ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Director of Training and Education TO: (Officer designation, room number, and DATE building) Deputy Director for Administration , ., ;; 1987 Director, Public Aff Office 7B24 Headquarter-, Executive Registry 7E12 Headquarters Director of Central Intelligence .7D69 Headquarters Director of Training and Education 1026 COC FORM L 1 0 USEEDITIOPREVIOUSS N 1-79 v OFFICER'S INITIALS COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 ADMINISTRATIVE IN USE ONLY Distribution Orig. - Judge STAT 1 - 1- 1- 1 - L STAT 1 - od tx ~caTr 1 - Ames (Hold Copy) 1 - ER 1 - PAO STAT 1 - (Chrono) Judge: PAO 87-0194 You are scheduled to introduce George F. Will, the noted newspaper columnist and television commentator, when he speaks at the Headquarters Auditorium on 6 January at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Will's topic will be "The Year 1988: Political Dynamics." Attached are proposed introductory remarks, biographical information provided by Mr. Will's office, and the original invitation sent to Attachments: As stated ADMINISTRATIU&-r TERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 PROPOSED REMARKS FOR WILLIAM H. WEBSTER DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY GUEST SPEAKER PROGRAM .HEADQUARTERS AUDITORIUM 6 JANUARY 1988 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 IT IS MY PLEASURE THIS AFTERNOON TO INTRODUCE MR. GEORGE F. WILL-= SYNDICATED COLUMNIST, NETWORK TELEVISION COMMENTATOR, AND AUTHOR. I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING MR. WILL'S VIEWS ON THE POLITICAL DYNAMICS WE CAN EXPECT IN THE YEAR 1988. MOST OF US IN THIS AUDIENCE ALREADY HAVE VIEWS ON THE POLITICAL SITUATION. BUT MR. WILL, UNLIKE MOST OF US, HAS BEEN INVITED TO EXPRESS HIS VIEWS. TODAY, HE BRINGS US THE ADVANTAGE OF HIS CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE--EXPERIENCE I WILL SUMMARIZE BRIEFLY FOR YOU. MR. WILL. EDUCATED AT TRINITY COLLEGE AND OXFORD AND PRINCETON UNIVERSITIES, TAUGHT POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AT MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. AFTER TEACHING, HE SERVED AS A SENATE STAFFER, THEN LEFT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 TO BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR TO NE EE K MAGAZINE. IN 1977, HE WON A PULITZER PRIZE FOR COMMENTARY IN HIS NEWSPAPER COLUMNS. HIS SYNDICATED COLUMN NOW APPEARS TWICE WEEKLY IN MORE THAN 400 NEWSPAPERS. AND HE EXPRESSES HIS VIEWS--ELOQUENTLY AND FORCEFULLY-- ON TELEVISION AS WELL, APPEARING REGULARLY ON ABC NEWS AND DISCUSSION PROGRAMS. MR. WILL, A PROLIFIC WRITER, HAS MOST RECENTLY PUBLISHED THE MORNING AFT R? AMERICAN SUCCESSES AND EXCESSE 1981-1986 AND IHE NEW SEASON. MR. WILL, YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND TALENT ARE .IMPRESSIVE. THIS PROGRAM SHOULD PROVE A GOOD MATCH, FOR I CAN THINK OF NO OTHER AUDIENCE AS WELL SUITED TO APPRECIATE YOUR TALENT OR TO ENGAGE YOU IN DEBATE, AS'THE ONE YOU ARE ABOUT TO ADDRESS. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 George F. Will, whose newspaper column has been syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group, since 1974, today .appears in more than 400 papers. In 1976 he became a regular Newsweek contributor, providing the backpage essay twice a month. In the same year he won a Pulitizer Prize for commentary for his, newspaper columns. Mr. Will has also garnered top honors for his Newsweek columns, including a finalist citation in the Essays and Criticism category of the 1979 National Magazine Awards competition. He was also the recipient of a 1978 National Headliners Award for his "consistently outstanding special feature columns" appearing in the magazine while a column he wrote on New York City's finances earned him a 1980 Silurian Award for Editorial Writing. In January of 1985, The Washington Journalism Review named Mr. Will "Best Writer, Any Subject." In addition to his magazine and newspaper writing, Mr. Will is also an author and television network broadcast commentator. He is a Contributing Analyst with ABC TV News appearing as a commentator on "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings" since September of 1984 and has been a regular member of ABC's Sunday morning "This Week with David Brinkley" since 1981. Two collections of his,Newsweek and newspaper columns have been published: in 1978 "The Pursuit of Happiness and Other Sobering Thoughts," (Harper & Row) and in 1982 "The Pursuit of Virtue and Other Tory Notions," (Simon & Schuster). A third book, entitled "Statecraft as Soulcraft", (1983,Simon & Schuster) is a work of political philosophy, that originally appeared as the Godkin Lecture at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in 1981. Mr. Will was born in Champaign, Illinois, educated at Trinity College in Hartford, Oxford and Princeton universities. Prior to his entering journalism, Mr. Will taught political philosophy at Michigan State University and the University of Toronto and served on the staff of the United States Senate. Until becoming a columnist for Newsweek, Mr. Will was Washington editor of the National Review, the leading conservative journal of ideas and political commentary. Mr. Will lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland with his wife, Madeleine and their two sons and one daughter. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 1 II the. world. In plain language, inter- II JOe Bn?wn Jr., born in a.South.Caml na .. Georgia; brothel, describes -with: coau-. thor Tucker. his.early years: as`a street asa parolee to gain :a livelihood. as a musician, . his four marriages. and his many friendships with celebrated per- sons in American public life (Martin Lu- ther King Jr, Hubert Humphrey, Adam Clayton Powell, among others), his cept for some passages that dwell exces- sively with details of recording sessions and business trips, this spirited account of an unusual life is both involving and inspirational. Photos not seen by PW ON CAMERA: My 10,000 Hours- on Television Hugh Downs. Putnam, $17.95 ISBN 0-399-13203-I A performer who has appeared.on na- tional commercial network television of- tener than anyone else, Downs,- we're told here, had a conventional rise to me- dia prominence.. He began on radio in Lima, Ohio, in 1939, moved to Detroit the following year, to Chicago in 1943 (where he was introduced to TV) and to New York in 1954. After working on the Home Show with Arlene Francis and Caesar's Hour with Sid Caesar, he achieved fame as Jack Paar's announcer on the Tonight Show. Next came the game show Concentration, the Today Show, semi-retirement and a return to television on 27/20. Although few read- ers will care to learn what Paar was real- like or why a nocturnal version of Concentration failed in prime time, they will find interesting Downs's unusual adventures, like scuba diving for sunken treasure and soloing in a glider, and his philosophy of broadcasting, which in- volves an honest and direct approach to viewers rather than the creation of an on-stage persona. Photos not seen by PW. (Wovrrnber 7) TROOPER: True Stories from a Proud Tradition David Moran wit{ Dick Rad- ford Quinlan (131 Beverly St., Boston, Mass. 02114), $17.95 n Massachusetts the state police may be 'led on by local forces to assist -frequently in small towns, infre- in cities. Thus Moran, who Ir 20 years as a Massachusetts South Boston to enforce integration. His account of those years, told with the aid ;. of. freelance writer Radford, provides -a memorable prcture of the. routine of po- lice. work. There . areoccasional mo- ments of. high drama, but more typical are incidents. like: that of a slipshod med- ical .examiner who almost certified a murder as being the. result of a heart attack, that of the robbers who missed $100,000 in cash in their victim's home and that of the still-unsolved disappear- ance of a Harvard graduate student. Photos not seen by Ply. (November 10) BATTLESHIP AT WAR: The Epic Story of the USS Washington Ivan Musicant. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, $19.95 ISBN 0-15-110400-X . . This is a lively and stirring .account of the life of the Washington, from its com- missioning just months before. Pearl Harbor, through major battles (during one, its guns sank a Japanese battleship), to the day in 1961 when it was sold for scrap. Musicant follows the ship and its crew: through the Murmansk convoys, the campaigns of the Solomons, Micro- nesia, the Marianas, the Philippines, Iwo Jima and Okinawa, during.which the Washngton survived torpedoes, kamika- te attacks, a typhoon and a collision with another battleship. Though the focus is mainly on the crew, the author discusses technical aspects in detail: navigation and ship-handling difficulties, problems of engineering, damage control and gunnery. The battles are seen largely through-the participants' eyes, and the sense of immediacy throughout the nar- rative is striking. Photos. (November 10) THE PALACE FILE Ngryen Tien Hung and Jerrold L. Sdiecter. Harper & Row, $22.95 ISBN 0-06-015640-5 At the core of this disturbing book are 31 unpublished letters from Presidents Nixon and Ford revealing a secret com- mitment to sustain South Vietnam after the Paris Peace Accords, a commitment that was not honored. South Vietnam's President Thieu entrusted the letters to Hung, a dose adviser, who brought them to America shortly before the fall of Saigon and eventually showed them to Schecter, a former Time diplomatic editor. In their collaborative effort, Hung and Schecter have placed the let- ters in their contemporary context, sup- ported by subsequent interviews and Rung's memories of meetings in the Palace in Saigon. The book reveals Thieu's profound fear of betrayal dating Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30 : mac/rina after itwas'.all_ too late. -ale book is a scathing` indictment of U.S. policy :in Vietnam, told lai:gely. from the point of view of the Saigon government. Photos: Comaiizave Book Club dual main selection; author tour. (1ltovember 12) WHITE SHROUD: Poems 1980-1985 Allen Ginsberg. Harper & Row, $13.95 ISBN 0-06-055014-7 In a poem like "World Karma," which twits the cultural neuroses of. Russians, Chinese, Spanish, French and Ameri- cans, the beat vocabulary supports and inflames the apocalyptic vision; wit and anger are fused, as in Ginsberg's best work. But such moments are few in this latest gathering of his verse. The laun- dry-list chants lack resonance; travel- ogues from China are affected; short lyr- ics read like one-liners; blues and. rock songs (accompanied by songsheets) will appeal only to a select audience. Over- all, these are the tired gestures of a poet preoccupied with his own celebrity, sex- uality and creeping age. Yet when Gins- berg hurls a Buddhist diatribe at-Jerry Falwell or. rails against the numbness of the average person in a regimented, bu- reaucratized society, he makes spar ks fly. (November 12) \ THE MORNING AFTER: American Successes and Excesses, 1981-1986 N George F. Will Free Press, $19.95 ISBN 0- 02-934430-1 Will, a skeptical stylist whose conserva- tive ruminations on American life have made him a leading syndicated colum- nist, offers a collection of his work in the Reagan era. Writing out of a "realism about mankind's limitation," he takes crisp, telling looks at crime, politics, mil- itary ventures, legal controversies-the issues.and events of a."bittersweet" peri- od when a conservative President did not produce a conservative revolution in U.S. life. Pulitzer Prize-winner Will (Stateanfi as Soulb- ft) ranges widely, celebrating standards and craftsmanship where he finds them (in Senator Henry Jackson's career, in Elmore Leonard's novels), deploring the "superficial'.' (yuppies, campus causes), and wrestling with personal crises, such as his nine- year-old son's question, "What's a vir- gin?" 50,000 first prvuin& $50,000 ad/ o; BOMC alternate, author:' por~ 13) (N TRUMAN CAPOTE: Dear Heart; Old BuddyJohniMaholm Brinrun. Dela0orte/ Seymour Lawrence, $16.95 IS BR 0-385 CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777ROO0301840001-8 N Feb. 9. 1921; s. Robert Ridley physicist; b. Palatka, Fl m. Virginia Sle p, June 1i, 1y and Hertrietu Lucille (Kenner)y n' Michael, Lucille Elizabeth. B.S. Th , edCiu-dcR1o 1e 942 W Nil W.; MIT 'am 1950. Research a Ph.D, M ill .1 T Nat. Lab., 1950-644 .. 1948?Sa research scientist Oak Ridge div., 1972-? assoc. Od r- Solid State div., 1964-72. 61din Solid ! State to 1%2-? vs? Prof. physi c Ga. Inst. T. I%d2, o div.materials research NSF: nsem. _Pro(., proft. mate?riameta, ls als ad to m.aie jou S. Served Energy Cotbr. articles on solid state ph ic ncil HAAS; mem. Am with AUS, 194246. Fellow Am, phys Council, Sigma Xi. i8m, p n., aean.Acad. Sci., Nat R ? ? MOrningsidc cil, Sigma Oak Ridge g isco palian. H escarch lip Laboratory Oak Ridge TN 37830 37 830 O ee: Oak Ridge Nation124 al WILKINSON, ROBERT Tenn., Sept. 9, 1921? s. Amalie New Robert II' motion Picture exec-; Is. Ethrid June 7, 1977; chilVdreaac-R and Pftfattye (Kirk) W,- m. Addle B.? Patr;.-4 ge, v c. P- Mktg. Ctr, The Media Ctr., St. Petersburg, 3494 Sol,. Assn. (pres -cloet 197Fla, 1981-- MI, Nat. U. Mgmt. Soc. Methodist. 09c, A 1335 S 11s Islc~Blvd NE Saint Milan. Jul assrg ed Dept StatePau4 Trinidad, Puersburg FL 33704 '~ yy Bogotd. Colombia WILKINSO IAY Berkclc y SparrisVice h con Iansul aril; see con ul;. exchange pro am Dept. P s Calif. at Johnstowq A, chemical company eaecutiv & area to gn. Service - 2d study Da. S. 1932; s. Loya A. e e- farmer: b. Fgn e, 1960 internat. econoedtt F L State- tr. ue?? Santiago, P Waters'John m. Mauyy oodruttt, lone 14, 1918? Pauline (p)it wee last.; 1st sec, dminar f m Milly, R.S. S. Chem. Flt childreq: Andrew AnL Embassy, Tegucigalpa. Honduras. "? Rom; cP. chi(m ien solSuvrnccests sively and ccooa.S. i Pma( Is di Uaio' Johns vv'P Hopkins ~ P , 1954' i__ Said com"i o p S . ChetplortufC-in dcncoe ail1970-72, amhu a, 77; to, rdi sic. , Ca 5937-: rings a( , Johns fI Ca~ide Corp Danbury, for DevcL, N Y with ruck to. tnem. Cde.. 1976-7 to 34t; coordinator t sum Ill last T opkins U, 1981-; mem. , 1977 = ambuudor UN Con(. ch. and even a UN Mon. Tau Bu Pi Phi L,m 1979-, Inventory styrene pr Assembly, N.Y.C.; US. d. to UN C U.S. del. to 34th . V Gen. S 8ridgewa u Be 06751 Of6a: UtuonpsiJon Home: 267A Northru s V a 1979; Woodrow W onf. on S to and fah. for Devcl Danbury CT 06817 Carbide Corp Old Ri e dgebury If Virginia Ave N W Washington DC 200 7PC In 8entatMAddrsolu c WILKINSON, MICHAF, KE A N.Y. l%S- '"'' regional mgr, 1960-65. 'r JJ- )6; disc. .' truuly Coll Oxford "'t U*. o ("amPaiBn III.. Of I C 79, exec, v.p, Universal City asst" en. salt nt Polities Milt State U, U. I U. (Eng.) U, Pritsaton l/ Will Rogers Haspp. Calif., 1979 ~ aide to Sen. Allott of LL' Toronto, Ont, Can. eon Tehr. Sera Motion Picture PioS~ea 10 Copt' USMC~ 1942-46. ' Washin Colo. Washington, until t ton U.ionAl tour 91316 Office: t00 Universal ncers. Home: 17130 gurbank sad Einriety. Newsweeeknm,tt?r Nat RCV., 1972; poUL Colo became City Plaza UniversatBCit Encino CCA Soberin8 .l.houygl Author: The Pursuit of st Washington Post, Co Co Macon, SON THO Y CA 91608 Notions, 1982, Stasep197u The Pursuit of V. aPePt ss and Ollie, War Mawr, Ga, Feb. 19. 19223,-OBER 1, sopologist, university dean. b. Recipient Pulitzer Soukraft?. What GOvcnmxni ry Ra11 U. N.Lewis, Au 27, 1949; s Clark H' and Agra prize 74 Addy nsneatary, 1977; named YouuDoes, 1982. 1983 8- children: Such, .? bc(WrUrams) W. gym. Time AfrL NW sou tnag, 1 C Address: Care Washin 8 Leader St eader Nort U. 1945; MA, Duke U, th? CL 6.A, ~1O8toa DC gton Post I ISO faculty lty dept. sociology U? 19~ PhD Columbia U, 1957. M em. Grac 70, prot. sociology, 1970.7 d ' sociaist. 53- tlsnm, dept, ew.. WILL, fLL, HUBERT LOULS, US. 1983 -Author; Urbanization of J And bltaviont soil 1976-. Louis F. and Erna (Barihm,a~W lodge: b. Milw., Apr. 23, 1914; 1962- USN(Z194346. Fulbri f flow Incc.. b 1%S. Served to, IL fl o , :,938; ehildrea: Jon NiMt~,...) nt PhYBis Nich sj , t..r.. ,. SPain 811t 931 'LWIILf1AM I'M educator, d and Mildred (Roberts can b? FL Wayne, lad, Nov. 12, child U -Sara 1, Margaret E, Amy P., Deviid Hunt. Sc pt 5.1952 ; bar 1955. Mk}t196ar 9,5 'Wah WHunn t o IJ-?? 973. U., 952; jj. Wayne. 1957-70; asst. prof. Dickinson t,BSuedhoff & 'A'ilks u ,ltF use. prof, 1973-74, rof, son Seh. Law. Carlisle Pa., 1970-7l, reporter Co nmtow asst. dean, 1974-77, prof., dean, 1977 CO. _ 73 adv. th I. of 3--cons. Juvenile CL Judges M Pa. Law Enfor , Motor Vehicle articles to Iegal amont fours Acad 1971- Pa. Bar evtsion, 1973-74; lcctr I . C? Citizens, Bd. dirs. Cup Inst., 1970-, Co m br. 1973-76 Legal Rd' des, mberland-Perry Assn. Retardct. It.. Inst, 1973- Cumberland County 1973-77? bd. advs. Cl. Practice 1?h sc with US. Armqq, 1955-57. Y Cluldrrn's Services, 1975-, Seed 7 73 Research Inst., n7- Bar Assn.' Pa. Bar . Tri cell 9 Box 514 home: Dtf College La RD Cufisle PA 17013 Office: D Am. ar s Assn Ell, St Carlisle PA 17013 sckin Sch sLaw1t, , -" ???"' "a Amherst MA OI0o2 Ofice: U Mass Nadel. Assn r'oc? cal. 1%9. A.B, t'/. r' ,?'aar? Anti Louise. m. Jane R. Farr John Marshall Law Chgo 1935 J.D, 1937; L?LD .(hon A Amherst MA I n , 9 US ss g em. . "for.eer F uW a 9 9EWutigcnP r1937 3g 194 1 1? WILKINSON WARREN SCRIPPS, (~p~e~~ Enter Umo executive; b. Detroit Feb. mamufaeturing Company GS. 1? Seaaasst to gat apt asst. to alit. gen. . sac. arib' P D Gertrude (Whitcomb) W.? Z 1920; s. Almadut DeGruse and Harriet odtan. 1943 atty. Arm . OPT B1942.- EAX allard wt l Alirn P; U.S., U-S, Kapp. Bev, r Dec, 17, 1966 ' a Joan Todd June 14 1941? at. Mirulle BOpd~'f Will, 1949.61? ? Chgo., 1946-4R, N,nActio, BS. in a Grad, Hotchkiss Sch, Lakevill Commn. 0 1lankru US' ?'st judge No. Dist. 111, 1961-? I L U ds. Harvard 1941; student Calif. Inst. T e? Conn' 1937; standar Pin' Laws of U , )971-73; . Mcnr. S. A , Munnin Co Co., e troll. 1942-43; with Hanson 11.42 With ~arfu aadnussnon to prattles in (cd. Youth co-- to Consid WILL RPUS. Rubber er M M ., De, NJ, 1 Van Winkle- 61. Se . I~a1 pubis is US. Jud. Con( 976 er Hanson.Van , Wiaje ataMunni ., I Pres, 1%1.64; v.~ gem M- S od as milt. bar AUS, 19 J5;, o. Cam Youth . 1957 Can.. ( Designs, MulettS Mich, 1966- ems Ind 196466. cb orl (~co. bas - Daoratod Brortr~ C RProDit Tree. Detroit His(. Sec, 1978- du. Evening News Assn, IL 6604 ts. F n (oounpt UUSA Judicat rn St ChiStar. U.S.C ure Sec,. Am. Vets 194346. et Address: 2Wood Served to It (a.g,) USNR, cc: 219 S Vets o Arts. I DearboCOCam' land PI Grosse Pointe M( 48230 8 63; ra WILI(INS Address: 2 Won WILLIAM DU WILL, JAMES fellow N.Y., Sept 2, 1924: s. Winfred Du ?and dtuh dironor, b. Utirat go 1938: s? FredF 96 andi ties! company Kcavtive; b. Pitts. Oct Dorothy off j May Spen cer, Apr. 2, (Lockwood) W: Dec. 19 1 , 1964; cry Apes (Canter) W.: m. Ma Canad. post d. Mu 1966. 8.S-. Harvard m' pt8nn8-. Pa. State U, dren: ~qt Kcrty Ann. BS. a Flee. ,Amu- a'P tats. tan fduw A let Home life! tort'. mystic, Con. 196 1- p Slid Co Fotany C1 pt-es'7'6- 814 2., ms1972. Works mgr. C I s s vstr 19 A ew Y G 1949-59; C 8 980 g~ eta v p, 19881, Pra, 1981.82; exec. l as(978-80 Met- , marine curator Mass City Mos. Art, N.Y.C, 1%3-71? Y of N York, 1960.63 yet gmt. Pitts. 1982 Matt P 2P- Arthur I rs V.P. A News, Va., 71971 5-793, die, 1977- Rd dirs CMari oin Aus time Am. gmt Assn sn. Iron and Steil and Sled t 50 Ricra Museums, 1973-79, ncil ewtort Candlewood Dr Pittsburgh gg Inc, 1972.83 Coal 1978-79; bd. di . Mass. Computer Network, Washington Rd Pittsbu ". Home: 1971.7 Bit PA PA 15228 15241 Office: C 1521 Roads, Guard Acad. Found.,Inc, Future of YdoP Corp Core 650 Richnso trustee Wu Me ml. Mass of Va. Hampton WILL, JOANNE MAR! Willard 194345. Inc.; c.; AroL Assn Museutns, Se^'ed with C.E AUS, Bri tain). Nat. TntstH His(. Preservation for Nautical R A4u. 18, 1937; d. Late") public relations to executive; b. 1978.80),Stcarttshi (maritime rse ,seared (Cat in Home Fcons. olsn and Dorot)tea emeryU~ M Is., Comml Club of N.Y.C, PrP . Sac. Am, Propellerpub of US., t Explorers editor and . Tribune Iowa State U,1 (Kuhl) W. t- - Comma 0 opeUer Club of Port of N coordinator gI Walteerr T o x1959.7; a . home eeoos Probate Clubs: Hampton Yacht Town Point tOi News (bd o~) mount sea r N rt News VA 23606 Office: inn Hot Dr N Museum Pk editor, then food editolrt Chgo. Tribune. Clsgo., ., 1981; usu. fond 0 igo, 2 Newport News VA consumer services Hill and Knowlton C 1973-81;7di3r. food and Officer Sr. Centers M CL , Inc., Ch", 1981- Pratdcm WILKINSON, WI U. Named OuC $O: esteem home owns. adv. lid 1 Bd. dirs., Soc.. An b. K LLIAM ROBERT insurance sum y Home Economist og Young Alumnus Iowa State U - Iowa State Anchors eamY. NJ, Aug. 22, 1942: Wi exeeutivc b. ; Nutii A H Me lUam B an annag W E ursondrtonm.omem. -; m. Lois Anne Fr Jane lion (ntrondm, Ill. if fier erne Econs. Assn., Soc. WUUam Edward, Kihm Elizabeth. B ates, Aug. 31, 1963- children- dir.1, Les Dames D? Everts- Ana (di r.), Ch o. Nutrition Assn. pres. Am. Internat B.A. in Econs, Alfred U tell- Uucavn in ans... (dir. Chen. chat I n__- .. 9 D 1 C 964. Vice . Orgn., Inc., 176-79; , N.Y.C. )Id. dirs. bd, deacons Amherst Con tes t (N.H.) Patriots Chatham Warner Foo(ball, other youths ogr 81? Ch.. 1978-79; active atham NJ 07928 Ottia: 70 Pine SP New Y arms. Home: 45 Oak Dr a k N r Y 10270 WILKINSON WILLIAM SHERWOOD lawyer; Is. Williston, N.D., Sept. 6, 198g33; s. John Thomas and Evelyn (Landon) W,; m. Carood. Grol Ann Dian Bug 20. 1960; lsildren-Leslie Ann, Richard Sherweta bar 960, in BusU. Idaho, 1955; 1.D, U. Denver, 1960. Bar: Colo, Mich b;, 1966. Practiced in, Canon City, Colo., 1960-66; asst. di t. qtly. 11th Jud. Dist, Colo.. 1961.65; gen, counsel, sec, Mich. Farm Bur. and affiliate cos., Lansing, 1966 Ca Release non GCenter? Cob. State Penitentiary , 1%1.63; Lear, Pre-Pool. alin Meal. lay adv. bd. %5; wtsns. Canon City Recreation~Dist, 19644.65. county, dirt and ogl- suns More Hosp, Canon City, ! %3 66; t3e1 USAF, 1955-58. Rev ient Republican' 1964, Served to Coon City Jr. C. of ~, 19 era tY Distinguished Service aw wIst It ard d Am, Colo. Mich., Ant Judica 'fire So , Phi Delta Flu, Tau APR' Epstbn u.,.. stage Bar , ch. OfCL bit- East (asnc:` y lea- -- Kill - WILKIN,znN w,...... -~ Wit-taF Charles Dec 20 ., W1111 JOHN 20, government Conwltanr b. Cu Little m, 1917; came , 1924, (Lindsa to U-& maturaUze4 1940.- as Fife, Scotland, Jan. series Sr. Edward . BA., m. arjone Lois Deuter Sent I,Aioxander and Jane 1978 R_ Y) W recruitment and placement toyment Am. Can. U%-All Episcop. noel o51 S Plnklin D.t Roo Cseveenter, Angeles 194.6 50( Los Ang, FRoosevelt Me ~H 50- 51: n & os ul P . d uet Office Indls. Relations, Bar; E.' aM~onstrd WILLIR rstin Treasurryy Dept, 1951-54; gr Edward. Personnel dir. Q.M.C. U.S. Arm r4d br., then chi ef civilian Dv, then dept. dir. civili Y? 195954--3939, chic( emmppbymcnt mgmt (Andreas. Dept. Cotntmertx I%3-74? personnel Hdqrss 1959-63 dir. 1972. admin an As, chain Grand and personnel adnu'snitge person fund ears g co78.79t'cocos on 0 nty Wuhi gt COUL 1%474; mean. Pea' fag COOL Nat. Gpntal area United Man Worcester, Fund, Ridge, Cc emeal. Health arsd Welf t are lOy1OCp Handicapped. %3 rs74' (/SNR !94246. Rai pit Merst!nltorigtsat G Cas~ Area, Starved'toaIt. officer, C yi .1959 1 ; Outing. Silvia award U. Red)v,~nviliiSCMcr award U.S. p dt At modal; awed f Iles Ad . . or tii h 7 1968; others. du m ai Asses, 1%7 ngu s,od ; nag MI 4891 Man Soc, Pasonnl Adminst~~9a. 3-64 3 th Ave ma Si (' Commas, 38th vc gma. Prabyn. Home: 301 Can, ,.I(,1., _I )? Kappa Avc 1Vhca: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777ROO0301840001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8 Ccntml Intclli once AtCncy STAT STAT Mr. George F. Will The Washington Post 1150 15th Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20071 ?~5.-_2--? 803 7 JAN 1986 OTE 85-4028/5 Several times a year, we invite distinguished guest speakers to address some 300 to 500 employees of the Central Intelligence Agency. Our objective is to improve our employees understanding of national and international issues as well as to provide them an intellectual stimulus. Among recent guests have been Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick,-Carl Sagan, .Art Buchwald, and Ambassador Vernon Walters. I believe the program, now in its twelfth year, has been very successful. I would be pleased if you could be our guest speaker here at the CIA Headquarters. I'suggest 30 September or 1 October 1986 but will be happy to accommodate your. schedule if these 'dates are not convenient. The program normally consists of a lecture of approximately 30 to 45 minutes, followed by a 20 to 30 minute question period. Lectures are usually scheduled from 2:00 to 3:15 p.m. The guest speaker honorarium is $500. Your thoughts about the Government and the Media, Arms Control, the Geneva Summit, or any other topical issue of your choice, would be of keen interest to our audience. able to accept this invitation. our Dean of Conferences, will be pleased any aspects of the with your staff. /s/ Wiliam J. Casey William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/30: CIA-RDP99-00777R000301840001-8