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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 '0X1-HUM FertiJ izer Tested. tnichesko Dclo, Sofia, 17 Se Ratio Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Aproved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 50X1 -HUM 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 I~}Eit'~.iLiZB r ;S.L1. ' ~tl ~ _u S.u ,,, Sofia, Rnbotnichesko Delo, 1'1 Sep 1951 ,3. A new me hod of phospYlate fertilization w]' i.ch achieves high yield-increase with smcll quantities of f'ertil'izer has been deveior,ed t r1d tested in recent yeF'rs st )Cien~ if 1c rese^rch a.n; Li' tutes end on cooS~..eriltive and state farms in tae IJSSR. Five to 10 kilor a:ma oS Su perphosphE to used accordillf.' to this method produces the came yield-increases as 20 to 30 'kilogra~rls of S1Jr}erl~:b,oaphate used by the old me i;hod of fertilizat, ion. 1}e rievq metJlod, which bec nee kfOVrn a s tt sowinf~-tirne row- f'ertilizaLion with rranu1F ted sperpl1oshate," is aLaracteri2,ed by a. 1:rrel:i:minary rxsnutation of a ~nb:ture of ordinary powdered super- pl.losphate and well-decomposed organic fertilizer.. Subsequently, a 1:' L rnixtuire of seeds and f'ert'r1.1zer is sown frOlT1 a multiple sowing ula chine. It. h ES been established that in the ir st year plants can use only &)OUt 20 to 25 precent of i'ertilizer spread by the 'old rne-bho d, vrbile X30 to 90 percent of granulated superphosphate i.ntrodu~ ced into the soil by rows and at the time of sowing roes into the crops. Uor t~vo ;Jeans this method of fertilizatiof. has been the subject of ' experirnentEtion in. the fields of the l,S-tala.n" Apr.cul- tLrral. . a.rineccr'in=' Station (TZ) near Soria, and. in t:b~ t, period ~ valuable data have been obtained on its urert edvantaEes over the d of dispersed fertilizat:ian v4yith powdered. sup(~rpha5pha.i ~, old me tho 1 as well. as on the ;:repa.rE~tion of the r~nulated f'er.tilizer. results were obtained at the :above -mentioned fhe following ~ r~.?_.a station from field tests cornparift the new and the old i.`ertliza.Lstation ~. fz me t11 od s ?k1 S 50X1-HUM . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 Disp rsion fertil.izFtiOfl Vtlth 25 ki1ora1l1$ o' powdered superphosphate per acre gri}10 ki1.OEr'rms of ranulated.fer 1,i1izer per acre, under the new method 2.10 '' `j'l1e ~lvera e increA,se in yield per ki1oF.:r~ in of f?crti.l..izer used is 3.6 :C `or ti' e old me tl~od c~nd lO.1 f'or the new nietl"god. ~i At the l:)rlce of 24 leva per 1~iio :r&ml oa' ; ur~erphosphte, the fertilizer repa;;s, in the :[ irst cSe, the second case, 242 levy per kUogram. According to these f'iF'ureS levy ;:r r kilorin, arid in by the nev~ method will t'erti.li7e three t,i.mes s lame in area, all of LOf f 1'OdLtciO1.1 a c.;C'LOUT'S bi.ri V T'` ` i l n , Ur s e~ i'er n!~ ~ Closely . re c with. ?t,he;..e ,Su..Ltf3 Ti, i; Idlorlti1 oS ori1..nr ry iowc Bred Sir. r . in -vT.. v oi.? t1-e li.m;i..ted quanti.t.i.es of ,surerphoshna.te avilt7ble, wLe ~t muss be fertilized exclusively by the now rilethod, aril th+t to waste ferti:tt.izer 'ay iisin the old i yet}~:od is absolutely unjustifiable in the cultivLion of this ITJtal crop, to rave an -Llici' :l. yield 0? 3o 35 k ?l,lUi.'rcl ia, PS Fz('',:1.nst rra.niJLTl ! ?Led. }Jug os:)hJ? LeC { Other experiments carried out .... s ~veE.r shov:~ed the correct Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 50X1-HUM proportions of or -,anie ,Veit, t1izex to fau1:ei1 . $ Yi, , , correct b'or tLe .r;nu]es, etc. On the basis of this reseEtrcb, we , 'G el ' ti.1izalion o:~~ whoa 't be carried out as i'oilows~ y recommend thet ..~e f rl'L,e prep6r al, on of the granulated super~,.o$PhE tC is cr111ed out rjn'le nE3Cessr' ingred er1"ts are dri/, by '}a ,E' ~:E:~ri~lel S '~,}~C11nS ,~Erl.'VP,? S . G we ii decornposec? or Exilic fertilizer (dunr ) and ' ordinary super" p11o ~sph to . crumbled, rand passed throut,:h a sieve with openlna of about 1 centi~ nret,er, The superphosphate is passed ti rou :h a sieve with openings of 2 to 5 n~illimeters, Equal portions by weight of these sifted substances are then rni.xed. rj:'1ie mixing is carried out on an ordinary cement or wood floor by means of a' shovel, iron rake, etc, :Next the mixture is spread out in layers cif to , centi- meter and soaked with 20 to 30 percent b~, v+veiht of water, :f, or tv.1- :~.,'ch a waterin{, can is to 1e used. The addition of the water should be done evenly on succcss1ve batches of t}e mixture, and the latter well. mixed vrjritah, rakes nixtre is treted with ore water. It is recommended that too-dry the let be },:L'tiall`a' or totally repLEiced by fertilizer liquid if yel.r r ;os$1Ole,, in which ca,SE~ the :raanu.i~ ted orb:anic-mineral. fertilizer 4 will be even h i'ae:r f:rade, ~'stc,-ailed mixture additional dry n1< term1 must be added, while Ina.~. 1 The addition of water should be discontinued when, dUI1nF the The mixing process, ?.ranule~ o.f' 3 to 7 millimeter. s in size appear. mixture should fOWr feel rnoit, but not yi.e1 v.iater upon hein' s1c uee zec l lfl tle pLy l.m of the he nd . If the t .:re coin try i.ns too mUCh ..,. the ?ranules formed will be ~,do 1ic , while if insufficient vr~tor has been B.dded, the rn.xture rei;aains powdery. To over- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 The U1Qitoed , wei1mix~ed , + a?rl'L.~se ruIa' r 't.a,on a, Cax~ ' ''?ed to 0Ulil}21F?'l~'l4Tl, miX(~X' a.:> i11. kO 1/5 CT)C,Y .;a a (a with ino .~atefled fertiii.7' f(I IQ'tEd at 35 Lo 40 per ~? uU'j.~..y u~.1.oa.rn~r ~'p~~ ltlinlltO ? T111S 'l :7.111 , 1 c l~l:l.aTll'~,G' ~u()r' 5 to 1.1.1 1 _) ' , c C ti: e oz x~'ol.l c ~; d. V l~ ~ J..LCA '~~ lC FS Q~~~dlI O, C cn b ' os: the ~ ae judged by t~,e oil }:c 1 q sides U:~ the ~"CJI,:Li7, I"l.:,l?:' e .La1y, n () ~ ~'.. :ll. i.1X'E; ~ xn T?C'LiCe ~ Conli?1etion ~l '~ riiu1aL.~.a v Q ~ rr~ 11flG l~ oa,di"1'Ur,1 't)"itL} ila.Xr,:C , Cprcad ou'h, in t1ha.n the iertil.i Z01 I 'CCI to cir s prCr>.eI8.,, ?J in 11e -wl l,lnp ~'.I.i . are vie11 1i1'd a y ,`..J;l.?1Ei i ,, '~ t'i'!~i'U~~ i'n:~.~.L1f'11CC on ]aC ":1.C11d~; i~,~:'OCYI L}`1C; Jr'~~'1C ~7"c~.l1U,~..C:! ;a C%'`~~''~ u a C,~G . ~' 0 o'Ln ; eL$ O d ?i)Ll FabOW tl'L2t c e ,;lo$ 1 I 5 ' a?'r:L1.1.~.~. ion is ? ~~o tlha. net.. od o:t' . 4. size :1QZ' r'T'~Ll~iU.'1,~3 USC:(~. 1.17 ?i11.1 7_i11CeI s. h' ??,.;, _ a o:{' f-iU.~~C:t'~~'i11~. la'x'C irly;E:'C1. ~;1~1_'~~1 the .. q ~ )1.?~ l/ f.: 41 (.l , I. ~. direct Con- ,C I ll 'L seeds iminc:d~.~~,C).~ be :Ore C ,.o~i..~:' . J. a. r.l 4aeve ~.' 7 .1. r ?Le 1crt1J.:l-z r 1 oL' .pr'oio1iLe , ,.. ' ~^ '' 7r'lTt.l ` '1'!.G' ~l ts . C1%j' 3 ) 9 'brie :l u1 ;ei up ?~Yl wl.fii,~; r' od-? (;:1:' .G ~Ql~;i-17E, , 10 01 n r .1..izE~r 1.15a " Y L i- ' n1' i, C. i?lX1,e ov,~i. 'r.. I.J1. Lt f `. . ~~ - L11 C 1, L1lhi~. Ul'iC, y 't,17.G a I .. C :1.. ~~('?""1'C'J. i;;1.:1 I roccdr ~ (:_ 1,. .; ?1 nrtrlw.~~, if J, nG; ' ddcCi to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 In W3C a 'Cl"1 :.otS '~~1~i .I? U ?ao Via.%e Cl: v ~~~~ ~~ (}11 () `J f,;Ib~~'E~'r''J.,CT?i 9 (Y r i) C ?, Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 of Vriie''l, ~aCL3Cl "O.iUS 10 J' i.1or: r > o: r.u1~ d F~uncrp}"iO~3p c.e9 I:I BC!.jf('.. j>$ Jc ! :('oa' 26 i~:.i1of'rams o?' ?a:t ust b( ~c1ded L11t lh.i.i et od of ; ow.n;-L,iiric raw- fertiiiz t1:i.on of Uvhe t F~ive ; b(~F$t I 3ULtS in tYie cherfO3(1T re gions o i. 1art' Bern '3ui F,l:ia Ufa the pe -L3 oil in '.'hrace aici around Sofia, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020040-4 50X1-HUM