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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340119-2 COUNTRY China SUBJECT Economic. Shipp:n.g HOW DATE DIST. 2 8 Aug 1950 PUBLISHED Daily _revspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Shanghai; Hong Kong; Canton; Hankow; NO. OF PAGES 5 Ning-po; T`ai-yuan DATE PUBLISHED 22 May - 30 Jul 195C SUPPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE 'hinese REPORT NO. THIS DOCUNINT CONTAIN{ INTODN.,ION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE Of THI UNITED STATII WITHIN THE IIANIAO OF INTIONA{I ACT 10 A. S. .21 NITILAT10N ANO {{. A{ ANDROID. ITS TRANIII/{ION ON THE 01 IT{ CONTINTU IN ANY NANKIN TO AN UNAUTHORR11D PRISON IS PRO' NINITID NO LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS PORN IS PROHIBITED. CHINA MERCHANTS STEAMSHIP COMPANY UNIFIES YANGTZR RIVER SHIT ING CMSC ADOPTS UNIFICATION -?? Shanghai Hein-vent Jih-pao, 27 Jul 50 Shanghai -- A 12-day conference on shipping matters, called by the China Merchants Steamship Company (CMSC) headquarters, adjourned in Shanghai on 26 July 1950 after deciding upon a number of policies .nd procedures which are to be put into effect. The participants in the conference included th:: chief delegate of the CMSC. Yu Mei, and representr`ives of the branch offices of the company and of other hitherto independent companies in cities along the Yangtze River which were taken over by the various Military Control Com- mittees and merged with the CMSC, The conference dec.ied on unification as regards policies, organization, methods of operation, cont-oi of finances, property, ships, personnel, and traffic. The unification ie to be centered in the CMSC headquarters wi':,h the hitherto loosely attached branch offices and independent companies hereafter operating under the direction of the headquarters as related parts of an in- tegrated whcle, with definitely assigned division of functions and responsi- bilities. The division of responsibilities in traffic matters assigns to the head- quarters office the operation of the long, heavy-traffic runs, those between Shanghai and Han$ow, Shanghai and Chsang-sha, and Shanghai and Chungking; to sectional offices, a:, assigned by headquarters, operations on runs between Hankow and Chang-eba, Hankov and I-chlang, and I-ch?ang and Chungking; to zuboffir_es, as assigned by headquarters, operations on short runs between points within neotion_,. Plans also call for the inauguration of regular service, upon allocation of responsibility by head?zLuarter'Q to suboff ices as indicated, between the following points: Iv,I ORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT 50X1-HUM CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL guNr JDLii a AIWA I CONFIDENTIAL ARMY AIR L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340119-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340119-2 1 nff:;.ce Receivin~u Assignment Nanking Wu-hu Chiu-chiang (K.iukiang) A.n -chiing Sha-shih. CONFIDENTIAL Termini le of Run Chen-chiang and Ssu-Yuan; K' and Chiang-Yin; K'ou-an and Nanking Nanking and K'ou-an Wu-hu and An-chiing; Wu-hu and Ta-t'ung !'hiu-chiang and Nan-ch'ang An-ch'ang and Chiu-chiang Sha-shih and Sha-tao-kuan; Sha-shih and Hankcw Chungking and Hsu-chow (I-pin); Chung- king and Ho-chiang; Chungking and Fou- ling Special transportation `.asks for irregular r'zns or special cargoes are to must "be be assigned by headquarters, For instance, at present, provisions must and made for runs between P'u-k'ou and. Shanghai, -a-y_.. Chungking (for transportation of materials for the Chungking-Ch'eng-tu rail- road) Regular rune must also be estatlis.hed letween Chungking and I-ch'ang, I-ch'ang and HEing- second character not giiler_7 and Henkow and Shanghai. In the final session, chief delegate Yu Me' emphasized, among other things, that he hoped unificaticn would soon be r?al?Led in such personnel mat- ters as the adoption of standard practices regarding salary and wage scales, bonuses, "~-at ons, pensions and other benefits, and in the employees labor union organization SHANGHAI. SHIPFING IN REGULAR OFESATION .- Shanghai Hsin-wen Jih-pao, =? Jul uGO s hipping notes published in this issue of the paper indicate the namesut and other data concerning a number of ships now regularly operating of Shanghai-7 Fier used Type Terminal ShI Com an Chiang-hue CMSC CMSC No 3 P,F* Hankow Chiang-an CMSC CMSC No 3 F,F Hankow F Chang-Sha Tien-fu Huan-chiang SS Co Hung-yuan Hung-ar_ SS Co Ta-ta No 2 F Hankow Kung-Val, K.Lng-1 SS Co "a-'a F Chang-Sha Sheng-min Min-sheng SG Co YanB--hia- ta F I-ch'ang Min-sheng Wu-ch:^ng Min-_heng SS Co Hongkew Min- F Chungking sheng D`c ~ Muni.ripal Ferry Watereid.e p,F Tsungming I Restaurant No 7 Municra; Ferry - Waterside t t v=s,auran P,F Nan-yang s p, passenger.; F, freight., CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340119-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340119-2 '.X'VAGINC r0NTTn'?iE5 ON YANNOTZE -- Hankov Ch'ang-chiang Jih-pao, 25 May 50 The Yangtze River Shipping Bureau has reported that 49 various types of ships, totaling 1L,8~0 tons, have thus far been salvaged from the Yangtze River, Cf these, 39 ships totaling 13,900 tons are being repaired,, It was also reported that there aie 225 sunken ships still in the Yangtze River, and that plans Bend preparations are being made to salvage 13 of them during the coming winter. SHTPFING FARES REDUCED ON YANGTZE -- Long Kong Wen-hui Per,, 27 Jul 50 Hankow -- The Yangtze River Shipping Centrcl Bureau reduced both pas- senger and freight rat?os on 15 July to increase the volume of freight and nacsengera, Freight charges were reduced from 1L.7 percent to as much as 36.9 percent on some item:, and passenger fares had a flat reduction of 20 percent. SOUTH CHINA COASTAL SH FfING NEAR NORMAL -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 28 Jul 50 Canton -- Following t~'e liberaticn of Hainan and the occupation of the 4ansan (Wan-shan) archipelago and other small islands along the coast, ship- ping conditions are rapidly returning in normal,: The Shipping Bureau at Canton, which is doing everything in its power to restore shipping to pro- mote economic prosperity, has published the following names of ships now plying the respective routes The letters P and F, following the names of the ships signify that they carry passengers and/or freight. Ship "onna e Ai-chi, F.F 32L?0-6 Fu-bsing;F.F 29L?89 Tung-feng, F,F 47,08 Tung-li, F,F 255.79 Hai-ye-ne,, F,F 355.08 Fu-hua, P,F 196024 T'ai-ning, P.F 291,67 Jui-hua, F 285 42 Chien-ping, P,F 144..88 I-t'ing, F 122013 Kuang-k'uan, F iO1i 68 Canton. Chan-chiang Hai-k'ou, Pei-hai, Yu-'_in-chiang Csa:on, Macao, Chiang-men Shui-tong, Hai-k'ou Canton, Ia-ch'an, Chan-chiang, Hal -k no Canton, Chiang-men, Yai-men, Chuff-tuna, Chan-chiang Canton, Yang-chiang, Sha-pa, Shui-tung, Chan-chiang Canton, Chan-chiang Canton, Chan-chiang, Hai-k'ou, Fei -hai Canton, Shui-tung atov. Hai-men, Shan-mei, F'ing-hai, Canton, Chiang-men, Chan-chiang, Yu-lin-chiang Chiang-men, Shui-tong Canton, Chiang,-men, Yang-chiang, SLai-tuna, Chan-chiang, Pei-hai CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340119-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340119-2 CONFIDER - %AL , , Ship Tonnage Route Jui-hua, F 285.42 Canton, Shan-wei, Swatow Ping-an. P,F 147.,10 Canton, Shan-wei T'ien-li, F 438,82 Canton, Swatow Hsing-t'ai, P;F 96.30 Swatow, Chieh-shih, Shan-wei, Canton Kvgng-k'uan, F 10.,68 Canton, P'ing-hei, Shan-wei, Swatow Rsin-heng-l1, F 65.63 Serves Wan-shah archipelago There are nine vessels, each over 100 tons, which ply between Canton and Ta-ch'an?, Yuan-to-lin, Chao-an-dung, T'ai-yuan, Chien-chi, Kuang-k'uan, Yung- p'ing-an, Chien-yang-chiang, Lien-ch'ang, and Te-li-i. CANTON- HAI-K'OU SHIPPING SERVICE RESUMED -?- Hong Kong Wen-hui Pao, 27 Jul 50 Canton, 26 July -- Shipping service between Canton and Hai-k'ou, and a combined land-sea transportation service between Canton and Fort Bayard (Chan- chiang) have been resumed,. It takes 3 to 4 days to go from Canton to Fort Bayard partly by automobile and partly by ship. Normal shipping service from Canton to Swatow will a'-,) be resumed from 27 July. KWANGTUNG'S RIVER BOATS INCREASING BUSINESS -- Canton Nan-fang Jih-pao, 30 Jul 50 The volume of freight and passengers transported by river boats on the Chu Chiang, Hsi Chiang, Tung Chiang, and Pei Chiang has increased greatly since March 1950. During May and June, there were between 2,200 and 2,300 boats, with an aggregate of 190,000 to 210,000 tons engaged in transportation service on these routes. The amount of outgoing freight transported by these boats from nearby towns and villages around Canton in. June was more than 100 percent over the total in May, while the amount of freight entering those place- during the same period was 38.2 percent less than the total in May. The most heavily traveled route is the Chu Chiang, which had a Iota' of 14,000 to 16,000 boats during May and June. The traffic on the Hsi Chiang is also becoming heavier. There were 304 outgoing boats on this river in May and 378 in June; the number of incoming boats was 279 in May and 348 in June. On all the routes the outgoing boats carried a total of 50,007 passengers duri:-,g May, and 43,150 passengers June; the incoming boats carried 54,921 pas- sengers in May and 46,920 in June. BRITISH SHIPPING OPERATING ON CHINA COAST -- Hong Kong Hsing-tao Jih-pao, 21 Jul 50 Hong Kong, 20 July -- During the past few days both the Butterfield and Swire and the Jardine shipping companies have had ships carrying cargoes, but so far no passengers, between Hong Kong and Shanghai in both directions. Wiuh the exception of the Butterfield and Swire steamer Poyang which was intercepted and examined by a Chinese Nationalist naval vessel and then allowed to proceed, other vessels have encountered no interference.. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340119-2 Shipping circles here are of the opinion that British naval vessels are continuing to extend protection to British shipping on the high seas along the China coast; and it is this presence of British naval vessels which leads to the common reports that the Nationalist Navy is continuing its in- terference with shipping along the coast, However, these reports do not greatly deter ship movements. Most of the vessels are carrying full loads of miecellaneOus cargo. SHIPPING CLAIMS FOR. MILITARY SERVICES TO BE ADJ1;S'ED -- Shanghai Ta Kung Pao. 20 Jul 50 Hangchow -- The Chekiang provincial government and the Chekiang Military Dietrict headquarters jointly have in-sued instructions to be followed by owners of ships utilized for the recent capture of the Chou-shan 'slands in presenting their claims for reimbursement for use and/or damages. An office for the joint commission has been set up in Hangchow at No 20, Hsia-yang- shih Chieh, and branch offices opened in Huang-yen-hsien and Ning-po. Ap- plications for adjustment of claims must be presented not later than 15 Au- gust 1950. NING-PO REORGANIZES LOCAL SHIPPING AFFAIRS -- Ning-po Jih-pe.o, 26 Jul 50 Ning-po -- In view of the disorganized state of shipping affairs in the neighborhood of Ning-po existing after the military campaign for the capture of the Chou-shan islands, the Ning-po office of the Shipping Bureau of the Chekiang provincial government has issued regulations providing for the reg- istration of: all vessels operating on inland. waterways, along the coast and among the islands lying off shore; and also of all boatmen and beamen. Registration carries with it the issuance of licenses to ships and Ship- boats, and personal identification clca-rds esrint houseboatmen forathe movementThe ships ping Bureau will also so ser serve and cargo and for the employment of seamen ,ERIOUS CASE OF CORRUPTION IN SHIPPING AFFAIRS -- Shanghai Ta Kung Pao, 21 Jul 50 Shanghai -- The biggest case of corruption since the liberation of ief culprit Shan is on tria i named hai Hsu Vsingbeen-hsibrwouhghwast issuinglclerkeaththe s ockro msofne the Shipbuilding Yard. His accomplices were Lu Tsan-).eng and Wang Fu-ken. All have been under arrest since 30 June 1950. .At a mass meeting of the employees of the Shipbuilding Yard recently held, the culprit made a full confession of his misdeeds whit electric meters, theft of hemp role, wire cables, sheet iron and steel, pipes, et.., valued at about 120 million yuan. FERRY BOAT NANKING RESUMES SERVICE -- T"ai-yuan Shan-hsi Jih-pao, 22 May 50 Peiping, '9 May (Hsin-hua) -- The ferry boat Nanking which was found sunk in the Huang-p'u Chiang when Shanghai was liberated, was refloated, re- paired, and, on 11 May 1950, resumed her former service of carrying trains across'the Yangtze River between P'u-k'ou and Nanking. CONFI E FAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340119-2