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January 29, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000100870003-4 ARTICLE APPEARED .ON PAGE ?i POLES !DENT!FY9 AS AGENTS OF C.I.A. -Police Film Purports to Show 3 American Spies at Work. ._6 Others Are Cited .? By JOHN DARNTON -.v: a* Sp d 1toT ,NwYbr tT1rn" ' WARSAW. Jan 28 - The Polish Gov ernment accused, the United States today of espionage. in Poland and said the Central Intelligence' Agency had played a significant role in creating anti-Government opposition. `. At a news conference, three colonels, presented what they said was. evidence -of spying. They showed film clips of three diplomats once posted here.and named six others stationed outside Po- land who they said were C.I.A. agents: The film was part of a five-part series being shown on television. Titled "Who Is Who," it uses Interior Ministry film purportingto show spies at work. Poles said the television series was more anti-American than anything that they had seen since theheight of the cold -war. It was regarded as a retort to the United States Government-sponsored television program., '!Let Poland Be Po, land," which is to beatredonSunday : t Chill Is Cast Over Contacts. The accusations` also appeared In- tended to cast a further chill on contacts between Poles and Westerners, espe. cially diplomats, and. to undercut they Solidarity trade union and dissident; groups by' suggesting that they were. linked with foreign subversion.' One of the officers at the news confer= ence, Col. Zbigeiew-Wlslockiof the .. 11 11' tenor Ministry'ss-rcannterintelligence unit, said in response.to aquestion that actions of Solidarity' "aimed, at the breaking of the state were to, a signiff cant extent the result of activities bythe U.S. secret services." United States diplomats here derided the accusations in private and said pub- lic comment on- specific- charges must come from the State Department Others at the news conference, which was held at the Government press cen- ter, were Col. Hipolit Starszak, head of the Interior Ministry's investigation bu- reau, and Col. Boleslaw Klis, who is with' the Military Prosecutor's Office; NEW YORK TIMES 29 JANUARY 1982 Espionage Devices Under Glass To one side were two glass-enclosed booths containing what was labeled as American spy devices, including tran- sistor radios, cameras, code paper that was.-said to vanish on contact with water, and pellets of disappearing ink hidden in the handle of a shaving brush. Reporters examined the objects before "the conference opened, as a song sung byTom Jones* piped into the room. The first film was about Leslie Stern- berg. Identified as.a third secretary in the- consular division- of the United: States Embassy here from 1979 to 1981; The film, evidently taken from a mov- ing van, shows a Fiat carbeing stopped "for a routine road check." on March 13. 1981. Inside the trunk. according to the narration, were found printing ink, bro- chures and leaflets from the Confedera. tion for an Independent Poland, a dissi- dent group. Miss Sternberg is shown standing grim-faced beside the car and later ata police station. called "X' side an a i longtime szewski. second sec ical secti Romasze ments to ;~. 'Spy Colonel is __..... u cne iuvernmenti -did not want to create a "spy mania." .,We are not planning to limit contacts! of Poles with. Western embassies," hei said, "but frequently official contacts, later change intosomething else.- 4 He acknowledgedthat Soviet-bloc na- tions might also be using spies in the West, but said: ','Poland is not threaten- ing anyone. We must defend ourselves 'Colonel Wislocki gave the names and positions of -sit people he. said were C.r.A_ agents attached to United States embassies in other foreign -capitals. t Many of them, Colonel Wislocki said, tried to recruit Poles abroad to work for Embassy Job Is Called Cover F-' The camera zeroes in on her Am eri. can passport.: ,_. "It was learned that she speaks Pol- ish, but not well. enough to answer cer- tain questions. ' the narration says, add- ing that her embassy job was a cover for collecting information, such as- th e home addresses of police officials.-. The second episode concerned Peter Burke, described as a second secretary in the embassy's political section in 1979 and "an important spy." The film shows his identity papers, his'local residence and then a park where 4 stone had been placed under a lamppost. A car is seen stopping nearby, a. man picking iip the, stone- Then Mr. Burke is brought to po-lice headquarters,where, according to the narration, "hekeeps repeating'I am an Amercian diplomat." :Inside the stone, which is opened on camera,.was said to be information on Poland's air defense syst?m. A close-up of Mr. Burke's face follows. "This is the-man who worked for the" C.I.A..and slipped ono a stone in Poland,:' Wenarratorsays j:;.~ PoleTells of Vietnam Incident A third segment was about an uniden- `tified Pole, the man who was said to have left the stone. He describes on film how he was recruited by the Americans while a member, of the Polish Control CommissioninSouthVietnam.- The fourth concerned Alicja Wesolow. I ska, a Polish citizen who worked for the United Nations and was arrested while on- a visit here in August 1979,- was charged with espionage and is now serv-? ing a seven-year sentence. Her case has become an international cause cklebre. { The fila:was'apparently made during: hes-iinterrogation., Over a, -scratchy, -soundtrack she .-is seen saying that she had provided"bits and pieces"'of infor anatioa c~ diplomats at. the -United Na- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/23: CIA-RDP90-00552R000100870003-4