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11V111rjuir J uiu
20 August 19571
P-101 Sub Projects
1. TIME AND PLACE OF MEETING: A series of discussions and field
29 July - 2 August 1957-
principal technical personnel:
Administrative personnel:
during the week of 25X1
0/c - RDB
(8/2/57 only)
3. PURPOSE AND SCOPE: The general objectives of the visit were:
Field performance tests of equipment
Detailed discussions on the study, Task 9 of Contract
Clarification of the C-unit (IS-5) program
Objectives were not.,
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Objectives were met, as summarized below. In addition to first-hand
observation of personnel capabilities and interests, a considerable
dividend resulted from observing equipment performance and difficulties
in the field and assessing field test potentialities in the area.
as 18 D-units were tested. Contract merely
referenced the proposal whose only performance specification
was for satisfactory operation at one mile against a B-unit. The D-units
were actually tested against each other at slightly over 2 miles, day-
light. Tests were based on exchange, with return confirmation, of
information; this included two serial numbers (sight head and. electronics-
charger unit) for each unit, five entirely unrelated words, plus
inci onversation relative to the test procedures. Set up was
by with our assistance; tests were conducted between
an Sight head aerial B and electronics-char r serial 18
were marginal, were retested in fog-haze against the a 905
(approximate ant to B-unit) at about a mile and will be
rechecked by~for cell noise and grounding, etc., before
acceptance. They are considered acceptable, but not quite on a par
with the other 17 D-units, and may be potential trouble-makers. On-
site test notes are on file in APD, P-101D,
b. TASK 1. ts. 2 of the re-worked units were
completed by 2 August. reported excellent performance at 3
miles from tests the previous night. Unstable heavy to partially
clearing fog and haze prevented a successful long-range (40,000 feet)
over-water trial. A variety of infrared equipments (B, C, D, 905),
hand talkies, and several cars permitted three separate parties to be
setAalong the coast and moved as required. D to D intelligible
communication range seemed to correlate directly with visibility just
under a mile (estimated on a meteorological range basis). C to B
(on 905) was very good. "D" unit had vibrator noise; C-unit receiver
was very quiet. 905's at 40,000 feet pointed up practical locating
difficulties. Looking "up sun" (1630 to 1730 hours, PDT) into fog and
haze, the base site could not be seen visually; a hand mirror reflecting
the sun in a regular scan pattern caused the base 905 to beep; but, even
with handy-talkie radio link, IR communication could not be established.
The situation required study to outline operational doctrine and to
delineate limiting factors in long range work. The whole field exercise
provided practical cogency to topics encountered in the study discussion;
the rapidity with which 905's can be put into operation, compared with
the difficulties with the B-units, was especial3y noted.
c. TAUK 8.
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c. TASK 8. E-unit. Equipment was seen but could not be
demonstrated. The new galvanometer has been promised by the manufacturer
by August 15th; however, there have been several delays in delivery in
the past. The amplifier has been changed from transformer to RC coupling
between stages thereby decreasing the number of transistors used, and
also the size and weight of the overall amplifier. Regulation of the
power supply over large voltage input ranges remains to be a problem.
The design of the present unit appears to be well executed
within the stringent contract conditions. For a stable long term
inventory item, further development is clearly indicated. The present
E units will be delivered for test and evaluation as soon as the
galvanometer is received and checked out.
5? TASK 9. STUDY PEASE: The subjects of the continuing discussions,
in order, were:
Functional Components - Sources,. optics, galvanometers,
detectors, electronics, et al.
Applied Research - state of knowledge of
atmospheric effects, their estimate of additional re-
quired information and interest in obtaining. These
effects provide the natural limiting factors to which
good equipment it be designed.
Equipment Goals - Ultimate equipment types and perfor-
mances. Desirable refinements in present units. (C-
units are reported in h 6 below.) Notima
conference between 0 C
and APD on
22 July 1957 were used as a basis.
Since full reporting of the talks would require a series of memos, high-
lights only are given below. Sub-paragraph 5.c. is of particular interest.
One subject in need of careful exploration but not discussed was test
equipment. Proper alignment of the optical systems, together with
detailed mounting design features, are essential to insure maximum range.
a. Functional Components: The two laws used in the four
equipment types represent excellent selection by better choices
may be possible but are not apparent. Close tolerancing on filament
alignment relative to base pins is mandatory to maintain range perfor-
mance; inspects the small non-standard C-unit lamps individually.
Increaa ou put or reliability are to be sought in careful attention to
efficient collection and imaging of the light from the filament, (at
infrared wavelengths), in optimum galvanometer design, and in the design
and quality of the beam-forming mirror.
Spectral output of the
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Spectral output of the lamps as a function of battery operating
conditions is needed; will not be equipped to take these data
until November; APD may able to get some data before then.
Optical characteristics of the IR glasses for the lead sulfide
region are required; APD to supply, with (later) samples. For reference,
the glasses are Bureau of Standards A-2059, C-6o1, F-15$, and G. E. de-
hydrated fused quartz (low index).
Galvanometer performance and s are not fully satisfactory.
APD is to ascertain 8i Co s findings., and
should meet this fall
for an all-out discussion. Lateral contact to Bu$tds and NM-White Oak
is desired on galvanometer design and new magnetic materials. At present
the actual frequency response peaks at less than 2,000 cps and does not
meet advertised peak response of 4000 cps. Environmental effects are of
strong secondary interest.
very desirable but will-,need following up.
The mirror optics are reported satisfactory; field checks were
not available (see 4.b. above). Refractive optics for the smaller units
are subject to re-design, for maximum efficiency, using the special
glasses. Full support should be given to considering square apertures.
(Hidden costs here are to be balanced against range and duplex perfor-
mance). The detectors used are EK Pbs cells. Reduction in sensitive
area (to maximize signal to noise ratio) is being accomplished;
additional reduction is of marginal potentiality because of cell char-
acteristics and limiting optical factors. The Eastman commercial mounts
are not satisfactory; tolerances are wide size is too great and
humidit '
y protection is essential. A sandwich scheme seems
The major decision in the electronics assembly concerns
transistorization with silicon, not germanium, transistors. The increased
cost (at current prices, crudely estimated at $100 to $150 per unit) Would
provide for global storage and operation. Germanium transistors in the
present circuit (C-unit) pill not operate beyond 106? F; an operating
temperature specificatiott'i '400 to 1000 F. (Based on test performance
range of 38? F to 106? F). No increase in size is foreseen; application
to the B-unit would permit a reduction. Among other circuit design
items were duplexing (not difficult) and dynamic range (requiring study).
b. Applied Res hl Atmospheric attenuation (measured,
transmission with absorption and scattering included) data are reasonably
well known. Refined data from NRL, et al, are to be obtained.
The prime consideration
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The prime consideration of security evinced by all users
dictates acquisition of field data to corroborate theory. To get
numbers for scattered radiation will probably involve a heavy fog, an
intense source with good collimating optics, and sensitive detection
equipment. Data are sought in polar plots for several visual pene-
tration ranges; from such numbers the equivalent amount of scattering
may be calculated for the less intense bears actually used in signalling.
The second security aspect is that of beam interception. Measurements
of beam intensity along lines normal to the line of sight will have to
be made. Naked-eye, and metascope, perception of the direct beam was
not reviewed, but data should be taken and concurrence obtained on the
compromise between such security and range performance.
The degree of penetration into murky atmospheres is, to Mr
mind, an unsettled question; certainly the few field results witnessed
did not agree with my mentally predicted ranges; this could be caused
by a relative inefficiency in the D-units and/or by the definition of
"visibility." A desirable quantity, to me, is the ratio of infrared
penetration to visual penetration for the several available sizes of
Study has been initiated on shimmer (atmospheric "boiling");
preliminary oscilloscope pictures were seen which had been taken from
tape-recorded signals.
Simple instrumentation is needed for reproducible measures
of the degree of visibility, or attenuation, and shimmer as well as for
temperature and humidity. A reasonable emopnt of field work with these
quantities will give technical personnel a realistic grasp of the effects
on IR communication and will add to the stock of basic information which
is either lacking or too spotty in this wavelength region.
CO Equipment: The gamut of possible sizes of IR coununi-
cation equipment was discussed. At the small end, felt that
a device the size of a large cigarette package could be made which could
be used at ranges up to, possibly, 200 or 300 yards. At the other
extreme, long range equipments are, provisionally, separated into two
groups; one, for horizon-limited ranges of approximately 20 miles and
a second for ranges less than 10 miles. Mirrors of 20 inch diameter or
less should be adequate. The present B and C units represent the two
intermediate sizes.
Pulse transmission was discussed. Galvanometer modulation
of the beam, is of course, limited to a few thousand cycles per second.
A refinement suggested by the Lichtsprecher offers promise of modulation
to 100,000 cps. Here, light is normally totally reflected in a prism.
If, however, an external surface is intimately contacted to the prism,
at the area where the light is being Internally reflected, and the con-
tact is varied slightly, transmission will occur instead of reflection.
Proper development of the principle might involve a considerable program.
Major ddsign changes
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following:Major design changes in the B-units (15-1) concern the
Case: Same size or smaller with appearance, materials,
accessories to be determined later.
'Jis Ingenious but not
practical for rapid field set
Al nt: Ili viewer to be eliminated; a good optical
telescope is to be retained. (6 power, 8 to 10 de
feasible.) Azimuth and elevation scales should,probabe]y belretaineperfectly
incorporation of compass and bubble level is undetermined but desirable.
Duplexing is virtually essential for easier alignment.
and possiblytig_pCo~ting design requirements require study, layout,
implies either shared optics or be
duinfluenced plicate ptics field trrk' t and
receive. Maximum range varies with aperture. Focal length a and
determine f/number, which must be commensurate with the f/numband apertu
er of there
lens used to image the filament on the galvanometer mirror.
type of large mirror construction sl The present
factory, but may require detailed envir
umped glas over mold) onme talschecks; the l~twe satis-
epoxy mirror construction is promising but manufacturit
not yet sufficiently developed. ng controls are
In the power supply assembly, eliminate the battery charger,
with provision of a connector for an external charger; provide for
operation from any of the following:
(1) Self-contained battery
(2) External automobile 12-volt battery
(3) A-C line, 50 or 60 cps, 95 to 128 volts Altho reduction can begh the lamp consumes most of the power, a fractional
aade by transistorization. The study should consider
silicon transistors for a final to
power reduction and for minimum ~-term inventory equipment both for
6. C-units (18-5): The rapidly changing.,
c t requirement p ture necessitated a careful briefing of o
on the situation and, several discussions on
general contractual information in addition to the tematters of more
chnical design
questions. The latter were split into two phases covering rethseech for changes mandatory in the next procurement and the longer range
changes performance.
a. Essential Design
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a. Essential Des{
..on Changes ;
(1) Close all open holes to prevent entry of
sand, etc.
(2) Improve battery contacts. When mercury are used, contacts require fre cells
queah abrading.
(3) Easy lamp replacement.
factory aligned base mounting to be secured firmly when
x'Y gned (now cemented).
(5) Sturdier microphone cable and connector.
(6) Separable ear plugs, hearing aid type.
(7) Improve open sight mounting.
b. Desirable Design Changes:
Connection to external 12-volt automobile
(2) Silicon transistorization. Study need,
basic design, time and cost estimates.
(3) New optics.
overall efficiency. Special glasses, square apertures,
characteriDete$tor . Mounting tudy, specification of
acceptance testing.
(5) Environmental. Without Jeopardizing size
or weight, design to some type of water integrity;
cite acceptable environmental specifications.
(6) Spare lamps. Possible provision for internal
mounting of spares.
a. uantit Procurement: Minimum
74 (possibly 84 units without ATIC req Next Nexte procurement is
50 is around 100 (50 s stem t cost break after
os 50 and 100 (50t y ) Below 50 sand castings would be used.
Ab in the castings would run unit costs down as such items were
1000. A increasing quantity. Tooling quoted would handle lots up to
large fraction of the cost is in purchased parts where the
cost is proportionate to quantity.
drawings will have to be Production (MIL-standards) type
draws procured together with handbooks formal specification. procurement on 100 units cooldtartndelive es
in 8 to 10 months; silicon transistorization might require an additional
3 to 5 months.
is agreeable
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increases' __ "ej ~`t`Df to an escalator clause for later
quantity and corresponding decreases in cost. The time
factor could be balanced with a contingency
labor and material costs not agency Phrase covering increased
under their control.
d? eras: The following quantities of spare part
Operating Spares: Bulbs
Microphone cables
Push- switch
Head Phone cables
Depot Spares: Galvanometer
Function switches
Receiver & transmitter
assembly boards
Microphone & headphone jacks
Filter Glass (Schott- -$)
Lens caps
is recommended. concurrence Approval and support of the study program
and ecom o Fence by the Office of Communications, Research
Pent Branch, on the equipment study
with guidance on the extent of effort desired on "s desired, together
meats and on the very small staff" size equip-
is proposed to carry each throt? Otherwise it
outline of deb `paper st
ign, time and cost estimates.~r phase on feasibility,
seriously it is before believed that re-design of the B-unit should
undertaking procurement oP be studied
procurement, if any, should be of B- or 905 Ptmspas, nt units; interim
Further need for D-units cannot be forecast; types, with slight corrections.
aging applications, the intermediate ~ apart from special pack-
seems difficult to performance between B and C types
The program outlined is believed sound in scope and essent:K
to o putting this phase of our infrared effort on a firm basis. It is also
ft i oe enough to meet reasonably-scaled priority demands and what lofger ect nterest to
odopposite desks in the milit much
minimum factors for establishi
ng by lasting the original desig sictask butacontainsithe
Immediate initiation of
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?mnediate initiation C O N F I D TJ.A
C-units, with essential ch ?f Procurement of 100 (50 sets) of the
basis of minimum angel incorporated, is recommended on the
advent present need for 72, unknown ATIC re
aga price break at the 100 figure. Time de quiinments, and
a definite figure can soon become excessive. ~rertaining
Orig? - P-101B
1 - P-101D
1 - P-101F
1 -
1 - Chrono
PGN:DA4J /1s
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