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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Geographic - Weather conditions HOW Economic - Crop conditions PUBLISHED Daily newspaper. WHERE PUBLISHED Moscow DATE PUBLISHED 19 - 31 Dec 1952 LANGUAGE Russian or, rx. u. tto . ?rn.~. x , x. ,..nxaco , vcnan r .x .. or rx. ru... cao.. .......m. .ma. or rn co,n.n ro o..?urr .? ?, . x u:.e ?.nc, i .....neon:. o, .. .o.x i. ?.e........ SOURCE Soteialisticheskoye Zemledel1Ye. fnderlined dates refer to day, of publication. All temperatures are in degrees centigrade. 19 December On 18 December, comparatively warm weather prevailed in the southern, cen- tral, and northeastern regions of the European USSR. Daytime temperatures were 1-2 degrees above zero in Kiev, Kursk, and Voronezh, 4 in Kishinev and Dnepro- petrovsk, 7 in Rostov-on-the-Don, 9 in Odessa, 11 in Simferopol', and 13 in Kras? ncdar, one degree below zero in Stalingrad, -2 in Leningrad and Petrozavodsk, -4 in Minsk, and -7 in Ufa and Saratov. On 18 December, rains fell in the eastern regions of the Ukraine and the central chernozem zone. Reavy snowfalls were recorded in the central, western, and northern regions of the European USSR. Warmer weather caused the boundary of the scow cover to recede toward the north. On the morning of 18 December, it followed a line running from Mozyr` to Bryansk, Voronezh, and Stalingrad, Temperatures rose in Western Siberia. Light snowfalls were recorded almost everywhere. Daytime temperatures ranged between 12 and 15 degrees below zero in Omsk, Novosibirsk, and Barnaul. Very low subzero temperatures prevailed in Irkutskaya Oblast and the Baykal region. The temperature in Chita was 22 degrees below zero. CLASSIFICAT' " CONFIDENTIAL . URiTY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS REPORT CD NO. DATE OF DATE D1ST.^,a Feb 1953 NO. OF PAGES 6 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Cold weather prevailed in Central Asia and the southern portion of the Kaz.: akh SSR. Daytime temperatures were 5 degrees below zero in the Ashkhabad area and 7 below in the Dzhambul area. A light snow cover has formed in some areas of Central Asia. STATE ARMY NAVY AIR NSRe FBI DISTRIBUTION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 20 December On 19 December, comparatively warm weather, although somewhat colder than the day before, prevailed in the European USSR. In Petrozavodsk and Syktyvkar, for example, the temperature dropped to 3 degrees above zero In a 24-hour period, and to 5 in Leningrad and Kazan'. The weather is gradually becoming -"oler and the coolness is spreading to- ward the south. During the f:'rst 12 hours of 19 December, snow fell in the Karelo-Finnish SSR, Kirovakaye and Saratovskaya oblasts, and some areas of the Ukraine. Thaws and rainy weather during the last few days have considerably reduced the depth of the snow cover. Snow has completely disappeared in the Ukraine and many areas of the central chernozem zone. The ice cover on rivers has disap- peared locally. Winter crops are in good condition everywhere. The growth of winter crops is continuing in the Crimea, the extreme southern Ukraine, and some areas of the Northern Caucasus. Moderate subzero weather accompanied by snowfalls prevailed in Western Siberia. Daytime temperatures of 10 degrees below zero were recorded in Novosi- birsk and Barnaul. It was colder further to the east. Temperatures were 20 de- grees below zero in Irkutsk, and 30 below in Chita. Comparatively cold weather prevailed in the southern Kazakh SSR. Daytime. temperatures dropped to 12-15 degrees below zero in Kzyl-Orda, Dzhambul, and Alma-Ata. It was warmer in Central Asia. Temperatures were 4 degrees below zero in Tashkent and Ashkhabad and one below in Stalinabad. Snow fell almost everywhere in Central Asia, as well as in the southern Kazakh SSR. 21 December On 20 December, a gradual drop in temperature was recorded in the European USSR. Noon temperatures were 2 degrees above zero in Odessa and Kishinev, zero in Kiev, 1 degree below zero in Krasnodar, -2 in Voronezh, -4 in Tambov, -9 in Saratov, and -13 in Chkalov. Daytime temperatures In the Baltic republics and the western portion of the central zone were around zero. Despite the fact that the weather has become cooler, it still remains very warm, compared with weather records of long standing. For example, on 20 December, the temperature in Kiev was approximately 4 degrees, higher than usual for this time of the year, and it was 5 degrees higher in Voronezh, and almost 8 degrees higher in Moscow. Snow fell in all the northern regions, the Baltic republics, the Urals, the Middle.Volga Region, the eastern Ukraine, and the Crimea. A loose snow cover has again formed in the fields of the Ukraine. The growth of winter crops has stopped in the south. Moderate subzero weather -- about 10 degrees below zero during the day prevailed in Western Siberia and snowfalls occurred. A snow cover whose depth has increased noticeably in the last fev days extends over the fields everywhere. Comparatively cold weather prevailed in the southern Kazakh SSR and Central Asia. Temperatures in Dzhambul and Ashkhabad were 6 degrees below zero during the day, and 10 below during the night. Noon temperatures in Tashkent and Sta- linabad were around zero, and snowfalls occurred. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 2 December On 21 and 22 December, cooler weather spread throughout almost the entire European USSR. Noon temperatures everywhere were below zero, except in the Moldavian SSR, the-Crimea, the Northern Caucasus, and the southern Ukraine. Temperatures were 1 degree below zero in Kiev and Minsk, -4 in Kursk, -5 in Mos- cow, -6 in Ufa and Tambov, and -13 in Saratov and Kuybyshev. During the night, the temperature in Saratov dropped to 20 degrees below zero. The temperature was 2 degrees above zero in Odessa and Kishinev. Very warm weather prevai),ed only in the Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The temperature rose to 14 degrees above zero in Simferopol' and 17 in Sochi. On 21 December, light snowfalls were recorded in the Baltic republics, Belorussian SSR, and northern regions. On 22 December, snow fell in the west- ern Ukraine and locally in the central chernozem zone. Sleet fell in the north- ern Ukraine, the Belorussian SSR, and many areas of the central zone. The growth of crops continues in the Crimea and along the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Moderate subzero weather with snowfalls prevailed in Western Siberia, Day- time temperatures were 7 degrees below zero in Omsk, -9 in Barnaul, and -12 in Novosibirsk and Tobol'sk. The fields everywhere were covered with snow. The depth of the snow cover was 10-20 centimeters almost everywhere, and even reached 30 centimeters locally. It was comparatively cold in Central Asia and southern Kazakh SSR. Daytime temperatures were zero in Stalinabad and Ashkhabad. 6 degrees below zero in Alma- Ate, .7 in Tashkent, and -10 in Dzhambul, A snow cover has formed almost every.. where. 24 December On 23 December, temperatures dropped in the central zone and the Urals. Daytime temperatures were 6 degrees below zero in Moscow and Gor'kiy, -11 in Kazan', -1.2 in Chkalnv, -13 in Kirov, and -.19 in Ufa. During the last 24 hours, no substantial change in the weather was recorded in the rest of the European USSR. Noon temperatures were 12 degrees below zero in Saratov and Kuybyshev, -5 in Tambov and Stalingrad, --3 in Minsk and Kursk, -2 in Kiev and Voroshilovgrad, 2-3 degrees above zero in Kishinev and Odessa, 6 in Krasnodar, and 13 in Simfer- opol'. During the first 12 hours of 23 December, light percipttation fell locally in the Baltic republics. The boundary of the continuous snow cover runs approx- imately from Bryanek to Voronezh and Stalingrad. The depth of the frozen ground has almost reached 50 and, locally, 70-100 centimeters in the southern Ukraine and Middle Volga Region. The ground has frozen for a meter and, locally, for a meter and a half, in many of the steppe regions of Western Siberia. A slight drop in temperature was recorded in this area, Daytime temperatures were 16.20 degrees below zero in Tobol'ak, and 25 below in Krasnoyarsk. Snowfalls were recorded almost every- where in this area, The depth of the snow cover increased, especially in areas where snow retention measures were taken., Temperatures were about zero in Central Asia, and about 10 degrees below in southern Kazakh SSR. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 On 25 December, it was comparatively warm in most of the European USSR. Slightly cloudy weather with moderate subzero temperatures prevailed in the Mid- dle Volga Region and the Urals. Noon temperatures were 16 degrees below zero in Ufa, -14 in Kazan' and Saratov, -12 in Tambov, roiybyshev, Chkalov, and Sverdlovsk, -11 In-Kirov, and -10 in Syktyvkar and Stalingrad. Daytime temperatures ranged between 4 and 6 degrees below zero in the cen- tral and western regions. Noon temperatures were one degree below zero in Kiev and Lvov, one degree above zero in Kishinev and Odessa, 5 in Krasnodar, and 7 in Makhachkala. It was warm and day on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, where maximum temperatures ranged between 16 and 20 degrees above zero the day before. On 25 September, the southern boundary of the snow cover followed a line running through Vinnitsa, Chernigov, Orel, Ryazan', Tambov, Stalingrad, and Aktyubinsk, Cold weather prevailed in Western Siberia and the Kazakh SSR. Slightly cloudy, very cold weather prevailed in Eastern Siberia, Temperatures dropped locally as low as 45 degrees below zero, Comparatively cold weather prevailed everywhere in Central Asia. Daytime temperatures were 2 degrees below zero in Ashkhabad and 8 below in Tashkent. 27 December On 26 December, slightly cloudy weather with moderate subzero temperatures prevailed in the eastern half of the European USSR. It was cloudy in the rest of the European USSR; light snow fell locally,, Temperatures dropped again in the Baltic republics and Relorussi?n SSR. The temperature rose to 2 degrees above zero in Riga. Noon temperatures were one degree below zero in Minsk, -2 in Leningrad, -4 in Vologda, -6 in Moscow, and -7 in Orel, Kursk, and Voronezh. Daytime temperatures in the Urals ranged between 12 and 16 degrees below zero. Snow fell locally in the eastern regions of the Ukraine. Daytime temperatures ranged between 2 and 4 degrees below zero. It was warm and dry everywhere in the Caucasus. The temperature at 0900 hours this morning was 2 degrees above zero in Tbilisi. During the day, temper- atures in Krasnodar were 4 degrees above zero. Temperatures rose as high as 18-20 degrees on the Blank Sea coast. On 25 December, light snow fell in the Baltic republics, the western por- tion of the central region, and the Far North,. Winter crops are in good condi- tion due to favorable weather conditions. Low subzero temperatures dangerous for crops were not recorded anywhere. In the northwestern region where cold weather prevails, the crops are covered with a snow cover more than 30 centime- ters deep. It became much warmer in Western Siberia, and snowfalls were recorded. Noon temperatures in Tobol'sk dropped to 14-16 degrees below zero. A gradual rise in temperatures was recorded in Central Asia, Daytime *emperaturen were 7 degrees above zero in Stalinabad. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 On 27 December, overcast weather with temperatures slightly below zero prevailed almost everywhere in most of toe ruropean USSR. Dry weather with subzero temperatures prevailed in the eastern regions. A drop in temperature to temperatures slightly below zero was recorded also in the western Ukraine, Mol- davian SSR, and the Crimea. Noon temperatures were 18 degrees below zero in Kazan', -14 in Ufa and Chkalov, -13 in Kuybyshev, and -12 in Saratov. Daytime temperatures were 8 degrees below zero in Syktyvkar, -7 in Moscow, Voronezh, and Voroshilovgrad, -6 in Stalingrad and Rostov-.on-Don, -5 in Orel and Gor'kiy, -?4 in Kursk, -2 in Kiev, Lvov, and Odessa, and -1 in Kishinev and Minsk. A rise in temperature, which was spreading eastward, was recorded in West- ern Siberia. Temperatures rose gradually, as high as 7.9 degrees above zero, in Central Asia, A light snow cover has formed in the southern Kazakh SSR, 30 December On 28 and 29 December, overcast weather prevailed in most if the European USSR. It became much warmer in the Ukraine, the. Crimea, and the Caucasus. Rains were recorded locally,, Temperatures also rose in the southern Urals and the Mid- dle Volga Region. Extreme subzero temperatures prevailed only in the northeastern region, on 29 December, daytime temperatures dropped to 38 degrees below zero in Ust'?? Tsil'ma and 17 below in Syktyvkar. Daytime temperatures were 14 degrees below zero in Gor'kly, -12 in Sverdlovsk, -10 in Kazan', -8 in Chkalov, -7 in Saratov, Kuybyshev, Tambov, Moscow, and Arkhangelsk, -6 in Leningrad, and -5 in Minsk, Orel, Kursk, and Voronezh. Noon temperatures were zero in Kiev and Lvov, 2 de- grees above zero in Voroshilovgrad, 3 in Kishinev and Rostov-on-Don, 5 in Dne- propetrovsk, 7 in Odessa, 11 in Simferopol', and 13 in Krasnodar. On 28 December, light snow fell in the northeastern and central. regions and the Middle and Lower Volga regions, Light precipitation was recorded in the Ukraine and along the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The snow cover reached a depth of 2 to 5 centimeters locally in the Ukraine. A snow cover of the same depth has formed in the southern portion of the central chernozem zone. The depth of the snow cover has reached 15 centimeters around Saratov and Moscow, and 25 centimeters around Sverdlovsk, Vologda, Leningrad, and Minsk. Winter crops are in good condition due to favorable weather conditions. Moderate subzero temperatures prevailed in Western Siberia, Cold weather prevailed in Eastern Siberia. Daytime temperatures dropped to 28-30 degrees below zero, and a temperature of 36 below was recorded in Kras- noyarsk, Warm, dry weather which favored the grazing of cattle in pasturelands pre- vailed in the Kazakh SSR and in most of Central Asia, 31 December On 30 December, comparatively warm weather prevailed in most of the Euro- pean USSR. Heavy snowfalls which considerably increased the depth of the snow cover were recorded in the central region and the central chernozem zone. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2 temperatures dropped daytime in the northeastern region. During a 24-hour period, the ' temperature in Syktyvkar dropped from 17 to 33 degreee'belov zero, and in Kirov from 10 to'23 degrees below zero. Daytime temperatures ranged between 12 and 14degreee below Temperatures vari zero in the southern Urals and the Middle Volga Region. ed between 5 and 9 degrees below zero in the central and west. ern regions Wsrm weather prevailed everywhere In the Ukraine the Crimea, and the'Caucasus. Noon temperatures. were 2 degrees above zero in D,nepropetrovsk'and Kishinev; 3 in-Odessa and'Rostov-on-Don, and 12 in Simferopol' and Krasnodar. On 29 December, heavy precipitation in the form of rain fell in the southern Ukraine, the Crimea, and Krasnodarskiy Kray. Moderate subzero temperatures prevailed in Western Siberia and Kazakh SSR, and snow-fell locally. Cold weather, prevailed in Eastern Siberia. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100556-2