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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 50X1-HUM LUMMESCITIT ANALYSIS OF OPTICAL GLASSES USSR E. MI Brumborc, Z, Svordloy, and T. V. Timofoyova. sourco: Icvoctiya Akndomii Nauk SSSR, Soriya Yinichoftya, Vol XIII, 1To 2 (March/April 1949), pp 242-7. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 ? ? T , ' T...4 1 (ET- ' 1, '4.??? rz r -1. ?-r rte - 4?$ "rig! 2:? ? - ? ; ; r r f t; * ? r jest -r torrs r4t: 1,- f ?.1i**J (j r rf7 I ?,* fr .1 ?or $4, tt rtItyt.. (wfAvt1111:0_; r" 1Mr.t4,, r r 4,7 ?-? r 'To ? -,?1.171ttri.,4 ? ? ? ? 1 f ? rf, ?/??? C- rt f" i 1 I * ' r ' ,0) .,,,1 i. . . fi:trfirr P. 4' r4r. - r, 1 f,r romp i-spr 1 14" .44 ,e-sor mr .4t4' form r.47 r".rtm.t.1,4,1 )1 '= r.f.f 14. i?,ic 14,4 ? s - ' -1iift0'4114A,m, r4rr, *hit ml?1 .L41.4P,,trit.417,? FJtrw.;-?if.1 f;r01) ?). m, It. "4 I Ott If 'hor#Jrmopt /% r 10.0t1, f rt 10 t'S ? .4'1fl 4,r4t= NI 1 f' (ihvg= 41 * 1011 PihospLoreg,,mv.v, fl,J:4ref:len"e 4 # s r.,1-,fon in Firure"t - 4 t tn P,1(..441' !..00rie . ff eseltnot mt1, :j.wirlYraftsomom, (7:ithtJt r11:1(.4rcnhoc,- , r of fluor- t. irf ? . '.111 theaot-) -107, 41- 4 ? 0 -e or R yyrimtoltt*re 14 '41 AS 114- t:e.Intlenotr fl.rk fl:,shed uetwmen ir)n rAto-,rodts F l000ted 4 ?- 4. *4 rioh stilroe short-wave ultm 7iolet r* s. rho seqrtotion rf ry:, tl-Jr;ler. of the sneotrum viavmlenth abrt 260 elmw 31./..),),ftva.) for ti o ryJrnose o roduoing fluor- esomnom is qttqinr,4 i.Le ust of t.2, slItlens monoohromAtor oonsintinr of R luartZ ltrin L 'Intl a qilart prit P. ObserwAtion of phosphoretiqtnoe i8 mad. i-Abtr,,, by tho qt;1 of a spark phosphorosoope plaoed at the upper part or the! apnuratqre in t}Itt. phosphorostirvl thf! voltale Is tranomed to o ntationv,ry cl5Tflrod0 t wild to tilt) movable eleotrodes El, 6 f 4, osta arid 7:hloh are rotatmd by mot0r M. no phosphoresoonot is observed by mee.n',1 of rirr'rc. hn4 S. The a.pertured dish Direvolvin on the axis of the motor, screens the Plash of the spark tInd thm objeot A so illuminated from the eye of the observer. Thus the observer views the objoct through the ri.pertures of disk D only duriic. intervals between Plash68. This permits observation of ohosphoresoenom for not less thaft 10-3 second (()(\q-itlitiTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 O4FlD$it Al 414rAtions Tho two Vokltur0?, th f4Proflotitivo ol4ervpr.1 PflAcf Pl4Q1W004g0 4n0 phoPpho, AWOO tit1-4 !.1710Q-Aci thP powerf41 light gotmot riohj.fl ,o,r 1.4ltv41Jo1et racii4tiono (rrom tho oondonfier npark betwAen Lron oleoWloe), a4vftnrew4p1,y 4i rot* ' 4614.Qe trri lie'atv4r4tqa Vor '.srfolino cptiul 41,45en by lvittfl000no4 rjo fluorephouhor000pe tried QLJt at 4 nimber of p1P;ato 1)0fli11-010 offloiont ifitJ rftpi(t incpeation of? thelatmo.n,J tmployed in kow4taotorl:nr, The 4.1arl, Vluorophoophor0000pm Otal 0,100 t'Llt1 1Ltt0no in minim mw:ilea. It LI known that the vant iujcrLt rflnativ6 Inralfi are fttural ph oophora posuenuinG the proper4y Qf 010W1 upon OXp001.104, to 141raviclot ray m rrokition of a :Jeoold 11t? to nevert41 hows. iAbsorb nhort-wave ultraviolet ray6 iv!)re reqtaily f an thoy lo lor-o waNeri.1ii Lnt40 i',:nnt;t1111tly the luNiLleoaloo inteuoiy oP th0 01'.10rOphOOph.M0%)0 wonzilerIbly :;rmi.ter ti!ol'I 11a otiv.tvitional apparo.hus loosistin ofLi, m roury lamp awl? a .Nool. Vurithorw.m, allaysim by :'1 3C t[c $A44e4 !AtittRutm %ot eliminati% oAtirely any bookround Lrtereftoe, sinoc the 6Iovm objec4; ia observed ooly after the aoLiou of the axoil:ant sourod has tlio spark Pluorophosphorosoopt hqs oae substantial lisalm vapte: It la actAated by a dantorous hi01-voltal,:m condenser si)ark (10,000 volts, trau,sforer oapRoity 0.2 . 0.25 kilowatts). Though prom ;tided vi h on outomaillo blcon system, the apptvratus can threfon! be ..r.00-limond#NI, -1)4ation only at 1 1).ratories staffed with adequb.tely trained persolintl. Consequently it vas most desirable to develop, for the luminTsceace tri ii of' optical 0.assts, appttratus usinL; a lowwvoltage i:;'Ufc fexcitation.. To this errot PR1m2, PRE:m(1, and 8VD meroury quartz lamps, :produced by domestic manufacturers, Aare tested. ,It was fouad that lAmps PRK-2 and PR1m4 display sufficiently intense linarl it the short-vow) roGion of the ultraitiolot spectrum (wave1en6th equals (01s1fIDNIINt. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 17P 254ow 15 w&) Is weal quite iitai?faQtPry via 4 woo* or 1 min- mem excitation of optical eilatio00, The Doi la Otigh the rivon4nce li-no of morwAry (navolon4th eval4 204 Oftlp )1, 'tiy wepitoned AO h rVault Qf ParmVIV?rdhl goulatralily tNitable th'. tIrp se, V ev fore, in Lao new vvp4r4tas PK-4 Neroury quartz lamp 4 lives as the bell-ice or ultraviolet ifttion. FtwAre 2 Lu 'roV t:te Lii.dinoncope) flAQW4 nohemfttichlly tt.e luminonqope dovel- oped by us, 4nd desloed tor crudinc: optical LJanses under pt Aonn. Inthtftprittr4tus, the name as in the abovemodescribed eluorophos- phorodoope, the 1umifocceace method tV4a4inG, q)laists colApRrins the lmminesoecce t the spooimenti touted with th.flt t standarls mRde rrom op- flit(AIJ 5f; A known uriety. A PK-4 114%044u1t, rcni'y lamp opera. atinc unler 4vriaal condlti- o at 110 volts tld 4 aftpflets is the source ( L. ) or ultra violet rays. .phosphate:glastrc,m lored? cobalt i ? filter (c). Iti transmittvince curve is shown in .10icure (Transmission Cur. ', the Lilt niter). tlo rue a lirht fonden (K or 1111;raviole Uit ovojected out( the tesfied specimens or epheK1 glass located on stage (E), Fluoresoence is observed visually with fil- ter (S) in position. This filter hp.: a fairly hieji transmittance in the 405Mmllore6ion ('ic;ure 3). Therefore, When testing weakly luminescent asass samples It is advcotageous to sulplement this filter with a liquid filter consisting of an aqueous solution of niekel sulfate oontai-ned in a planemparallel quartg cell. Such a liquid filter or 1 oentimeter thick- ness, with a 15 percent conoentration of niokel sultate, transmits well in the wave range of about 250 se 300M4k, and absorbs completely the violet portion of the spectrum. If the glass being tested does not flu- oresce in the bluemviolet position of the spectrum, then, to eliminate the effect of dispersed violetruys, it is rouommanded to substitute for the niokel sulfate solution a light yellow filter, placed in front of the observer's oye. Observation of phosphortacenee is Made by means of a phosphorosoope (DO 6941 t At Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 ' oonniatiq oV a disk provt40 with ow' aymmehrioal apertIlres 4oki tlitted to the Aelgi or motor M. The speed of the motor la recultIted by rheostat P1, AA rhe a 200Q revolutions port minute. Vixoltation of phosphornawoo prodnoed by unfiltered radiations of the same souroe of ultraviolet rays (L) the filter () be removed Prom the path of thn radtAtion r;olor oomparinon tht lihosphorosoenoe of the touted fineolaen with that of Ile standard in f4ade by a photometrio system oonsistinrCf bipriam (t)3 objeotive (0) and eyepieee (0). Thie system r,ives within tho field of vision as on throuvh the eyepiece, juxtaposed imar,es of the :Thosphorenoent oNeots? i.e., the tested sample t tondart. The ob erverlu eye sees the biprivt illumillauted at thm moments when the rotatinc, a :;11 lisoloses the phosphoresoent objeots and at the stutte time soreens the uource or radiation. Thus one halt of the brim is illuminated by the ,.;low of the phosphoresoont beinc tested, and the other half by that of the phosphoresoent standard. For ocavenienoe of observation the optioal axis of th photometei is turned about by moans of mirror T. This apparatus was used to study he fluoresoenoe and phosphor- esoence or a laro number of ortioal classes produced by our industry in aocordanee with GOST 3514-47. It is known that dependinc on their ohemical oompotition0 optical glasses are classified into several types inievinc definite rerraotive indioes and dispersion. Table 1 (;lassirio" cation of Optical Glasses) shows the olassification of optical glasses aocording to OST . We had available a set or sta dards made Prom difrereot types or glass. Table 20 (Luminocoenoe Oharacteristics of Optical Glasses) show- ins tlie luminesuence oharaoteristios (11 the glasses studied, is the key to the lumineseenoe method for grading optioal glasses. In this table optical glasses of different types are divided into Pour basic groupa acoording to the oolor of their fluoresoence (oJlumns 1.4). In addition eaoh group is divided into subgroups (column 0, embracing glasses having identioal shades of fluoresoenoe oolori The oolor of phosphoresoenoe makes possible further subdivision of glasses - 4 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 palmed by the color of their fluormence. Thus the oolleotion of 61asses which were available to us, was divided, a000rding to their fluor's 0000A00 into 23 ocups, Further subdivons by the oolor f the phoom Phoreseenee yielded the data shown in column 4. In oolumn 3 are shown the varieties of glass whioh oun be definitely identified by the luminm sneers)* method, 40 well au those whioh oanot be differentiated by this method. Thus for example, class varieties K4, KG, KO, and BKG, oannot be differentiated on the basis of their luminesoence oharacteristies. :or these varieties, as well 40 for others listed in the table au not identifiable by luminesoenoe, neoenoary to conduot additional rem fraotometrio tests. However, the secrecation of these classes into a separate Group oharactarised by definite luminesoenoo properties orsatly expedites their final identification, by the index of refraotion. Under shop conditions, by u.sinG oursopuratus it is possible to oxm amine not loss than 1000 class eamplea viithin 8 hours. The shape and deeree of polish of the L;lass surfaee are of no importanoe. When examm ininc samples of frosted glans it is preferable, howevoi, to oompare their Glow with that of a frosted surfaoe of the standard. Comparisons or the luminesoenoe of optioal Oalos samples or the name variety but of different batches, have shown the ooeuronoe of variations within a given variety, dependins on the bat*. Thusifor example, the shade or the luminesoence of KS class variee noticeably from one batch to another. Some or the other varieties, suoh as BK 10, display rather constant oolors or luminesoence. The table 6iven cannot be oonsidered as final. It ls intended merely as a suide ror a more detailed study of glass luminescenoe; which should be conducted under plant oonditions. Such a study may lead to oertain corrections or the tabulated data. Basioally, however, the table shown, apparently, will remain essentially unaltered. This assumpm tion rests on results obtained from mparing a series or domentioally produced glasses with the corresponding varieties, of foreign manufacture, having identical optical constants. Of the Kl varieties thus tested, 10 were identical in the color of the glow; the hues of the remaining 4 were Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 appegximAto y the same 4114 differed nly in tiw finer shaded of glow ooloration. These faots ilidioate th4t the 143inmenoe Qf optical clft?ooa is determined, apparently, not by ailventitigkis admixtureo, whioh may vary batoheo of different or Gin, but by the eosent3 al oonetituente of MI6 glaso. Experionoe Gained on ung t 400W d000r bed apparatuo at a number oe plunte hfts proven that the luminesoence method of class vadine in moat useful in oontrollinc optioal details at variove stucco of rAnufact- urinc prooesansi The apparatus desoribed? 53 Weil RC the spark fluorophou- phorosoope, may ale? be Amy useful in luminesoence stulies of minerals. State Optical Znstitute. Literature Cited: 1. !.;? sBHUAiliit0 and Z. M. SVERDLOV, TO:M. 71"5171 o orar-77371=Trear;" lomll (iu8). S. M. TOKUACHEV. /bid. 4-5 (1951). J. GRANT, The Ilaso Industry 10 6U7 1038) WICALSCS , WA Disuussion or BrumIxtr6i Sverdlov and Tinoteyevats papert S. I. Vavilcv. I wish to point out that the method of photolumin- escence eulnlytas of optical sties Just described constitutes a recordbrekin6 example of gradint analysis. iv,,ithout resortin to spectroscopy, merely by a color comparison it is pc sible .to identify quite definitely, approximately 40 varieties of optical class. Grading analysis in its simplest form, utilizing only Viol 1 color sensitivity, has been strik- incly illustrated here, insofar as its potentialities and advantages are concerned. SWAN iiii.1111104 (66NVIDEN i I Al Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 (OS IDENT1 TOlo 11 os T i Vric, tc:/1 4O1tigtil 31(Pogt, Type cf(114o? Do?ignAti,In c:hartulteriatio Qom am do e tho Type iCrowno K BO 4nd Pb0 6-?. j 13 rium (=was OK BuO 3 m 30% Hottry aroma TK XYg Crown flinto 17 Pb0 3 3, s% LiOt tlinto LP PbC 15 10A Dv, rim N. int a BF BO wad Pb0;? 74 F. At F Pb0 40 m 50% , Hoavy flinto IT Pb0> 50% 'LUMINESCENCE CliatACTERISTICS LIP ',11?2rit'A1 MAS$ES ,g? ,A141141,S1M1111111140416101.01.46?????alliiMIDIDAMMWINOIDIMMIUMINSailligasemenelmill-saanemliusa?Pass?~/SMONSISIONAINIt VATIJRTil QF LUMISSCENUE wriut s?sa ORM NUMBER FLUURESUME =WM ? 41841Mialliii?04011.11.1.011111 WI ?- ?I? 1,??????????41..1?????????????- THOSPHORnaICE ?GLASS VA nT RS 11?0116, 1,411111311.1?1 MK, V, sum.= amzomeasslowzgamegoomoserasitalPSHINGSIVOS.66?11111.3111,11111101161?111??? ? OM. ??????56110111611113111111.111?111111?11/1*10. it,SW/IIMSSINDSIL Biloio Color SubGroup by Color Color ? a I alm? :011014,14:11=licallMiliMilosa*Asisuallivallinall?IIIIMAI.:11?????mix.: II lca: tu.i? illIng?111111?111?1111MILIIMS 1?8141411.0aina sit ?-?? Rod K1 :ink I-B Pink 1 Yellow Yellowish Greenish 61?14? 4.41a41141?14"44$444/ I.. ? 14 ..1?60?11.4 .11.1.464.4/8?4 DaS I-D Ihub I-Zh, ?Jo114141041104$4, asilM110111.0?11.111?Isliall,116,./1-4111.**. a... II-A K2 B1C4 wairials4140?annillmin K4 K6,K9 BKG, Pink K5,K80 None F31F48F61 Weak red 02. Pink K7. Red K11. V,ry weak rod TXO Weak rod TK4,TK9 Pink K5,1T2 Yellow BK7 - 7 . CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1 fAaertusi QV tcFlUM'OphQ Q t;cove. ion Objeut; Fseholder f4 imn qlootr doo, or tho Qii-i1Pf 11,1-leri? ecia(111P0 j L ?T?ituit qt,art: prim!' Z?tvh,tiQnary, tad k and eleotrodea 'or the exPitation phonphoreaucnoe; De?click for tiQiflh tic* tipti.rk ttt -the sioismnt ,f sliouliarge; !-114-twr; tvo41 32 ?I frarrOrn ; 0 00(1411Mtator. t I X" TZ r.4 trlf %Int I 1 110""t="1"' n - 1=1 ? s " v***474.1ffirpri=tevir p .114 ? Figure 2. Diagram of the Luininoccope. L- mercury Lug), ; S- 1i6ht filLor; ii:-uorlderiser; I:- sample ste; B- mirror; 0-objective; c= yepieoe; jail disk; V-Inotor; 171and 'P2 rheostats; Am roc:neon Ltrj.u.L.Ie curve rthe1iit filter (thickness 2 millimeters Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/18: CIA-RDP82-00039R000100120025-1