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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340353-2 6, 1 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM REIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. FO DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 SUBJECT HOW Economic - Agriculture, legislation DATE DIST. fo Sep 1950 PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED Daily newspaper Tirana NO. OF PAGES 4 DATE PUBLISHED 9, 25 Feb 1950 LANGUAGE SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. nil DOCUNNNT CONTAINS INFOINATION AS,ICTINN Till NATIONAL DONIN1l OF TON UNITID STATIN WIT IN Till NIANINI OF UIIOHANN ACT ND N. I. C.. II ANO $0. AN ANNNDIO. ITS T ON THIN NIVILATION 0 TS NIIITNDC IT TLAW I Nl 0ODUCT.ON O THIS POND II IKON IIITIO. It PRO' THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ORDERS DEFINE CROP-PURCHASE QUOTAS, PEST CONTROL ORDER ON COMPULSORY DELIVERY AND CROP PURCHASE OF WOOL Tirata,Mashkistri:1: 9 Feb 50 The order on the Compulsory Delivery and Crop Purchase of Wool in 1950 contains the following provisions; Article 1. All private agricultural and livestock farms, agricultural cooperatives, and plots for the personal use of Cooperative members are re- quired to deliver wool to the stage in 1950 according to the following quotas: Private agricultural farms that keep up to ten head of small live- stock (sheep and goats) shall deliver 1.250 kilograms of wool for each hectare of land. Those that keep over ten head of small livestock are required to de- liver the following quantities of wool in addition: 0.5 kilogrep if 11 to 20 sheep are kept; 0.6 kilogram if 21-40 sheep are kept; 0.7 kilogram for 41 to 75 sheep; 0.8 kilogram for 76 to 100 sheep; 0.9 kilogram-for 101 or more sheep. Private livestock farms are required to deliver the following quanti- ties of wcol;. 0.3 kilogram if one to 10 head of sheep are kept; 0.4 kilogram for 11 to 20sheep;.0.6 kilogram for 21 to 40 sheep; 0.7 kilogiam,for 41 to 75 sheep; 0.6 kilogram for 76 to 100 sheep; 0.9 kilogram for 101 o: more sheep. Agricultural cooperatives are required to deliver 0.4 kilogram of wool for each hectare of land belonging to the cooperative and 12 kilograms for each plot reserved for the personal use of cooperative members. Livestock cooperatives are required,'tb'delivei 0.4.kilogram'wooi for each head of small livestock belonging to the cooperatives State livestock enterprises and farms are required to deliver wool to the crop-purchase enterprises according to the plan approver by the government. Bashkimi. - l CCONfWE !AL CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL NAVY NsRB DISTRIBUTION 11 AIR - -- FBI I J_ I I - I-J- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340353-2 --- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340353-2 Urban residents who keep up to five head of small livestock are exempt from compulsory deliveries of wool. If they keep more than five head, they are required to deliver the amounts prescribed above for private livestock farms. Quotas for compulsory deliveries of wool according to number of hec- tares shall be based on the total area of land belonging to the farm (culti- vated and fallow land, orchards, olive groves, vineyards, pastures, meadows, etc.) and the total number of sheep and goats raised, Four goats re considered equivalent to one sheep., Article 2. The above quotas may be met by sheep's wool or goat's hair, and are computed on the basis of pure weal from domestic sheep and ordinary shearing. The following quantities of wool of various qualities are consid- ered equivalent; one kilogram of wool from domestic sheep, ordinary shearing; 1.3 kilogram of trimmed sheep's wool or lamb's wool; 1.4 kilogram of goat's hair; 0.7 kilogram of fine curly wool from the second shearing, or fine curly lamb's wool; 0.9 kilogram of fine curly wool from the first shearing; 0.6 kilo- gram of fide curly washed wool. Wool for delivery shall be sorted according to quality, as described above, -It must be clean and well dried, and may contain not more than 3 per- cent foreign matter. Dirty wool and wool from dead animals will not be ac- cepted,, Article 3. Compulsory deliveries of wool to the crop-purchase centers shall be paid for according to the following price scale: 30 lek /per kilo- gramJ for first-quality wool from domestic sheep, ordinary shearing; 27 lek for second-quality wool from domestic sheep, ordinary shearing; 22 lek for trimmed sheep's and lamb's wool; 20 lek for goat's hair; 40 lek for fine curly sheep's wool from the first shearing; 48 lek for fine curly sheep's woo]. from the second shearing and for fine curly lamb's wool; 50 lek for washed wool from domestic sheep. Article 4. The deadline for compulsory deliveries of wool throughout Albania shall be 30 July, except that private agricultural and livestock farms may have until 15 October. Article The following are exempt from compulsorv deliveries of wool during 19501 1. All agricultural farmers who have been moved from their former hold- ings and resettled on new lands under the agrarian reform during 1949 and 1950, if they do not own small livestock; 2. Private agricultural and livestock farms belonging to the families of soldiers killed in the war and disabled veterans of the People's Liberation, if no member of the family is able to Work; 3. Private agricultural and livestock farms belonging to disabled or aged persons, if no member of the family is able to work; 4. Private agricultural and livestock farms belonging to percons in mil- itary service, if, no member of the family is able to work; 5. Private agricultural and livestock farms belonging to families in which the only person capable of work is absent working (in a mine, industry, construction, etc.) shall be exempt for one year, or their obligation shall be reduced 50 percent. Men over 60 ;ears old, women over 55 years old, and women who have one or more children under the age of 7-are considered unable to work. CuNTiur i iwl Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340353-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340353-2 -1 CONFIDENTIAL Article 7. In special cases, agricultural farms without livestock may be permitted to meet their obligations for the compulsory delivery of wool by sub- stituting other agricultural and livestock products for one kilogram of wool, as followsz 5 kilograms of meat, live weight; 4 kilograms of poultry meat; 60 eggs; 800 grams of butter; 7 kilograms of beans; 1 kilogram of rendered lard; 24 kilograms of wheat; one kilogram of olive oil. Article 8. After properly satisfying their obligations for compulsory deliveries of wool to the state, owners of private agricultural and livestock farms, agricultural and livestock cooperatives, and plots for the personal use of cooperative members are permitted to sell their surplus wool on the free mar- ket.. Article The district committees of the Crop-Purchase Committee shall carry out the wool plan and assign quotsa for compulsory deliveries to all ag- ricultural and livestock farms by 31 March. Article 10- Any person who fails to deliver his quota of wool by the pre- scribed deadline shall incur immediate confiscation of the wool by the author- ized officials., Persons who do not own small livestock and do hot satisfy their obligations with other agricultural and livestock products as provided above shall be subject to the measures provided in Decree Law No 234 of 16 April 1946 on the Collection of State Revenues.. Article 11,. Any person who refuses delivery, hides or destroys produce, makes 9 '-false declaration, or otherwise tries to avoid meeting his obligation for the compulsory delivery of wool shall be punished according to Law No 373. of 12 December 1946 on Engaging in Forbidden Trade, Speculation, and Economic Sabotage. Article 12.. The Crop-Purchase Committee and the district executive com- mittees of the Communist Party are responsible for the execution of this order. Article 13.. This order goes into effect on the date of its publication in Zeri i Popullit and Bashkimi. MEASURES AGAINST COTTON PEST -- Tirana Bashkimi, 25 Feb 50 In Order No 1 of 23 February 1950, the Ministry of Agriculture and For- estry prescribes the following measures for combating the most injurious cot- ton test, Pectinophora gossypiella, which infested several sections of Al- bania in 1949. All cotton seed used for planting, except cotton seed imported from the USSR last year but not planted, shall be disinfected. The district crcj- purchase enterprises shall disinfect all ,he depots and all materials.used in handling the cotton. The planting of cotton seed saved by peasants and agri- cultural cooperatives from preceding.years is categorically prohibited. All private agricultural farms, agricultural cooperatives, and state ag- ricultural enterprises are required to uproot the cotton plants, gather and burn all stems, and cultivate deeply all fields that were planted in cotton last year, before 20 March 1950. Fences around cotton fields shall be burned. The sections of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and all agrono- mists and technicians shall make constant inspections dieting the cotton- growing season to discover infected plants. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340353-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340353-2 ll CONFIDENTIAL Farmers failing to comply with the provisions of this order shall be pun- ished by a fine of 500 to 5,000 lek and corrective labor of up to one month. Presidents of agricultural cooperatives, directors of the state agricultural enterprises, directors and branch managers of the Seed, Agricultural Supply, and Crop-Purchase State Enterprise, technicians, aid employees who violate the provisions of this order shall be punished according to the i,aw on Noncompli- ance, This order is effective as of the date of its publication in Bashkimto CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600340353-2