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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310396-8 1 CLASS! FICATICN CONFI ENTIAL CONFIDFNTAI CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. SUBJECT Political.- Propaganda HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Canton DATE PUBLISHED 22 Apr 1950 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT BO U. U.S. C.. SI AND SEAS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORISED PERSON IS PRO- HIBITED BY LAW. REPN000CTIOH OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 DATE DIST.ZZ May 1950 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO' REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION PARTY PROPAGANDA IN CANTON FACES IMPORTANT TASKS It is apparent that the'CCP propaganda and education campaign in Canton has not reached its objectives and many people are still inclined to believe the counterpropaganda of the special agents. On the basis of instructions issued by the Central and South China Bureau propaganda department-and the South China branch department, the following should'be the main propaganda objectives: 1. The first objective is to see that all cadres and the masses are properly indoctrinated and organized behind the fiscal and economic unifica- tion plan put forward by the central government administration to strengthen the financial and economic structure of the whole country. The masses should be told that to avoid great stresses it may be necessary to endure some small inconveniences. They should understand that the present situation is a choice between securing greater revenue from the people or Issuing more printing-press money to balance the budget. They should be reminded that during the last few weeks prices have been stabilized in a way that they have not been in the last 12 years. This is clear evidence that the government's policy of collecting from the people to spend upon the people is a success. There must be a concerted effort of the Party, the government, the military, and the people to hold out during this critical year of 1950 by a program of austerity in the use of'food and all other items of daily living. 2. The second important objective is the revival of production,, During March, the factory managers of Canton net to set up production plans for 1950. Planned capital investment in alcohol manufacture and expansion of the sugar, paper, and textile indus,:ies must be carried out. The government has embarked on a business-loan program and a census of the business community to be able to extend help to profitable private businesses. Because the land-reform pro- gram has not yet been carried out in Kvangtung, the peasants' purchasing power is rot very great. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310396-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310396-8 Increasing production raises problems of marketing. How shall publicly operated and privately operated enterprises be carried on simul- taneously under the general principle of mutual helpfulness? How sh4.ll democratic control be combined with production in private enterprise? Pow shall cooperatives be established in all branches of society? What are the most important matters for consideration in the restoration of industry? How far can joint activities in industry be carried out? How can the needs of the farmers be met in preparation for spring planting? How to deal with the bandit problem and the rent-reduction program? All of these and many other questions must be explained to the people in the course of our propaganda eff or?ts . 3. We must play up the meaning and importance of the people's delegates conference in preparation for the Second All-Circles People's Delegates Con- ference to be held in Canton. The people must understand that this is the basic element in the people's democratic dictatorship. The government of Canton has been ardently trying to carry out the program laid down by the First All-Circles People's Delegates Conference. In stabilizing the cur'-^ncy and commodity prices and in securing the public safety, it has achieved ccess. Public services such as reorganization of the electric power company, reduction of costs and power rates, control over street hawkers, repair of streets, and improvement of parks and bridges are evidence that the government has been carrying out the will of the people. The second all-circles conference should be bigger and more fruitful than the first. The elected delegates of the people must be propagandized to take seriously their responsibilities as the people's representatives, to be ready to speak up with their proposals. They should be assured that if they do this and produce worthy resolutions, the government will do its best to carry out what they want. 4. It should be impressed on the people that during the last few months a great deal of progress has been made in establishing public security in the city. The first step in setting up a revolutionary government in Canton has been accomplished. Nevertheless, the KW special ants are still operating strongly from their island bases, Hong Kong, and Macao, and there are still multitudes of people who do not understand the spirit of the revolution and still are influenced by them. These people must be made to see that the present change is not tempo- rary and soon to be overthrown by another, and that the USSR's friendly and egalitarian assistance is for the economic rehabilitation of China and world peace. They must be impressed with the idea that unless the special agents and their activities around the city are suppressed, there can be no fulfill- ment, of the land-reform program with all its benefits. The matter of public security is one of the most important topics for the consideration of the second all-circles conference. 5. The victory of the CCF on Hainan should afford the Second All-Circles People's Delegates Conference a basis for confidence in the invincibility of the People's Liberation Armies and confidence in their ability to overcome completely the US-supported remnants of the oppressive KMT. The people should be encouraged to believe that the People's government can and will perform all its promises and that it has already given a great many actual evidences of its ability and willingness to do so. The people should be urged to accept this victory as evidence that the whole corntry will soon be pacified and they should give their wholehearted support to the noble efforts of the army to bring peace to the whole province and the whole land. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310396-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310396-8 6. The people should be urged to complete quickly the bond sales cam- paign. The cadres should ask themselves whether they have been slack in their efforts whether they have been affected by the whining of the capitalists that they cannot meet the quotas, whether they have been affected by class senti- ments, or whether they have used high-handed methods in their sales campaign. Cadres should study the principles of Stalin and Mao and realize that the CCP bases its government on the working and peasant classes and does not rule by despotic, high-handed methods. There are still too many cadres who are imbued with the old ideas of clanism, who d':sire the applause of their fellow men and are unwilling to to the criticism of the people. Many have not learned the doctrine of the Party that the Party member maintains an open mind and helpful attitude to?.rard non-Party members. A quick change must be made in this respect. Also all non-Party people in the city should listen to leaders of the Democratic Fari.ies and give their cooperation to the Party in its efforts to promote the welfare of the nation. fl'Aq~~A Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/17: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600310396-8