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February 25, 1980
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/04: CIA-RDP02TO6251 R000900290006-2
CONTENTS-Executive Orders
Having Special Application to CIA '
E.O. 10111, "Establishing a Seal for the Central I t 11
Agency," February 17, 1950 n e igence
E.O. 10431, "National Security Medal," January 19, 1953 XV-
.. XV-3
' All current Executive orders having special application to CIA, except the
three which comprise PARTS X, XI and XII, are listed in the Contents above
and are included in this PART. The following Executive orders which had
special application to CIA have been revoked or have become inoperative:
E.O. 10100, "Regulations relating to the Granting of Certain Allowances
by the Director of Central Intelligence," January 28, 1950;
E.O. 10483; "Establishing the Operations Coordinating Board," Septem-
ber 2, 1953;
E.O. 10540, "Designating Certain Officers of the Government to Which
the Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951, As Amended, Shall Not Apply,
and Delegating the Authority to Make Such Designations to the
Chairman of the United States Civil Service Commission," June 29,
E.O. 10656, "Establishing the President's Board of Consultants on
Foreign Intelligence Activities," February 6, 1956;
E.O. 10700, "Further Providing for the Operations Coordinating Board,"
February 25, 1957;
E.O. 10920, "Revoking Executive Order No. 10700 of February 25,
1957, As Amended," February 18, 1961;
E.O. 10938, "Establishing the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
Board," May 4, 1961;
E.O. 11460, "Establishing the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
Board," March 20, 1969;
E.O. 11828, "Establishing a Commission on CIA Activities Within the
United States," January 4, 1975;
E.O. 11848, "Extending the Reporting Date for the Commission on CIA
Activities Within the United States," March 29, 1975;
E.O. 11984, "Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board," May 4, 1977.
In addition, amendments to, and predecessors of, the three Executive
Orders which comprise Parts X, XI, and XII are cited or otherwise referred to
in the citations to those orders or in various provisions of the orders.
25 February 1980
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/04: CIA-RDP02TO6251 R000900290006-2
[Guide XIII
1-3 NSC Special Coordination Committee [XII[XII-4]
- [Res'd.]
1-4 National Foreign Intelligence Board
Executive Order 12036, as amended
[3 C.F.R., 1978 Comp., p. 112, 50 U.S.C.A. 401 Note;
E.O. 12139, Weekly Comp. of Pres. Documents, Vol. 15, No. 21, p. 9401
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and
statutes of the United States of America, including the National Security
Act of 1947, as amended, and as President of the United States of
America, in order to provide for the organization and control of United
States foreign intelligence activities, it is hereby ordered as follows:
LIGENCE LIGENCE EFFORT ................................................
1-1 National Security Council ......................................
1-2 NSC Policy Review Committee
1-5 National Intelligence Tasking Center [XII-5]
1-6 The Director of Central Intelligence ............. [XII-7]
1-7 Senior Officials of the Intelli
gence Community .... [XII 11]
1-8 The Central Intelligence Agency .............................. [XII 12] E.O.
1-9 The Department of oats.
1-11 The Department of Defense ................................... [XII-14]
1-12 Intelligence Components Utilized by the Secretary
,.r D
.1-13 The Dennrtm, f ,.r L'- IXII-161
- _~=~.~ccnent 'laministration ................
TIES ......................................................................... [XII-20]
2-1 Adherence to Law .............
2-2 Restrictions on Certain Collection Techniques ...... [XII-20]
18 April 1980
Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/04: CIA-RDP02TO6251 R000900290006-2
3-1. Intelligence Oversight Board.
3-101. Membership. The President's Intelligence Oversight Board
(lOB) shall function within the White House. The IOB shall have three
members who shall be appointed by the President and who shall be
from outside the government and be qualified on the basis of ability,
knowledge, diversity of background and experience. No member shall
have any personal interest in any contractual relationship with any
agency within the Intelligence Community. One member shall be
designated by the President as chairman.
3-102. Duties.
The IOB shall:
(a) Review periodically the practices and procedures of the Inspec-
tors General and General Counsel with responsibilities for agencies
within the Intelligence Community for discovering and reporting to the
IOB intelligence activities that raise questions of legality or propriety,
and consider written and oral reports referred under Section 3-201;
(b) Review periodically for adequacy the internal guidelines of each
agency within the Intelligence Community concerning the legality or
propriety of intelligence activities;
(c) Report periodically, at least quarterly, to the President on its
findings; and report in a timely manner to the President any intelli-
gence activities that raise serious questions of legality or propriety;
(d) Forward to the Attorney General, in a timely manner, reports
received concerning intelligence activities in which a question of
legality has been raised or which the IOB believes to involve questions
of legality; and
(e) Conduct such investigations of the intelligence activities of
agencies within the intelligence Community as the Board deems
necessary to carry out its functions under this Order.
28 February 1978
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3-103. Restriction on Staff. No person who serves on the staff of the
IOB shall have any contractual or employment relationship with any
agency within the Intelligence Community.
3-2. Inspectors General and General Counsel.
Inspectors General and General Counsel with responsibility for
agencies within the intelligence Community shall:
3-201. Transmit timely reports to the IOB concerning any intelli-
gence activities that come to their attention and that raise questions of
legality or propriety;
3-202. Promptly report to the IOB actions taken concerning the
Board's findings on intelligence activities that raise questions of legality
or propriety;
3-203. Provide to the IOB information requested concerning the
legality or propriety of intelligence activities within their respective
3-204. Formulate practices and procedures for discovering and
reporting to the IOB intelligence activities that raise questions of
legality or propriety; and
3-205. Report to the IOB any occasion on which the Inspectors
General or General Counsel were directed not to report any intelligence
activity to the IOB which they believed raised questions of legality or
3-301. Receive and consider reports from agencies within the Intelli-
gence Community forwarded by the IOB;
3-302. Report to the President in a timely fashion any intelligence
activities which raise questions of legality;
3-303. Report to the IOB and to the President in a timely fashion
decisions made or actions taken in response to reports from agencies
within the Intelligence Community forwarded to the Attorney General
by the IOB;
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/04: CIA-RDP02TO6251 R000900290006-2
3-304. Inform the JOB of legal opinions affecting the operations of
the Intelligence Community; and
3-305. Establish or approve procedures, as required by this Order, for
the conduct of intelligence activities.' Such procedures shall ensure
compliance with law, protect constitutional rights and privacy, and
ensure that any intelligence activity within the United States or directed
against any United States person is conducted by the least intrusive
means possible. The procedures shall also ensure that any use, dissemi-
nation and storage of information about United States persons acquired
through intelligence activities is limited to that necessary to achieve
lawful governmental purposes.
requirement does not constitute a condition precedent to the i
&'ncy- It mplemen-
tation tation of such intelligence activities;
response 11ty of, or engaged in, by such department or a [Res'd.]
lies, including any significant anticipated activities which are the
3-401. Keep the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the
House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence of
the Senate fi,lh, .-A
3-4. Congressional Intelligence Committees. .
Under such procedures as the President may establish and consistent
with applicable authorities and duties, including those conferred by the
Constitution upon the Executive and Legislative Branches and by law to
protect sources and methods, the Director of Central Intelligence and X111
heads of departments and agencies of the United Sates involved in 1 [Res'd.]
intelligence activities sh 11
-- -s? ais~11t r ur person paid by such E.O.
department or agency, within the jurisdiction of the Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence of the urv.co .,f Extracts
^.ucingence of the House of Representatives and the Select Commit-
tee on IntelliQenns+ .,f .t,_ - r .. - Decs.
activities that are illegal or improper `_ that are
and corrective actions ns that are
taken or planned.
Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/04: CIA-RDP02TO6251 R000900290006-2