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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 7, 1981
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STAT 0I/1I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/19: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201180062-1 ON F-kG ._M- HUMAN EVENTS 7 February 1981 An unheralded but important addi- These are matters that.need. tion to the Congress is a newly created. some looking into by the new Inter= panel of the Senate Committee on the nal security panel In the Senate..!- Judiciary-the Subcommittee on"Ter Also In need of careful Inquiry Is rorism and Security. the broad-gauged campaign by the The newness is ` mostly technical;: people of varying. motives to ,Z.! since Judiciary until a couple of years disrupt and .paralyze the..In ago had a long-established Subcomn-dt- r.c telligencei agencies of our , govern tee on Internal Security. This panel was anent, and to render them useless in A phased out, however, 'when Sen, Ed combatting Marxist Initiatives in '~_ b A r_??. - '- -- - th Ke (D ) o eca a e or internal security unit has been- revised;:- ly effective-with consequences '-renamed, and placed under the chair `'that are disastrous for America :- manship of Sen..-Jeremiah Denton and the free world generally. -(R.-Ala.). `. . The revival is timely, and the- new To get a picture of this anti-intelli- committee certainly has its work cut out. gence crusade and the motley crew for it. A peculiarity of the campaign to engaged in it, the-Senate panel might.] 'abolish the old internal security group, want to begin with a newly published- -and other internal security agencies of staff report from a Washington foun_, The foun- l G oa the government, was that it occurred in dation called Western s.tempo with an upward surge in internal `dation is headed by Rep. Lawrence security troubles."The worse the.prob- - McDonald (D.-Ga.), -who has fungi- lem got, it seems, the more determined ; tioned as a virtual one-man internal the effort to ignore it. security committee during his tenure in difficulties neglected dur- the House. The study, entitled Broken th A e mong ing this span have been a marked in-' Seals (309-A Cameron St., Alexandria, .crease in the number of Soviet ands =.Va. 22314; S4) has an introduction by other Communist-bloc personnel on -Rep.. John Ashbrook (R.-Ohio), and our soil, attempts by the Soviet KGB to - an afterwprd by Lt. Gen. Daniel - O. cultivate contacts in congressional of- Graharii,*`.both: experts in the matter "ices, extensive activities by Cuban in-s under discussion. T>telligence-