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February 7, 1981
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/05: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100640032-5 4e STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/05: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100640032-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/05: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100640032-5 S M= ?T!liLl!" ? 1l HUMAN EVENTS 7 FEBRUARY 1981 Who grid ,:What is Lyndon LaRouche? You'll find them at airports and shopping In 1976 for example, the USLP published centers selling newspapers and magazines. They're "Carter and the Party of. International Ter- well-dressed and fast-talking. They plug economic rorism," which purported to- be a report on the growth and nuclear power. They denounce drugs, links between liberal foundations, think tanks, liberals and Ralph Nader. But appearances are the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), law firms_ deceiving. These conservative-looking and talking. ected to the Democratic party and international conn political salesmen are not conservatives-they're and domestic terrorism. pro-Soviet. The report claimed, among other things, that They masquerade as representatives of the Na- "Wall Street"-not Moscow--controlled interna- tional Democratic Policy Committee, the New tional terrorism and the Communist Party, U.S.A. Solidarity International Press Service (NSIPS), the Another report, devoted to the Institute for Policy National Anti-Drug Coalition, the Fusion Energy Studies, claimed that the CIA was responsible, Foundation- and the Executive Intelligence Review. for 90 per cent of the world's terrorism and that' They used to operate as member of 'the National. Communists involved in terrorism were actually Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) and. the Western intelligence agents. The report also attacked U.S. Labor Party (USLP), All of these organi- anti-Communist Rep. Lawrence McDonald (R.- rations lead to one man-Lyndon H. LaRoucheJr. Ga.) because he was pressing for an investigation LaRouche, a former member of the Trotskyite of "alleged" KGB infiltration of Capitol Hill. Communist Socialist Workers party (SW P), In 1979 Executive Intelligence Review published emerged as the leader of a faction of the Students an article, "Who Are the Environmentalists?" for a Democratic Society (SDS) in the late 1960s. which claimed that the anti-nuclear movement was He built his group into a political intelligence net- run by the New York-based Council on. Foreign work with about one thousand operatives stationed Relations and a London institute.. But the article also attacked London Daily Telegraph columnist also Western Europe and South in North America, America. These operatives tirelessly and mindless- Robert Moss and Rep. McDonald for charging ly promote the bizarre conspiracy theories of Soviet-manipulation of the anti-nuclear movement . the West. Ezecuttvclntelligence Review labeled who ran as the USLP candidate for LaRouche, these charges as _"wild conspiracy -tales.:'' , :~ ... President in 1976 and campaigned for the ::'? Democratic nomination in ? 1980. l~r?.A.1978 book disttiibuted by the USLP, .Dope, Inc., as alleged expose of who controls the world's ? In a series of lectures given in 1976, "What Only -narcotics trafficking, curiously ignored the role of Communists .Know," LaRouche described his net- every-Communist power. except Red China in. the work as a part of the "world's Marxist labor move- dope-trade. This is' not surprising, since a Soviet meat" which together with "allied Communist .:commentator is cited as a sours a for some of the forces within the capitalist sector generally are allegations made in. the book... working overnight, constantly, to bring into being Also of . interest is how the -, LaRouche group a new Marxist International..." . Frea .? _ cted't' The Spike, the best-selling:novd about In that same year, however, LaRouche appeared = Soviet : espionage and: disinformation operations to reverse course," ordering his followers to pursue written by Robert Moss and forma X4kwn vk car "tactical alliances" withconservafves_ LaRouche . respondent Arnaud de. Borchgrave. LaRouche said became critical of the drug lobby, the anti-nuclear the book. "promotes belief in a non-existent aspect movement, and the left-wing Institute for Policy' of the. Soviet KGB.....-.., ' Another.review! of the Studies. _ ?- . book ?iq their newspaper, New Solidarity, rejected LaRouche also concocted conspiracy theories J he book's claim that the Soviet -Union-.was a involving, the Trilateral Commission, the Council primary sponsor.. of . international ,terrorism. on Foreign Relations, the Rockefellers, the British According to New Solidarity, the. real sponsor is and "Zionist agents" r"Angle-American :intelligence," of.which Robert. ? Moss is su to be a member::-... Yet his supposed attacks on the left always Last July New Solidrrity published an interview seemed to result in attacks on responsible con-, I- . _ .... swvatives and Western intelligence agencies; with Gen. Nino Pasti, identified as a retired NATO diverting attention away from Soviet - pulitary officer who.was to become a.member of -the Italian Communist parliament on the Com- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/05: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100640032-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/05: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100640032-5 munist party ticket." The general parrots the moting development" of fission and fusion energy. Soviet line on Afghanistan, saying that the Soviets Yet an analysis of past issues of Fusion shows that invaded because NATO had decided to deploy new nuclear development in the U.S. is almost always missiles in Europe and the U.S. and China were pushed in conjunction with demands for allegedly collaborating on military policy, "with a U.S.-USSR cooperation -in' nuclear research and view toward an eventual war against the Soviet development. Fusion also carries many articles and Union." advertisements promoting East-West trade and Lately, in a bizarre twist, LaRouche has been ,U.S.-Soviet scientific exchanges. making what appear to be attacks on the Soviet For example, in June 1978 Fusion carried ?an ar- KGB and Fidel Castro. These are appearing in New ticle,?, "Brezhnev-Schmidt Treaty: Peace, ? Pros- Solidarity, reports circulating on Capitol Hill, and perity, Progress," that praised the huge economic a long letter that LaRouche sent to several key con- deal signed by Brezhnev - and.-West German ' gressmen. Even these attacks, however, can be seen..: Chancellor.. Helmut Schmidt for :promoting the as designed to serve Soviet objectives. They are be- "near integration of the two economies:':::.', FEF ing; made in connection with a smear- of the ;Airecor;Moms Levitt is quoted as saying,-!'Should Heritage Foundation, the respected Washington- the U.S. enter into comparable arrangements,-and based think tank that has- placed many conser- begin?vast :joint efforts in. fusion and .space vatives in the new Administration, as a KGB front. research, the face..of the planet would be rapidly (Heritage published an excellent expose of, the -transformed." Indeed. Control Data Education USLP in 1978.) Co., a. service of Control Data Corp., which pro- In a variation of a .disinformation theme the CIA motes and engages in technology transfer to the claims is used by the Soviets, LaRouche suggests a USSR, took out a full-page advertisement in Fu- "faction" of the Soviet leadership that controls the sion in November 1978 telling readers about a U,S. KGB, Fidel Castro, the Socialist International, and visit by four Soviet scientists who specialize in elements of Canadian intelligence are being magnetohydrodynamics. manipulated by British agents in an effort to Despite the pro-Soviet line pursued by destabilize Poland, Central America and the Mid- dle East. Dictator Brezhnev, we are told, is not part tions, some conservative groups have been of that faction, however. Brezhnev is supposed to taken in. by the conservative-sounding be a member of the "nationalist faction" that favors peace and trade and opposes war, terrorism 'rhetoric. and "world revolution." The Conservative Book Club, for example, has The 1978 CIA .Report on Soviet Propaganda taken out a number of, advertisements in Fusion Operations, prepared at the request of Rep. John magazine. The ads plug the book, Crow OrDie, by Ashbrook (R.-Ohio) of the House Select Commit- James A. Weber. Last year, the prestigious Free- tee on Intelligence, points out that the theme that doms Foundation gave an award tl Fusion for a there.: are "moderates" and "hardliners," or series of pro-nuclear articles. After learning of Fu- " - - hawks - and doves " In Ule Kremlin, is frequent- ly employed. by the Soviets as a way.of gaining ? diplomatic advantages from the West.- As the CIA report notes,."Ifwe grant that Brezhnev is a dove; then: we _ must accommodate ourselves' to his demapds is order to encourage the more moderate 'elements -in the Soviet leadership; moreover, we "must expect that the deal Brezhnev offers us is the best we can.expect to get from the Soviets." A recent article: in the Executive Intelligence Review, "Brezhnev. Reasserts a War-Avoidance .Policy," picks up -on the disinformation theme directly, using. some of the terminology mentioned in the CIA report. The article argues that the Reagan Administration must deal with Brezhnev, who represents "Soviet political forces which orient toward cooperation with the West," and not provoke "the Soviet anti-detente hardliners, ..." The pro-Soviet line runs through most of the LaRouche operations, including the Fusion Energy Foundation and. its publication, Fusion magazine...Fusion is strongly pro-nuclear,. pro- e Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/05: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100640032-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/05: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100640032-5 sion's backers, however, the Freedoms Founda- o acknowledged? lnaking a mistake and prom- iised to;cha ? ;1 ac :: #~ The biggest sucker,' however, is the far-right I Liberty Lobby,. and its publication, Spotlight, which 'share' LaRoucbe's fascination with the Rockefellers and conspiracy theories. Spotlight :favorably reviewed the USLP?f'Cartcr and Terror- ism report:. It said although .: there, "Were `'occasional "distortions and omissions"s'in the report, it was nevertheless a "valuable addition" to anyone's political library. The problem, accord- ing to Spotlight, was not the failure to document Moscow's role in terrorism, but the alleged failure to implicate "the major Zionist groups." Liberty Lobby sold copies of the report for $5, even though the USLP was selling it for $2. In 1979 Spotlight favorably reviewed the USLP book, Dope, Inc., describing it as "exceptionally well written, broad and informative." Liberty Lobby. sold the book for $5. - Spotlight's. opinion. of the USLP apparently changed over the years. Back when they reviewed the "Carter and Terrorism" report, they said the USLP was "probably the only 'honest' Marxist group in the U.S. because it is not controlled by and supported by Rockefeller money, as are all similar groups." In 1979 Spotlight carried a brief item that described the USLP as a group of "former" Marxists. The evidence is overwhelming, however, that LaRouche and his followers have not repudiated their Marxist beginnings. They push the Soviet line and, at the same time, smear some of the most ef- fective conservative groups and individuals who are exposing Soviet operations. Responsible con- servatives should.not snap at LaRouche's bait. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/05: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100640032-5