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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100500069-0 DETROIT FREE PRESS 28 AUGUST 1977 Paiins' Stod In . - or S- Pies I tests Interviews last week with doctors, hospital and clinic per- sonnel and former patients like Doe showed a well-intentioned effort at uncovering the secrets of mind control, but one slated to failure. The Ionia project began sometime in 1954 when the CIA approached Alan Canty, a criminologist at the Detroit Re- corder's Court psychiatric cL'n!c,.which conducted sanity examinations forthe court. CANTY, THE CIA believed, could conduct experiments with hypnosis and LSD, a drug thought,to have the properties of a truth serum. The subjects of the experiments would be chiid-molesters,who might be questionediunder the influence of drugs and hypnosis the same way the communists might in- terrogate captured CIA ag- gent;11 Child molesters might be ex- pected to try to withhold the details of their heinous crimes as a captured agent mighttryto conceal his contacts, CIA scien. tists thought. Although the experiments were failures, it was reassuring to experimenters that the mind could not be so easily con= trolled. And the project proved another in a series of embar- rassing public relations disas- ters for the embattled inteW- .gence agency .. ? CIA Director Stansfield ,Turner has called the projects ."abhorrent" and Agreed under' 'pressure front a Senate sub- committee to co-operate with the Justice Department in lo- cating the victims and, if neces- sary. punishing wrongdoers.: . ? - Prosecutions are unlikely., There .is. a general five-year.- statute of limitations; most of. the records of the projects have been destroyed,-and many of the participants are dead, In- cluding Canty. MOREOVER, the expert meats were conducted with the 'consent.-of the subjects,.al- thhAears_later the courts would decide mental patients,- by deffnition..:.could not give their fully Informed consent. And the mind-control exper- Iments were the. result of Cold War fears that communism might somehow subvert our minds as?welt as our political. and economic'systems..- To? many, that excuses the experimenters' zeal and the vi- olations of the CIA's congres- slonal charterproblbitins fntd~ Th Cant ders, 000% pert to lo the peal to de sexu were guilt! mist doctors said he was cured. THEY WERE the most mi- serable of criminals. Though they sometimes were highly intelligent, they frequently would not admit even to them= selves that they had abused children. This made diem chal- lenging subjects for three psy- chiatrists at Ionia State Hospt-. tal who were picked to do the actual experimentation. ' John Doe was interviewed by the three, Dr. John Cook,Dr. John Haarec' and. Dr. Perry Robertson, the. medical super- intendent. 'Only Dr. Robertson knew it the pills given to the patients- contained sugar or LSD. t. The routine for some 30 pa- ?tlents was the same. They were asked bow they felt, It they were dizzy or nauseous. Some were, even those who received the placebo.- - Then the doctors asked 'the' patients about their crimes and about. a mythical.' made-up _ crime. In nearly all cases, the patients denied the crimes, re- calls Dr. Haarer, the only sur- ;viving member of the team of doctors. He is now a psychia- trist in Sarasota, Fla.. "They didn't change their., ;stories; not one iota,"Dr.. ? Haarer said. "We were sup- piled with the police records and we just went down the list and, they just denied. every- thing." THE INTERVIEWS were tape-recorded and sent to Canty, who mailed both the- tapes and a typed transcript of ,them to a post office box In Washington where the CIA re-? - trieved them. Sometimes= Canty corre BY PAUL MAGNUSSON Free Press Staff Writer John Doe was a two-time lo3er when he was sent in 1954 to Ionia State Hospital as a cri, final sexual psychopath. D 'e (a pseudonym) had been con*' ed in Detroit Recorder's Court of two rapes; one of his victims was his 13-year-old, niece. Doe's stay at Ionia was to. last until he was cured. - So when he was asked by. doctors at the hospital for the criminally insane if he wanted to take part in an experiment that doctors said wouid be "be- neficial" to him, Doe quickly f' agreed. "But they never didsaywhat that benefit would be," Doe, recalled in an interview- last week. "I never did find out." Doe was cautioned not to eat breakfast and given a pill on three separate occasions. Two- hours later, doctors questioned him about his crimes and recorded his answers. - t What Doe never knew was. that he was taking a' stand-in for a mythical. cap- tured CIA agent. Doe was an, unwitting soldier in the Cold? War with the communists. DOE WAS aninfantryman in one part of a massive CIA. project, code-named MK ULTRA. It began in the early 'I950s when the CIA suspected' that communists had discov-= ered a way to control men's' minds. They had developed tech niques, the CIA feared, to elicit ? .false confessions and to plant: stories that.might be parroted on comtnind by brainwashed agents and political dissidents is court or before television' cameras. . ?. The CIA decided to search ? for the methods the commu-.* nists might be using. The ex perlxnents on Doe were part of ` only-one of some 140 separate,, subprojects Involving drugs. and behavior modification on' prisoners, students, volupteers - ; and the unaware. . 7t----- --.t-d.l__. ,- .%I. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25 sponded with Dr. Lawrence Hinkle Jr., at the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology at Cornell University, which was established, in part, to channel CIA research funds. -As the project 'at Ionia cop- tinned, problems developed. Two Detroit doctors, one an expert In bralnwashins,: de. dined requests to: make the CIA-RDP90-00806R000100500069-0