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March 11, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/06 :CIA-RDP90-005528000707170003-8 ~'~ iTG~?~ kPPE=1~D . 0?~T P~ G ;a ua;;-~ ti _ ~~ -. r , ~. +r:; . ~ . ~ ~ ~,~~a'~a~ ~y ~U~. ; ~ I e y .:. r ., y fir. ~, f~~:; ?;andDONIRWIN,.>is t'~+:~.:slr~~~, ' Sts f f Waters ` s_Y, t ?~;.. '.WASHINGTON-Two ~ high.~~ ;ranking Nicaraguan officials 'con'',? '.ceded, Wednesda}~ that: the':1~fLi$t. Sandinista. regime' is'engaged in:?a;; s military build-up but _ insisted ~ the:. ,the effort:is, a defensive response tq;,: threats by the United States.;:; ~' =':'.?::; ?~ =And the officials,:Francisca 1aI` ' j,'los=Navarro,'.ambassador':'to ~tlie rUnitectStates,and Jaime Wheeloc's~.,. :ra'member of the nine=man~Sandin-.~:' s ista`- ruling` directorate; "refuse;; .tra ~:.: }'address the:issite of Cuban-and?So ~- '? viet irivolvenent inthe arms build=~: up;?`saying this issue "is=really-the: 'affaii~of the government:of Nicara ;';: ~~ ~gTheelock; a=former. Sanduusta ~~gaerrilla'commander=who is'noR*~ ~`? niinisterof agriculttu=e'said Nicara~,?~ ? ' gua: is -building new-:military'out=:- ~;posts; arming and training. civilians ? and: improving- and;;expauding;'air~;,~i -~.portfacilities ~ : ;,: ~,~--~;_? ~ ~ ;l,'~"~~1 ~`A'Doztn'Cubaria , ,~? ~rr?~,, ,,, .. . -. ~'~'`Navarro, appearing on ABC=TV,.'s:.: .,"Good Morning America" ~shaw;ite- ;_.,, ~~ Hied that there are any Soviet'advi ': , :; sera in.Nicaragiia and?said.there-are ` :'na more than`about: a .dozen'+Ci{?~.:. . 3 ?,ban. military.' advisers: U.S.:,inte)i: ?~ 'ligence`.officials said Titesday.tIiaL ?. I'there~are' about'?0 Sovietmilitary ~' ,~ advisers; 2,004 Cuban militarj%advi,: ears ~aiid`4,000 Cuban: civilian advi= ~?sers in Nicara$ua::iu =~. ~ :.?3 i ~ .~': ~; t 4 ~?t ~ Navarro also ~~eniedl that~Nicai?~ ;~ ?gua-is se`n'ding troops or egtupmerit -to the leftist'guerrillas tII neagttbof,.,~ ''ing Tt Salvador ; .:' ~" ~:x~-~,'~- '~?Both;:officials'.. said'.:t~ie`~IIaitecf ~'States,'shoizld "adopta'mati>ie`and~ =responsible ?attitvde^ :terovard~Ceit LOS ANGELES TIP9ES 11 March 1982 ,r.The: appea'rance~of-Lh'e two`Sari~ =:dinisf and officials on U.S: television shows'?at ~ press .conferenaes'Weil- ~: nesday-came just a d2y'aftert the: opening'.of ~ a' major Administration .efiort,.~;1ed~ by Secretary-af State, :Alexaride~M.'-Haig.Jr..~i8 present; _~evidence.tq back up'bdmimst;atian -charges that-Nicaragua'~isbecomitig: =`a: Soviet.:bastion".~from~vhich,~- . wlenr revolution?? }waged sagainstthe rest of Cential America. . ~''r:)cisi~,Itepei+b Clsazges .,~.';~,:-..,,;r, ?, ' `:On;Tiiesilay,`'t1ie;Aa*nini~~tiori- .made public a series of aerial photos graphs, .Laken fiom manned U.S:rp connaissance'aircraft, showing~l' ~~itary.facilities including ?bases and: ai~elds that, ;U.S: officaals.said, axe modeled oriSovieL-andUuban facili- .ties and are capable of handling ad= vented Soviet Mig fighter aircraft. ?; HHaig repeated these charges- be- ~ fore: a Senate'Appropriatians sub= committee ~ Wednesday; ? sad ~ the State Department presented a aeries of briefings on the photographs and other inielligence material for off;- I cials ? of ? .previous administrations . and other~opinion-makers. -- "There is nothing new in;this in- ; formation,"~. Wheelock .said ~T~ed- nesday,,-?"except that the.? United -States is in fact spying on Nics3.ra=' -gaa.r. The .Sandinista. government; protested what _it:~ called the-~.'?fla grant ==:violatioiY?-of; Nicaraguat sovereignty". in a_ note to the State ~~ ~ .. - Iri. characterizuig: the. U.S.. Ad= .ministration's case as:"lies and~dis= tortions; ,'. Wheelock said that Nita ragua's ?;regional:aiiport'.expansior! program is far fronr:being a,Cuban- or Soviet inilitaigeffortr,He said it was designed byrarl'~American firm ~ and :.financed by an mternaUonal .l developmentbanl~:K `fn . -?.' -' - -The program to which Wheelock referred was a study_of Nicaragua's civilian transportation needs, .done inr:1976-three ?.jre~rs:.,.hefore~ the:. Sandinistas overthrew. Nicaraguan President`' `Anastasio aSomoza-by, Wilbur:Smith &-Associates under a; contract paid for bj*?theU.S: Agen: cy fors International`Development' an arm of the 5tate?Department. ,-:. 'However, a~ spokesman for AID said the" 1976 ai~eld study did- not,'. call' for the construction of revet:-~' merits; ~ the - ;;craftguns ortae training of Nicara? 4 goon pilots in Romania to fly MIGs 'as the Sandinista_shavedone: '?,??'~=. '.~,~irther, AID publicaffairs direc=~ :;tor Rich Mille; said;~the U.S. study; -=recommended=that one of the air ?$trips; at Puerto Cabezas, be ex:;' ~Yended to 6,OC0 feeE; while the San=; ::%dinistas: areYer2ending. it to .8,OG4 ^#eet:.Tlie Iongei==runway provides ~;~... sufficient takeoff distance for a'yflG ~fu11y loaded with bombs; while a 6;=: ~' C00-foot strip'-vroutd not: he said.. ~ ~. :^%?~ -Wheelock said there are no So-' ~,.- ~viet MIGg_in Nicaragua and that "we don'G erect: at: this. time- .to 'have any,'.' He added;-however,.thaC; _ the kinds of planes that will use_the ' ~ newly ,.expanded: airfields : "are no ~~business of the-goverruaen_t~ of.the-' ~Unit~d States.' y, ~. ~ ~;; ~ , Y;: ~~ "we're not saying that we won'ta R6accept arms from:'any counL-y;'=he:1 said. "But this is the business of our^~ *government." ~. ,.- ;~=- ~,;~;Iii =`'response? -to =?Administrationf' ??c~iarges that tlie_Sandinista govern-~~ went has built 36 new military gar- =risons since it Look over. in ~1979,~ :Wheelock said there were perhaps' that many "remote outposts;' built; ?for "external defense." _=:- ~:.1. .. ?,.;., Wheelock repeated charges made ?previously ~ by .the Sandinista government that the United Stases; 311 conjunction with the rightist:re,_~ -girlies of Argentina and Chile, ~.s un; ~dertaking.:a~ covert operation ?.to achieve the economic, political and' militar3*.des~tabilization of Nicara-; gun. ~Vheelock'dict not offer any` ;evidence,. buti; "said ~ the planning; of; ~ahaf operation`aa the'pmpose:of_:a ;:visit by ;Assistant Secretary. of State ;Thomas 0: Enders 1:o Argentina ands :Chile this week.- ~ s ` ~` ~, - 'AskedJWednesday abaut~ repor,,s; Hof such a covert operation, Haig said; it would be "inappropriate_for me to ? comment :.~ .:but I. would .certainly, ;hope that poiicy~position ': do~.,s ~'not:suggesL~'a confirmation of~,tha ,~ .~: N x .: =-' And while the~two ~ Nicaragua.~% officials denied any involvement in. the war ;:'iri= EI -Salvador; ;Haig :charged again ~ednesday.that ;-`the 'essential command. and control.(of 'the guerrilla activity) is emanatin .from blanagua'~~I3e_also: said the' :Ievelof arms shipments tQFd Salvo `cion: "has= dramatically' increased' during?~the;.past=montlc. ~'~`t'?E$c~.L.~ ~f;~ai~ An,a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/06 :CIA-RDP90-005528000707170003-8