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STAT )/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : C A-RDP90-00965R000302080014-7 ARTICIA Cid PAU liPtitt, WASHINGTON POST 14 July 1985 Angola Breaks Off Peace Talks With U.S. By Glenn Frankel Washington Post Foreign Service JOHANNESBURG, July 13?An- gola has announced that it is break- ing off talks with the United States over a peace settlement in southern Africa in retaliation for a congres- sional vote allowing American aid to antigovernment Angolan guerrillas. The move, announced yesterday in the Angolan capital, Luanda, deals another blow to the Reagan administration's 41/2-year effort to negotiate a comprehensive agree- ment that would lead to a withdraw- al of Cuban troops from Angola along with independence for the neighboring South African-con- trolled territory of Namibia. In its statement, the Angolan Foreign Ministry said congressional repeal of the Clark amendment, which since 1976 has banned aid to rebel Angolan movements, was part of a joint effort by the United States and South Africa to "destabilize the legitimate governments of southern Africa." The interests in the region of the United States and white-ruled South Africa were "perfectly iden- tical," the statement added. It continued: "The American ad- ministration and the Pretoria gov- ernment must be held responsible for the escalation of violence in this part of the continent." Although Washington has no dip- lomatic relations with the Marxist government in Luanda, diplomats from the two countries have held a series of meetings during the past three years in a search for a region- al peace accord. The most important break- through came last year when Pre- toria and Luanda agreed to form a joint military commission to mon- itor the withdrawal of South African forces from southern Angola. Prior to the agreement, South Africa had staged periodic raids into Angolan territory in pursuit of Namibian guerrillas fighting South African rule of their native land. American diplomats had hoped the withdrawal accord would be the first step toward a settlement of both the Namibian and Cuban is- sues. They were encouraged fur- ther late last year when Angolan officials appeared to concede pub- licly for the first time the possibility of linking the two issues. Nearly 25,000 Cuban troops are reported to be in Angola. South Africa announced in April thi.t it was withdrawing its remain- ing soldiers from Angola. But in late May, Angolan forces killed two South African commandos and cap- tured a third allegedly on a sabo- tage mission inside northern Cabinda Province. Last month South African troops moved into Angolan territory again, claiming they killed 57 Namibian guerrillas in retaliation for rebel attacks inside Namibia. The U.S. House of Representa- tives repealed the Clark amend- ment last Wednesday on a 236-185 vote. The Senate passed a similar measure in June. While the administration has wel- comed the repeal, saying it would give the United States more flex- ibility in setting foreign policy, of- ficials said there were no immediate plans to begin funding anti-Marxist. Angolan rebels, who are led by Jonas' Savimbi and who receive arms and other support from South Africa. The Clark amendment, named after former senator Dick Clark (D-Iowa), was passed by Congress following revelations of Central In- telligence Agency involvement in Angola's civil war. The amendment's repeal and the Angolan reaction appear to leave American diplomats almost back where they started in 1981. The diplomats have said repeatedly that one of their biggest problems in the negotiations has been to persuade Angola's wary government of their good faith. Luanda's leadership has been badly divided over talks with the United States. Some factions have argued that the negotiations were merely an American ploy ultimately designed to force the government to negotiate a power-sharing accord with Savimbi or to buy time while Savimbi built his forces to over- throw the government altogether. South African Foreign Minister Roelof F. (Pik) Botha disputed to- day Angola's claim that his govern- ment and Washington were working together to undermine Angola, pointing to the U.S. Senate vote this week imposing economic sanc- tions on South Africa. "Only the Angolan government can explain how it reconciles the punitive measures being planned against South Africa by the Amer- ican Senate and House of Repre- sentatives with the allegation that the American Congress and South Africa are in league," he said. South Africa has made clear that it will stay in Namibia, in defiance of United Nations resolutions, until Angola agrees to send home its Cuban troops. Last month South Africa installed a new local government in Wind- hoek, the Namibian capital, a step many analysts see as further setting back the prospects for a settlement in the foreseeable future. , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/21 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000302080014-7