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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120048-9 vi. 6 Mar 78 Q 4 FIDEL RECEIVES DOMINICAN COMMUNIST PARTY DELEGATION FL031335Y Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 1145 GMT 3 Mar 78 FL [Text] Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, first secretary of the PCC Central Committee, has received the Dominican Communist Party delegation visiting our country, headed by its secretary general, Narciso Isa Conde. The Dominican delegation is also composed of Carlos Dore, head of that party's international affairs department; Lorenoio Rincon, a provincial leader; and Norberto Rojas, an intermediate level leader. Attending the talks for the Cuban side were PCC Politburo member Carlos Rafael Rodriguez and Manuel Pineiro, member of the PCC Central Committee and chief of its America Department. During the fraternal meeting, matters dealing with the relations between the two parties and international developments, particularly those taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean, were discussed. GDR DELEGATION SIGNS AGREEMENT, ENDS VISIT Weiss Visits Isle of Pines FL031415Y Havana. Domestic Service in Spanish 1200 GMT 3 Mar 78 FL [Text] Gerhard Weiss, deputy chairman of the GDR Council of Ministers, has paid a visit to the urban and industrial development projects for Nueva Gerona in Isle of Pines. The installations of that city's citrus fruit packinghouse, the former Modelo prison, the revolution museum and other places of historic interest were also toured by the chair- man of the Cuba-GDR intergovernmental commission, which held its eighth session on economic, scientific and technical cooperation in Havana. The delegation headed by Gerhard Weiss arrived in Nueva Gerona accompanied by Hector Rodriguez Llompart, minister-chairman of the State Committee for Economic Cooperation, and Agriculture Minister Rafael Francia Mester, both members of the PCC Central Com- mittee. FIA416:50Y Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 1145 GMT 4 Mar 78 FL [Text] Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, first secretary of the PCC Central Committee and president of the Council of State and of the government, has received Gerhard Weiss, deputy chairman of the GDR Council of Ministers and member of the SED Central Committee. The German official is in Cuba to attend the eighth meeting of the mixed commission for economic, scientific and technical cooperation between Cuba and the OR. The meeting between Fidel and Gerhard Weiss was conducted in a cordial and friendly atmosphere. Cooperation Agreement Signed FL041927Y Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 1700 GMT 4 Mar 78 FL [Text] Today in this capital Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, vice president of the Council of State and of the Council of Ministers, and Gerhard Weiss, deputy chairman of the GDR Council of Ministers, signed the protocol of the eighth session of the Cuba-GDR joint intergovernmental commission. The plenum of the eighth session of the Cuba-GDR joint intergovernmental commission for economic, scientific and technical cooperation began on 27 February. The work sessions ended with the signing of the protocol. Hector Rodriguez Llompart, chairman of the State Committee for Economic Cooperation, and Deputy Chairman Ernesto Melendez along with other deputy chairmen of organizations related to this economic field attended the solemn event. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120048-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120048-9 FL042309Y Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 2230 GMT 4 Mar 78 FL [Excerpt] Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, vice president of the Council of State and Council of Ministers, has bade farewell to Gehard Weiss, GDR Council of Ministers deputy chairman, at the airport. Flavio Bravo, Council of Ministers vice president and Council of State member, was also at Jose Marti International Airport. RAUL CASTRO GREETS USTINOV ON USSR FORCES' JUBILEE LD021003Y Moscow KRASNAYA ZVEZDA in Russian 28 Feb 78 p 3 LD [Apparent text of message to USSR Defense Minister Ustinov from Cuban Armed Forces Minister Raul Castro Ruz] [Text] Esteemed Comrade Minister: On behalf of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces [FAR] and on my own behalf, I send you and, through you, all marshals, admirals, generals, officers, sergeants, sailors and soldiers fraternal greetings and the warmest congratulations on the 60th anniversary of the Soviet Armed Forces. The servicemen of the Cuban FAR admire the militant and victorious path traveled by the heroic Soviet people over six decades and their combat traditions and the combat glory of the USSR Armed Forces. Thanks to the immortal feat of the people's army of the new type created by Lenin, the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution was pre- served for history and mankind was saved from the fascist yoke. The USSR Armed Forces are now mounting reliable guard over the revolutionary achievements of the peoples of the whole world in the name of peace and socialism. In celebrating this notable date for all mankind, we would like to wish our Soviet brothers in arms great new successes in strengthening the defense capability of their socialist motherland and to wish you, Dear Comrade Minister, sound health, happiness and further successes in performing your work to boost the Soviet Union's defense capability. [Signed] Army General Raul Castro Ruz, minister of the FAR FSLN, PALESTINIAN FRONT ISSUE JOINT COMMUNIQUE PA042140Y Havana International Service in Spanish 1800 GMT 4 Mar 78 PA [Text] Nicaragua's Sandinist National Liberation Front [FSLN] and the Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [DPFLP] have issued here a joint communique in Havana stating that U.S. imperialism, which supports the Israeli Government and Anastasio Somoza's Nicaraguan dictatorship, is their worst enemy. In the document the DPFLP expresses its deepest and most sincere support for the just struggle being waged by the FSLN which, it says, has achieved a qualitative development that has permitted the massive participa- tion of the Nicaraguan working class. For its part, the FSLN demands recognition of the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and of the Palestinians' right to create a state in accordance with the principle of self-determination. The FSLN also condemns the imperialist maneuvers aimed at weakening the Arab peoples' unity and stresses that Egyptian President Anwar as-Sadat's trip to Israel represented the first: step taken by Arab reaction in its anti-Palestinian maneuvers. Finally, the FSLN and the DPFLP say that international support should now be voiced more strongly than ever and should salute the just positions adopted by the Soviet Union and Cuba on behalf of peace and the national liberation movements. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04: CIA-RDP06TO1849R000200120048-9