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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 7, 1950
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AA; t-I r trti:r'a::T~...A 1; , : ,.,,, v 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R005600690008-1 E FO R CD NO, (~.uc-sl r sonar D " D ST1 7 CEP 50 )ctiraa and Export of Graphite Electrodes NO. OF PACES '011W^ , ,VJ a: MC-W*I.T.It?s R9"ao53nt.v h IV., IWA111113 or 1147 rsvonaza le- VC, V @"!+.>"M To kk i"114 Yi?CkIP; C'.ti PCFt8Ori t~ -,fir:: '1ii r ir. S eriE:S5IiY7t . )93L 111 t3".- 1.111, 1=1=3=- NO. NO. OF ENCLS (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATE1 >iere s P~.r~ad.s plant in Berlin has only one .`."t 000-tax vortio 1. ; 50X1 -HUM k,d)auk ic. evas one a press of 500 tons,, and three nixing chines,. with this ev.. n ent its mor hly output vcrie>t het een 700 .mod 19000 tons of rm.' c:lectr: . ?I F alart io today trying to obtain a 2x,000-town horizonte.1 hydr?ous1c T:+ Tess vaadp three furthe:j mixing machines, for the purpoe e of increasing its prcducti- .::aphitizin of raw electrodes is not done at Siemens- Pla.r .a but at the ;S K ustik,, a I3itterfeld. which can only handle a maximum of 300 tons a ninth, I;au; tik i = also seeking new machinery in order to stop up p :f)daac derke in Ss hkopau:, sa 11 part of the prncIuctiar ores to C ,echoslova -1.a and ?Iuxt?;,., ` -z,s, u azt r sae -950 Last German/Hungariax_ trade agreement? Hungary is obtaining 60 tons 3.' graphite & eetrodes from .riemenu PlanJ.a, C~ seeh.os_lovakia. is obtaining 200 tons of graphite electrodes fro:-in SAG Kaustik t.saK,1er a large compensation deal betneen S-&G Kaustlk and Bit;olia, under which t;i'e latter delivering 500 Ford trucks, P.a:-other 200 tens of graphite electrodes is going to Czeche;slove :. a., under a contract dated Septetaber 191;,9, be teveen ?H::i amuth A, G. and E; .co Prat. e under ll~:icx the latter supplying tires and other .ruh:hber products. Document No, _ ------------------ No Change in Clas (1 ^ Dads: ., Class. CJRngd C S Auth.: MN 70.2 late: CLASS1FICATI0c fly Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/11/15: CIA-RDP82-00457R005600690008-1