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February 10, 1953
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100500-3 CLASSIFIC.ITION R[F1S~y ,~p~p CENTRAL IN~L~c~hl~Ct q~OR FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RAD O BROADCASTS COUNTRY UssR -Armenian sSR SUBJECT HOW W~1ERE Daily nevapaper PUBLISHED Yerevan DATE PUBLISHED 21 Sep 1952 LANGUAGE [[owl[ [ T [[C[??T [ [y YA?~Tw011i[D ?[[,04 11 T.I.?[?.ee~~...... ~. _ REPORT CD N0. DATE OF INFORMATION 1952 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ~~ OF ARMENIAIJf SSR AGRICULTURAL i'ROGRFSB ~~UHLiC PARTY COAGRESS The 20 September 1952 report by G. A. An~tYUnov, Secrets Armenia, to the 16th Congress oP the KP(b) of Armenia contained the following information on the pro r'Y, TeK KP(b) of grass oP agriculture in the republic: In 1952, the soon area in kolkhozes of the republic increased b _ cent as compared with 1950. In 1952, the area devoted to by 26.6 percent, that devoted to wheat b 4 Y 18 per In 1951, the Y 9.8 percent, ae~~ Drops increased Brain crop yield per hectare increased by 14.4 mpared with 1950, In 1 2 percent over 1950. 95 , the area under cotton in k~lkhozes of the republic increased by 4 percent es compared with 1950; the cotton yield per hectare in 1951 decreased by 1.4 percent as compared with 1950. The area planted to tobacco is 1 creased by 7 percent over 1950; the yield per hectare in 1951 was 12. an increase oP 11.6 percent over 952 in- vae 200 quintals per hectare a 1950. The average yield oP su 5 quintals, , 29-percent Increase over 1950, bar beets in 1951 The yield oP potatoes on kolkhozes in 1951 reached 110 quintals e a 5-percent increase over 1950, The area planted to grapes increased by 400 hectares since the 1 th P Y hectare, hecbarea. Orchards 5 Congress; in addition, old vines were replaced on 1,400 orchnrda we_e increased by 573 hectares; in addition, 2,050 hectares oP old replanted. Tasks Por establishment oP subtropical fruit were fulfilled. ? groves In the sphere of animal husbandry, the Three-year Livestock Development Plan was Fulfilled as follower cattle 100.2 percent, with an 11.6-percent increase in the number of cattle, including a 29-percent increase in the number oP cove; sheep and goats 100.1 percent, Witt a 21-percent increase in the member oP head;'liogs 106.7 percent, with a 68.2-percent increase in the number of head. percent, with a 21.5-percent increase in the number of head; cent with a 1.5-time increase in the number of f~,,l, , horses 102.5 _ and Powl 73.5 per- ~ yA~Y --... RESTRICTID ARMY W' ., NSRR ~~?7 F81~ ? , ~? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25_CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100500-3, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100500-3 Milk yield per forage cw in 1951 vsa 705 liters, a 34-percent increase over 1950. Kool clip per sheep in 1951 vas 1.7 kilograms, a rise o'' 10 percent over 1950. 33nce the 15th Congress, the area sown to fodder crops has increased by 14 percent. In 1951, 182,000 metric tone of ensilage were stored; in 1952, 200,000 metric tons x111 be stored. In 1951, there vas a further increase is the indivisible funds oP kolkhozes. In 1951, the value oP the basic means of production exceeded the 1950 level by 11.5 percent, and 84 million rubles xere added to the indivisible funds. Total monetary income of kolkhozea in 1951 exceeded 1950 income by 27 million rubles. In 1951, the number oP workdays in kolkhozes vsa 3 million greater than in 1950, despite the fact that the number of able-bodied kolkhoz vorkera decreased by 5,000 as compared with 1950,?due to transfer of these vorkera to vork in in- dustry and state construction pro~ecta. The average number oP vorkda bodied kolkhoz'worker reached 212 in 1951, as compared with 195 in 1950. Ys per able- The number of MTS sad MZhS (Mechanized Animal Husbandry Stations) rose Prom 46 in 1950 to 50 in 1951 and then to 53 in 1992. Between 1950 sad 1952, the trac- tor park of IMPS increased by 50 percent. The number oP combines increased fzom 285 is 1950 to 475 in 1952, the number of threshers correspondingly from 378 to 575. During the last 3 years, about 3,000 standard livestock shelters have been built in kolkhozes of Armenia, Desp?te the cited successes in obtaining higher yields of agricultural ducts, comparison of the Yields attained in 1951 with those planned for 1951 above that yield goals were not reached for grains Pro- toes, grapes, and fruits; in addition co , cotton, tobacco, sugar beets reveals the follovin _ , mParison of actual and , Pota- ~-45 Planned; natural ~ renniel grasses, 31.4 quintals per hectare~attainede per foraging cow, 705 liter attained 1 quintals attaLted, 16-19 planned, milk kilograms attained, 2.3 kilograms plannedl~ planned; wool clip per sheep, 1.7 The principal reasons for failure to attain planned yields are unsatisfac- tory utilization of agricultural machinery, improper application of agrotech- niques, low quality .of tractor vork and other soil tilling vork in most kolkhozas, and failure of MT3 sad 2~LhS to carry out the contracts made with kolkhozes. The Mlniatry oP Agriculture Armenian SSR sad the Main Administrstion cP Cot- ton Growing under the Council of Ministers Armenian SSR are unsatisfactorily dis- seminating and applying the experlencea oP leading kolkhoz Yorkers and the accom_ pliehmeats of Soviet agricultural science. Specialists working in rayons, kolkhozes, and MTu are as follows; nomista, 643 agrotechniclans, ].94 zootechrticisns veterinarians, 284 veterinarian technicians, 68 mechanicalsengineer~iand 2262 me- chanical technicians. Thus ttie ~ ' 207 2,500 agricultural eoecialiets; oPJOthie aumbee ~1,250eare koikhozevorkersasiaclud- 1ng 280 who serve as kolkhoz chairmen. Fycsmplea oP failure to fulfill th^ tasks set by state plane are the following; 1. In 1952, the plan calls for an expansion in the area devoted to winter grain crops by 33,000 hectares; 15,000 hectares are to be derived from curtailment of spring grain crop sowing sad 18,000 hectares Prom putting new land into use. Of the 18,000 hectares, only 5,786 had been plowed and preparAd for sowing during the established period. - 2 - RESTRICTID STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100500-3 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100500-3 xFS~~ filled only ~ ~ r`?" zOr ~.ncrease in the number of cove in ko 86.5 percent. As a result, cove constituted oni 1kh?zes vas ~_ cattle in kolkhozes as of ], 3ePtember 1952, Percent of Y 22.1 sll 3? The 1952 plan ca71s for construction of 785 livestock shelters in ko of the republic sad silos for storage of 20 000 metric tons of 1 9eptember,.only 215 shelters had been c lkhozes tion. omplcted and 642 were ~age? As ?f under construc_ 4? ~ 1951, msa~ kolkhozes the result that in spring 1952 ~ idd not fulfill the e~eP, cad oats. P emice Plsn for '"odder storage vith g The 1952 state plea calla Por)etora a of~ent among cattle, of coarse fodder (ia terms ?p gay) in'iwlkhozes of the r ublic the plan had been fulfilled only 51.6 percent. ~ ~ ~ f 1Oe8tric t?na ePtember, 47.1 percent~f 1 September, the 1952 plan for tractor vork had been fulfilled only 6' ~ of 1 September, the 1952 plan for hay moving by Xis fu].fil].ed ?~Y 50 percent, that for ensilage storage only 75. and ~~ had been One of the seri 7 percent. is the occ ~s~oz co~~s of Party organizations in kolkhoz su tirrcnce of ko barter violations ~ man An investigation conducted by the TeK Pervision charter violations fi(b) of Armenia in slkhozes oP,the republic. ber of ko ~eembezzlement of collective property ~ e CO1952 disclosed lkhozes. gal acts uncover aisiderable mnn_ ~'i~e organizations and ~ vere diversion of 1 or wdthout payment for themeb80~ attd r~O~' ?f kolkh?z and and livestock by Y various persons, Products at reduced prices '3- RFSTRICTB(J Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700100500-3