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Publication Date: 
October 3, 1951
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010469-9 -'1 CLASSIFICATION RES__ IRICTED RESTRICTED CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORI1 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. SUBJECT Economic - Foreign trade DATE DIST. Oct 1951 HOW PUBLISHED Daily rev aFerS, monthly Fertcdical DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. NO THE N THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AF FECTI NATIONAL DEFENSE TI ITS YRANSYGSSION FOR ITHE AREVELATION U. ST NC SI ATND Sit ATS AMENTDED OF 115 CONTENTS IN ANY YATTER TD AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 15 PRO WAITED BY LAW REPRODUCTION OF TNIS FOOD IS PRO NI BITE D. IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION THIS NewsFaxer= d as zndicaie_. G;FTS DATA ON POLISH FOREIGN TRADE SIGNS TRADE FACT AtiTrr :N')OhTST_A -- ZT:rich, Neoc Zuercher Zeitung, 21 Jun 51 0 On r try'-;. sg:eEII:Gnt cenciuded in Warsaw on 17 June 1951 bei:e.en and int:r-ea:a, Fciand Is to GTXppiY textiles, metal products, se'trlg machine=, kia`-'='rsre. F-rCel9in; chemicals,. and other commodities, in return f and foodstuffs, including tea, coffee, -?v ~,r :.rdnstr:=.. -- pepper, and, the '.sttar to be used, to :cmbat epidemic malaria in the Polish swamp .eg'-:os AUSTRIA WANDS MORE FO_lS?: CO-- -- Zur'ch, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, 5 Jul 51 coal from Poland Austr a wants to import one jL11'_ion tons of black. against shipr.Ents of t-c'.:, cellulose wool, aluminum, and nitrogen fertili?zer At pre-:ent, 82 percent of the imports from Poland of cc&:, while Austria _h:.I=, for the most part, iron goods, firebricks. Despite the extraordinary price increases, imports for the f from :56 million_ schillings in 1950 tor139 from Jnmschy to gs or ~1 y _959; 1, so that Poland's share of Austrian iuE- pe orts 139 was re duced d from 6 6 7 :t to j?.9 percent During April 1951, Polish coal pd shipments to Austria totaled only 77,000 tons compared with 127,500 tons supplied in April 3950 SAY USSR CONTROLS POLISH FOREIGN TRADE -- Buenos Aires, Argentinisches Tageblatt, 26 Aug 51 The following comments on the effect by oviet influence on Polishter foreign trade have been taker. of the Polish-language periodical Kultura (Paris). The article originally appeared in Der Monat (The Month), an international monthly. In 1938, Poland's foreign trade with the countries of the present-day ans- Soviet bloc amounted to barely ll percent of itstotal taland in portitrans actions. By 1947, this figure had risen to 37 pe 44 percent. Under the Six-Y.ear Plan, trade with the satellites will amount to 68 percent of Polish foreign trade by 1955? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010469-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010469-9 1 STRICTED Within the scope of inter-Communist trading,,the USSR occupies a highly privileged position. Poland, for example, is forced to import Rur.:nian petroleum from the USSR, which pockets the middleman's profits. Nor can Poland sell her coal directly to Finland; such export transactions, too, -'1st be channeled through the USSR. The natural economic cooperation between Poland and Czechoslovakia, so greatly :.tressed in 1947, is gradually fading out. EGYPT TO SEND PHOSPHORITES TO POLAND -- Dusseldorf, Chemische Industrie, No 8, Aug 51 The former trade and payment agreement between Poland and Egypt which expired in September 1950 has been replaced by a revised agreement ratified some time ago by the Egyptian Council of Ministers. The new agreement pro- vides for expansion of trade between the two countries. Egypt will supply Poland with phosphorites among other things and will receive chemicals and minerals from Poland NEST ICTED STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700010469-9