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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380460-9 '1 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Economic - Construction planning Monthly and irregular periodical Moscow 1949 -;Dec 1950 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN TNT MEANING OF ESPIONAGE ACT SO U. S. C.. SI AND ST. AG AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO- NISITTD ST LAW. R[PRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. DATE OF "INFORMATION 1949-50 DATE DIST. /9 Mar 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION USSR CONCENPRATES INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION PLANNING IN-OM TOP.QRaRIZATION HISTORY OF "PROMSTROYPROYEIST" TRUST -- Moscow,,Arkhitektura Promyshlennykh Sooruzheniy, 1949 The trust for construction planning of machine-building and metallurgical plants (Gosproyektstroy 1) was formed in 1930. It made architectural and con- struction plans for all important building projects at Magnitogorsk, Kuznetsk, Chelyabtraktorostroy (Construction of Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant), Krammashstroy (Construction'of Kramatorsk Machine-Building Plant), Sharikopodshipnikstroy (Con- struction of Ball Bearings Plant),_,Luganstroy (Construction of Luganskoye Rail- road-Car Building Plant), Kharkov Tractor Plant, and many others. The planning section of "Tekstil'stroy" Trust was reorganized into "Gospro- yektstroy 2" Trust, later called "Mashinostroyproyekt." This trust also was con- verted to planning heavy-industry plants. Both of these large trusts were sub- sequently combined under the name "Metallostroyproyekt." This later became known as "Promstroyproyekt." Almost all planning of machine-building and metallurgical enterprises of the USSR was concentrated in this planning organization. "PROMSTROYPROYEKT" TRUST CUTS CONSTRUCTION COSTS -- Moscow, Stroitel'naya Promy- shlennost', Dec 1950 One of the present functions of "Promatroyproyekt" Trust is to revise con- struction plans and estimates, in connection with the decree of the Council of Ministers USSR dated 1 July 1950, regarding reduction of construction costs by 25 percent, which includes the elimination of excess items in plans and estimates on an average of 15 percent. This revision is done in two stages. The first in- cludes the listing of all construction projects and determining the steps to be taken to lower construction costs for each project, submitting the necessary proof for each proposed reduction. The second stage of the work begins only after the customers, i.e. the building organizations, have approved the official rec- ords. At this time, corrections are made in the plans and estimates. -1- CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL STATE N AVY 'NSRB DISTRIBUTION ARMY AIR FBI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380460-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380460-9 r. --r CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL "Promstroyproyekt" Trust has revised plans and refigured general estimates for 18 large construction projects for the Ministry of Construction of Heavy Industry Enterprises. In the process of revision, it was discovered that the plans included excessively large plant areas and communications systems, exces- sive areas and.capacities of auxiliary structures, as well as the use of old-- fashioned construction methods. It has been established that over 30 million rubles have been saved only by eliminating excess items in planning, which is 15.1 percent of the remaining uncompleted portion of construction work as of 1 July 1950. -END - - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600380460-9