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Document Release Date: 
September 27, 2011
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Publication Date: 
January 31, 1951
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27 :CIA-RDP8O-OO8O9AOOO6OO37O686-0 "'I COUNTRY SUBJECT NOW WHERE DATE LANGUAGE REPORT N0. MASS-PRODUCE TURNING LATHES -- Berlin, Taegliche Rundschau, 3 Jan 51 The people-owned Pittler Machine-Tool Factory in Leipzig has completed con- version work.. and is about to start mass-production of turning lathes. It is the first factory in East Germany to start mass-producing the lathes. START MASS-PRODUCTION OF 3/4-TON TRUCK -- Berlin, Die Wirtschaft, 1 Dec 50 t of the Ifs in Hainichen, Sachsen, has developed l an The people-owned Framo P a 3/4-ton truck with rear-wheel drive based on the old Framo three-wheeled vehicle. The new 3/4-ton track is now being mass-produced. k has awater-cooled, two-stroke, two-cyc,linder t ruc The Framo V 501-type engine of 7.7 horsepower at 3,400 revolutions per minute and a 500-cubic-centimeter rward and one reverse speeds f f o our displacement. It consumes little fuel. Its _ .. _ __ __,___, _ ~,,..,.....w a ~o?Ai afar differential. THIS DOCV N[NT CONTAINS IN/OlNA710N A((ICTINO TN[ NA710NAL Ol/[NIt 01 TNl YNITtD /TATt3 MITMIN TNt YMNINS 0/ l6/IONAO[ ACT 10 V. /. C,. ]1 ANO 17, A0 AYSNDt D. ITS iNANSY1SS10N ON TNS R[YILATIDN NI IITID ITTLAt I Rl/ OOVCTION O( TNIS IONN /SI /RON ~ITl D, 13 (AO? The trucx nas a G(V-GC LI4LRC ~ci r...c~+ ~~~~?, -- balanced springs. The truck is 405 centimeters long, 154 centimeters wide, 171.5 centimeters high, and weighs 800 kilograms. The maximum permissible load is 1,650 kilograms and its maximum speed 60 kilometers per hour. TO MASS-PitODUGE AIESEL TRUCKS -- Berlin, Der Verkehr, Sep 50 The g~_typA, g-ton, diesel truck, built by the people-owned IYa Horc}~ Plante has completed extensive trial runs and will go into mass-producticn now: The trial run covered 10,000 kilometers of difficult terrain. ? One of the trucks, with a load of 3 tons, completed the run i,n :16 days, ;.chile another, with a drwithrrsnnER4adiesel-engines whigh willdbetused201ndthe?futura in truck is equippe ? CLASSIFICATION :ONFIDENTIAL INFORMATIf~N FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS ~D N0. OON~ID~'~ aa~~. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORI~ CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL Economic -Machinery, trucks, tractors DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 - 1951 DATE DIST. 31 Jan 1951 Daily, weekly newspapers; monthly periodicals Germany N0. OF PAGES 2 ~,>~ ? :?~ Sep 50 - 3 Jan 1951 SUPPLEMENT TO ARMY _ AIR N9R8 FBI DISTRIBUTION T I 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27 :CIA-RDP8O-OO8O9AOOO6OO37O686-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370686-0 TO UP TRACTOR OUTPUT -- Berlin, Der Verkehr, Oct 50 In 1951, tractor production at the people-owned Erandenburg Tractor Plant will be 50 percent above 1950 production, Production of stationary motors for compressors and diesel locomotives Trill also begin. DEVELOP NEW MOTOR SCOOTER -- Berlin, Der Verkehr, Sep 50 August Falz, a motor specialist from Doebe7n, Sachsen, has, developed a new motor scooter, called the "Falzo." The scooter has a maximum speed of 40 kilo-~ meters per hour and consumes about 2 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers. It is driven by a Fichtel-Sachs Motor, and the front wheel shock is absorbed by a simple telescopic bar especially constructed for this purpose. The ges tank is located above the rear wheel. To mass-produce this scooter, it is planned to use an electro-steel frame, which can be easily cast. _2_ CONFIDENTIAL. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/27: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600370686-0