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December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 5, 2001
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Publication Date: 
December 6, 1951
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21% oc3 Approved For Releases- 8 2 IfflR E CLASSIFICATION' T/CCI= COL g` Cl'nTTY ? T 0-Z- .%TT0 N CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ,:.T C'-L7 25X1A REPORT NO. COUNTRY' INFORMATION REPORT Germany (Russian Zone) CD NO. DATE DISTR, 6 Doc y 1951 SUBJECT Parow Airfield; Munition Dump at Jeose _t NO., OF PAGES 1 25X1A - PLACE NO. OF ENCLS. 2 ACQUIRED 1W E E OF (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS DOCU EIENT CONTAIH9' NFORUATIOlI AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATUS. V117-111 THE IEANIHO OF TITLE 18. SECTIONS 793 AMID 794. OF THE U. S. COD:, r .S AMENDED. ITS TRAt1SUISSION OR REVEL ATIOU OF ITS CONTENTS TO C'C RECEIPT EIY Al. UNAUTHORIZED PERUON 18 PROHIBITED BY LAW THE d12E;IDDUCTION OF TI11S FORM 13 PROHIU:iED. SOURCE THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION lb The follo ing irui ldings and ins,-,aliations at Parow airfield ttroyed d r 7t, the wars work hops, garageo3 nu nit ion bunkers r. fuel tbunlers, hangars and sores of the barracks, ;ionsi of the f oun(3.,,ticri: .re.r e damaged and of the buildings are being ret,uilt O 20 The whole airfield area is on well-drained level ground and is provided with wate:? !nd electricity. The airfield is covered with concrete and has landing strips which project 15 inters into the water on a gradient of 5 to 10 p rcente These strips are 750 mm thick and rest on concrete piles 0 Thers, is neither a radio station nor a wind indicator on the field, Abou. 20 Russian soldiers are stationed at the fields although the barracks arr. occupied by 1,000 to 19500 Seepolizei men. The officers' houses are oc ;upiod by civilian is. (Sce attachaent A). 31, The salt mince,.s at Jessenitz in Kreis I1agenow, LL,ecklenburg,werv used during the war tis an am uni.tion depot by the Gcrnans,., After the end of the vvar., the Russians destroyed the ammunition which they found there and cleared the mines,, From the end of 1949 uirti.l the be inning of 1951, the mines. -sere guarded by a Volkspolizoi unit. In the past few mute}-,hs? large nunhers of trucks coming fror the direction of : clnrerli and Ludwig--lust have brought arn?rxuni Lion here., A Russian guard unit and a Pussizn artillery battery are stationed here o The latter carry out Bail, , firing practice with shells reportedly falling about 13 IciloL tors east of the mine. The whole area,, which covers about 1,000 hectares p is - surroundeu by a V.ire fence four meters high, (See attachment D) Document f --1------------------- No Char:- [ v SI ~_ Da!: __-1AU0M- By: -- STATE - ,' w :~ NSRl3' IBUSTON EAR.9Y Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R009500250014-9