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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
January 19, 1950
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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/04 :CIA-RDP82-004578006800050008-1 _HUM CONFIDENTIAL CL~lSSPFICATiC?iV CENTRAL ivTELLIGENCE.AGENGY c?uNTRIr Ger~.a~ cRussian zone) StJSJEC7? Soviet Order of BAttle PLACE ACQUlRE? DATE OF iloiFO. X48 '47Di9letekilfb90ttt4AlMAAT9BCYi~6?t3'dWA9ttrt11l4.OEPaii$~ OF 2sE 1~tl18D 8T7i'dOB C717i7t~ HdlC i1PAAfp4 08 FBS BBFt4IDACjH ACT OC ~, 9: C., 4! ARB 9E,.fl.C ASQ@9. 61'S ~AFPBtl:68SQ3t 08'P7ii It6VL'lpTftr."3 OD ~'S dB11i60S'!R f@ AC34 ~RAISSQ'PO tNl VttAtll'f1C11Y6Y P.~lISOR f8 PpLb Ht&Tl@O ~R! 1J6Pi, B@ObTI~ M 79fI8 BO@G tB PHORIBt780. REPORT c? lua. SATE Qi$TR.. 19 Jana 1950 N~?. QF PAGES l Nt}. OF ENCLS. (LtSTEO BELOW? SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS iS UNEVAWATED INFORMATION the Oranienburg exec between 20 December i95o rind 8 January there has been no change in the disposition of Soviet troops in that area. l~laaost all vehicles observed belonged to the 25th Tank Division. Other vehicles which have been observ~ad since the fail of 1950 in the forager aoncentratioa camp, adjacent to Pan2er 50X1-HUM Schule atyd Oranienburg streets, belong to a headquarters unit of the Seaand Guards t~chanized Arr~}y. a small headquarters un3.t of the our s a ze ~ so bs3 s~tianed there. 50X1-H U M 2. Arieaea (N53/A19) airfield is to be improved beginning in January 19510 3. ~tween ?' and Il January a total of 103 boxcars containing ammunition, arrived in the Russian bane from Brest-Litovsk. Of the tote.]., 38 oars were consigned to Justerbog, 29 to Y~ullrow, 14. to Finawi seven to Toepahin, and three et;okt to tduensdarf9 De,nnernaalde, Altenhain, Roderauo sad lltengrabowo 4. Tha daily volume of Soviet leave traffic through Frankfurt/Oiler.during the period Eton 6 to 11 Januar~r avera~l~;ed l~00 men going to Wrest-Litovsk and 630 Eton there. Ereh day about $0 offic.+3rs of all branches off' service arrived in Frankfla~t/Odor aboard the regul~~,r leave train Prc~ Brest-Litavsk4 ~j~Iiey were tsken from the stv~.tion to the oity on trucks 50X1-HUM This document Is hereby regraded to CpNFIDENTIRL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Cen#raf intelligence to the Archlrrist of the United States. Next Review Date: 21108 STATE ARMY ~ NAYY Ex A!R GLASSiFlCAT1t3N NSRB F8! L ___i 50X1-HUM ~~ CONFIDENTIAL BY ~Ag~,E Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/04/04 :CIA-RDP82-004578006800050008-1