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Publication Date: 
January 11, 1966
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'STAT 0 STAT 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100080018-6 (AnL'AAA-AWA\ Vv-- JAN 11 1966 Flexib' 't is the Word in Jakarta n ones ia as now ex . J ex en s, enemies and exploiting internal differ- eans the ' Chinese Into genre if an hen moi? ? to its relations with turn,' and' Indonesian-teen alters agai;t tart' with cs even though miu- libraries in Indonesia The books were dream happily of such names as' John Lary leaders accuse e China of indirectly supporting the coup. already, in the' hands of Indonesian Wayne and Kim Novak and Doris Day. The signs of change, however, are "olice, who had confiscated them for, On a higher level, military officers ,"safe , keeping" from Communist' actually seek out. members of, the West- unmistakable. Sourcgs at the Indo- y nesian embassy in Tokyo have said that rioters. ern press corps at news conferences Indonesia is considering replacing its Only ton months ajo Dr. lubsndrie and elsewhere to publicize their cam- charge d'affaires in London with an .had charged the books were ;'poisoning paign against the Communists, whom ambassador. Dr. Subandrio,' the archi- the minds" of Indonesian students. of Now they will be even more accessible they accuse with increasing frequency feet of the Peking-Jakarta axis, saw "not only mbut 'spon- to Indonesians. The Education minis- sorin the October 1 masterminding nd d'et Iili- first the American and then the Soviet g" coup ambassador in his office two weeks ter has promised' to distribute them tary censors; however, still scratch among university libraries throughout out references in correspondents' copy ago. 'the country. After conferring with United States to disagreements with President Su- ; It, will be a long time before In Marshall Green, Suban- karno and the foreign ministry. donesia actually admits that it would Observers conclude that the leaders drio said they discussed "general prob- like to adopt a position' of genuine of armed forces want to win the s lems." Since Subandrio has spoken ym? lately of Indonesia': "new flexibility" uon-alignment vie-a-vie the United pathy of the anti-Communist West, par- in foreign policy, it seems certain that States and formally break the Jakarta ticularly the United States. Atthe same they talked about the possibilities of ! Peking 'aar_xhe_ meJuWnhajhe time, they do not wish to open, them- Indonesia n American rapproche- (-donesian mLo nge f, cers joke' t selves to the damning charge of col- t CIA no-longer stands for the ..Central laborating with Indonesia's imperialist ment. Intelligence Age ? ' w ?we say it ties with China, the 'Soviet Union slowed down its aid program 'and ceased work nearly a year ago on &., new steel mill 70 miles, west of, Jakarta. - - Subandrio has said that Indonesia- no . w is free to develop its relations' with Communist nations without hav- j ing to consider ideological differences. among them. He blamed Communist' China's influence over Indonesia's. Communist Party for his country's af- fair with China before the coup. In perhaps the most publicized ex* gotten for the moment their campaign cent utterances, one would not think - ample of the prevailing tone, of In- against neo-colonial and imperialist donesia-American. relations, Ambas- that Indonesia's attitudes had changed culture. There de even reports that an i sador Green recently resented the i at all Rmpa.P(nv thn nresideht has p Western diplomats-and particularly the Americans-are reluctant to talk III optimistically, , even "off the record" and "for background only," about the possible long-range implications of the gradual shift in Indonesian attitudes toward China, the United States and other major powers. So inured are they l o the official- ONALD KIRK-,~..I and continuing-campaign to "crush Jakarta neo-colonialism,' colonialism and im- atever else the effects of the abor- , perialism" that they find it hard to be- lieve Indonesia might actually adopt a tive coup ipay have been, the In- donesian authorities clearly have for- position or de facto non alignment. Indeed from reading Sukarno's re- ences. the Soviet Uni,in than the United `Mr a7C C0 - ~:-? No one realizes the delicacy of the States. As a result of Indonesia's close ~mg3'lran>