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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100110013-5
Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J06/08 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100110013-5
ON E~'ECTS ON DEUTE~IU~ b~ M. r~arkov (USSR
Sot~rae; Doklac Ak adomii N~uk SSS~i Vol LXXV~ No 5, ~]. Ooc 190,
p~ - ~oz~r~~' ~y~ Ru?siari
~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/06/08 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100110013-5 ~
Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012J06/08 :CIA-RDP82-000398000100110013-5
_.._ _.
~~ ~a~~oV'
p~-a Ina'~i i~ Lobedev
Lcad aai UB~R
8ub~ tt ed ~~ Oot ~ ~0
The vaxioua moron off eatr on douteriwa are of great thearetioel and ex.
peximental fnterort, Moron abrarption by deuterium, ar in the oars of the
photoeffeot an ~~outerium, aaurt be {~eooo~p~ni~d.. by~ epeoif io deo ~
ay o dout o?
rium, Thar n~'feot turnr out to be vory ronaitivo to the ty~OA of moron field
(eoalar, ~aeeudocca,lnr, otr~~) ~ ~?? ~~ I,, poynber~, Jourl of P~ eice vol
r 5.
pl?7 (191) ~ ~irin,~ abrorption by deuterium of a moron wit~a integral e~in
there c~ppoar t~to nuoloonr eaoh with kinetf o enorgy eaua,2, to hnlf the meoon ~ r
rest maps, If tie spin of the absorbed meson is ~ ,then the abroi~ption of
the meson moat bo acoompanied by the omia,~ion off' another partialo with spin ,~
'rhio fact mttiat have ar ito oor~eequonae t~on~monoohramAtioity of the energy
rpeatrum of the meson-nucloono (na~aely, nuoleonr of the disintegrated deute-
i'ium) ~
It it very eeoentia,l that the effeate, which are o~pporite to the preset
ding onus, poroeer unexpectedly large axoer reationr, ar indicated by oalau~
latione~ The oapt+~re of fart neutrona~by protonr, that ir, deuterium forma..
tion,'with emirrion, for example, of a neutral m?ron, aoneiderably exoeedr
the radiation loos of meronr, at the threrhold of the effect,
~'or neutral meoans the above-mentioned op~aosite effect can be one of the
mast interesting meson affects on deuterium, Let ue therefore oonrider ar an
example the formation of neutral, raalar, and peeudoraalar meronr by such :,
t. width of potential Well //goals Zero
limit .
(a) Scalar moron, Let ur~aurrelvea to an approximation of two dimensional
waver in the ground mate of the nucl0onr,
Zet pn , rn t and p , r ~ reapeotively th? momentum and ooordiuate
r P o~ the
neutron and proton in the laboratory ryrtem of coordin
ater~ rns tb, r in
f'~notioni ~ ~d k are the energy ax-d wave vector of the maron~
? ~ , and C i r the
Wormed volume, ..
her lot A be tho ooordi~te of the nuoloone ~ oenter of ~ra~3ty sad
lot r bo tho diatanao betwaan tho nualeona~
~ ooordinatee tho wave emotion oi' tho around rtato and
to this eyatom o
the Qtion of intonation ore roapeoti~vely rewritten as f~ollo~~;
~M r ~ 1p ~' . ... -.-- . ~
e ~.
r ~ ~~ y 1
~ _ ._.. , ~- ~ ~ e
~'c a e ~' ~
H (fir) ~
wave funotian of the final ~~rtate of the oyetem is taken in the
The , .- ~ ,,~
form = .~Q R r ~~~
following s ,~,,, ~/ , ~ (r~ c 3~
~-- ~ ~
f ~
is the ~~internal" wave function of tho do~~teriu~a, whioh in the
whexe phi ~r)
no ~ential wolf of ~oz~o ~~i~'th io ~~~~rit~ er in the well.l~own form;
ceae of r~ ,.
r~ ~. .~ ~~.--
~< _' ter' r
-~~~~~ ie tho nuclear a ;rasa, and epailcn ~ ie the deuterium' a
here alpha Ot- + ~
bond energy
Correa. onc~ing matricsl elements are written~in the following mane?rs
"' -~r .~ "~~ k ~ r
i .,.~.... e ~ d'V
I -- ~ ~ r r
i H ""~. ~
in mind that deuteri~~rn is formod only for parallel spina of
that interaction ~2~ coca r>,ot vaxy the arienta~tion of the arina
nuoleona and
.round states of nucleons with parr~llol spins. Then the d,iffer~
we select the ~;
ential cresa section is obtained in the follawin~; forms
z ~ ~~
,~. .s n
p is the momentum of the nuclear, ~ is the nuoleon s energy
/ ~ ~
eAntraid system; ~k?gip and ~ u s,re the momortu~- end energy of the meson.
where ~~_ ~~ -~~/2~2 ~1~~^