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Publication Date: 
September 13, 1981
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lll L I i '11 1LL1 11 Approved For Release 2011/08/05: CIA-RDP09S00048R000100020111-8 ARTICLE APPZARED ON PAGE - '; IILMING T014 NEv.5 JOMIAL (Da) 13 September 1981 's rama fu o - t teal I- nds . Flipping through' the tele- grams, lawyers' letters, letters of credit and-other documents to illustrate "the tractor deal" Judge laid out-how he and Wil- son conspired. with the highest officials around the Peacock Throne to resell.to various Ira- nian government departments roadbuilding equipment the Iranian taxpayers had already bought again and again. -'The roadbuilding equipment originally cost $46-million. By the time we finished up it had been sold at inflated prices ?to other government departments in Iran for more than.$600?mil- lion," Judge said.."; ?~: r:.`:' The documents=showed large Washington,-. D.C.;.- law firm with current:connections to the; CIA, handled. the deal_ 1 Judge. requested the Sunday News Journal not.identify;the-I firm for his own protection.-- Top CIA sources independent from-Judge confirm that the ! station chief in-Tehran had contacted Wilson for his help in. moving money out of Iran for the Shah, in August 1977. Wilson told Judge that he way to handle the. deal through a Wilson company called EXIM Corp., a subsidary of- Safety and Security International, a Wilson firm' based in Amstel- veen, Holland. ' -Following Wilson's'instruc-1 tions Judge wrote to the Shah's ambassador to the United! States;asking- if the Iranian( government' woutd -be:l interestedirr'purchasing the' .roadbuildingequipment. =0n Sept -29, 197Tthe Shah's ambassador; ~'Ardeshir Zahedi;' wrote back to- Judge saying that he.wasfavorably disposed-! to theoffer-and was fowarding 1 it ta.the Iranian Ministry of Transportation'-. -According to Jud&,e; "Ambas sador-Zahedi received enough- money. in the deal to retire-to. Switzerland and pay- for his extensive medical expenses there:"'. '- :.. Otherletters! followed until Transport Minister Mortezi 'Selehzi=accepted the deal-.- According- to Judge,. Selehzi never received his promised .half million dollar -commission from Wilson - despite .the fact that through double-billing, fat- sified-eecords and vouchers, phony shipping papers, the $46 million-in government=owned equipment had been resold to Iran for $382 million between- September 197T.and March 1978.:. -:. . - - "The whole thing was a swin- dle, a way of getting the Shalt money," Judge says. The documents show that at the time the Shah's regime fell Wilson had assisted him in get- ting more than $600 million out of the treasury for the equip- ment. The money,' which went: to Exim's parent company,:; was transferred to the UBS Bank and. other Swiss banks into accounts. controlled by Wilson. ? . The money was then laun- dered through a . now;defunct Australian bank, controlled by the CIA,-called Nugan Hand Merchant Bank Ltd., and given to the shah:' ... -..That 'bank, which collapsed in:198&:wasthe same one used 'by- V - son,in-,previons CIA .assignments in.Asia .-. .Judge. said that Wilson's fee: in the.swindle="was in the mil-"-:; lions.- what he got out of: his role?'as-salesman,: the 37-=_' 'Year-old- f ormer. spy, said:;"Not-. oeTrento' WASHINGTON - To Joseph Patrick Judge the evolution of Edwin P. Wilson from senior spy, surrogate. father, to what he calls a traitor has left a bitter taste in his mouth. Joe Judge was Wilson's No. 1 international arms salesman. He first met Wilson in the 1960's when Wilson recruited him-into the world of intelli- gence at a Young Americans for Freedom meeting in Wash- ington, D.C. Wilson- a brilliant and urbane man, turned Judge from a raw recruit, into an international arms salesman. Judge did all the chores he had to do for Wilson, from carrying rewards, to cooperative-con- gressmen and'senators to mak-- ing payoffs in the -millions to, the. highest officials: of what had been the Shah of Iran's gov- ernment. 'Joe Judge. bearded,. dressed like a ,wealthy- lawyer, now is filled with hate toward Wilson_, "He - -- - - - me on .a deal.- I was closing a deal with an Arab in Miami on some. arms. The Arab and I had been close and he had warned me never to trust Ed. He let me listen in on the phone when Ed toldmy cus- tomer that if he cut me out of the deal Ed would kick back my, commission of course Ed would have only kicked part of it back. That's when I under-1 stood what he. had become." Before7Judge left. Wilson ini early 1978 to join with Thomas-I Polk,: another ex-Wilson sales-1 man, he consumated one more big score. ' `The deal was a scam involv- ing the Iranians. Wilson had been contacted to.help the Shah get more than hat a billion out of Iran. I was 'given the account." Judge says:;: ?.. Approved For Release 2011/08/05: CIA-RDP09S00048R000100020111-8