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PDF icon CIA-RDP90-01208R000100100074-1.pdf75.95 KB
_ i ~ _~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP90-012088000100100074-1 THE At~IF~t'-tICF^?~i i~tE?ZCU'RY Zdint er , 1975 BY JAMES J_ ?~IAR~i'Ii~t ome An;er:cans have become much perturbed over the subject of political assassinations in recent months. Tl:e principal cat!se I~as been the vast publicity gi~?en to the efforts of the Senate Committee headed by Frank Church of Idaho which has been investi- gating the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). \Ve have been treated to Sen. Church's tremulous and breathless expostu- lations on radio and TV, the latter accom- panied by nen~ous finger exercises, mainly over the possibility that the deep cover activities of t}te LSA's massively fi:~anced and globally disp:rsed super-spy agency during the regency of Pres. John F. Ken- ned}' involved plots to assassinate Soviet P.ussia's political harlequin diversion in the Western Hemisphere, Fidel Castro of Cuba. Sen. Church has shown no accompanying concern over the subsequent assassination of Pres. Kennedy himself. The presumption may be that the entire story is in the record with respect to the latter. To rolrnd thins out, ex-governor of California Ronald Reagan, in one of his radio spots, charged that Adolf Hitler introduced political assassination to the modern world scene. 1Vhatever the quality of hir. Reagan's performance, this pri- marily. indicated that those preparing his material have Iitile knowledge of or use for history, even that of recent times. The record shows that the 1-titler regime en- gaged in no assassinstion enterprise at all, but was itself the object of a number, both before and during World 11'ar 11, including the botched attempt on Hitler himself, on July 20, 1944., 1Vhat ex-Gov. Reagan's researchers might have dare for him, in view of his pedigree as a "conservative," was to have provided him with chapter a:~d verse oa [he scores of assassinations carried ota by r-arious agencies of Communist Russia, the state which long ago brought political assassination to the level of a sc!ence. Included in this has been the repeated charges of contriving of sensational "sui- cides," usually involving falls from v:in- dows ~of high buildings or alleged self-in- flicted gw~shot wounds. Another ploy has been kidnappings and the subsequent E:er- manent disappearance of the victims, ~a somewhat less sensational but jt!st as ef- fective meats of removing obstreperotu or "non-cooperative" a:~ti-Communist public figures' of one sort or another, includinG defectors. fflatteotti and Villari Leftist "anti-fascists" of all stripes, es- pecially So~zet fellow travelers, far several decades managed to make much political hay out of two political assassinations which they char,ed to their hated adver- caries, Benito Diussalini and Adolf }~itler. in does the evidence support them, but their fanciful yarns have long been entrenched nevertheless.. TI! frst involves the kidnapping and subsequent death of Ciacomo;`iatteatii in Rome, 3une ]0, 192=1, i?iatteotti, a Socialist member of the Chamber of Deputies, known as a syrr!pathizer with Italy's enemies is World \ti'ar One, ~~~as also a wealthy landowner, rot a proletarian toiler, as his political . affiliations suggested. `i Lui; i Villari poi:tts ot!t in his Italian ` Foreign Polic}' Uirder .'Vhrssoli~ri (\'ew Fork: Devin-Adair, 196), that Aiatteoiti's - I _. .. _ - co~tinuec! Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP90-012088000100100074-1