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Publication Date: 
February 9, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/27 :CIA-RDP90-005528000303190022-3 STAT Ai. i I C~l~ .~s'F.~RED Ohl P 4G THE WASHINGTOP! POST 9 February 1982 Carl ~'. ,~ouan ~ ~s .~ Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and his- The reputations of both John and Ro- family obviously .were embarrassed by Bert Kennedy have ;town because of the prey revelations that John F. Kennedy circumstances under which the men died. had played that sordid little game of se- This is a common development' in this cretly recording his conversations with society. JFK is viewed as the liberal his top advisers and other Americans. ' ? `; ::#.knight who:improved on FDR and made r ?_ In what he surely oorL9iders an. act of =. Americans~beGeve that they were on the ' "openness," Ted Kengecly called for-'re--" .,verge of a glorious Camelot Does anyone lease. to the. publie:of the tran9ciipts.of `;: really' want to hear tapes which reveal those tapes at the soonest possible.time:: ,:; ?-, that JFK"could out-cure Richard Nixon, -'- There may be more bravery than. wis-~'- `=' was more? interested in hearing aboutthe- dom in this suggestion, because those mistress of the president of F'mland than tapes will make bitter enemies of a lot of ~ about U:S~'problems in Finland, was out living people, inducting- powerful Demo- _-~~~to~murrle-the press, especially insofar as crass, and they may serve most to tarnish, ""it stood. in the way of his hawkish ideas the reputations of John and Robert Ken- ,~ ~ regarding Indahina? - Wady, who have beoome~ larger in death ' ~': Does the Kennedy family want to let than they everwere iti~life:: ~-'' ..: ~; , r '.`~;:-jai. ~J?-Americans,.>especially the Kehnedy- 1v1ytime atthe United Nations, during haters, hear selected conversations sug- the Cuban missile crisis, convinced me gesting that Bobby Kennedy ~lidn,:t. that Adlai Stevenson was probably the really give a damn about blacks atiil ~reakest, moat indec~ive man ever~ts: Aside from-love of gossip, prurient in? 'trusted the Kennedya He was sure that tei?ests and ~ political opportunism; the{ Bobby Kennedy was bugging and: wires : ~ Tapes do offer Americans a chance' to see tapping eveq the places where Johnson: ;how theprnsidene~reallyoperates:~~+_~- ', vacationed, trying to?compite evidenceoF ;';,`?: ;.Those to es will reveal that Kati-~ -sexual and. other .ttar~?gress'ans that ~ nedv was as much a sucker for? an " would give JFI~~ an excuse to pick an:: victim o , Qus "into lioence star' i other running mate in 1964. But does the about ietnam as was Johnson. Ken.; Kennedy family really tvant? to release ne y, t erefore, was as ewer to pour jii~ tapes revealing that. President, Kennedy more military "advisers" who would' spoke of Johnson as a crass and crooked , ,teach the South .Vietnamese hoi~'td. puGtician who, at all co9ts, had to be kept "bloody the' noses" of the "aggtec~srsj i out of contact with ~nior Rifssians? from the north." ._ ; A lot more is involved.than JFK's pa~.~ ,`.: ; ,The historians will call ,these taPea.~ vale views of Stevenson;'`Johrison, hrs `gold+ mirte.~~ Those ~vhaye. repuiatitx_is? secretary of state, Dean Rusk. or a lot. of _, ,.,are tarnished will see a sewer. ,,~ ` other people. Release of aII these~tapes -' :' - If~'presidents ~ insist on recor'dingl " carries great dangers ta?the reputations- .-- everything-fo_r hist6ry, they ought at3 j ? of the late president and his brother; Ro- ? ? :least felt the other party that whaC hey i Bert--urilesaDan H. Ferro Jr. and otliers`.::~ or she says is being recorded...:.- ;: ?~' ~ n' ~ at the Kennedy Library in Boston. drop...:; ; .,They'll get. fat:more cautious. advice:>~~ a few 18-minute segments out of some o~ ' "But that' isn't alt bad. ~ :,._;??-?~ the tapes This is possible ; : : ; ;:; Y :,9198$ FIeYt Encerprfxey, [nc. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/27 :CIA-RDP90-005528000303190022-3