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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020052-2 President Carter Speaks On The Record REPORT FOR: EDITORS, NEWS DIRECTORS PREPARED BY: OFFICE OF MEDIA LIAISON THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS OFFICE DATE: March, 1980 ast s an The following is a compilation of some statements by the Pre19 9nt, covering presidentthe sttw mentnthn and supplementing seven previous reports for 1977, 1978 and report deal with a variety of topics and may be helpful to you as a reference resource. Please direct inquiries to Patricia Bario or Karen Ahn, Office of Media Liaison, 162 Old Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20500. (202) 456-6623 or 2832. far the America cooperat on with AGRICULTURE While much work remain made bd ,Admin stration,ei ulture best in the world. Efforts by my Congress, to secure economic stability for the farmer, have produced results. farm a $4rbfarm prouction. ilhon increase over. 1978 In 1979, we experienced billion in record 1979, year income jumped to $32 o $32 Agricultural exports also reache ehighs, the Soviet Un onnwe9cantexpect f exports billion. Despite the suspension ofd a continued healthy export picture for our Nation's farmers. State of the Union Message We now have an assortment of Federal loan, grant and insurance programs natural designed to protect farmers mri h my Administration that theses programs disasters. We recognized early were in serious need of reform. They are marked by many shortcomings: cers of inconsistencies in eligibility, lin in use of taxpayers mone to yuRecent different crops, and inefficiencies evidence of abuse in the altu al disaster loan programs provides further evidence of the need for this reform. I have sent the Congress a proposal to consolidate these authorities in the form of an all-risk comprehensive insurance insurance program, but work clear progress in devising an improved remains to be done. I urge the Congress to finish its work on this legislation as soon as possible. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020052-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020052-2 inflation erodes basic programs, all adding new pressures for Federal spend- ing. But I am confident that this budget responds responsibly-and with needed resources-to our Nation's most pressing needs and positions us for responsible and effective government in the 1980s. State of the Union Message 1/21/80 There are a few items that I should emphasize. This budget encompasses a strong commitment to our defense. As spelled out to the Congress late last fall, this will encompass about a five percent increase in budget authority, in real terms above and beyond inflation, for fiscal year 1981, compared to fiscal year 1980. In addition, we have a strong commitment to energy. A major portion of the funds to be allocated for energy purposes will come from the windfall profits tax, now in the final stages of deliberation by the Congress. This money will go for increased production of energy in our country; for the alleviation of the fiscal burden on the shoulders of poor people by increasing energy costs; for research and development in the energy field; for increased transportation; and of course, in addition to that, for the conservation effort, which is greater than any that this country, or the world, indeed, has ever seen. Remarks Upon Signing Budget Message 1/28/80 In 1976 the Federal deficit represented 4.6% of our gross national product. In 1979, the fiscal year just completed, it was 1.2% of gross national product. In the 1981 budget, shortly to be released, the proposed deficit will be no more than one-half of one percent of gross national product. We cannot afford to backtrack on our commitment to further deficit reduc- tions. I urge you to join with me in the year ahead in resisting expensive and improvident pressures on the budget which would surely undermine our efforts to contain inflation. Message to Congress on Small Business 1/14/80 CENTRAL We also need clear and quick passage of a new charter to define the legal INTELLIGENCE authority and accountability of our intelligence agencies. We will guarantee AGENCY that abuses do not recur, but we must tighten our controls on sensitive intelligence information and we need to remove unwarranted restraints on America's ability to collect intelligence. State of the Union Address 1/23/80 . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020052-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020052-2 We obviously don't want to wipe out all restraints on the intelligence agencies. We want to be accountable, not only to the Congress but to the American people. Obviously I have to have the ultimate responsibility for any violations of propriety that might be threatened by the intellig nce agencies. But I think there has been an excessive requirement for reporting i the past. There has been an excessive requirement for the revelation of highly-sensitive documents. And there has been an excessive restraint on what the CIA and other intelligence groups could do. But we will be very cautious, as we evolve this new charter, not to permit any improprieties by the CIA in the future. The Executive Order that I issued after I had been in office for about a year or so, is the basis for the kind of charter principles that we personally favor. Editors Briefing 1/29/80 CONSUMERS Of course, now I have you as allies, but the President still represents the people who cannot afford a lobby. President Truman could never have predicted the changes that now make it so hard for a President alone, or even with the consumer federation, to balance the scales. Ours is a time when a lobbyist pushing one button on a computer can immediately send 10,000 letters on any subject to the Congressmen on the Hill. But consumers have some things that special interests do not have. We have the power of numbers. And we have right and justice on our side. Remarks to Annual Conference of Consumer Federation of America 2/7/80 .My Administration worked closely with the Congress to create the National Consumer Cooperative Bank. The Bank is to provide loans, loan guarantees, and other financial services to non-profit consumer cooperatives, operating in such areas as food, housing, health, and auto repair. To demonstrate my commitment to this innovative institution, I have signed legislation increasing appropriations for the Bank from $4 million in fiscal 1979 to $74 million in fiscal 1980. Legislation has also been, signed adding two members to the Bank's board of directors-one to represent the interests of small business and one to represent the general public. This year we will continue our efforts with Congress to make the Bank a strong and vital resource for consumers. State of the Union Message 1/21/80 DEFENSE Ever since the first year I have been President we have had a substantial and steady increase in spending for defense because I recognized that we had some defects in our defense capability when I became President. I might add in complete accuracy that President Ford had initiated this build-up shortly before he went out of office. It is one I have continued. In my opinion, the military budget that we have presented to the Congress in recent weeks is the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/28: CIA-RDP90-00552R000101020052-2