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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/13 :CIA-RDP90-005528000100620080-6 ~..~ 1 L' T i'. lei P~ ~,~~ r, P~~~' PIL"~1 YORK 1'I?~-iES 5 DEC~~~~ lg8i ... 5,_, ~ ~ .a ,. WASHINGTON. Dec. 4?= President j let! "significant" fcrdgn intellie Rsaoan issued an executive order today . that broadens the authority at the na- tion's inteHIgeace agencies Lo collect in- tnrrnstion fromfA.mrricans at home and abtcad_ it autbotizes the Central Intellf- bence Agency for tl>erSrst time to pl?- c'.uct carert operatiarrsdoraestically. . l FoF+?ver, "the 1?-page order omits:' roost of the pro~risicra of an esrlier draft that vrere opposed bx members of the Test, pages 1&I9. 1?r~tyse and Senate IntellIger~ce comrait- teesand doll liberties groups,tncltsding a ::ectiory L`yat wuild have pertaitted.tbe C.I.A. tD infiltrate and influence Aayeii- can erganizaticw avithout a court yraz- rant. . .. T2:e order signed today replaces an executive order signed by President Carter art Jan ?A, 19'78 that is tl~e basic ira.~nework for all intelligence activi- ty oa 't?? rsP!w eedtr_ like ib ~?'. ra s it~e Lance or taw. ~ ; ; .., ~,...,~., ....., .., .........~ ---o -- -- - --.- -:. operation, praised the order, stating Staten groups suspeued of being agents ~C-'~'P~So fix;" ~ :,~., that it provided "adeovate safeguards ~ of a foreign power. _ _ .:. In a statemeynt released by tx Waite ? against improper intelligetyce -opera- ' Tr.~ Administration otfidais dis- Ho1se, ?resident Reagan said that ibe i t'ons within the United States while al- : ~ the new order -with .reporters ! intelligence order and a aompenian I Iw-ityg t2ye agetscies to perform the hyno-; today:. F~ln M?ese 3d, counselor Lo Lhe order rz~~blishiryg a three-member.S ~~ ~t ~ ~~ 2O p~~ ~ ~- ' ~ident; Richard K i?Villiard, head of clonal seayrity >. theJustice Departa?ent Off ce of Tntelii- paraa] io monitor iatellig~ence activities, ~ ?+` ?~; ~. -? ': ~ ~ ,Bence Policy and Review; and Adm. vaere' `consistent celiac my promise is t3ye ! 5enatcrr Daniel Patrick A2oynihan, . Babb R. Ituaan, Dir?ctor of campaign *Jemocrat of New York' anti. acting ' Y' ~ttY to nwitalize Americans inter. c?i~~, of the panel, said that the Centzsl Intelligence. , lige~ system... The executive or~Cer, order "yvaitas ii clear that the mission ; .Tee senior Adrniaistration officials he ty~ded, will help the natic+n "ccrtt'ccyt of ttie C.I.A. is abread." He added that maintaL^.ed that. tbe executive order the irczeasing ciialIenge of espionage otilY a "vsry tear" prcvisicass of the .would riot result in ma;or changes in Labe ar:d terrorlgrn." - + order, "it misinterpreted or stretched , GI.A.'s role in the United States and "To those~oi you wl>Q view this rhanSe ~ beyond tht Ieg:tiraate intent o[ their au- ;that many of the provisicrys were "sub-. suspi ' ,hors, cmtld pose some problems." : stantiaily the same" as those contained ct direction with roa,.'.Prr_siGc:t r j w ~ ,. fn Mr. Carter's order. Tne most si fi- R~=~,an sta.ed, let ysye assure you that ~ Iu ad~;.ttion to permitting the sec: at ~ ~ cant change. the official said, was in LY`a: ic`. l i~Y this office [yD intelligenxe-: colletxian of sig~Cant iorefgn intelli- the order's "toCle and a roac2t" io the a~~:~ottheUnitedStates,oraalratlars~g'~,infor~ation within 'the~Unitecl ~telli~encea encies'mi~ssicn. a~ ; ~:c9 for that matxer, ~vf12 be gives'3~e States the or ter gives the C.I..3. author- Theaorder rgetains several restrictions I :, a.;-?Qrity to violate the rights sad 1?~:er- ' !t3- to canduC- within the United States . .'special activities,,. or aryert opera- . t~rytained in tole. Carter's order. roe ex-i `.> gttararyteed to all Americans :your ; ticns, approved by the President. b1r. ; ample, the r:evv order also a bans assns- ~ G;;~:stitutianarydlaws." Carter's order prohibited such actions sinatiacsbyiatelligenceagEntxes... I t'!ye order received mLiYd ~revies-s ? domesticslly. _ ~ _ ~ The order accepted 15 of the 18 major. frog, members of the House and Senate ; . ~ 'changes proposed by the House and Sexy- pacels un fntelllgence arsd from civil i , , Such Act:ars ?i(ery Rare'...: ate panels on intelligence. Specifically. At a:news conference today. a senior the AdminLstratiorr decided to delete 1 libertiesorganixations. ~ Administration official lobo declined to' provisions contained in an eat~ier draft ?>'~+oubl3rtg' aod'VeeyDbt (~ be identified. stressed Lhat such actions that would have permitted the C.I.A. to Representative F.d~-atd P. Boland. i would be "veryrare." - :` ;.. - _; infiltrate and influence American or-. The order defines covert actioas,-ar anizationswithoutacourtwarrant. ~ -~ Democrat of Massacl,.:~tb w'l~o is al activities, as it~.aee "conducted l; chairman of the Iious::, Intelli specs It eliminated a provision that would Comatittee; viewed as ''troubling" a in wort Af national foreign policy ob- have freed. agency heads from being re- jectives abroad-which are planned sad quir~ed to report possible Federal crimes ? .,..~.t~:.,.. rfi'- rrrenita thnt C_IA tD t:0)r- ---~....a e...~a..,~ iMv ..,yo of ry*a t tnilwl L_- .~,.,_ ,......i....~ n .iotnse.i ~ .irs.(t ~'+""" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/13 :CIA-RDP90-005528000100620080-6 SyJL7)ITH YlII.LyIt _ speciaywrsP!~-.7attle+e. . sexzttly ~rithia tip United Stales if zlfort is nett aiszd at learning about Gestic activities of Ayaey3can d ' and corporatia~. President Cart order restricted such collection to ei o~merdai informatico or *lata a American residents and cxarporati believed to be acting co belsalf of a e3gi Po'w'er. . . Representative Don Edwards. I3emc.- crat of California and chairman of *he Hose Judiciary Subcommittee an Civil anti CoostituL?cxsal ~ip,lyb, described as "vetY disturbing" that-provision . Ln morn 'broadly. the over- partiralar a.^d ported to t_*ie tto+ise era ~i.-Hate uttetu- i g?. xnce ov?rsight panels. TCe official ac- :srawled~d 1haL t,'ye panels?'ad rot tine- I ing this Admini+ccrAtion cppc.`sed arty o2 f "the very ie~" covert ae*.ion cases it had .wivwwi_ but he addw! the[ the , all order. . _ ! monitoring sessions had not been. i ?'txe order. l=e said, creates a "secret f??~~p Pat-en-L'~e-bacasir.3ations." police that can operate- clandestinely~~ ,.:...1'LpsiralSurseillanceAbraad aboradaaddomestitally." - ~T'2te new order also permits physical "Big ;3roilyerhas ret:tTned;" Mr. Ed- !surveiiian~ of ~rnerican citizens and i ~nrardsremarked. _ .. corporationsabtbadinraayawnterinEei-4 headers of ilye Serrate Select Commit- ligerce irrv?stigaten or in ~'ty invtstiga- 2eeenlntellfgencedisagreed: ? ~ ?:`~' flan for significant foreign intelligence' Senator Barry GoIdsrater,Republican that castnot be obtained by tither means.. of Arizoca .sryd- the. chairman ct the inn. Carter had limited such surveil- I