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Publication Date: 
October 22, 1983
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Approved For Release 2011/01/18: CIA-RDP85M00363R000200370060-8 COMINLULOW DEPARTMENT OF STATE CENTER OIERATIONS, CRE1&DA VOREING GROUP T NO ` R . ? SITt~ATI011 RErw SITUATION IN GRENADX AS OF 0500 EDT. OCTOBER 22,'19ti3 OAS headquarters received a report from its Gre~uda office that former Grenadian UN Ambassador Radix, _ inent journalist Alistair Nuuhes and his wife were prom I'21:. killed though Radio free Grenada has denied the repent. killed since the ' v b h e een a Reportedly 38 people disturbances began. w,-still have not been able toy orts that Nrnard Coard has A180 1 r re li p e confirm ear killed. It has been confirmed that the Grenada Ambasaadot DX1 intercede with the U.S. OR IIOU:iE ILDxJ forestall an 'imminent' intervention by U.S. forces. IIILox1 they had vehemently rejec etbeir behalf in order td n LDX1 that t e mee g F ILOX 1 from CARICON. Trinidad Government officials reported that t d a Grenadian request td mongers of t e ar another round of meettgQs in Trinidad October 22. ~Pressreports quote Trinidad4oreign Ministry sources as stating would,eonsider the exclusion of Grenada h ti Leaders of the Eastern Caribbean subregion (Pius Jamaica) gathered inrictnada. October to joint measures againstiG h C ibbeon Community (CARICOR) will 'bold are no defenses visible. Despite the curfew] it appear the Point Salines Airfield is continuing. Novevss.'I thine r looting occur was lifted October 20.. These disturbances were said to be provoked by grocery stores not being open. ? that conatructof G GROUP Unsubstantiated reports indicate that rioting apd ed during the four hour period the W COW to the OAS, Dessima williams bas resigned. we have received unconfirmed reports that Nichol l0 Gibbs, an American citizen friend of former Prime?*.tnister Bishop, was detained on October 19 by members of the people's Revolutionary Army. unconfirmed reports also indicate that the itevplutionary military council may extend the outlaw two coand .0 ;. at three days past itsiscb*duled expiration aauati tion? strikes kes by seamn, waterfront wor workers could continue. q;F,Wr- Approved For Release 2011/01/18: CIA-RDP85M00363R000200370060-8 Approved For Release 2011/01/18: CIA-RDP85M00363R000200370060-8 ON! ID>r$TIA ue to receive assurances from various we continue ~outces that U.S. citizens at %he medical school are safe... :Ve understand that 34 students have already signed up o leave and some have already left_on,chartered boats b o a t s. Us, has - R.VOlut1VnI[Y nasita.j two Embassy officials to visit Grenada today. i/A - adl . Gar ' chazd .Brown for Watch Ofli t Sen working Group CO1v?IDENTIAL Approved For Release 2011/01/18: CIA-RDP85M00363R000200370060-8 ,