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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00965R000807600026-6 ARTICLE AP''EAM WASHINGTON POST ON PAGE ij 29 October 1983 Reports iet Magnify_Soy T4esence CIA's Reports Magnify Soviet-Cuban Presence By:Bob Woodward and'Patrick a Tyler waahk~gton Post8tttt writers :'Ian? tgence,reports coming from Grenada afersthe U.S. "ion show a stronger and larger Soviet-Ldban tnilitazg soli diplomatic -presence a" ex ected, but.,they may fall;, short of supporting 'president -Reagans as- sertion that the Caribbean island was "being readied as a major: itar'y bastion to export terror,' according totninistration and con- gressional sources. After the Senate Intelligence Committee was -briefed yesterday by CIA Director Wil- liam J. Casey, a Republican member of the committee said that the large, combat-ready Cuban construction force -pod extensive an- tiaircraft batteries camouflaged around the. -Point Salina Airport 'R? the Soviets. and "CW had established a permanent base of operatigns. But-the senator ded That the adminis- tration's case ` the island 'was :being readied to export volution and terror in the eastern Caribbean was "inferential and cir- cumstantial" at this poir, . . Pentagon officials sr 4y they be- lieved there are about 1;100 Cubans on the island, 600 of whom have been captured by U.S. forces who landed on. Grenada Tuesday. morning. The CIA has sent five "6errogators to Grenada to begin screening the captured Cu- bans, a senior official said. - The official said the discovery of the well- established Cuban presence provided U.S. intelligence analysts with a unique opportu- nity to, study closely: the military manage- ment and organization of ? a small I state under Soviet and Cuban influ- The Cuban ,construction crews turned out to-have been equipped 'for combat much like U.S. Navy Seabees (construction battalions), ,according. to the official. In their bar- racks on the southern end of Grenada. the official said, American forces found special hooks by the Cubans' bunks from which to hang their AK47 assault rifles. in GeV"- The Cubans- were said.'-to haveI thigh technology_ Soviet and Cuban f tmunicationsgear and. weaponry.' 9senior .offnraal said a Cuban gen-: gland recently ins ommand or, presence on the island of a:".Cuban 'colonel as - an indication -of the im- portance placed on the military base. Several sources, including a Pen- tagon official and a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said yesterday that the Cuban colonel, Pedro Tortolo Comas, -was - sent to Grenada the*day before the invasion "to lead the resistance." By the time Tortolo arrived,, the impending in- vasion was being widely reported in the Caribbean. Political leaders there. were: debating whether to 'endorse the - invasion plan. by some eastern Caribbean countries. A Reagan administration official said the volume of weapons found in Grenada by invading U.S. forces far exceeded the defensive needs of the' island and the only logical conclu- sion was that the island was being prepared as a staging area by the Soviets-and Cubans: "The' raw military photos alone ,and the raw numbers, including mil- lions of rounds of ammunition, make the, case," this official said. Contrary to-earlier reports, a Sen- ate intelligence staff source said a Cuban ship named the "Vietnam Heroica"did not resupply the Cuban troops during the weekend before the invasion. The supply ship had been 'in a Grenada harbor since Oct. 17-or Oct. 18. this source said, before' the death of Grenada's former prime : minister, Maurice Bishop. Pentagon officials said yesterday that. a troop. .transport. offloaded arms an St. George's on' Oct. 6. U.S. forces have found :49 -Soviet bloc diplomats and dependents in STAT Grenada. In addition, U.S. officials said they, were surprised to be told that 24 North Koreans, 10 East Ger- mans and four Bulgarians were 4ak- kvr Grenada.----, This is considered large for a -country?'that, size :and , is certain -to ;include. intelhgenoe,, tifl'icers, said . oidmmnatibn bffieia~,rwho Kure tha g-., k-r ; F r t almost a ual the iitnmber of. North Koreans in Nicaragua supporting the :Soviet-.Cuban presence .there. At the closest, U.S. Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados, there have been as many as 40 to 50 American diplomats with a total staff of 155 personnel, according to Salle A. Shelton; a former;'ami)assador to Barbados. The embassy represents ,U.S. interests in Barbados and a'. -number of, other'-:Caribbean coun- tries.. - During yesterday's `-Senate Intel- ligence Committee briefing, accord- ing to one Republican senator who attended, Casey compared Grenada and Nicaragua, noting that the mix of Soviet bloc diplomats =and advis- ers seems roughly the 'sapne in each of the two countries. Though Casey apparently did not mention it to the Senate committee yesterday, a senior `administration official said the CIA has indications that a Soviet-backed assassination team was involved in killing former prime minister Bishop last.week, six days before the V.S. invasion. It was reported from the region -last week that Bishop and a number of his aides were killed after a crowd of supporters freed him from house arrest Oct. 19. He reportedly was executed after being seized outside Fort Rupert on the island by "-Grenadan troops `then ' under the command of Gen. Hudson-Austin. The administration official ,de- clined'to reveal the-.'basis for infor mation about a Soviet assassination. team. The officiaLcited this informa- tion as an "important intelligence byproduct" being. gathered in the wake of the invasion,'_. COATINUED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00965R000807600026-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00965R000807600026-6 Another senior administration of- ficial, who monitored intelligence reports in the White House this week, said there was no mention of the alleged Soviet assassination team in the reporting. However, the offi- cial said he heard verhal.reports of such a team having been sent to Grenada, but took the unsourced reports to be of rather low reliability. A senior administration official also said Soviet and-Cuban military documents and secret files seized after Tuesday's invasion were booby trapped with explosives and had to be defused. Officials said U.S. mil- itary forces were able to take posses- lion of most of-Ili etlocaments safely,' One Pentagon official said the documents did'iot contain any?writ=, ten. contingency plan-by 'C bans or Grenadans. to seize hostages --to forestall a U.S..invasion. The official said it was. assumed here in advance of the ' invasion that the Cubans- might take hostages. The documents are still being translated and ana- lvzed. Several sources familiar with Casey's briefing said the CIA re- ceived very little criticism from the senators yesterday for underestimat ing the Soviet and Cuban presence on Grenada. "There is general agree- ment that it is difficult to get good intelligence on. an island when the Cuhans are 'in charge." said -one source. Casey reportedly also made it clear that he favored the invasion by a force of- U.S. -Marines and Army . Rangers and feels it will send an im- i portant message to the Soviets and Cubans that their.presense in Nic- aragua is not accepted, AhatNicara- gua is not immune from U.S. inter- vention. and that the,the United States is willing and able to strike to protect its interests in the hemi- sphere. Congressional sources said that Reagan recently signed a new. pres-' idential "finding" to justify CIA: co- vert activity in the Caribbean. to -support-democracy," conduct "coun- terterrorism" -operations. and fight drug trafficking. One congressman said the finding proposed no new funds for such;,op- erations, but added that the finding ':. was couched in such vague language that "vou could drive a truck through it." A Senate source said the finding will allow the CIA to support friendly political organizations. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/23: CIA-RDP90-00965R000807600026-6