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Document Release Date: 
February 9, 2012
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Publication Date: 
January 17, 1985
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ST"Tr Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09 :CIA-RDP90-009658000403350015-4 . ;`~:-~ LOS ANGELES TIMES -~ . fr.; ~r;''~~ ' ~ .. =~ 17 January, 1985 ~~ ~ ~ - .. By NORD4AN I:E~fPSTER, Times Staf f tit~riter ~~'ASHINGTON-The L'.S. gov- ernment apologized to Poland on ~'~'ednesday ? for a broadcast by Ftadio Free Europe that, in a heavy-handed attempt at humor that left Warsaw unamused, com- pared Polish Premier V~'oiciech Ja- ruzelski with Adolf Hitler. "The U.S. government dissoci- ates itself from that broadcast and regrets any implication of similari- ty between Nazi Germany and present-day Poland, and particu- larly betx~een Adolf Hitler and Ger.. Jaruzelski," State Department spokesman Alan Romberg said, reading from a prepared statement. "Although Radio Free Europe receives funds from the U.S. Con- gress, it is not a U.S. government agency, nor is it subject to editorial censarship by the U.S. govern- ment," Romberg said. "VVe learned of the broadcast in question after it was aired." `Propaganda Gangsterism' P.omberg x~as responding to a complaint by Polish government spokesman Jerzy Urban, who on Tuesday branded the broadcast "propaganda gangsterism." He said Poland could not seriously consider Z','ashington's announced interest in improved relations unless Radio Free Europe was restrained. A L'.S. official said the broadcast apparently was taken word for word, without credit, from a maga- zine published in Paris by Polish emigres. The item was contained in a satirical issue of the magazine, but Radio Free Europe did not tell its listeners that the broadcast was intended as a joke. The broadcast Jan. 7 was pur- ported to be a speech given by Hitler to members of his National Socia}ist Yarty in 1939, the year his government signed a nonaggres- sion pact with the Soviet Union. The announcer described the broadcast as "a cubbyhole of recol- lections dedicated to Vi'. Jaruzel- ski." It x?as the on]}? reference to the Polish leader. Undoubtcdly Phony , The speech, replete with paral- lels to conditions in present-day Poland, is undoubtedly a phony because some of the topics refer to . events that did not happen in Germany until after 1939. Never- theless, the broadcast apparently touched a responsive chord in many anti-government Poles. Radio Free Europe, once a CIA o eration, now is financed openly liv the '. government and is supervised by the presidentially ' appointed Board for International Broadcasting. It broadcasts in six lan~uaaes to pastern Europe from '. a transmitter in A.unich. It has no connection with the voice of America. the Qovernment's official radio outlet, which broadcasts around the world. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09 :CIA-RDP90-009658000403350015-4