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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402830021-5 3 ARTICLE APPEAR= THE WALL STREET JOURN OR PAGE, Halfway , through November, spewing "--the sort now enjoyed *'the Brteztnskis, smoke and cliche hundreds of feet into the Rusks and Bundys of the world. The Kis- air, Mount Kissinger entered a peculiarly singer imperial ego evidently regards this active phase. Though no actual loss of life latter course as unthinkable. seems to have occurred, "Kissinger 1 had thought that Mr. Kissinger's choo Alr*ts" were broadcast on an hourly basis, sen mode, that of international superstar. W;. ig the populace to beware of falling cafe society's preferred oracle, would not semi-extinct volcano. The first eruption took place in the Lon- don Economist, dated November 13-.19, and took the form of a "conversation" between A Preemptive Eruption by Mount enr ss nger. 2 December 1982 for long endure; that the decline would be rapid, from special adviser to NBC. to guest on the Johnny Carson show, to final apotheosis on the Hollywood Squares. Not so. Needing, by the look of his appurte- Viewpoint mantes and domestic requirements, at least a million a year in Income, Mr. Kis- b Alexander Cockburn singer has lived by his wits with amazing by .success. There is now a whole range of semi-extinct volcanoes, Including Lord Mr. Kissinger, coyly described as "a pri? Carmsm and R. O. Anderson, grouped VIII! et n^ and rhP rdirnr v,f ,ho R,.,,.,... under the generic title "Kissinger Assoc) mist a long-term Kissinger disci le An- '' amb 'L"u '_uduxul; "OuZ cn Lry let LO , p , each client. There are business co:sultan- drew xat hL Ov v f i ties to Goldman Sachs and Chase and ad- __visory functions at ABC and Newsweek. Necessary in the success of this type of operation is the belief of client or public that the relevant retired statesman has anything to offer. beyond gallon jugs of .'wisdom" and '.experience." The trick here is to ensure at least the appearance of "brief ngs" or "consultancies" by. those actually in power, and of course the possi- bility that the retired statesman might one day get back: into power himself. Mr. Kis- singer, hinting that he might have had a hand in the formulation of the Reagan Plan for the Middle Ear., perennially bathing himself in rumors of an emissary or more substantial role, and at a pinch proffering sagacious public advice, is a master at giv 'tog 'the volcano at least a semblance of life. Yet there was more to the November eruptions than such normal considerations. Oddly enough, Anthony Lewis provided the tipoff. Normally this liberal columnist is so quick to leap on his moral high horse that he clears the saddle by a couple of feet, but on November 22 he hailed Mr. Kis- singer's utterances on the Middle East, while adding cautiously that "on such is- ..sues as Vietnam and Chile be used power g er e i nterminable pages the two K's rambled through the politics of the Levant.. leisurely seeking out and suc- cessfully locating the obvious: the "fresh beginning" now to be descried beneath the rubble of Lebanon; the hopes, but ye: the perils offered by the Reagan plan; the pos- sibiltty -for moderate advance, yet the ever-present menace of extremism. Hardly had the basso rumblings died down before Mount Kissinger burst into ac- tivity once more. The eruption came this time in Newsweek, in the edition that went on sale on November 22. That magazine's new young editor in chief, William Broyles, seemingly as eager an acolyte as Mr. Knight, spread Mr. Kissinger across four inside pages and gave him the cover as well: "How to Deal with Moscow-An Ex- elusive Report by Henry- Kissinger." Once again, for those foolhardy enough to embark on the text, there was the ex- hausting trek through slowly cooling sta- tesrnanspeak: "To bring about a genuine change-expressed in substantial recipro? cal arms reduction and restraint in inter- national conduct-requires American lead- ership founded In firm purpose, clear con' ceps and steadfast strategy j LQur_ pol?_ icy must be based on strength to discour- age adventtirism yet at the same time of- fer a vision of a better world for all ) p~p es At frst I took all this volcanic activity from a forthcoming Atlantic Monthly arts- - to be part of a normal :pattern: Mr.-Kis- , :. cle by Seymour Hersh.". singer's perennial need to keep lets name In ... The commotf?ns of mom Kissinger, 'ex~ sa nil t t m y V 9 o id were once c the pabic rye as a senor statesman, an, thus maintain his exchange value. In a de- pained: a Preemptive strike. If a volcano U.-. f cently ordered world Mr.'Ktsstnger would have at some point endowed himself with legal credentials and thus could now-like Cyrus Vance or William Rogers-have re- tired to the powerful obscurity of an ob- scure)y powerful law firm. The alternative, for which no known credentials .are re- quired, would be an academic position of beyond the limits of decency. We can ex- pect to )earn more about his role in Chile e, you ve . is b? rsung ponderousty into L less time to inspect the pool of sewage spreading across the backyard. The issue of the Atlantic with Mr. Hersh's article in it went on the newsstands a day or two af- ter -Ne% week grandly promulgated Mr. Kissinger's views of the Russian. Mr. Hersh's article has not caused much of a stir. The Washington Post said It contained "no smoking gun." These are times, of course, when a gun has to ex- plode in your band for anyone to pay atten- bon. Wounds are being healed, Vietnam memorials unveiled and ex-presidents re- habilitated at such a rate that they'll prob. ably be reappointing Spiro . Aprew soon as secretary of commerce. Mr. Hersh's examination of the actions of Messrs. Nixon and Kissinger immedi- ately before. and after the popular election -of Salvador Allende in September and Oc- tober 1970 seems to me to establish as sol- idly as available historical evidence will probably ever permit. that orders for the overthrow -and, Mr. Hersh implies, the as- sassination of-Allende came out of the president's office and were urged by his national security adviser. Mr. Hersh also deduces that CIA operatives were dis- patched to Chile and that their mission et8- minated in the murder of Get. Rene Schneider, commander in chief of the Chi- lean army. Mr. Hersh's investigation dem- onstrates that Mr. Kissinger subsequently lied repeatedly about his and his muter-s attempts to bring down the legally elected Chilean president. The article shows in de- tail Messrs. Nixon and Kissinger conspir- ing with U.S. executives to subvert Chile. You could argue that a man who tried and may indeed ultimately have succeeded in engineering the overthrow of Allende is well qualified to assess the best manner of dealing with the former head of the KGB. But that is not quite how Newsweek pre- sented Kissinger's expertise. For the opin- ion-forming elite, as represented by the' ed-. hors of the Economist and Newsweek, the smoking volcano seems permanently to overshadow the smoking gun. whirl shorts you can survive anything, provided you are statesmanlike about It. Mr. Cockburn is a cobnnnist.Jar The ViIlape Voice. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/29: CIA-RDP90-00965R000402830021-5 STAT