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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201190003-9 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE 1311, J CHICAGO TRIBUNE 10 November 1985 Soviet spy's flip-flop leaves CIA red-faced By Raymond Coffey Chicago Tribune WASHINGTON--No one hero--- starting with President Reagan- seems to know for sure whether Soviet spymaster Vitaly Yurchen- ko, who flew home to Moscow last week, was a bona fide defector or a KGB plant. But the whole world knows the Central Intelligence Agency blew another big case, to the considera- ble embarrassment of the Reagan administration as it prepares for the Geneva summit with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. And whatever else his future holds, Yurchenko's career in the top echelon of the KGB is effec- tively finished; even if he was a plant, his Soviet superiors can never really trust him again. Those appear to be, following Yurchenko's stunningly dramatic redefection announcement last Monday, the only real consensus judgments that have emerged among administration officials, people on Capitol Hill most famil- iar with the case and members of' what is called the "intelligence community." The CIA, mainly through its loy- alist alumni with which Washington is aswarm, mounted a major campaign last week to per- suade Congress, the media and the public that Yurchenko, who had been identified as the No. 5 man in the KGB apparatus and touted as one of the prize catches ever lan- ded by the CIA, was a genuine and valuable defector. In the last few days some critics in the administration and Congress have taken the CIA to task for its handling of the affair and have suggested that Yurchenko was not such a prize catch after all. Friday night, in an unusual step apparently intended to rebut those critics, the CIA made public a three-page "fact sheet" tracing Yurchenko's career from high school in 1948 to his last as- signment, supervising KGB agents in the U.S. and Canada. The infor- mation presumably came from CIA interrogation of the man. But doubts persist, especially among experts in Congress, and even President Reagan seemed un- persuaded by the CIA argument. In an interview with news agen- cy reporters last week the Presi- dent gave weight to the theory that Yurchenko was a plant all along and that the KGB had hoodwinked the CIA. Reagan suggested the Yurchen- ko case, plus two other recent incidents involving Soviet defectors who changed their minds, might constitute a "deliberate ploy" aimed at affecting the political climate at his Nov. 19-20 summit with Gorbachev. Reagan also disputed the re- lentlessly publicized claims of CIA Director William Casey and his' operatives that Yurchenko had supplied the U.S. with extremely valuable intelligence during his three months in the care of the CIA. "The information that he provid- ed was not anything new or sensa- tional," Reagan said, adding that most of it was already known to the CIA. While Yurchenko's motives and authenticity remained a puzzle, even some of the CIA's staunchest friends in official Washington ad- mitted to chagrin and embar- rassment over the handling of the Yurchenko case. A member of Congress who serves on one of the intelligence oversight committees and is gener- ally an active defender of the CIA said he wondered whether "they're a bunch of Keystone Kops" or "broken-down house dicks." Sen. David Durenberger [R., Minn.), chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said he believed Yurchenku was a genuine defector and the CIA had not been lax in allowing him to get up from dinner with a CIA agent and stroll over to the nearby Soviet Embassy residential compound last Saturday night. But Senators Patrick Leahy [D., Vt. ], Sam Nunn [ D.. Ga. ] and William Cohen [R., Me.], who also serve on the committee and re- ceived extensive briefings on Yur- chenko from the time he defected in Rome last summer, all ex- pressed suspicions that Yurchenko was a double agent from the begin- ning, planted on the CIA by the KGB. Either he was a legitimate defec- tor who created "significant em- barrassment" to the U.S. by being allowed to walk away from his CIA handlers and redefect, Leahy said, or "you have a double agent who was planted on the United States and then you have far more than a significant embarrassment, you have an out-and-out calamity." As in any good spy story, the Yurchenko case involves almost countless twists and turns and speculations. Inevitably also, there is the romantic angle. In the early days after he alleg- edly came in from the cold, Yur- chenko, 49, who wears a walrus mustache, was being touted in CIA-inspired leaks as not only an extremely high-ranking KGB offi- cer-the man in charge of all Sovi- et espionage in the U.S. and Cana- da-but as a new and different kind of defector. He had defected, the stories went, not for love or money or selfish interest but for ideological reasons: He was fed up with com- munism and the Soviet system. But after his redefection, the assiduously spread leaks from the intelligence community took a dif- ferent turn and focused instead on Yurchenko's alleged jilting in a love affair with the wife of a Soviet diplomat stationed in Canada. He had intended, to defect and have her join him in an affluent new life in America supported by a fat CIA payoff. By Yurchenko's account, the CIA had offered him $1 million plus $62,500 a year, with annual Social Security-style cost- of-living adjustments. They were also willing to throw in $48,000 worth of furniture from the CIA "safe house" in Virginia where the CIA had stashed him, Yurchenko said. Now, came the word from CIA supporters, Yurchenko's motives weren't ideological at all. Instead, as one retired CIA official put it, "the chick chickened out," he got "cold feet" and changed his mind. Yurchenko, in fact, did make a recent trip to Canada, obviously with the approval of his CIA handlers, according to reports from Canada. But Canadian offi- cials ruled out any link between Yurchenko and the suicide in Toronto last week of the 48-year- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201190003-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201190003-9 old wife of a Soviet trade represen- tative. Those who support the CIA ar- gument that Yurchenko originally was a legitimate defector rely mainly on reports that he identi- fied for the CIA at least four sometime operatives in U.S. agen- cies who were, in fact, Soviet agents. The most celebrated case is that of Edward Lee Howard, a former CIA employee who allegedly tip- ped the Soviets off and enabled them to nail A.G. Tolkachev, a Soviet aeronautical electronics ex- pert who had been supplying infor- mation to the CIA. Those who question the genuine- ness of Yurchenko's defection note that Howard had been fired by the CIA before Yurchenko defected and therefore was of no further value to the Soviets anyway. Moreover, in another example of what critics regard as incompe- tence on the part of the CIA, Howard vanished from his New Mexico home before the FBI was able to arrest him and has now fled the country. The CIA report- edly failed to tell the FBI of its doubts about Howard. In the Yurchenko redefection, the CIA apparently did not notify the FBI or anyone else that he had disappeared. The White House, the Justice Department and apparent- ly the CIA itself were taken totally by surprise Monday when Yur- chenko turned up at a rare press conference in the Soviet Embassy and claimed he never had defec- ted-that he had been kidnaped, drugged and tortured by U.S. agents. What has been most baffling to most people about the CIA hand- ling of the case is that Yurchenko, dining with a single CIA handler at the Au Pied de Cochon restaurant in the Georgetown section of Washington last Saturday, was al- lowed to get up and leave with no questions asked and no effort made to trail him. CIA and other intelligence sourc- es contend, however, that any de- fector is free to come and go as he pleases, and there is no legal basis for restraining one. They point out also that the CIA got in hot water about 20 years ago because, out of concern that Yuri Nosenko, another alleged KGB de- fector, was a plant, the CIA kept him locked in isolation from 1964 to 1968. The intramural battle over whether Nosenko was or was not genuine raged for years and cul- minated in a still controversial housecleaning of top officials in the CIA's counterintelligence section. The U.S. flatly denied Yurchen- ko's claims of having been kid- naped, drugged and mistreated, and those denials are almost unanimously accepted here. A retired top-ranking CIA official who personally dealt with "hun- dreds of defectors" said that sort of treatment is not the way the agency operates. Taking Yurchen- ko out to dinner and allowing him "some elbow room" fits the stand- ard operating procedure, he said. But, he acknowledged, "I guess you'd have to say the security net was not adequate" in this case. The principal negative in the Yurchenko case, the former CIA official insisted, was that the U.S. suffered a "significant loss" be- cause the three months or so Yur- chenko was in CIA hands was only enough time to "skim the cream" off all the intelligence that might have been pried out of him. "He's the kind of guy you'd like to talk with for at least another year," he said. Beyond the embarrassment to the CIA, intelligence sources said the Soviet Union now can be ex- pected to make the most of the propaganda opportunity presented by the Yurchenko case, especially in connection with the summit. Reagan has made it plain he intends to confront Gorbachev on the issue of Soviet infringements on human rights. The Soviets al- ready are trumpeting around the world Yurchenko's allegations and the Soviet media are describing his alleged treatment as another ex- ample of U.S. "state terrorism." The Soviets also will profit from the Yurchenko case, a former CIA official said, by using it both to discourage future defections and to encourage other defectors to rede- fect. "They [the Soviets] were really hemorrhaging there for a while" with a large number of important defections, including the KGB sta- tion chief in London, the former CIA official noted. But now, he said, "they'll be using Yurchenko as an example: 'See what happens to you when you deal with these guys?' That's a pretty powerful deterrent." The Soviet Union so far is treating Yurchenko as something of a hero for his alleged escape from the CIA. But no one in the intelligence community here seems to think that will last for long. "Even if he was a plant," the former CIA official said, "they can never really trust him again. They can never be sure that we didn't 'turn' him while we had him. "They'll keep him around for a while in case anybody asks whatever happened to Yurchen. ko, he said, "but in a year or two we'll hear he got killed in a car accident or something." Despite the criticisms of the CIA Performance on the case, Director Casey, 72, apparently will have a kinder fate. 2. The Senate Intelligence Commit. tee is demanding answers on how it all happened, and a member of the House committee said Casey "is a very smart guy, but as captain of the ship he's got to take the rap." A senior White House aide late last week also made clear that the President is furious about the em- barrassment. But Reagan appar- ently has no intention of calling Casey, his former campaign man- ager, on the carpet or taking any direct action in the case. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/13: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201190003-9