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Publication Date: 
May 13, 1981
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302450049-8 STAT ARTICLE APPEARED . ON PAGE A3 SI ? . THE WASHINGTON POST 13 May 1981 By John. Goshko weseingaOmesarrwreAr The House Ortiign Affairs Corn4 yesterdeilealte setback to President Reagan's hopes for a freerk hand. in conducting foreign_ policy by, voting 19 to-Stnreject the adminis-t tration's request - to lift the ban on, ':.forces in Angola,* - - Covert, or - to rebelt, The administration is seeking repeal. Of the so-called,: Clark Amendment,' ? enacted- by Congress 1n-4976, as pare-- '20r- its campaign to get. rid of post-1-,- - Vietnam restrictions that it regards as. inhibiting the president's ability 'deal with unpredictable situations the foreign policyTale lithe Clark Amendment,, or ? foimer senator' Dick,--Clark of Iowa, heads the list- of >those legislative re- straints that the achahlistration- ? eliniimated. A senior-State, said in an Apnlleibackground- ing that the administration... intention of trying to undermine communist govenzaenCin- Angola by aiding iti administrationti-fccriMneTe --r7oteex': wants. to.. thec Amendment as a Syinbarie signer that the United States is prepared in turn away from its -post-Vietnam ' &sett-. ? chantment with foreign involvemen land back Reagan's- efforts, to project a bold new U.S. image: " , So far, howeve4.the President's de- sires have been maidng little headway in Congress. Both-the House commit- tee and the Senate Foreign Relations COmmittee have turned aside achnin- istration objecdons to vote for restric- tions On U.S.-militarY assistance to El Salvador.i-kVAIL*Or'."4. In addition, the committee yesterday voted foritquical 1982 for- . I ,..t ? , eis eign bill O416.026:billion, $654: million less! then'?What:, Reagan had sought It made these cuts primarily ' in the area where Reagan and Secre- tary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. had proposed, increases ?, that of for- eign military assistance. Specifically, the. Committee elimi- nated, in the ' case of almost every country except Israel, the administra- tion's request to carryeut much of its foreign military sales program by for- giving repayment or granting the re- cipient nations especially. favorable favorable interest terms. It aito shaved the ad- ministration's request for a $250 mil- lion economic support 'Contingency fund for use in military, trouble spots to $100 million, and cut a parallel request for a Military grant contingen- cy fund from $150 million to $25 mil- lion. ? .,? - - In another niave that-wenragainst administration wishes, the committee followed the lead taken Monday by the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- tee and voted to .spedfi that- US' military aid to the military 'regime in Argentina :fbe-contingent:otria-presi4 dential 'Certification , thet;Argentina is making"progreee in 'improving its hu-:- man-rights record. However, the committee's most at- tention-getting action. was:. its vote, ,vvith virtually no debate, to spurn the request for: lifting the Clark Amend ment. Rep: Howard :E.4.-Wolpe (D Mich.), chairman of the .Africa sub- committee, urged that the ban be re- tained on the grounds' that repeal - would increase the Angolan govern- ment's reliance, on the _20,000 Cuban troops in that county and harm ef- forts to reach agreement on gaining independence for neighboring. Nami- bia from South Africa. " The- Cuban tops are- helping to protect the Angolan goverrunen against t rebel.-: forces led' by anti- Marxist JonasSavimbi. The Reagan administration; which is about to un dertake a nevi4ffo.rt to resolve? the, Namibia conflicthas stated it wants the Cubans ?tit of Angola as part of its attempt. to contain commi mist in- fluence in Africa. However, supporters of the amend: ment have argued ,that repealing it at this time will raise suspicions through-- out black Africa 2 that the United States is trying to help the Angolan rebels. Such suspicions, they contend, will make the black African countries reluctant to cooperate in the new push for a Namibia settlement , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/04: CIA-RDP90-00965R000302450049-8