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October 2, 1986
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/17: CIA-RDP91-00587R000201100005-5
2 October 1986
Covert operations are
American way: Stockwell
Thro the CIA's activities, the U.S.
is suppog-vielenee; drug trafficking,
political assassinations and civil wars,
charged John Stockwell, a former CIA
official who spoke at Highland Park High
School Sunday.
"We're talking about gross millions
sacrificed by national security compul-
"And we do it against countries too
weak to fight against our brutalities,"
Stockwell said.
ance Sunday was designed to raise funds
for the Robert Cleland for Congress
Committee, the target of his speech was
the covert operations of the CIA.
Through the CIA's covert activities,
the government persuades foreign govern-
ments, organizations or persons to support
U.S. foreign policy, Stockwell said. Covert
action is also used to dominate and control
markets in ,other countries, he addpi
And although the Meagan Administra-
tion's covert military operations in
Nicaragua came under attack, covert
operations to achieve foreign policy ends
are not new to this country, Stockwell
The federal government's economic
policy often has hidden, or covert, effects
on the operations of Third World
countries. Such policies can make or
break a country's economic system, and
can as surely as military action result in
death, he charged.
ALL SUCH ACTIONS are done in the
name of stemming the flow of
communism, he said. "If paranoia works
to make our economy stronger, why
should we change it? If people have to die
for houses, cars and safety and if it works
for our profit and safety, why change it?"
he asked the audience.
The government is not pressured by
Americans to change its policies because
the public is convinced that countries on
which covert pressure is exerted are
threatened with communism.
And such policies are most often
directed against weak adversaries - not
in Germany, France or Sweden where the
Communist Party also has a following.
Although policy can result in death and
destruction, the Reagan Administration
looks the other way, Stockwell charged.
This summer, Congress, pushed by
President Ronald Reagan, approved $100
million to fund such "terrorism" in
Nicaragua, Stockwell said. It's a huge
investment to overthrow a foreign
government, he added.
book, "In Search of Enemies: A CIA
Story" told the audience the government
has used the media to convince
Americans that the threat of communism
has justified the investment of 61 cents out
of every tax dollar on the military.
Yet the U.S. already has enough
explosives to ruin 80 Soviet Unions and
make 20 planets uninhabitable, Stockwell
In 200 years as a nation, the U.S. has
fought in 50 major wars with about 10
years between wars. "Now we're being
taught to hate Nicaragua," he-said. The
U.S. is gearing up for war with Central
America, Stockwell charged.
"We're conditioning our children for
war at age 2 by sitting them down in front
of a one-eyed babysitter to watch such
movies as 'Rambo,' " he said.
Well known athletes and entertainers
are telling young people to sign up with
the military, but the truth not represented
in advertising is that many of these youths
are looking at a future where their "legs
are blown off at the knees and their
intestines are wrapped around their
necks," Stockwell said.
"WE'RE A MINDLESS people,"
charged Stockwell. "What rational person
would send his son off to be slaughtered
and killed?"
Although Stockwell said the American
predisposition to covert action may never
change, there is some reason to be
hopeful. Slavery has been abolished, and
civil rights as well as women's rights are
progressing as a result of individuals'
He suggested that those upset at the
use of covert action get involved, write
their congressmen, hit the streets in
Then "if there's a bomb dropped in
your town, you'll have a moment to hug
your loved ones and say, 'at least we
tried,' " Stockwell said.
Stockwell was employed by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1964 to
1977. During that time he held various
posts from case officer to chief of
Lubumbashi, Zaire.
He is the highest ranked official to
leave the CIA and go public with his
criticism. He received the CIA's Medal of
Merit and is now its most outspoken critic.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/17: CIA-RDP91-00587R000201100005-5