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Approved For Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494RO01100710037-8 The Milwaukee Journal Business Sunday, July 26, 1965 Front Page _~a `~r? ?l~~i''' ; a ti?S 't.(i_ .,rx . ' ,! .f.: .Who Ronald RewaldT , ,.~~...~.~~..~.s ~ ..~ ...;;,. ~.? .. ?r .~.~ .. ~. ~; , , :~ - ..~... - . .. Peif0a~ - ~ + 'i:` SportMp`,000ds saMlman. Milwaukee.. ? HMO ~p~ity fn Wauia~.~wd~'to idWr ? 42 years old, iris in :?,. " ' nor for selling franchise in tportw p Los Angeles- :19fi0s .: ppoooodds~ a Sam and raistid an Mbesi*Ns. South -?' ^ Pre.idiiik -Co'AtNsdc .ins: iponing stop without registration.- 1916. paid ?$3.S00 Side graduate d South Division ifh Sd+oot 9~i.' *i!, 172-75; Mm went DWG an on. K,.' ?< ieh ?-='.:' attended MiwaukS -k titute Cl echtabgY * rapt n 1975. a a ganged W" f+p oount~ tt, HorioMru. 1 (now 960s Aw Are. Tact>rrw College) !w!r-:;fkaO'Chdinhin rald Dingitdirnn i.`wadq:, Honolu :?~ swd? CIA -for s6i1`n,ilor;.:br?aiepely ^ Moved Nom Miwouhae area to HortolWu n': candling 9nmt 1976-1963: =placed In lnVol? a his company and reputation. 1964. 1977 after business and personal baduuptalr, untery bankruptcy in 1969 /Charged wiM 100 federal co sts in con' to Los -Angeles . in 1964 aher 1963 bsMtas ' ractbn with alleged $22 rrslion fraud. 1994 (2 bankruptcy, suicide attempt. and felony Visit ,'; t later dropped an technical gra+rtds) 2 AL As- Rewald'i trill on 96 Barges b echedied lo- , ; I_ Pyjigy*(4 Octants)' fah uIsstyle " ... . Aug. 5. Iederal court. Honofrulu -. ,. ? interne lax aria on (4 counts) : a To "Maintain WIsles facade of: oil, I. Prosecutors will algae he charmed 922 mb ^ IMerft80 hafapan of stolen9atde;.(3 . kwesiment adlriftr.": - ion from about 400 investors. W41" faring,: ,potmnalsl : ?` .;. .- '. . . i .:. To W7 beau who, now for friends and employes. He led to ttanti itdct- to Fab. staNnaras to .fells ul agenda (4: ' m on ey. creating 'tine ^tsion pat invsainarrs -mint charges, saying his was old?Bie invest-,. ?ootante) . f :. ; . .. .. 'lad been made whidt produced earninim Mint fum making sale but lucrative short term'..:- I Misrepresentation concerning Feder*i,. indictment NO Rewald spent $5.56 mion internationsl frtv.strrtertta . , Oeposh iteurarno. Cap "itsurarnoa (6 co rNS) : i Cl investors' moray on woman, polo. ho see. - Hewed promised plum of 26% per yoor:,t U.improper behavior as investment advlser'~fnonnes. renders era rind outer personal ix- with accounts awed up to 9150.000 bye %d-.- ;(2 tourers): panes. eral agency. - ?r ?indictrrartt fay. ails =623.000 d iZZ mtson Also figs Ae`fed h sworn statemerm when frK went nip bueirt.es deals. Remairnder'ai.pedly ? d.irnng firm created and operated under n- -- strudionwirom Ci). tun, and for the past hve years here been.: as sin M4 ch to plow funds .'.. to be used h to ioinlrin.: ?' - a covert agent for do Gntrai kileigenee foreign operations overseas ... to shelter mon- . Access to international investments now Aoe~y ? 1K of highly placed foreign diplomats and busi?? blocked. the sips. by danger to i-fueftiW peg 71rs Aewald deini in sworn 1963 afldava lot rassnart" < pia from exposure 01 CIA M . s CIA work Mat Bed CU affiatlon began mid 1960x, he says weld sa 1963 B i A y e . y bas US Bankruptcy Court. iss for his deleris ? CIA confirms using km?and some subsla? conomic kMeigence in Chia: Argendrta wee when he wasfiired b spy on protest-acdvilee . cries as cover for secret agents; carirms Re-- -deft in indls: Taiwart; prisoner-al-war arch in at University of Wieeorain - Madison wald signed employs secrecy pledge: dents I ? Cambodia: cu"w" ^egal transfers In Grooms. Can Rewaw prove charges? Goverraneri has yon 'bity for firm's activities - CIA Innded polo?duDMestyb. Flo aid said.- tried to keep CIA documents from lien Prose- raRewaid says CIA suggested setting up WW- to help alfivate.nfatlantypa with Asian. Mb, tutors tried to drop perjury Charges - Meiling op. Baldwin in 1979 suggested uang nuns of ? bionakes; also provided forged Marquette a-" to CIA Who in alidevit -- to avoid ii troQuc- old-fine Hawaian %n oes in company name: . plortnas to give him academic respeclibbil~1tYy lion of CIA Material as evidence. wgpetled tales story about Its history and flan. (sin aoccnpanyfrt9 story). To help Mat nte8? - unknown tow ineucn CIA ntomytiof we be RewaId says CIA in 1960 'began using Ma. genoe activities, he says, Honol a qA chief - slowed at trial, Bishop. Baldwin irvesfment accarant as a valtl? - Wccornh mare John IOndeCfll - 'leh' apsncy' " Approved For Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494RO01100710037-8 Approved For Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494RO01100710037-8 Ronald Rewald and the CIA Coming trial may shed light on shadowy ties between the 2 Dy JACK NORMAN of no Journal MR T e criminal trlel of MUwakee-born Kaaald Rewald is scheduled to open In Hoaolul Fpdinl Court an Aug. 5, two yearn to the week f er M found in a Hawaiian hotel room, wriota The fight bstbr+e, M had watched a Honolulu TV tale. enpoae some at the aseiler side of his coomitbg flan led Me milroodr+e life us Central x for tm t me OWN Ageay ~r be work Rewald le an a the most atrawwat albged ever to asps out of Milwaukee. e br wo so nth d Ws most umuaral M 1m the trfa4 the govermneot is IFF otad to argae, in * pre atldou area P momtor said wand take two to few maths that Rewald nearly 400 lavealors of about $23. Hon asd Vat sdlMons of that as hislavish pole -dub Mte-ety TM dehmM Is expected to sagas that he operate eel under sales froal. ad with the knowledge and con" of, the CIA. What's at state In his trW as IS of fraud, palmy said other charges Is more than M man's criminal guilt or Innoosncs. At balsa also b how teach of public aid be allowed to barn about t ho Involvement of the CIA In bASrnatlonal finance. There Is no doubt that Rewald was Involved with the cm and the the CIA *m Involved Is some of his Iatsrssdond dssMngs. The agency has canrmsd, for maple. that It had his dga one or more of its pledges to eseray. dummy which It used IS swan let corpofmreaa covert ooperadoss in the PW Rest. The CIA hr mid that this chahe to BewO d made out by CIA Ilsneluls wallas chief !erns thehl tee ae ae uedlaolsasd S aihsr at CIA Maur epsrsrd cart of RewaWs waUWMl sillies. RMdsdd hlssNW Joined Rewald'e the as bb asp Me. For two VW% the agency has onessalMly out of public INdo - ad is hasp aM of hundreds of CIA dseraesmi be has adhsd for art of open court. IM tital ma~- be the bat eppor1^^1 ty for public dlaeloanw 01 this limey's rte' mint In his flnaoMl ds.Nngs. Plssee ace Slow _-116 Pogo 6 Approved For Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494RO01100710037-8 month opsrada. fat anneal sta0? meta and Sbaflmd. feu be dams to gaiters Spina m/ntfos. . and federal agaeles ware tavostlgit- ' ginss been gm by the sgney. . -? -no, committee can: fed so lag him. ale wNa this was npoeiad - 'Rewald travotN to Argdmtima'see Mat the CIA bstrueted Mr. as Honolulu 1V. Rewald attempted whin that may was at war with -12ewald. to to dos financial nddde. gt~m..pr~e~ag to be btereeed b ty that .Ns bdbn Among the bad"" aisle with %Wft a- bast. All the W1 W46 M 00% rbar of J ides. MW Mlamitts Is Wisooma eoesxCS that be was be was obtaining bformedoa on at eoscaaed, howavse. IhSt one or- working on at the time of his crash effect Of the crisis on the Argestbe more CIA employes may have acted were as attempt to spas a version at ban Sys in an aaprofesalapd way, eadanga- lfilwadkiams David kMwb's !star JSynal asrtier reported. a -11ma~~ -thelrewar isi-ethaa cow. Is Haw bar Is Hcsolub; a $ mdiIon Reams nseoelate, Robert Jake, told '-treed eaiaraear to 1iAa what they realeataa deedapmestpaopct wit the Saurltlu and Zzehasge Co.- thought would be esormove profits Mlwaukss's Nsekws@Um mission that while Is Argestlma. by Investing mosey with Mr. Re- _ market -?b Pat GA hOMPM to 4w " _ C fo., whicch ales ofi pts~ductfos fmrdes bus ped by ing soma: of IN g aft I P equipment; and a pis 10 open a wealthy Ar$eathm who feared a. W9 greedy? Or was the agency Itself Hawaiian ..raise of Tommy fart- Drltish invaabn. too greedy in the is it made of ktt'a water show. At the time of his collapse. Rewal Rewald? Rose Co. owner R.J. Rothen waspreparing to hire onto his staff The real fight at the upcoming learned that =met ing was going am Soho Saga. whose resume de- trial will be between the govera- wrong when be got a phone ON scribes Mn so a CIA epe alst as meat's attempt to restrict testimony AN* after the soldise ea was hum Sap atti . he Soviet and Middle East affairs. it and evidence to non-agency matters. pie Re- chiding a tour as "senior CIA repro- +nd the defense's desire to bring out wall's iadlsa associate. eesjadv.In MOSCOW " toe much as it can about the comma- Remembe s Rotbes: "1 got a all The CIA has said that It learned On between Ronald Rewald and the from Pasrich is New DWM raying. G@ft in 1W3 that acme of its agents CIA. 'Don't weary about what's In Hawall. we stfl have a ? Rotba, who bed been negotiating for Rewald'a am to represent his to lads. Indonesia and other places devebpment poteatlal. With 011410M took his bodoess elsewhere. Some of Remelts other bmdsem deals are murkier. The Flood of India, for example, seppo e r a stock fund Investing In Indian compaaies,. was described by Rewald as designed to allow wealthy bwhm to smuggle money out at the country. On the fund's board of directors were Reward, Daldwia. PamHeh. Par rich's daughter. then a Marquette Udveralb sadist and Gaylord N& no. no former Wisconsin pwrsor ad Sasser. No= =U be dis't know above the fist, sad best learned about IS, ?t1~sjow~.tsapasty Five years inter. be bed bunt Me p~9 aA.c'pam"M Mar top idea a a praedoe does sot cam- MshoP. faidwlA RawaY. ~yw~. at- fssetfons about the acenoare and ,. mast on cased atrnsty trill. Wong firm tote a sWtassi-daiiac-r poftfcdeNaadon to A-1- lad -::- t the Rawer l case b rr ^ - t .v IW.IL Add i zm i-.nria nisi ME ^ E -Nu Approved For Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494RO01100710037-8 iL I, laser P . "W. ~allllr b a rR all r- wba wade l slow f e & s ad m Ma MW Ilea waIi t be "W_ RasaY Rtwafh R appaara. was a W beas uW rasafad Nabe& wM dal InrIS"WO w ..a.p.alrs ? to Wee dnrtaa MW war as Wlwreen r irtar. The Now new ant * and ~Lbalhaaa. o ss IRh ~- ~~ MMui Faeeleh wa eoa? ~Nie ~a CIA''s s a~alita writ Mtwoa P1w% b min deafng all amid as 11011111111114 be emlaeteasaa" plw lot them to cal Mt the secret kMarpase VOL He ad Ma f mwta has Haled Rewald'a ee avid bMarleg w swat. CIA wore teat! a eSdh alit. cwm Mat at faced wa a SNIP One CA meat wWta f tot Re- RewW W alw i been as tNl? shame. as nand as Re. wade sacs 113$. going by the aatae dons mawwonsa. In YDwaukm he waW dds that finals. RawaM Richard P. Cavaaaagh. wrote Re- had risen from a sperdag-Betas and Paokh were aapdafta a secret weld In June i1S& after teceiveg salesman to the owner of College sale of malltary equipment a same Orders have CIA headquarters to Athletic Inc., a old-has eapprer of tadlass. /Wwla aW Me aircraft clean up his Mshop. Baldwin acdvt- aports equipment to schools ale aycr dlaeaoba were gm en-&W ties. "Thanks for settler everything teams. pt~o~sc4. cloned out for me." avannau fib He had the idea of franchising W - 1'he ladim arms dad was did wrote. "Uafortaaate. from my view, store atoned the State. toy before cam in a 1153 conv.rmtloa be. but it at least dean the air with my the concept of franchised two Rawuid NO Jed Rndb. Men home office who are now seemingly pods stores task M ~ CIA Heauls et.llsa skid. Rawdd saddled that that IF as 'apparaat' I ISBN china two ssaa' Wvaaomi. VA- bagua Conflict of eternal. to worry shoat as hsoseaalRawana "They were not alga l$ Mat then without naitarfe$ !t wIM tw ease. fisrlae broaligattea acs/ at pool- wasarpr 'real' conflict of lageaat. Out semi pled grip it lm to a tnlsdr ~, that ra CIA WON abtados (apwseta] must be MT, Uft tssaaot. esaspmy taped, ad the next year. afro bah business ad ado 5 aattosN daefap west lea' has also been taksh cite at." personal Msknpldse, be ldt VW asdw CIA dlnetlas RawW eWma. Cavasue aYad. wanks for Hoso'Ua. ANN", Me docamwb retrieved lot la Is 1 rep st. the US Hesse Of Within a year be bad ostshb sd yin ilia bb offtm and home before Repnasntatives salter ammitt s as Approved For Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494RO01100710037-8 Approved For Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494RO01100710037-8 How did Rewald get MU credentials? the ' One of the puzzles surrounding Ronald Rewald, expected to figure prominently in his trial, Is the Marquette mystery. How did he get the two Marquette University diplomas that hung on his Honolulu office wall. business one a law degree, one an undergraduate university's degree? How did his name get computerised alumni rater? All partly agree He didn't earn the diplomas. ad for credit they were fakes. Rewald never enrolled there. swore affidavit Rewald's story, an at out In art In Der filed with US BaakrupteY Cou 1193, six weeks after his firm's collapse. Is this: U 1971. Rewald met with Eugene W MdNeff of the Central Intelligence Agency's the tics. Welch. said Rewald. suggested setting Bishop, Baldwin consulting firm. Wrote Rewald: "As we discussed my specific role with Welch. which was to involve my visiting numerous for- tip countries In my role as an international bust- tees consultant. and attempting to cult) e social -rN brtslsess contacts with wear ofand ficial.. I ~csd bnslnesames and govern ?pabasn concerned that I did not have, and needed tto MiontetMng sufficient in the way of aca? demic Hain to carry off the cover of as In- ternat. businessman. "Welch said that I world .therefore be given degrees from Marquette UnlveI lty in both bust- l I received from the CIA printing office In Was ington the two parchment degree". ? ? ? As part of the Marquette UalwSslty cover. the CIA also arranged for an to be enrolled In the Marquette Alumni Association and gave me a Marquette class ring " charged with perjury. The Issue Is Important because the key ism in his ~ be how much CIA rquette ooffefe or they have nINS o Mu wawbow he A pprintoutMt~Marquette alumni. dated Oct. 23. toll). lids Ronald R. Rewald with IN Honolulu ad- dress and an Mendfeatlon "Ober. That number identifies Rewald as a 1964 gnMw-te of the law school. explained alumni director Inni1980 Tom hloatl tNgd was when Rewald wrote the adversity. asking for the names of Marquette alumni living In Hawaii. say- Moats Ing be wanted to do fund-rdslag work. now at the University of Dayton. Ing him up on the ahnd roster, findpg his eaa and sending tit list. The standard criterion for getting OR the roster. qXplebNed, was etteadana at Marquette f~onnegfill yibr or its equivalent. ad Moir s mane Set on did Rewald So how tiegel didn't know. Nor did current alumni dim- tor Eberle. it wasn't the first time Rewald Posed as a Mar- quette grad. A 1974 Mliwwkee Seeded profl le of Rewald's sporting goods store. College Inc.. describes him as a Marquette bnslner admisif P - Istratlon graduate. MONO DINO be W - range Rewald make it all up range to get his woe es Margwess's dumul r*00 Did be his a lief nepeede~ is pacing mt . as a graduate lead Mm to suggest that to Welck? Did the CIA get his name an the roster and aegis the diplomas? Either way. It se.me6 a meow UMPWW with Marquette's alurd roster. The CIA may not be anxious to haw this. quss. tions discussed in open court. US atteessys r'a'w' ly asked that the per}r7 ehar Si. re-01-I Rewald's chkns about Weld get a tie remaining charges. They trial on the have. Bat a federal Judge rsfurM. saying RNOO a waited too long to file the motion. So a courtroom battle Y at. is try to will., Wong other things, the Ronald RewaM >Iiargaetta mystery. -JACK NORMAN I , Approved For Release 2010/08/10: CIA-RDP90-00494RO01100710037-8