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August 12, 1982
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c W,
Intelligence Appraisal
Oblast Military
Commissariat Activity (U)
12 AUGUST 1982
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/05: CIA-RDP05SO0365R000200280002-2
Intelligence Appraisal
Oblast Military Commissariat Activity (U)
This Is ^ Department of Defense Publication
Produced by the Defense Intelligence Agency
Classified by Multiple Sources
Declassify on OADR
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Street Addresses of Key
Commissariats in the Baltic: r"-'%
,_.....~ . y..-;a t` T? - - ,^~..raj,- ~: - _.,~?~??v-gym ~yi-.~._
Deiorussian, ana Carpathian Military Distric
Republic Voye nkomat - Narvskoye Shosse 18, Tallin
Republic Voyenkomat - Bul'var Raynysa, 4
Riga City Voyenkomat, Vilyanu 14
Latvian SSR
N.B. Sborniy punkt (Mil. assembly point) - 3
Vilyanu 14, Riga
Lithuanian SSR
Republic Voyenkomat - Totoryu 25/3, Vil'nyus
Kaunas Rayon Voyenkomat - 233000 Salomay Neris, 14'.
Brest Oblast Voyenkomat - Kuybysheva, 58
Gomel Oblast Voyenkomat - Sadovaya 20
Minsk Oblast Voyenkomat - 220001 Fabristsiusa, 34
L'vov Oblast Voyenkomat - Ivana Franko, 25
Ternopol Oblast Voyenkomat - Vatutina, 4.
Zakarpatskoy Oblast Voyenkomat - Oktyabr'skaya, 37
DIA Intelligence Appraisal
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(C) Soviet military commissariats, or vo nkomat play a crucial role in the
process of force generation. Of their many unctions, the most important are
conscription, training of youths and reservists, and mobilization of reservists and
civilian transport vehicles when so ordered by the Soviet Armed Forces. Current-
ly, the voyenkomaty provide the active ranks approximately 2.1 million conscripts
annually, train several more million Soviet youths for eventual induction, and
manage a manpower base of well over 50 million reservists. Within the hierarchy
of commissariats, the role of the oblast voyenkomaty is pivotal. Consequently,
activities associated with mobilization at this level would be a key indicator of
increased Soviet military readiness.
(C) Commissariats are widely dispersed throughout the Soviet Union and are a
part of the military chain of command. They are under the direct control of the
local military district (MD) commander through the organization and mobilization
department of the MD staff. Ultimately, the command links of the voyenkomaty
lead up to the Organization and Mobilization Directorate of the Soviet General
Staff. For purposes of administration, however, the commissariats are organized
hierarchically and parallel the territorial subdivisions of the USSR. Generally,
administrative control descends from republic-level commissariats to oblast, city,
and rayon voyenkomaty, in that order. There are an estimated 4,200 commis-
sariats throughout the Soviet Union. (See chart opposite for a list of key
commissariats in the three westernmost military districts.)
(S) Within the hierarchy of commissariats, the oblast voyenkomat, or its
counterpart, may be considered the linchpin of the system. The term counterpart
is used to indicate that not all Soviet republics have oblast subdivisions. In such
instances, a city voyenkomat or the republic voyenkomat itself may perform the
functions of the oblast commissariat. The following characteristics distinguish
the oblast voyenkomat from those at higher and lower echelons:
-- It is generally at this level that commissariat capabilities are the most
extensive. For example, permanent medical staffs are first encounter-
ed at oblast level as well as expanded communications facilities.
-- The oblast commissariat often serves as the induction center for the
region and plays an influential role in determining branch assignments
of conscripts and the cross-training of reservists.
-- The oblast voyenkomat supervises the activities of all lower echelon
12 Aug 82 DIA Intelligence Appraisal Page 1
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It is at this level that mobilization manpower quotas levied by higher
echelons for the oblast are consolidated and implemented. In addition,
it is also probably only at this level that records of oblast reserve
personnel are duplicated.
-- In the event of mobilization, the oblast commissariat would serve as a
main collection and dispatch point for reservists.
-- In the event of general war, it is believed that only oblast-level
commissariats would be collocated with civil defense staffs at exurban
command posts.
(C) From the foregoing, it is clear that in the event of general mobilization -- or
a substantial partial mobilization -- there would be a marked increase of activity
at the oblast voyenkomaty. Initially, commissariat staffs might be augmented to
work around the clock. Mobilized reservists would be arriving from subordinate
voyenkomaty in mobilized civilian transport vehicles, processed at a collection
point or points, and dispatched. to deploying or activating units. Oblast collection
points could be the commissariat itself or an open area or public building located
near the voyenkomat. The actions taken by all commissariats during various
stages of combat readiness are depicted on the chart opposite.-.
(C) Besides increased physical activity, another indicator of general or partial
mobilization would be the expanded use of communications facilities. Such
communications are via radio, teletype, and secure landlines. Communications
equipment reportedly in use by the voyenkomaty include R-105 transceivers, STA-
35 teletypes, and ZAS on-line secure systems. The growing use of computers by
the commissariats provides yet another and more modern means for exchanging
and processing information.
(S) Among. the major concerns of indications and warning analysts over recent
years have been the detection of military mobilization activity in the three
western MDs of the USSR: the Baltic, Belorussian, and Carpathian MDs. Forces
drawn from these MDs would' form part of the Western Theater of Military
Operations designated for operations against the NATO Central Region.
(5) The mobilization of assets within these MDs would be a key indicator of
increased Soviet military readiness oriented against NATO, or measures under-
taken in response to an internal Warsaw Pact crisis such as the ongoing Polish
problem. (Classified by multiple sources; declassify on OADR)
Contributions by:
Mr. Frank Reilly, FRD
12 Aug 82 DIA Intelligence Appraisal Page 2
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