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Declassified in Part -Sanitize dCopy Approved for Release 2012/05/15: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 CONFIDENTIAL COTTON PRODUCTION INCREASES -- Sofia, Rabatniche$ko Delo, 1 Nov 51 Cotton is an extremely Important industrial crop and the main raw material of the Bulgarian textile industry. The increase of its yield assures the cotton industry of a regular supply of raw materials and the more satisfactory fulfillment of the textile needs of the working people. In the past, the fascist` rulers did not pay any attention to the develo anent of cotton cultivation in Bulgaria, despite the fact that conditions in the country are favorable for the growth of that crop. The cotton grown in Bulgaria could not even meet the monthly requirements of the cotton industry, although: its much smaller than it is at present,, It was more profit- capacity was able at that time for the capitalist exploiters to import cotton into the country. This assured larger and easier profits for them, but it also meant great losses to the national economy. Cognizant of the great importance of the cotton crop to Bulgaria, the Party and the People's Government are greatly con- cerned for its development. In order to encourage the growers to increase? the amount of land planted with cotton and to increase the cotton yield, a policy of subsidizing cotton growers has been instituted. Besides the high prices that the state pays for the cotton it jiirchases, the cotton growers receive, as premiums, grain, seed-oil, fodder, textiles, and other goods at low fixed prices. The amount of land planted with cotton was especially increased during he current year -- about 400,000 decares more were planted this year than last. The amount of land planted with cotton in the irrigated lands was also increased. Parallel with the increased size CONFIDENTIAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 gOUEi.tAI 50X1-HUM of cotton fields, the yields from a green plot of land were also increased. Much progress has been made in the cultivation of better'-grade ton -- the Soviet Union sent `seeds of a number of high yielding and high.-grade cotton varieties to Bulgaria. Follow- ing the example of the Soviet kolkhoze members, the Bulgarian cotton growers are trying to obtain higher yields and to gradually apply the progressive Sovi ~t agroteehnique of the crop. The Georgi AleksandrOV Youth group from the farm workers' cooperatives at Borets, Plovdiv Okoliya, has harvested more than 240 kilograms of cotton per decare from a plot of 22 decares. It has already become commonplace to obtain high.elds from large cotton fields. From 480 decares planted with cotton, the cooperative members from DoL1a Lipnitsa, Pavl ~ ikeni Okol'Ya, have obtained an average 160 kilograms of `cotton per decare. The total. production of cotton this year is almost three times greater than last Year9 and it will satisfy two-thirds of the textile industry's needs. This is a great economic Bulgarian if it is remembered that only 3 years ago Bulgarian achievement, cotton production could satisfy only 15 percent of the industria 1 cotton requirement. A goad cotton crop requires much attention for the timely picking, purchasing, and ginning of high-quality cotton. This year, in compar- ison wlththe pastthe farm workers' cooperatives, farmers, and the ,,.... "T ekst ilni Vlakna" (Textile T hreada) State Economic of f icials of the Enterprise were generally better prepared for the fulfillment of , these tasks. In order to gather the large crop, cooperative members and individual cotton growers must expend every ounce of energy so that not a single ? kilogram of cotton ? is deft unpicked in the fields. The initiative of the administrative body and the Party CONFIDENT1A~ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 Declassified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 CUNF?WENTIM1. 50X1-HUM al. introducing the Soviet method at Byala organization, in ~ Pole, Stara Zagora Ckoliya, is con endable. Thechaix~r~an of the farm workerscooperative` at this village, Comrade Ivan Balabanov, . who was a member of the agricultural delegation which visited the . Soviet Union last year, has thoroughly acquainted the cooperative members with the experience of the women cotton pickers from the Soon all the Bulgarian women cotton pickers kolkhozes at Kuban. began using the accelerated picking method. The achievements in that direction , made by the members of the farm workers cooper- ative at Merichleri, are also notable. Applying the accelerated method the woman cotton picker, Dona Mileva, has managed to pick as much as 117 kilograms of cotton daily. Her example has been followed by a large number of pickers at the farm. do the cotton growers exert all their efforts But not everywhere, A number of villages in Plovidiv Okoliya for timely cotton packing. lag behind in that respect. There have been cases in Provadiya Okoliya when certain members` of the farm workers' . cooperative have left the cotton fields unpicked. It is an imperative duty of .. v ts soviets and Party organizations to increase their village people ?zat and explanatory activity for timely cotton picking, ~.onal an organa. and to be merciless toward those who permit any squandering or waste of this valuable raw material. The activity of the officials of the "Tekstilni Vlakna" Enterprise is of _ great importance for collecting and preserving the cotton crop. They are required to create a system which will insure the speedyacceptance of high-grade cotton from the cotton growers, its timely ginning, and expediting. The branch of the "Tekst ilnl vlakna!' Enterprise at Chrpan can serve as. an example of successful handling of all these tasks. There the responsible CflNfJflENTJAI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 t ONF14E1011p~ 50X1-HUM ficient numbor of warehouses and officials promptly' prepared a suf aoce ante of the delivered aottan was collection centers.. The ' em to ees took care that no cotton dons quicl~ly 'and the ..:branch. s p y plan for ., . As a result of this preparation the p was._ ercent by 24 purchasing cotton was fulfilled by more than 75 p October. on for the uninterrupted acceptance A necessary conditl of . nning. Failure to d? n from the growers is its speedy gi, sett o ollection centers to f11]- up and the warehouses and a ~ e this branch of the nTekatilnl Vlaknat Ent r impede regular work. The , nistrator is Comrade M. GrarnOvski, prise at Pleven, whose adi The work a rganiZat ion has failed miserably in that respect. care is taken to increase the at the ginning mill is poor. No often bog clown and remain workers' qualifications. The r~achines o idle only 50 percent of .their... capa- city 1 ,rig time and, what is more, sons the amount of cotton ginned city is utilized. For these rea. is not sufficient to meet the demand, officials of the "Tekstilni Vlakna" .Enterprise.. do not The 'on to the work of purchasing cotton give the necessary. atte~l comes Most of the cotton purchased now from individual farmers. at the explana- 3+ coo eratives, This indicates th fromfarm worker p so that dual farmers must be intensified tory work among lndzvi e will pick the cotton more rapidlY and deliver it to the th y state warehouses, wincing them cotton growers' experiences are con Bulgarian the great advantages to be obtained by growing cotton. Large of and a more prosperous life. olds assure them large incomes at the present time ~' : eras made in cotton growing The achievem tainment. 'Much larger successes e b no means the limit of at ar by regular application of agrotechn?Ical measures can beobtained by CONFIUENZIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA RDP82 00039R000200020037-8 rof stable an tvation of th~.s p d b ,ng ~? care the cud. d wi by axercis~ face th the ~as~ a cottoh growers are w crops ~h~ gar on ~~nting i~ an exam- ots set as~,de f or Cott of px4paring the p~ w~,th cou~.ter mn p autu P1?wing a .manner by perfor dee glary 5eed qu~liy i o prry ds. The officials o the t,Telsstil, VLalu f ~gher y1e1 reserve for the bests are q re uired to select and P st such types. The assaran of a w material for the ce suf~iC1ent ~ of ra n of cot o r?ductlon Otto a. unt dustry, and an increase y the p n cation n n for uher developing .~ goods require grey ter of forts to be in a p? vata.on~ cults' avian cotton growers ? The. goal is for g y the completely sition in the not far diant future to ~ h domestic Bulgarian n to ,11e industxy wit needs of the Bu~dria COtton4 equipped plow' ce in the st&-e for - 50X1 -HUM ^ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 caNFio~wTSal G OF CCfTON UNSATISFI CT0iZY Sofia,. Rabotr i-Ohe~ ko Delo, ~~l.N4T I U~,CI {l ~ ~a 23 Oct 51 'l'hQ cotter cro:c) in 1.~'leven Okoli,y is vory ~1rg) th1s yet:. However, the b x,rich of the "Tek~3ti1ni Vlakn&' (Te:cti1e Threads) has not yet set up a good system for at~ite cononh1c Enterprise purcha s ing the co tto n cra p ? Cot'ton is accept ed a't only one co].- lect ter and only one scale is used, forcing the growers ~.on center to wait hours for their turn. The officials 0?' the branch do not adequately supervise the cotton unloading. TAuch of this valuable product is lost due to negligence. The conduct of the warehouse superintendent, D. L~tiberov, concerning the safe-keeping of ' state property is an r example ?nizatio.ri. He has Instructed his 5bordiflateS of . poor .. arga to collect the trash, together with the spilled cotton, and burn it, so that no one will' see it. The a dm7. 'na.~ 'ctrator of` the branch, Comrade M. Gramovski, has not prepared timely measures for executing; the campaign. The ginning machines are hastily repaired with unsatisfElctory results -w one cotton gin is riot even repaired. The gins work for three shifts, and still nothing is done to utilize the machines to their full capacity. The machines break aria remain idle for a long time. On 17 down almost every day October this year, one gin had been idle for about 15 hours. There are no spare parts for repairing the gins. The floor where the bailing presses roll is uneven. The rolling of the presses is slow and hard and the workers lose valuable time. The gins and the shops are not kept clean, The bales are not . -~ r manner. ` Bales weigh from 70 to $0 kilogram _ made in a sata.SfGcto y while they could easily weigh from 1C0 to 120 kilograms. t h CONFIDENTIA I 11 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 C ONrVNT1AL The above-~mont oned weaknesses have caused the plan of the i to 16 October, to be fulfilled by only 32 percent bunch, up the quantity of cotton ginned is aiso very insufficient -- only of the total cotton Teoeived. hEls b een ginned. 70 percent The weaknesses permitted to occur in the acceptance, storage, cotton are due to the unsatisfactory work method and ginning of and ate care of the workers. The a dtninistrator of the ~,nadec~u a branch does not pay much attention to the demands of the workers for improving the cotton processing methods. No concern whatever has been shown for increasing the tivorkerst qualifications. Because there is insufi'icient superlvision, not a a. shift at the gin fulfills it .7 plan, but usually reaches single only 70 to S0 percent fulfillment of its plan. _END- CONFIQENTIAL 5OX1 -HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037-8 i' ;~il?c v'~r1~~~~- r-lr~~l~ wc~a,akti~c~ ~ 0 i ti''ly ) O U3 )cl t Ii r~ taa;ht;,~-~ or ' h I b))~ -~i~h t U ;a L ~ olq liaC)b , tic bia u1,t'il;Lt c;ib- o-1,y 32 tr,'c~ :-~l, , I r t cl t+i L u;ii~;~ I,tlr~ wr~t'Ic~aX. Tt'lO'lh )t ttu1 : ~vlal~ ~I Loi't t0 ~ti~a i OJ tth o er can:Ly T h Wcic~,t~lw~lca, ~.-~~~t~l.~U d t ,- r;~uuuti'iue~, Itor~.i~ t~~a L: ~: "I t11,, .I (U 't'a~- 'l t\.l) U11i~t:it~iM~JL tu;Q1y" W) 'k tnt~t.hod h) ii..w ;L1yy ) t.' ~ il,ca-t ~i~\~~r r:l :ii .i 1.Q 'u'e)',V :uI iO~L&t '... f: I',I~c Lcat&CL uo l'It -?~ 'i' c t,v~G1 1i;7rt b trot' t"1 E;.I~-~~ri ~t, jC,~ t'C)t' -it1',~~c~~ra~rt,-~, t::~tui)?t`;L~o~-'~ 1a.-~cryat~r~;a ~a1. 1r1k uiur1 Iv ~v r,`t:t i w1i~-`h:,t hxi lma~~catji howry ?cr 41.a~. ing t~h~ wor1: x' ~ c, ' (,'~J, ~a~t tli),~~c,+ dl,+ t ~ilat~ti,v.;t.~t~l,i,~-"a, a'l()la ~a ( ~t.,~lr a1,~ ~ ,t u:t~.h' e rnl.,,lr :1,t n ,a bu'tJ U gat, ta7~ :1 y ' C h~a r) v:LAS ? 0 l: O La~,a ?(v ::L, ,tit it C :p:1, ~ r~ . Declassified in Part- Sanitize: d Copv Approved for Release 2012/05/15 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200020037 8 r . 50X1 -HUM 50X1-HUM F.t