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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Material f 42.9.LULala.rUgMalgag B. Smirnov Hero of the Soviet Union; Head of the Central Air Club USSR imeni V. P. Chkalov), "USSR Aviation Day" Out of the,,z2,E21:1,091.9L4gItation Work L. Polyakov (Deputy Secretary of the Party Bureau of the Burevestnik Factory), "For Thoroughgoing Economy of Raw Materials" For Use in Discussion The First of the Great Construction Projects of the Volga-Don Waterway (Facts and Figures) Answers to A itators' qmps:112ng Ya. Grigorlyev, "What is 'Business' IntenatIOALLOtlal B. Melekhov, "New Construction0 in the Rumanian As an Aid to tiatlagator Topics, Outlines, and Literature for Discussions in July 1952 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Al A IF Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-IRDP82-000391i000200140018-6 TOPICS, OUTLINES, AND LITERATURE FOR DISCUSSION IN JUGY :1952 P. The opening of the VolgaZon Canal-- a new historical victory of the Soviet peope 1. The unification of the great Russian rivers, the Volga and Don the result of the peaceful creative work of the Soviet people, the realizatio f a century-old national dream. 2. Great national-economic significance of the Volga-Don Canal. 3. The construction of the Volga-Don Canal-imbrilliant proof of the superiority of socialist economy over capitalist economy. Through the fulfillment and over-fulfillment of industrial plans we shall make a new contribution to the nation-wide building-up of Communism. Literature Great Construction Projects of the Stalin Epoch) State Political Publishing House 2nd ed rev 1951 PP 40-4440 "The Century-old 13Veam of our People is Realized:" Pravda, 1 June 1952. ..???????? I. Sharov? "The Volga-Don Canal and its NationalZconomic Significance," Bollshevil< 1952, #8. develop socialist toward early fulfillment of the 1952 plan. 1. The early fulfillment of the state plan of 1952 and the pledges given in a letter to Comrade I. V. Stalin -- a matter of honor for the vorkers of Moscow industry. Achievement of the plans of organizationaland technical meas-s ures--a guarantee of early fulfillment of the 1952 plan. The perfect fulfillment of e4Qh industrial operation -.0 the basis for improving the quality of the finished product. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Declassified in l'at4 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26 : CiA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 ? ifiuggicjiw 4. The economizing of raw materials, goods, fuel, electric power.. important sources for the accumulation of enter- prise reserves in excess of plan. 5. A constant improvement in qualifications, the study and application of the experiences of innovators -- an obligation for all engineering workers, technical personnel, and employees. 6. How socialist competition for the early fulfillment of the 1952 plan is organized in our enterprises, shops, and brigades. Literature "Plenum of the Moscow Oblast Party CommitteeT Moskovskaya Pravda:0 3 June 1952. "To the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Comrade Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin, from the Workers, Engineering-technical Personnel, and Employees of the Industrial and Transport Enterprises of Moscow and Moscow Oblast, Pravda, 6 March 1952 "Toward New Successes in Socialist Competitions)" Pravda, 2 June 1952. "Carry Out Without Fail Plans Of Organizational and Technical Measures," Moskovskm.EmAa, 14 May 1952. III. Let us increase the tempo and quality of construction work. 1. To carry out in a speedy and efficient manner the 1952 plans for housing construction -- the most important task for Moscow builders. 2, The proper execution of the industrial assignment by each brigade and by each worker, the wide use of the outstanding skills of leading construction workers .- the basis for a successfully executed plan. 3. High labor discipline in construction gaarantee of work BUCCGOS. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82:00039R000200140018-6 r, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Pc01 To make utmost use of construction materialA to strive steadily for cost reduction in every aspect of construc- tion work m- the obligation of the builder. Let us develop wide socialist competition among workers for an early completion of new housing, public buildings, and medical institutions, for further improvement in quality and the reduction of construction costs. Literature "In the Moscow Oblast Party Committee. On the Initiative of the Moscow Housing Construction Combine and the Nizhnekotelsk Brick Factory in developing Socialist Competition for the Early Fulfillment of the 1952 Plant" Moskovtaylt, 30 Jan 1952 ) 0Steadily Increase the Tempo of Constructionn, Moskovskaya Pravda, 12 June 1952 'Tut into Operation the Decisions of the 8th Plenum of the All. Union Central Council of Trade Unions," Trud, 11 June 3.952. /V. 121.11L11222.12_111tEE2.12E.I.112111022: deliveries ahead of schedule. 1. In time and without wastage to reap the harvest, to fulfill the plan for delivery to the state of agricultural produce .. the patriotic duty of agricultural workers. 2* High indusia..utilization of techniques, the wide application of the working skills of leading workers in agriculture, the organization of uninterrupted, aroundmthemclock work .. the decisive factors in the gathering of the harvest within the shortest time. 3.Struggle against loss and very careful guarding of the harvest oim the vital concern of every kolkhoz, 4TS, and sovkhoz worker. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 e How our kolkhoz, sovRhoz,MTS are preparing and the delivery of agricultural produce to for the harvest the state* Literature "To Prepare in an Exemplary Fashion for the Gathering of the Pravda, 13 June 1952. "To Prepare in an Exemplary fashion for the Gathering of the 3 June 19520 ? ? zemledeli Fulfillment of the fodder stora e for the further improvement of the producti/ity of socialist 1,11nlaSLEILPlaa 1. Unfailing fulfillment of state plans for the increase in number and productivity of cattle, pigs, sheep, and fowl in each kolkhoz and sovkhoz an inalterable principle for agricultural workers* 2* To create in each kolkhOZ a stable grain supply for livestock, to fulfill and to overfulfill plans for fodder storage -- a task of primary importance for ko1khOv workers of the Moscow area. 3. Daily fulfillment and overfulfillment by each kolkhoz worker of the work norm for crop care and fodder deliveries -- the principal condition for fulfilling the fodder storage plan. L. To master completely the techniques of sowing in cultivating _gby tractors, to gather the harvest of fodder crops and fodder root crops on schedule and without wastage the duty of tractor operators* 5i The carrying?aout of crop storage at an early date by strict observance of the techniques of siloing -. the guarantee of a crop yield of high quality* ? Harvest harvest," lan -- a necessary condition ? ? I. .? hiesougato -4s - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26 : , , . ? , . ? . ? . . ? . . ,? . . , ...,? ? . ..,,... PormargA 6. Let us develop wide socialist competition among kolkhoz, MTS? and sovkhoz workers for the fulfillment and over-fulfillment of the fodder storage plan. "Plenum of the Moscow Oblast Party CommitteelnMoskovsl_sLaELais12, 3 June 1952. the Executive Committee of the Moscow Oblast 'Soviet. On the Conduct in 1952 of Haygathering and Fodder Storage in the Kolkho es and Sovkhozes of the Oblastpu rioskovskaya Pravda, 3 June 19520 11To Carry Out Hgygathering and Fodder storage on Schedulepo npic922lim Pravda, 17 June 1952. .M???=111??????w..00W0.? VI. Mutual fulfillment of a reements between NTS and kolkhoz workers -- important conditions for the successful carrying-o2L2LIgricultural work. 1. The contraAt between the MTS and the kOlkhoz workers -. an inviolable law, obligatory for both sides0 Correct utilization of high.powered agricultural technique, fulfillment of production norms by tractor operators, plus high quality work -gib the principal condition for the fulfill- ment of the MTS contract. 3. Absolute fulfillment by the kolkhoz of its obligations in accordance with the agreement with the NTS, coordination of the work of the kolkhoz workers with that of the tractor brigadesw- guarattee for the successful carry-out of all agricultural work and of a high harvest yield. L. Let us develop a wide socialist competition between kolkhoz workers and MTS machinery operators for the exemplary gathering of the 1952 harvest, for the building of a solid fodder basis for livestock in each kolkhoz and sovkhou Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 ? .? Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 : . . -sowaho "For the Systematic highly-productive Work of the Tractor tsialistichesk zemledeliye, 24 May 1952 "The TS Agreement with the K01kho4is aninviolable Law,? Sotsialisticbesko e zemledeliye, 31 Kay 1952 VII. Aviation Day in the USSR -- holida of the Soviet peo le 10 Aviation Day of the Soviet Union sa- a day of review of the progress and achievements of Stalinist aviation* 20 Our country -- the birthplace of aviation0 3. The Air Fleet of the USSR- a product of the Stalst Five Year Plans, the pride of the soviet nationo L. Significance of aviation in the development of the national econamy and the defensive might of the USSR. Mastery of aviation chniques in gliding, parachuting, and aircraft modeling, and an active contribution to the further development of the kir Fleet the partriotic duty of the Soviet people. 6. Through the prompt fulfillment of the 1952 plan, let us make a new contribution to the further development and strengthening of the Air Fleet. Literature ........... liAviationDay,n Pravda, 8 June 1951. VIII. Navy Da in the USSR.0,holiday ofthe Soviet people 1. Navy Day in 3S5R -- a traditional holiday in our nation* 2. The USSR -N. a great naval power. 3. Ever-present concern of the Party, of the Soviet government, and of Comrade Stalin for the growth of the naval might of our nation. Soviet Navy was worthy,:successor to the glorious combat and revolutionary traditions of the Russian Navy. - 104 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26 : CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 The Soviet Navy -- faithful protector 6f the state boundaries of the Soviet Union. We will strengthen the naval power of our native land through selfless work. Literature "Navy Dayon Pravda 29 July 1951 IX. Let us mark All-Union Ph sical Culturist Da, with new successes in the development of ma s physical culture and sports. 1. Physical culture .. one of the most important means of Communist training of workers, of improving the health of the Soviet people, of preparing for labor and for defense of our native land. 20 The achievements of Soviet plysical culturists. To meet the qualifications for the GTO badge, to take active part in voluntary sports, societies, and in mass athletic competitions .. a most important task for Soviet youth. L. To improve sports records constantly, to achieve world preeminence in the most important types of sports -- the patriotic duty of Soviet sportsmen. 5. Let us mark AllwUnion Physical Culturist Day with new achievements in the development of mass athletics and sports. Literature "Build up Physical Culture and Sports in Every'Way,11 ImElla, 31 Na 125,g, "Decree of the 8th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol: 0 Komsomol Physical Culture and Sports Work among Yauth0 .......2z.ELLKomsomoislra.y.'dl, 12 April 1952. "The Development of Physical Culture and Sports ow- Vital Work of the Komsomol .....22KomstlsgAg22satl 15 April 1952. ittrAtitkito " g 444i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-e Let us meet Railroad. Workers' Day with new successes in production. lo The concern of the Communist Party, of the Soviet Government, and of Comrade L V. Stalin for the further development of trans- port, for the betterment of the working conditions and the life To utilize to the fullest extent our rich railway technology, to raise discipline in transport the urgent task of the railway workers. To provide punctual train service and exceAlent accomodations for passengers an obligation for all railway transport To exceed the yearly plan for freight turnover, to keep cargos intact, and to reduce freight costs a most Dissemination of the transportation skills of the u500 kilometer!' engineers, "heavy freight!' engineers, of innovator- dispatchers, of outstanding railway transport workers necessary conditions for the further improvement of transport Careful pre-oaration for autumn- winter transportation guarantee for the continued development of transport. Let us mark Railroad Worker&s Day with new successes Literature no the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Un Iosif Vissarimnovich Stalin, from the Railroad Workers of the Soviet Union," Pravda, 5 August 1952 Set us properly mark Stalinist Railroad Workers' Dayou Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 ???;34 tf1-7 " r Declassified in Part :Saniiized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 5 7.0; rfl, Ag5 XI. Loggle of the French_people mainst tIle_ncroaghlitnL.2f_reaction 1. Efforts of American interventionists and their French toadies to plant fascism in France, to kill the ideal of patriotism in the hearts of the French. 2. The Communist Party of France -- unappeRsing enemy of fascism and reaction, inspieer and organizer of the Etimch people for peace, democracy and national independen3. ce. Campaign of imperialist, fascist reaction against the Communist the arrest of Jacques Duclos an Party and the trade unions, attempt to behead the Ppmmunist Party, to destroy the vanguard of the working class. 4. :The manly and persistent struggle of the French nation against the advances of reaction. Solidarity of the workers of all countries of the world with a clear manifestation of the struggle of the French people the powerful strength of proletarian internationaliam. "Against the Provocations of Imperialist Reaction," fmala, 9 June 1952. "Against the Policy of the Imperialists -- the policy' of Starvation and Wax)" Elmy_c_121 12 June 1952. "Prevent the Arming of Germany, of the Central Committee of the ED2yla, 17 February 1952. "Sreech Jacqu;n;Iia'rcilArsiZmAlloths--erentral?Corplttee of the French Communist Party," ELEILI, 20 Febtuary 1952. Achieve Disarmament, Avert lAarl Appeal French Communist Party to the nation," Communist Party," EsIsla, 30 May 1952. support of the manly struggle of French workers: Appeal of the World Federation of Trade Unions," asyja, 6 June 1952. flpeolaration of the World Peace Council and Public Figures of Various countrieW Erlyaa, 9 June 1952. PA'Waal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R00020014.0018-6 XII. Extraordinary session of the World Teace Council. (Outline of discussions and list of literature will be published as a supplement) Party Kabinet of the Moscow.Oblast Party Committee and of the Moscow City Party Committee, VKP(b). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 .11 , Declassified in Par- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 . . 4.441 A =mar GITATORA No 1jay.....1.22 TABLE OF CONTENTS LaLt.ezili_llsar.Lpeat_s_and Discussion No Nechayev, "Strictly Observe the Kolkhoz Statute' A. Natushkin (Vice-Admiral), "USSR Navy Day" S. Ivanov, "All-Union Physical Culture Day" As an Aid to tgat0r Utilize Visual Agitation in Discussions (for xigixt agitators - construction workers) IgIERWM-119.1,199. A. Sedina, "The Celebration of Polandls Rebirth" TABLE OF CONTENTS Mat 21.71.-a 1 f t a nd. N. Btagi4 "For Peace and Cooperation among Peoples" V. Krasnov, " Use the Full Power Potentiality of Machines in the Harvest" V. Tsaregorodtsev,"Stalin Railroad Workers Day" The Plant Agitkollektiv in the Struggle for High-Quality Production. Story df Be Suslov, deputy secretary of the Moscow Small-Displacement Automobile Plant. AEL19.11.=0129.2101 1. Minina, "A Rxmit Profit-Bearing Rabbit Breeding Farm for Each Kolkhoz" New Books TABLE OF CONTENTS Materia for Re ts 602LPlagaVALRAI Let Us Honorably Fulfiii Obligations Undertaken in a Letter to Stalin A. Subbotin (Hero of Socialist Labor; Chief of the Moskvougoll Combine), "Miners Day" N.erienee of LegagligElsgu Let Us Obtain High Milk Yields from Every Cow. Story of A. A. Mitina, milkmaid of Budennovets Kolkhoz, Dmitrovdkiy Rayon. hall ere to A it tor 0 qutti.ons L. Borozdina, "The Free Territory of Trieste" IDIWASISMA1 To__m Trukhachevs "The Rumanian Peoplels Struggle for Peace and Socialism" Reference Section 26orruption bribery and venality in capitalist countries of political figures, government employeesrand officials, It 00 i charamAriatio or the 5ire aovArmment maratus -0.1(344D of the USA and s is espeIsaIy-wiabsiorea - roIng elbttions.'hecem examples as reported in American ptess Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/26: CIA-RDP82-00039R000200140018-6 ' ? . 4