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February 19, 1976
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I Iii IIII11 L 1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP88B01125R000300120095-7 NEW YORK TIMES 19 February 1976 jSoviet Denies, U.S. E.~mbass Health Risk to T.*.e yea Fori nine: Itioning of radio and television'is not expert in these things MOSCOW. Feb. IS - The stations. other means of corm ? that the use of such installa- newspaper Izvestia said today"munication and some industrial tons may be a source that that Soviet and American repre-;enterprises," Izvestia said. increases the general level of sentativeshad made jointchcck,. "In L . cities its level can the electromagnetic field above for radiation at the United t!ucttlate in various districts-and on the premises where States Embassy in Moscow aid of the city depending on lire they are installed. had found no danger to health. presence of some or over in-,` Izvestia expressed the view The Government paper did:dustrial enterprises. There is:tint the at;egations, which be- not deny the presence of mi- nothing unusual about it. It'csr,!e known after embassy em- crowave etrission's nor did it; is a physical phenomenon plot ees had been briefed by explicitly refute allegatons that-known to every schoolchild." 'Ambassador Walter J. Stoessel the emissions were linked toi The paper commented: Jr., had been leaked to the Soviet devices to monitor con-: _."The building of the U.S..pre;s by sources "that.,pppose versations in the Embassy. The Embassy is equipped like a the course of maintaining and issue of bugging was not men-iship with numerous antennas eva;oping good, normal rela- tioned. rand large-sized installations. It:t:or; between the U.S.S.R. and ?Ae!.-aA eRnn* ft~n !,,, e, . J. -. _ IO days ago. PAB - 77 Unofficially, embassy sources, have told some reporters that microwave radiation, whose bi- ological effects are little known, had been detected on .the up,re- floors of the nine-sto- ry embassy building, concen- trated on the ambassador's of- fice and other key areas. Radia- tion was also reported found in some ap^rtrnents in the com- plex occupied by embassy em- ployees and their families. 'A Strange Sensation' The microwaves are believed to act:vote or recharge batter- ies in bugzin gdevices con- cea!ed in walls, floors and ceil- ings. Another theory is that the waves are directed against windows to pick up voice vibra- tions on the glass and transmit them some distance to a re- I ceiver and amplifier. According to some reports. the United States has discussed the issue with the Soviet Union, hoping to resolve it quietly. One American official said last week that such asolution was possible. Without addressing itself to the question of monitoring, Iz- vestia denounced such reportsI as "a strange sensation.." "Needless to say, all this Is a trumped-up story from beginning to end," the paper' declared. It suggested that the emis- sions could come from various sources. "A certain eI rctromagnetici !field may develop in the funs- tide and the reported checks, a spokesman for the United States Embassy replied "no comment," maintaining the pol- icy of silence imposed on the embassy by Washington when the issue first became public Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10: CIA-RDP88BO1125R000300120095-7 _ _~_?